Blog – Should You Put Your Child On Drugs For ADHD? 2/4/2015

Should You Put Your Child On Drugs For ADHD? 2/4/2015 February 4th, 2015


I was on Ritalin for ADHD. I developed a nasty habit but there are extenuating circumstances. When I was taking Ritalin I was prescribed a higher dose than what most children are prescribed today. I was on 25mg twice a day and at one point I think it was higher than that. I was between 4th grade and 5th grade. I went from being a D and F student to an A and B student over night. The conduct problems I was having seem to disappear.

The trouble for me was taking the Ritalin came with a feeling of euphoria. A feeling that could only be matched by cocaine. For a while everything went fine in the structured environment of my foster home. I was content to get my high twice a day and the rewards that came with it; honor roll and being a model citizen. Then I left my foster home for a less structured atmosphere with less adult supervision. That’s when I started stealing the pills and abusing them. The social climate of my life for the most part was very unstable. There was physical abuse, verbal abuse, and more. I was carrying an enormous amount of emotional baggage from the time that I born to the present but I have healthy coping skills now. I also got into trouble later in life when I came back from Desert Storm with Gulf War Syndrome. To make a long story short the VA had no plan for dealing with the extreme fatigue and severe diarrhea associated with the syndrome and as far as I know it still doesn’t. I thought of my old friend Ritalin and almost wound up in prison for self prescribing.

The articles I’ve sited here seem to be contradictory to my story but if read carefully I think they’re not. My opinion is if a child isn’t in a stable social climate they should not be put on stimulants for ADHD. No parent wants to think think that the social climate they provide is inadequate but in truth they know. Do your kid a favor don’t go with stimulants. It will only negatively impact problems that are already there. First stabilize the living condition. These articles are based on evidence that support medicating your ADHD child. You’d be hard pressed to find one that is against it.

Does Stimulant Medication Cause Addiction

Do ADHD Meds Lead to Addiction

ADHD and Substance Abuse

Until next time, keep your homes well


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This Post Has One Comment

  1. joe

    true it can become a nasty crutch with nasty consequences later in life..

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