Geneople is finished and I’m trying to publish. The folling is excerpts from a new book that I’ve read, actually about rape. It also experiments with the terms men and women.

When the co-men has more of a place with the children, he should have more say in, if there will be children. While I can hold my male body to sole autonomy, there is that time that a wombmen can not hold her miraculous body to the same sole autonomy. You may think it’s unfair, and it is what it is. The wombman does have autonomy of her body and may do with it as she pleases, except when she is pregnant. The father and mother share her body as does the growing fetus. Twenty-three chromosomes of the father are a distinct contribution of the father and 23 chromosomes are a distinct contribution from the mother. So, while she is not pregnant she holds the same autonomy that the male holds. When she is pregnant it is still her body, but all three, the father, and the growing fetus and she herself are sharing her body. If she had complete autonomy when pregnant there would be no such thing as fetal alcohol syndrome, and there would be no genetic defect nor benefit passed from the father to the child. So, the expression that she may do with her body as she choses, is inaccurate, selfish, immature and completely wrong. If they get pregnant, he has as much right to choose if that baby lives or not as she does. She may not like it. She may be eons away from recognizing the trust and honor bestowed upon her, but don’t let superior emotion decide this issue, when the reason of it, is so fuckin’ simple. Both male and female have to be in the realization that 9 minutes can cost 9 months upon either one’s decision to keep the baby. I understand that days ago the United States Supreme Court reversed Roe v. Wade. Which doesn’t make a difference to me personally because I don’t believe in abortion. I do however disagree with the High Court’s because if it is not the murder of life, I have no business telling you what to do. A lifeform and its cells can be determined human or not by the sophistication of its motion. The sophistication of its motion will effect cell growth and structure, and if the cells are of human sophistication then it is murder. If the cells are not of human sophistication it is not murder but killing. Scientists and the AMA American Medical Association have to get off of their corporate silence and determine when human life starts. They legally decide when human life ends, well that comes with a polar obligation. There is another way to declare human life but this book is about the many forms of rape. 


Well I guess murder is the ultimate form of rape so I will, here deliver the second way to determine when a life is human. The timing will coincide perfectly to the first way of determination. A fetus is not a Spirited being in the same way that a human outside of the womb is a Spirited being. This is conjecture that I would bet all the earnings of my first book sales on. The embryo and fetus have a transient Spirit. It checks in and out from time to time, unreasonably deciding if this is the change in existence for that particular Spirit. A specific genetic sequence will draw to it a specific Spirit type. The Spirit that first inhabits the carcass may not be the Spirit that the child is born with but declined the change by emotional process. The Spirit that is most intrigued with the new space will bias the space more to itself upon every stay, making it less accessible to other Spirits. Until finally it has committed enough of itself to the new space that it can no longer leave. It is a time that I call “G-Lock.” And though none of us had the capacity to reason such an event, we should all still all have an emotional memory of this birthing process. Perhaps it is our first reason, to realize that we are no longer free as we had previously experienced. I would not bet my book sales on this next portion of the same event, but I’ve pondered how it is, that we form our cerebral contours and those of our cerebellum. As I understand it our brains at some point are as smooth as a baby’s butt, and upon the learning process contours develop. Having a minimal understanding of that happening, I have considered “G-Lock” coinciding with the first cerebral contour. Whether it be “G-Lock” or the sophistication of motion, the timing will intersect congruently. When the baby inside the womb has reached the same sophistication of the cell structure when first outside of the womb, it is a human lifeform. Because everyone with any reason will attest that when our baby is outside of the womb it is its own human individual. The cell structure should by no means be like the lungs which are still developing upon every birth. But the sophistication of motion should create cellular plateaus, one of which we can reasonably call human. I agree with abortion at no plateau of the progression, but as one American Citizen, I can only legislate that other Citizens do not murder. I can not stop them from killing because killing IS Lawful. And if both parents do not want that human life under their command for God’s sake and the human life’s, it should not be there. I do not approve of their decision and still, there are those who don’t with me squashing a roach, killing a deer, or killing to protect my young. I’m certainly content that they can not legislate against it. 


Male and female are shared by every human body. A distinct male and a distinct female share the wombman’s body when it holds their distinct chromosome, sharing less as those chromosomes become more distinct, but he is half owner of the new distinction. The ownership is expressed in a way that far exceeds any typical, or traditional concept of monetary ownership. Alpha Co Whombman; a state of the truest equality that can be had. Wombmen have emotionally had the decision only because the children have been the wombmens’ place for so long. As she has more of a divinely, ovinely, universally given, equal portion of Life, I want my GOD given portion to parent my young. What do we have to think about that?