I have no ill will toward Business. The plan for my future is with such. I just don’t want Business in charge of my Constitutional Rights.


Good Day/Evening Readers,

By my observation at the grass roots of LAW, is that the Constitution is in such a state as to be no longer revered by those practicing LAW today. My War-time service was in the love of American Freedom and in that same love is my ‘sworn oath’ to defend the value of the United States Constitution. The fullness of that value unrealized today. Inevitably connected commerce, connected technology, and connected business would bring our beloved Constitution to trial against other Nations Laws in their regulations, in business10]policies, and they would try American Constitutional LAW to its foundation. I submit our case as such, because I believe our Constitution, and its offering of value to the World, may still be considered by the World. At the cutting edge of what is only Philosophy today,14]can be proven Science tomorrow. Determinations about how the Human Element in its Existence does or may effect, by even affect, the very Climate and Environment of the American Landed Space and waters. Some look to suppress ‘Liberty and choice,’ by modern technology, and behavior modification. But, for the American to celebrate Life and Liberty and choice, is a more valuable interaction with these, the Land, Water, and19]Space, than 1000 “Compact Total Water Recycling, and Reusability Units,” which the Government may insist we have in the future. Liberty is worth manual door-locks on cars, that should instruct us ton put on our seatbelts, unless we want the car to do so. The car should not instruct us at all. With the automatic door-locks everything that happened in the film “I Robot” is in place to be realized. And now the car may drive us to where ever it chooses, with at least 1 car company. Please wake up, and if You are awake please reconsider our Space/space and place in time. Our American Constitution is in need of graduation, but certainly elimination, would be the most imprudent decision the World can force America to make. Here are Amendments that are directly effecting my freedom. I hope they will keep me from prison . They are a small reflection upon American’s Freedom and future. I humbly present:

The 4th Amendment

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

The 4th Amendment is as difficult a negotiation as any has had to meet with. The solution is in the same Spirit as that in the, “Business Rights Concerns” are.

If there need be a search of a ‘work area of personal use’ with personal objects therein, the ‘employee in question’ may be sent home. Before leaving they may choose 4 other employees to represent in the question of a search while the Company chooses 4 representatives to the question as well. The 8 employees vote, in secret ballot, on the value and validation “to search,” through personal belongings. Record of the vote will be concealed and retained by the company and generic receipt of the incident without the tally of the voters will be given to the employee in question. If the vote finds itself in gridlock, the company will choose 2 of the 8 voting, ‘on the need to search’ through personal belongings. The initial employee or ‘object of the search’ may be, awaiting contact, in this case to choose 1 of the 8 employees, and the 3 employees will vote a 2nd round, the majority vote will rule. Those voters must witness the search. The company reserves for itself the benefit of the doubt and larger apportionment of voters in a 2nd vote, because to hire an employee is to give the employee the first benefit of any doubt.

The votes should be recorded and legal, of the consciously aware and of their consciences they should vote. Their vote, should carry with it, accountability in the case of injury or death of a coworker or other person or other mishap. The accountability in the form of counseling, first to determine if there was prior knowledge, of that object or substance responsible for injury or death. If in the affirmative, they may be terminated and/or have the Governmental Authorities place an arrest. If repeatedly voting against searches that do turn-up, device(s) against company sustainability and progress the company may terminate, but the employee may have their day and say in Court. They, that vote on the company’s behalf, must not vote again until all other employees have voted, to minimize the bias of voting for their career. An employee that has been searched 3 times with no contraband shown, may sue the company for harassment and defamation of character. If unable to acquire the numbers needed to vote, the slighted side should vote with the number of employees acquirable even if that number is 0. No one must vote if there are other numbers of employees still to vote, at hand. The company may compel as many as 3 voters, but in doing so assumes accountability and responsibility of the compelled voters, and the voter’s choice need not be made legal. Having voted once the employees55]need not vote again unless the last employee to be acquired has voted twice.

If this may be considered as LAW, the employee may use a personal lock with understanding that it may be cut from the locker in the purpose of search and the company must pay the receipt of a new lock if no contraband is shown. I pray my offering be not arrogant or worse, inadequate or not worthy of Your valuable time. I do not wish to burden, to no benefit. I know that our Nations have so much to learn from each other, and I would die if the US Constitution was removed from the American Pedestal and its value considered to be naught.

5th Amendment.

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb, except when the individual can-not present progress in their Life and/or station since they were convicted or placed on probation. In presenting such evidence an individual is presenting their willingness to change for the good of Society. An individual shall not be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against theirself, nor deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of LAW; nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation. 

It is the LAW that previous cases not be used against You in a Court of LAW, because it is being tried twice for the same crime no matter how much or little relevance You give the previous crimes. So, to assess the accused’s value and commitment to Society, we may simply evaluate the accused’s entire life since the last conviction. Then they are not being tried for the same crime but we are not being naïve to a life chosen for crime. A person, rather all of us persons, in “We the People” are wort investigating the life since the crime.

6th Amendment

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.

In all criminal prosecutions the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against them; except/accept that any witness be in regulated, or un-regulated posture or irregulated danger; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in their favor and to have the assistance of counsel for their defense.

Regulated, is a set and standard public schedule, in which compulsory and non-compulsory witnesses may be attained by the accused, and accuser. 

So, Your town may have a schedule, say Monday, Wednesday, and Friday that the accuser may have access to the same witnesses and those places from 7am to 12pm while the accused has access from 1pm to 9pm then the accuser has from 10pm to 12am. Then switch the schedule for the other 4 days and following week. Of course, it would be best to have State and Federal alignment to Your town’s schedule, checkable on every cell-phone.

Un-regulated, is a flexible schedule for witnesses of the accuser and the accused.

You may have the case that, it doesn’t matter if You assess the same witnesses at the same time or which-ever time, You are able to agree, different than scheduled times.

Irregulated, is when there is no safe schedule for witnesses of the accuser and/or the accused.

Business Rights Concerns

The claim that, it is absurd to allow an individual the “Right” to dress as they please, in the workplace is easily cleared by utilizing the “Climate and Environment of the Shared Numbers of Reality”. With consideration of the business, climate, and environment, then the community, town/city, State and so-on. Either may hold accountability, the individual, the business or the ‘Climate and Environment’. These must always be considered in the Progression of the Constitution. So that if the:

Individual is known to have ‘hot flashes’, or an allergy to polyester, they could where a tank-top  as best suited to the atmosphere or ‘climate and environment’ of a restaurant as possible. They would not be required to wear the polyester over-coat that adorns the restaurant’s uniform. This would only apply to restaurants that serve the public.

Business can assess that within the name-sake or other dynamic fit to the function of the business, and employee must display characteristics of that name-sake or function and must be willing to at the expense of the business be willing to contribute the accessor(y)ies or apparatus(es) to fulfill any citizen’s alteration to the display or function. If there is no other deficiency to job performance. This would only apply to the business that serves the public.  

Climate and Environment may dictate that no employee wear an over-coat because it is continuously in excess of 80° fahrenheit. It may beckon that an employee wear a side-arm or other-wise be skilled in a ‘martial or survival defense’ if working in an area of dense animal population or an area at a high risk of violence. 

Progression of the Constitution may demand that in an area, warm of climate with-out an environment not conducive to violence, in her own yard of residence, a women choosing to adorn herself with no top, may do so. She may do so even if still visible to the public and the public is accustomed to the visibility of no more than bikini tops . If a crowd gathers in a public walk-way due to the visibility of her nudity, she may be asked to construct a visual barrier or asked of her own more compromised solution.  No future contest of rape may hold the decision to fault. Even if it is part of a drastic increase to the statistics of violence where-in the decision may be delayed but not at fault. It is in the ‘Progression of the Constitution’ because it is the God-given and Naturally Existing “Right” and ability to be nude, therefore, though it is subject to baser law, it can not be eliminated by it. 

The claim of the Right to fire or terminate an individual’s ability to Exist industrially, with or without the access to land and the knowledge of how to provide from that land for the individual and/or the individual(‘s’) family, is resolved as follows.

First, an individual maintains Individual “Rights” as a representative of (a) business(es) and that business may empower its employee with the additional “Right”, to terminate another employee. The employee to be terminated retains the “Right to Exist” industrially and practice individual “Rights”.

A Consult may be formed of 12 individuals, 6 chosen by the business/company and 6 chosen by the, individual to be terminated. Upon a deadlock/gridlock, the individual may choose 2 of the 12 and the business/company may choose 1, and the 3 declare a decision by majority rule. If the individual or any of  the individual’s Consult choices appear 3 times together the business/company may reverse the 1 and 2 of the deadlock/gridlock decision, having 2 of the final 3 chosen by the business/company and 1 by the, individual to be terminated, upon that termination, all of those that can be associated to mutiny may be fired as well. The company/business may not contract 6 or any number of employees to the guarantee of a favorable vote. Any Individual being fired may challenge in a Court of Law. If the Court finds that an individual should not have been terminated that individual is entitled 3 years at that same business/company with no behavior of the individual deemed terminal, except that behavior contradictory to the “Climate and Environment of the Shared Reality of Numbers” and any such additional behavior(s) may be tried as the 1st behavior was tried. All behaviors, tried become protected, modified, or eliminated for all other employees, the same as the individual. Within the 3 years the business/company may find the Individual employment of equal or better pay with the same, or more tolerance, financial investment to maintain employment, and company longevity as the employing business/company. In lieu of longevity the approximate time to the individual’s retirement may be offered. With such an occurrence, the tried individual must accept the new position. The fact that the individual employee took their termination to trial is protected information.

The claim of the Right to buy or sell to whomever I please. This is as simple as a public or private market. Any-one/any company may choose whom they sell to if they are a private provider. If they are a public provider they must sell to any-one in the public. A private provider must stay with-in a certain number, with certain identity of their patrons that can never threaten the public market. The patron’s identity is protected and kept by only the Federal for these purposes. The State Government may also know the identities of patrons if the private business chooses to let them be informed. The protected information may be released to “We the People” up-on adequate petition to challenge the Federal Government’s administering of pertinent marketing rules. A private seller must be held to a non-competitive ranking to the public market. Competition among private providers, must never threaten the public market/competition, so their numbers and identity of those numbers should be assessed by such.

Any and all States may firmly hold to the “Constitution of the United States of America”, thereby being worthy of its protection. A State may implement the changes needed to the Constitution with State LAWS that do not violate the “US Constitution” in any way. If enough States find that the changes work, the Federal Government will surely adopt them.

Until next time, keep Your Homes well.

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