LOVE’S Priority Bonding Ov Space/space

When dealing with Universal Numbers there are properties wich must always be TRUE with~out fail.

{2}Two is the lowest number in the inverse, there~for every

{1}One must consist ov at least {3}

There is no {10} in Universal Numbers 

Consecutive Universal numbers are suceeded and preceeded by the same number: 

{2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 4, 5, 4, 5, 6, 7, 6, 7, 8, 7, 8, 9, 8, 9, 11, 9 , 11, 1, 11, 2, 1}

The Lowest or Smallest Bond in Our a UNIVERSE is the {2~7}TWO~Seven Bond in the Gravitational Identification ov Sub~Particle Specs ov either Repulsive or Attractive Gravity Charges: AG7 = {RG⁺³~AG⁺⁴} = {1} Spec Ov Dyon~build {Energy} and an RG7 = {AG⁺³~RG⁺⁴} = {1} Spec Ov Nyon~build {Synergy}, are the {2}Two smallest {2}TWO~Bonds from wich all things and all no~thins are Created and they do not cancel if the addition ov their rating is {7}Seven or more. If and when that is not True, the same Universe is not Sealed. Beyond those Bonds are other Dimensions and Continuums. Dark Energy is an {RG⁺³~AG⁻⁴}. Dark Matter is an {RG⁺⁴~AG⁺³}, a White~Hole is an {RG⁻³~AG⁺⁴}, and a Black~Hole is an {r~RG⁻⁴~r~AG⁻³} r=reverse. Of course these bonds may vary to extremes that become Un~Bonded and Total.

There is no way, in all ov the {151} Continuous Dimensional Space/spaces for an AG to become an RG or for an RG to become an AG, with the Spherical~Turn~Around that either may occupy the other’s position ov {ELC} Energy Location Containment in the {4th} Dimension leaving US with the appearance ov changable, Identity wich more absolute than any Nature, Object, Manifestation or Transition in the {5th} or {151} Dimension.

Universal Numbers will not fail these truths, ever. The Familial {2~7} Bond is {4}four Grand~Praents, {2}Two Parents and {1} Child. Wich has multiple variations ov the same. There is NO way for a {1}One~Bond, to Exist, except as in “LOVE’S Priority.” A {1}One~Bond is only the Ability and Potential ov the {2}TWO~Bond. Every Universe must have at least {2}Two Gender reproduction ov its command Species, thus {2} is the lowest number in the UNIVERSE, or the Universe is in destruction. Every Command Specie Individual {HUMAN} is an increasing {7}seven varariances ov {2}Two: Male and Female, Animal and Machine, Animal and Computer, Animal and Human, Machine and Human, Computer and Human, Human and God. So every Human is a {2}Two made up ov {5}Dimensional Spaces/spaces, the last ov which is the {151} Continuous Dimension. A Couple is a complete {2~7} Bond in and ov it~self. If need be the Bond may be counted as {1} because every {1} Human is need ov another Human, making them a {1+}. Every Human is {1}One ov {2}Two, so the the {1+} is a {3+}. The {+} is the Ability and Potential ov the {2}Two~Bond, wich IS MORE IMPORETANT THAN THE {2}TWO~BOND IT~SELF; So that {1}One Couple may serve the {ONE PURPOSE} Expansion forever, but just barely, only by the productivity ov all that they Command. They would certainly be Gods. Nothing below {7}seven serves what MUST BE an Omni~Bi~Directional Extension to evn be considered Expansion. For all new Command Species in every UNIVERSE, or what may be called the Human Element Must Love, Care~for and Prioritize the Off~Spring (if there is any) to be the {1}One~Bond. This event, wich is un~natural to Our Universe is All~Natural to the UNIVERSE. It is probably never questioned by other Command Species. The {1}One~Bond secures The Second and Non~Perceivable {Variance 2}~ZERO, wich is also the {1st}First Non~Perceivable Universal Constant all ov Space/space up~to the formation ov its {1st}First Particle at the {3rd}Third and Perceivable~ZERO also the {1st}First Perceivable Universal Constant {3}. The {1}One~Bond’s achievment ov {2}TWO~Bonding secures the Particle ov the {4th}Fourth Manifestation~ZERO Non~Perceivable when Existing with the original {2}TWO~Bond and if a Grand~Child is born, they {2nd}Second Most Loved and Second Most Important to the {1}One~Bond and so much more Important, that they assume the Identity ov the {2}TWO~Bond and the original {2}TWO~Bond ov the couple becomes the  {3}Three~Bond secures the {5th}Fifth {Variance 7}~ZERO Non~Perceivable     Every Human’s {1}One~Bond

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