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I have Zero new comments on my ‘comment board’. Still I’m going to write. “Spherical Turn-around” is something that takes place with all truths. A time when a true statement is false and a false statement is true.

The reason that it builds to “Reverse Darwinism” is that the hardships that a criminal encounters can make them, of more and better character. A person who as never had to defy the legal system or Your group, or point out some imperfection in such a system or group, is some~out without reality to the groups that make up our Great Nation. They believe the only group that is worth being real or worthy of reality is the privileged or un-privileged group that they grew up in. They can’t figure out why other groups are not like their group. If they try to figure it out, they will, most times, be duped. They’ll be thinking themselves enlighten about all, misfit groups/persons because they found sympathy for 1 group/person. Nothing is more dangerous. We need leaders who have an understanding that all groups/persons are not the same nor is 1 criminal and another. Our leaders must also except that if they are “No Scars to You’re Beautiful”, they are the same as infants, babies and with little more understanding. They just haven’t experienced the pangs of poverty or conversely, being really ‘stuck~up’, with no avenue to experience financially average or below average Per/Suns persons, with~out permanently losing their wealth/status. Most in the leader~ship haven’t felt the sting of irrational prejudice, un/in~justice, or the down side of bias. More important than any of these is, the person who promotes does not challenge Authority, in our society. If they challenge Authority, they’re labeled a trouble~maker, not a team player, or a bad influence. The one whom is up~wardly mobile is the {1}one who doesn’t dis~agree with the boss, or present challenges to the system. Such a happening is indicative of “Reverse Darwinism”. This is important for America, which is a system built on and for the challenges of the People. Not the term it~self but the connotations of “Lilly White” or {1}One who “wipes their ass with a dollie” are that of some~one never associated with trouble. Such a person became the standard for “Public Office” and the “Place of Business”, in the 40’s or 50’s. I’m not saying that there are not those examples of rule~breakers that redefine the rule, but our Society by large measure went the other way. The movement has all but wiped~out America. The United States Constitution specifically and expressly designates that an American Citizen may serve in Office during a time of good behavior, with our Fore~Mothers/Fore~Fathers, fully aware that the building of character was not an exact Science. It was expected that great men and women would flaw, fall, and fail, before arriving at their most perfect ‘Life’s State’. And when ready to apply such experience and learning with~in the boundaries of LAW, that would be able to do so. Popular Consensus determined other~wise, and if a person had a record there was no use running for Office; a fracture at the foundation of the American design.

A baby who has never experienced or thoroughly contemplated starvation, can’t possible give starvation an adequate place among us. If You think starvation has no adequate place among us, You’re showing a bit of Your infantile mentality. Remember “Spherical Turn-around. If there is not enough food in the land and the elders pass everything they know to the parents, then stop taking of food, starvation has found an adequate place among us. I would go a step further and offer my flesh to the Young. That was meant to ‘gross You out’ a little, and in being grossed out, we can assess how far away from true Earthly living we really are. Would You give Your flesh to the Young in the above situation? I would also explain to the Parents becoming Elders, that they must look for the game/food to come back, so as not to make cannibalism the new way. If not tainted by Industry the wild-life should make a comeback in 2 or so generations. That is my educated guess. I think it has much merit, outside of the twisting from other educated as well as un-educated persons/people. The very fact that You do not contemplate such as the above passage indicates that Your Life Mentality is artificial and dependent on the ease that we Americans were born to. Events could turn such a way for some/all Americans in a years time, because the Life of ease was taken for granted with no other Life, even contemplated.

Scars make us stronger. When-ever that is not true, we are seriously, socially fucked, and we must fix things. We fix such things as “Reverse Darwinism” and ‘No Scars to You’re Truly Naive’, with Occupational Parenting.

Such things as starvation and the denial of women(‘s’) independence and Children(‘s’) Rights exists in Nations all around us. Also mentioning the loss of body parts, because You stole food for Your Young. Now is not the time for our States to try and stand alone in the trials of ‘Global Governing’; a test we surely signed up for with GATT, the “Global Alliance Trade Treaty”. Those State’s abandoning the Constitution of the United States of America will be begging ‘Big Business’ to save their asses in light of other(‘s’) Nations, Empire(‘s’), and Country(‘s’) laws that don’t give a shit about (the) “Individual(‘s’) Rights”. Hell once a State is floundering ‘Big Business’ could set the stage, the play, and the closing curtain, and then have not the need for Your State tomorrow, but as Science goes with no “individual(‘s’) Rights, there will always be a need for Yours and Your Children(‘s’) flesh.

Our Supreme Court may be Compromised and they have the ‘supreme interpretation’ of the Constitution. If the Supreme Court interprets that we are all to worship a Giant Giraffe, we wouldn’t do that. If States hold to the Spirit of the Law, defy its current day, interpret it without self interest, and realize amendments on the Amendments, well be fine. I’ve thought of a few amendments on the Amendments that will work in every State. The next time I post, I will let You take a look at them. The Spirit of the LAW is all important now because our language allows for Spherical Turn-around. Anything in the “letter of the law” can be twisted to someone’s selfish agenda. We can only hold to reason and sensibility and recognize a selfish agenda, so as not to thwart the un~finished Scientific LAW, that the United States of America’s Constitution is.

At the intersections of Global Commerce and Government, another nation may be interested in this State or that State, use their market to purchase its preponderance, then implement that other nation’s law. To me it is obvious that we must as Citizens co~own every United States property with the Government, so that the Nation isn’t simply for sale, piece~mealed and parceled. For there to be a United States of America there must have been, is, and should be co~owner~ship. If every State is fully avowed against being some other nation’s emirate, we need support the US Constitution, in doing so we will win back the sabotaged Supreme Court and force their support of the United States of America’s Constitution beyond any Constitutionality of the {SAD} State Action Doctrine.

I intend to file a LAW~suit of Original Jurisdiction, with “The Spherical Set E-LAW Human Earth” (“Free’~’Will” Motion sustains all Motion in the {DSC} “Dimensional Space  Continuum”) as the basis of the suit. I will probably need the assistance from a Lawyer of those qualifications. If You may be that Lawyer follow the Application for the suit on this web~site. I will publish every~thing as I go.

Tell Your State to recognize the “United States of America’s Constitution” as the “Supreme Law of the Land”, so that Your State doesn’t get picked-off by seagulls like Dori on the dock. In truth the “US Constitution” is our only pelican. GOD Bless America and its union of 50 States.

Until next time, keep Your Homes well. Every Human should have a HOME.

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