Spherical~Turn~Around: 1. When the details or circumstance surrounding or about a fact are so far varied that the fact is no longer true or reversed. 2. By motion, an object of substance must be considered an angle of substance in a Spherical Existence. Such an angle when when traveling in a straight line, passing its own equator, must immediately or by some illusion of its past or futrure arrive at a point similar to the origin of the angle of substance. 3. All concepts in a spherical Existence are subject to Sperical~Turn~Around. The Spherical~Turn~Around of Spherical~Turn~Around is that every entrance must be an exist and every exit an entrance; every beginning an ending and every ending a beginning. There is never a time that the aforementioned is not true, no matter the change of circumstance or condition.
- Post author:Midnight Decryprohabitation Franigan
- Post published:April 5, 2023
- Post category:Home Keeping
- Post comments:0 Comments