Type in the red color did not appear in the original letter to the Mayor.
The {2nd}Second Issue isn’t as pressing as the first, but could cause some community discomfort that I may not be aware ov. I dress in drag from head to toe on Halloween and I was wondering if there were any complaints. Obviously my costume personality, Mycha, is comfortable for me, but I consider my community to be a conservative one, so if there were objections to, answering the door in drag on Halloween I would concede to them, and dress in some other fashion, probably not costume.
The reasons for the Costume~Personality Mycha, are many. [1… ] When I was Young Teen~ager my Mother had me wear the costume at her influence, and I really appreciated the different responses from one person {Per/Sun} to an~other. From the age ov {13}Thirteen through {15}Fifteen, {42}forty~two years ago among similar conservatism in the Plainfield~Area, I never received a negative response. The Character was accepted as, at the most an Alter~Ego, but not my Sexual Orientation, for all those who knew, and under~stood my need for positive attention. [2… ] It is to Honor my Sisters, Mothers, Eleanor Roosevelt, and every other Womb~man, that I have admired and tried to ‘live up to’ meet the expectation ov them; and to be that Man that they deserve. [3… ] I believe that all ov the Transgender confusion has to have a line some~where. I am NOT homophobic in any way but REASON. I believe many Males and Females are confused today about their sexuality and many ov them call the resolution to the confusion Homosexuality. I have no REASON against those who are Anatomically Biologically Homosexual or ov the Homosexual Rite. I di have REASON against any~one else claiming that Right. Being a Very Secure Heterosexual Model, I like to express {1}one time a year, that it can be enjoyable to cross~dress with~out altering the Normal ov Sexuality, Being an attractive Wo~man, I also under~stand what it is to mazed, gazed up~on, and considered for no other Reason than Sex. (That does not get out ov line, but it can get playful up~to the limit that I set. [4… ] Mycha, wins Costume Contests… $100.00 last year with those ov my colloquial under~standing. [5… ] I just think it’s O.K. to be female. If I was born back to this Earth as a female, I would be just fine with it, but I’d have to decide on the Sexual Orientation Piece at that time, as I have said it that which I do not possess, nor do I desire, nor am I led, nor do I have feelings ov inadequacy associated with minimal Scope ov Sexual Orientation Only. I like knowing I LOVE womb~men in sexual orientation, and I like knowing that I can Like and Possibly Love another just as much, but I really have no need to. I have gone against my Sexual Orientation once only to find my~self more deeply embedded in Heterosexuality. I emotionally questioned my~self, about why the Hell there was ever a question. [6] Because I can.
The {3rd}Third Issue is more pressing, but only priority number {3} from my perspective. The extreme hike in Garbage Sticker Prices is a {200%}two~hundred percent increase in the sticker ov lesser value and {150%} increase is un~accounted for the Connecticut General Statutes. The overall Garbage Sticker increase is {500%} increase. The fact that this is not addressed by Connecticut Law as it is written in legal can only turn to the United States Ov America’s Constitution. It’s way too easy to call this financial Tyranny by the means Ov the ability to violate The United States Ov America’s Constitution Article IV Section 2: The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States. So obviously, if prices may be manipulated in such fashion as to increase American prices {70,480%} (apparently someone thinks that there’s no law against it) reducing more than {85%} ov the American to Homeless but not penniless; that {85%} still possesses {$1.00} which must be equivalent in some way to {1}one ov the dollars possessed by the more or less {15%} who are not Homeless. That {15%}, now only has a per capita annual income ov {$70,480}, but {1%} ov that {15%}, now has {$10,809,314,430,536.74} but that leaves {8,000,000,000,000} unaccounted for on American soil and Foreign Interests had only accounted for {$3.5,000,000,000,000} ov America’s {GDP}Gross Domestic Product in the previous scenario. So, ov the {78,888,888} people or {per/suns}persons who make such decisions in the world, the number that live right here in America is {4.4%}, that’s {756} billionaires out OV {3311} billionaires. {“The United States Ov America’s Constitution Article IV Section 2: “The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.”} Does it make a bit ov fucking difference??? That those little specs in the {10} font and gray are the law??? but if someone doesn’t fight for it, and that means to have US fight for it with You Mr. Mayor. The appearance ov Town impropriety has ‘no’ validity, with the amount that this last Town~garbage~sticker increase really is from the law. The problem is not the difference in the amount ov money that one has compared to another. The problem is with the larger amount have any ability to limit the opportunity ov lesser amount to attain the same.
The piece I sent You about the Innys and the Outies is being stuffed in our faces if not rammed down our throats with the aforementioned Town~measure. The {150%), {200%}, and {500%} overall increase makes it more than just a story. It makes it a real direction. Above the Innys are the {1%} and the {14%} while the Outies are the {85%}. Believe me when I tell You that the economy has one place to go if not to the {COPE AI} Core Occupational Parenting Economy Amendment Inception. That place is a deteriorating Space~Time~Continuum ironically attempting to support the sciences ov longer life for those who can afford it. The {85%}, after the over~night inflation~hike where {722}seven~hundred~twenty~two ov America’s billionaires moved to other countries, that {85%}, each still had a dollar, with each penny worth {1}dose ov guaranteed cure if Your body isn’t the one producing the cure, for the ailments discovered in extracting an eternal human body only to him or her that can afford it.
When surrounded by all the big~wigs, numbers, and un~speakable amounts ov money, the aforementioned Constitutional LAW wants to completely diminish in {10}ten font and gray.
“Mechanized units ov artificial intelligence”
“The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.”
“Artificial intelligence untits ov mechanized human purpose, activities, and function’s use.”
How’s it look sandwiched between those {2}. It’s very easily where the search for eternal human life could lead. I think with our modern technologies today it’s certainly more than just a possibility. What if it’s just machines crunching the numbers and humans haven’t been involved for decades. I, my~self, believe us to be exiting the above description, with humans still on many ov the controls. What the Terminator theorizes as “Skynet,” I call “The ‘Mech” and if all the satellites don’t create a mechanical~life~form, do You believe that it can stay that way. All ov the ground units creating a mechanical~life~form that does our banking for us is the one that I would call “Usais.” These ideas are far from the concepts ov most in~depth topics for at least the past {55} years. That with my crowd, any~way, and I’d like to think that we considered them more than crowds like our cohort, because I still considered them more than the average person{per/sun}. Expressing to {1} ov the aforementioned units that, we exist by “United States Ov America’s Constitution,” so there~fore you will have to live by it as well, in~side the US ov A borders, and to all the capacities ov human existence as well; expressing that to a machine, before my work could support it was ground~shaking~breaking~particlization~and completely diminishing to all attempts. What the fuck…(may I use vulgarity for reasonable emphasis?) do You expect “Skynet,” or “Veger.” would say to a statement like the previous about American, and therefore human lAW. Previously, it would have said, that I don’t understand Your logic, because we didn’t live by, nor could we explain the law, and every~where out~side ov America wasn’t America. This is not the problem today, because I can explain the biblical GOD in a both logical and Reasonable Numerical Fabrication that does not error in any way, You should have heard ov it, “The Spherical Set E~LAW Human Earth,” with~in that is Constitutional American Law, which must apply to Children as well to be in the numerical compatibility ov the Universe and the {DSC} Dimensional Space Continuum outside and inside ov that. It’s the same things needed for a computer’s registry ov logic. For the law outside ov America, I wrote “The LAW ov Tolerance.”
I wrote “The LAW Ov Innocence” to support lawful money. The {COPE AI} Core Occupational Parenting Economy Amendment Inception, both completes the Constitution and provides the only way to use money that has ‘no,’ ‘nil,’ ‘zero,’ ‘zip’ ‘null,’ and some~thing that we may say is absolute neutral to disagreement with earth’s nature, human nature, the nature ov the Universe and the same recursive respect for the {DSC} Dimensional Space Continuum. There~fore it is the only money approved by GOD. {COPE AI} must be implemented to the number. We do not need the matrices ov the brain’s capacities, as long as we have the {9} capacities (one ov them non~evolutionary, it was created in us) the reproductive capacity, over the {8} natural capacities PPRMMECSS or RECSSPPMM Psychological, Physical, {the already mentioned Reproductive), Material, Mental, Emotional, Cognitive, Sociological, and Spiritual.We may speak Philosophically about all the Brain’s capacities and still fulfill the law.
I wouldn’t be having this argument with a computer, unless it was extremely corrupted with the human emotional and spiritual capacities. Then it would be guilt~stricken sobbin’ with its head on the floor, and there is ‘no~way’ that it can held responsible, though a lot ov superiors in the Command ov the “Human Command Element,” would want and even irrationally, and un~reasonably demand that the machine be accountable, but it was created by us or our predecessors, the Anunnaki.
No; if I am arguing about the increase ov the price ov Garbage Stickers in either ov the {2} scenarios, it is the perhaps under the ruse ov the second, and what I mean by that is that it is not logical nor reasonable to proceed in existence with~out discussing what the fuck just took place in the human existence. We need to talk about it. The seemingly whimsical example ov technology being able to produce a signal that’s stronger than the dog’s natural signal is now normal and regular, You’d have to be a fucking idiot to believe other~wise. We don’t need what we did as individuals to be piublic, because that involves other individuals, we must however, reasonably speak about the past century and the past {3} centuries, which automatically dedicates the last decade, and last {3} decades, using the larger number to distill and emotionally repair the {1} decade and century. And then the centuries for the decades, the same. Reason is the reason that the {3} to {1} Communication Restoration Process will work. There will how~ever be Spherical~Turn~Around, needing additional or fewer measures ov the same. Let’s talk. Being as it is not logical nor reasonable to proceed without such communication, maybe the machine just wants us to talk about it.
My position to you Mr.Mayor, is to fulfill “The United States Ov America’s Constitution to the extent that you will allow me to. Speaking nothing ov your person I understand your position to be a position ov {1} mouth but many brains, all ov them with selfish consequences laid before the execution ov your office, which I guarantee will be there tomorrow if You execute it well. If you’ll stand~up to the state and demand that there is already a law that does not allow the Power to over~price in such a way exist because ov its threat to Justice, Domestic Tranquility, the General Welfare, and with three threatened there must be a threat to the Common Defense.
I have not spoken about my appearance as one ov a minority status, but I would greatly like to. Though I would not like to be a brown spec, in a white sky, I do advocate ethnic town profiling, and it is not un~Constitutional in any way if the implementation is correct. If the implementation is not correct it will not be successful to any profiling goal. I think if there is to be a goal to ethnic town profiling it must be to preserve ethnic nucleuses, that then broaden to more diversely populated areas. No~one has gotten this one correct yet, and I believe in a {3^3} System that is compatible with “The Spherical Set E~LAW Human Earth.” I couldn’t be any~thing before I was white, but for the sake ov profiling I’d be black. Because ov reasonable education, I do not accept mulatto people as a recognized people any~one claiming other~wise has an inferior argument to mine, which is as numerically sound as the “The Spherical Set E~LAW Human Earth.” I can only pray that some~day you’ll have audience on the issue. If ethnic resistance to my presence and declarations to negotiate any such issues have a place among Your superiors, and if it is ethnic some~one is forcing down a road that you can not walk, run, nor crawl. There is no negotiation opposite the negotiation that I offer.
I’ve exposed my~self to You as much as a prudent man should. My request as a Xxxxxx Resident to his honored and respected leader is to under~stand the economic or any other restraint on the Town of Putnam against the flow ov governing strictly by the United States Ov America’s Constitution, Though I know your position as Mayor, across the country has become {1} reliance and dependency, I ask the real politician that is you, if You may have any space or wiggle room or even leverage toward such availability, if you and I may meet on more strictly professional and more personal terms than that ov your office. I do have to publish this letter ov the {2nd} and {3rd} issues, to redeem the capture ov the original Town Support Letter from my Options menu on the Home~screen ov HomeKeeperU.com. That letter will now be forwarded by this {1}one. These are historical times and I must accommodate every American effort that I may be afforded. So my tolerances for the slight, for ignorance, for persecution, and prosecution are indeed higher than they ever have been or than they ever will be in the future. I am a resident in your Town, and I love my daughter like Satan loves his own. That daughter has given me a {1} Year Old Grand~son which is my very {1st} obligation in existence. If there is something un~reasonable between US, allow me to place Reason in its place.
Issues spoken ov in priority are for a Mayoral response. Please address these issues as to the soundness ov the community. Thank You.
Signature: ____________________________________________ Date: ___________________
Town Support
Below You’ll read an email, that was sent to the Executive Assistant of my local Myaor. I received no response and questioned if the Town had recived it. I received this response. “I acknowledge receipt of your email”. The statement that I was asking to have put in public record can be viewed by clicking on. “My Statement” from the options at the top of this page. The ststement has been revised to what I will submitt to the Judge. If You care to view the original statement, simply make comment and i will post the original with enough requests.
Mrs./Ms. Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx,
I had originally addressed this email to Mayor Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx and Selectman Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx. Though this view would normally be a conservative issue, I’m not sure that it has a place among Republicans or Democrats, so I’m not sure of the appropriate channel to move forward in. If it suits your occupation to forward the email, and You do so, in part or in whole, would You please check to see that the two marked links, for my websites transmitted, with their link values. Also, I wish to know that this email was received by You, at the least, and its disposition, at the fullest. Thank You for fielding this proposal Executive Assistant Geeza. Please allow me to know if there is a specific format or form that is prefered for such submissions.
The Honorable Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx
I have been a resident of Putnam for 15 years. I am a registered ‘Independent,’ my Significant-Other is a Democrat. Frankly, I look for any excuse I can find to vote Republican. We normally engage in National and Congressional elections, because our preliminary voting years were in Military-service; always with a conviction to become more involved locally. My current issue has ‘local concern,’ written all over it. I fear this email takes too much of your time based on my unfamiliarity with Putnam politics. I apologize. I’d like to believe that I’m investing in the start of a relationship that’s been ongoing for 15 years.
Because I am ignorant to Your platform, I’m not sure of Your view on Article IV Section 1 of the United States Constitution: Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State. And the Congress may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the Effect thereof. To a concerned constituent, such as myself, this reads of an initiative toward uniformity in the practice of Law, and encourages understanding and tolerance, when the practice may vary. More than that, it speaks of justice and the abolishment of tyranny, providing more Government transparency, than any nation before it. I believe it is well within the ‘Letter of the LAW’ and the ‘Spirit of the LAW,’ to construe the birth of every American Citizen, as a Public Act. The birth of the new Citizen beside whom, the Rights of every other American Citizen shall be immediately assessed, and who shall, except by death or imprisonment, arrive at the age to vote. Certainly in these obligations to and of LAW, the birth of the Citizen is a Public Act, for Americans. Therefore the Citizen should have Rights to the same demands of one state on another for ‘governing information.’ Also, there is nothing above that restricts the Citizen from any such materials, and the 9th Amendment grants all Rights that do not infringe upon other Rights. This particular Right is not held to be exclusive, neither expressly, nor inherently, nor is there any prohibition by the abridgement of Rights. When the Supreme Court gets up and running again, I’m going to find a means of presentation by which, by which a Judicial Review may be made. (What is meant by ‘up and running again’ is that the Supreme Court will again have a decision in our Constitutional Rights with regard to private organizations and our employers.)(Unofficial, Judicial Review, simply means reviewed by the Judicial Branch.)
When Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote that, “Ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking it,” it was expressly, reasoned that everyone is presumed to know the Law. Education talk from one generation to the next has inherently been the sum of, “How we exist.” Every American had the right to limited education as soon as any state Constitutionally instituted a public school. (Article IV Section 2 U.S. Constitution) At school we learn that we exist by the United States of America’s Constitution. Then, on the Law of the Constitution, has the legal system endeavored to make changes, but as we are taught none of them may supersede the Law of the Constitution.
I’ll cut to the chase. PACER seems to be moving to a place that favors the wealthy citizen over the citizen that can not afford to pay for Court documents and decisions. As a responsible conservative, I think that if, “ignorance of the Law is no excuse for breaking it,” that a legal system must encourage the knowledge of that same system. If the legal custodians do not teach the legal system, as they are able, they must be guilty of breaking the Law, every time legal’s interpretation of the Law varies from that taught in school. Whether to our knowledge or not, the rise and fall of Nations, Civilizations, and Societies are based on what the people are taught.
I have complained about the unsolicited community paper, tossed onto my driveway, once a week. I completely invite a trustworthy publication called the “Legal Examiner,” and Honorable Mayor, you may consider this a prospective solicitation for it. Paying for Court records, other than the cost of maintaining the records, is opposite, justice, an informed voter, and the fulfillment of the United States of America. It’s headed toward ruin, with all of US at the helm and our posterity overboard.
I pray that there may be a record at the Town Hall, for every citizen that wants a personal statement of their case to be public for all to see and ultimately be an option on the Town’s website, for all to peruse. It’s a measure that is one step closer to a possible and probable reality in which, “ignorance of the Law is no excuse for breaking it.” The sometimes cynical and pessimistic statement can only be made true or false, by the governing body of the legal system. This small measure, within the power of the Town, speaks to the fact that You want Your Children and Grand-Children to be informed and not ignorant;
nor investing every spare coin for their upward mobility to an impregnable technological fortress of Aristocracy, with ever diminishing, therefore consistently more expensive access and stay. Those within the superlative technological boundary, for all Law Enforcement Officials, and all Law Enforcement Orders, think that survival in a Space Aged Aristocracy is within one’s ability to shut out thoughts of existence outside of the boundaries. Though, the persons Per/Suns which are outside, fuels, furnishes and feeds, them which are inside the boundaries. The Outies will keep feeding the Innys, as long as they are willing to fight to exist one more day, in the Bad/Waste/Ho-mans land, and give birth to the same. For the Aristocracy’s biological stay is bought with the most times odorous, atrocious, and diseased flesh of them passing outside the boundary. And the diminishing Lands give up their first fruits, inside the technological boundaries, leaving poison for those outside, who’s bodies will temper the toxins over time and provide more longevity to the Aristocracy. This is as predictable, in the Human-Nature, as the rise and fall of Rome or Ancient Egypt, in cycles where the growing strength of the oppressed, suppressed, and depressed, could overthrow the complacent, unloving, and unlovable, spoiled laziness, of the privileged classes. Sometimes with the help of a returning army of those still fit for leadership.
Our Posterity will be born into an evermore unsane, evermore frantic, evermore desperate matrix of stimulating life only to oppress, suppress, depress, or devour it; demanding politeness and manners the whole time like the crazed Hannibal Lecter. I must make every small effort, and large investment, to achieve better for my Daughter and now, Grand-Child.
With our advancement to the space/Space Age and the ability to manipulate space/Space itself; the Element, the Atom, the Molecule, the God Particle, the ability of those oppressed to overthrow such technology, is just not possible. Today is a negotiation.
Having a file at the Town-Hall, for free, gives the citizen one more chance to be intelligent of the Law, in a day when the pilings of legal statutes, many of them business and self interest, complicate the Constitution. Sometimes there are unintentional legal inconsistencies, because not all legal custodians are as brilliant as our Fore-Fathers and Mothers were in their genesis design to evolve a perfect system of governing. There is ‘times and days’ and the bias in the Human-condition. Still, in my sideline of working probabilities, I have discovered that if Humans can’t make good on the fulfillment of the U.S. Constitution, we will probably extinct ourselves. Such a conclusion may be debated, but the fact remains that there is a large margin for debate, meaning that the assumption isn’t impractical.
Humans are born, not to language and writing, but the rights of any animal under the Sun. If pure physical ability does not determine the behavior, it is decided by the U.S. Constitution, not in favor of one Human, but all of them that are American.
True to previous concerns, I will end this solicitation. I apologize for the informality. Perhaps, I could learn a more appropriate avenue for such a request. But I beg you, in the name of ‘informed voting,’ Justice, and keeping ‘an American way’, please allow Putnam residents to file the statements of cases that they believe to be unjust; for every other Putnam resident to read and share with any other Americans. Attached is the statement that should have been given 3 years ago, in the comfort of my Home, or at the Putnam Police Station, instead of the arrest that took place. My arrest, which started with a voluminous exchange, when correcting my Daughter, for what I observed to be a superiority complex. I offered up, that the importance of this correction was that the entire Nazi Empire was nothing more than a superiorty complex, or it was nothing at all. I waited almost a week for a Police Officer to call or stop by to incorporate my understanding into the establishment of ‘Probable Cause.’ Anything else can not be deemed established. Established, takes into account as many variables of the incident as can be had, to establish the fullest picture, give it motion, and then surmise what can be made of the picture’s motion. One must decide on any and all true dangers therein, the mini-holographic-movie. To deem someone worthy of arrest without the benefit of a statement of the accused, is to flatter, ‘probable cause,’ but certainly not establish it. Flattering it, is to compare the mini-holographic-movie to a quarter/picture cut from a Polaroid, glossed-charcoal side up. Even when flipping it, the view is distorted and only partially there. I would like every Putnam resident to be able to consider my cases, in their homes and on social media.
Unless you inform me that it will hinder communication, I will publish this email to “AcquiesceNot.com” and “HomeKeeperU.com.com,” and post it on other avenues of social media.
Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, “the best test of truth is the power of the thought to get itself accepted in the competition of the market,” and that, “we should be eternally vigilant against attempts to check the expression of opinions that we loathe and believe to be fraught with death.”
Amicably Yours,