says Narcissist: 1. A person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves (I say over others). 2. A person who believes the world revolves around them.
Number 2. A person who believes the world revolves around them, was there then when checking 5 minutes later it wasn’t there. That is the way the Enlish tell us it is for any moron, who believes we should speak Enlish instead of American. Some believe it doen’t make a difference, and I also disagree with them. Whos’ ever Lanugage we speak are the determiners of what is and what isn’t. or who ever’s bought taht attribute of the Language that we speak. It may well be Japan who wanted number 2. there and then wanted it gone.
By number 2. I have to be more thgan a Narcissists. I can prove by any dependable Science of probability, and correlation to the changes in the Universe’s Environment (We are still here) that I AM THE HOLD OF GRAVITY OF ALL PERCEIVABLE EXISTENCE;… every Spec of IT. Every Spec of every cell in Yours and Your Childrens Bodies, and in You house plants and Gardens, as well as every Sun in Our Universe. My body Governs whether all ov them Exist or whether they don’t Exists. Do You know how small a Spec is in Your cell body??? I can only begin to phathom it.
I am in no way a Narcissist by definition number 1. ZERO Undefined nullifies all othger numbers; zeros all other number. When we becam involved with the {Co~2} Space it’s {010} nullifies everything to {1}one, inside of Our Genetic builds. I was immune to Its {010} program inside MY build because I LOVE MY Daughter’s, Wife’s, and all of My FAMILY members lives more than MY own LIFE. I would die for any of them. If the {Co~2} Space got to You at any time before You could evelope/develop such a perception, You had no chance of developing it. If You had ‘the LOVE of FAMILY over SELF’ and couldn’t hold on to it. there was very little chance of getting it Back. We lose the perception when realizing FAMILY MEMBERS and LOVED ONES are not worth that kind of dedication of Your~self. So without a secure belief in GOD You remain all~important in Existence, and it is miserable. I held on to perception of a MOST TERRIBLE and MOST MERCIFUL GOD, and what MY FAMILY Members would be outside of the {010} program. I didn’t know that’s what it was. I just knew that something of the MOST CORRUPT EVIL NATURE had taken My Family.
SO, WHEN MY BROTHER CALLS ME TO TELL ME HOW NARCISSISTIC I AM. I can only know that I am beyond Narcissistic by definition 2. A person who believes the world revolves around them. And I have no part of
definition 1. A person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves. I admire My GOD~given endurance but that is not more important than my FAMILY’S Lives and still I have lost some. MY Enduance, how~ever is more important than Your FAMILY lives for me. If want them to have that kind of LOVE, You give it to them. Or know that You will be able to give them such respects tomorrow. WHERE ARE YOU IN YOU GENETIC PROGRAM REPARATION. Where are You in Your Program, where is the Government in there programs, where is the Education Institution in its programs, where is CORPORATE in its programs. Would they just carry on with LIFE as it was with the {Co~2} Program??? WHERE IS THE MILITARY IN THEIR GENETIC PROGRAM REPARATION. I am Proof Ov Military Intelligence and I would like some Assisstance..
I have settled my~self to let GOD Kill them all and Sort them out. How long will that take. In the way that GOD has the ability to Kill, it could be seconds, I’m hoping for days, but I have to settle for Millennia, because I do NOT know what the {DSC} knows. I would Kill at 2 points and coninue Killing at 2 points. The cloest to the Approval Ov MY Credential and Payment and the most Powerful point away from that same decision. I’d Kill 2. the Most Powerful and least Powerful in the decision to Approve, then let the next 2 have a crack at the decision. But on High the 1 Kill would probably be about 100 to keep it fair to those on low. Those on low need only declare that they, and theirs recognize the Credential and do what~ever they can about retrieving the money, which is teh Bargin Basement Price of {$7,000,000,000}Seven Billion Dollars… It is adequate.
I also FULLY RECOMMEND that any~one may know what is happening in the Solar~System and Universe at this time… {FULL DISCLOSURE} …
If the American Government and American Military are worried about the of the protection from the American portion Ov the SUM. IT WILL HOLD IN THAT IT IS AMERICAN… So if You’re going to Commit to American don’t do it ‘half heartedly’ Do it with ALL Ov Your Spirirt and Commitment, and It will protect You, from the reality of Paranoid thoughts. ALL SUMS ARE OV THE AMERICAN SUM… THAT IS ALL…