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Creepy Clowns All Around
October 12th, 2016
Sensationalism! That’s what I call it, not hysteria. It started in August 2016 when police receive a complaint from the tenants at Fleetwood Manor Apartments in Greenville South Carolina. Children said that clowns were trying to lure them into a cluster of trees. Reports of residents firing shots into the woods soon followed. The threat of mistaken identity and vigilantism has become more real than the threat of clowns themselves. Gags the Clown who is very creepy had firearms pulled on him. This video is about Gags and the original Ronald McDonald commercial, also very creepy. Strong language warning with this one.
It’s humorous, I guess as it should be, that Jordan Jones started the Clown Lives Matter movement on Facebook. The name seems to be kind of an insult to the Black Lives Matter movement, who I don’t have an opinion about for the lack of information (a future blog), but Jones is quite serious. He’s been quoted saying “I fear for my life” and “I’m scared that someone might take a swing.” In Bardstown Kentucky a Man fires his AR-15 to scare clown, but ‘clown’ was woman walking her dog. There’s also been clown hunting at Penn State in Jordan Jones home state Pennsylvania. He says “I feel that people are out clown hunting because they think it’s cool now.”
What stated as perverse lore in South Carolina is approaching a world scope with incidences in France where police arrested multiple people. Some of them arrested for assault. Clowns briefly made it into the talks of a White House Briefing.
Growing up I was kind of indifferent to clowns. I neither liked nor disliked them. At the circus they were a distraction from the good stuff like the lions and elephants. I now find them creepy after being influence by professionals like Scott Bonn, a criminologist and professor of sociology at Drew University in New Jersey. He says “We don’t know what’s beneath that makeup. It could be anyone or anything. They’re actually very frightening.” I had never thought about it but I guess that exaggerated and fixed emotional expression gives me the willies. I haven’t even seen “IT” yet (the remake will be in theaters next year). A spokesman for Warner Brothers told CNN that there is “absolutely no connection” between the film and recent clown sightings. Stephen King, the author of “IT” Tweeted “Hey, guys, time to cool the clown hysteria–most of em are good, cheer up the kiddies, make people laugh.”
There are 24 clown sightings on this map but Creepy Clown Sightings Map 2016 gives more details about it’s 14 sightings by clicking on the indicated location. Some of the incidents have been at least unnerving. Fairmont man wearing clown mask chases kids with baseball bat is about Gary A. Valentine, a 34 year old of Millersville West Virginia. The children being chased were ages 6-11. There was a verbal exchange between Valentine and one of the youth’s parents but no violence ensued. In Alabama police made at least 9 arrest in a little more than an week. Seven of them were originally charged with making terrorist threats but some of the charges were reduced. Rainbow City Police Chief, Jonathan Horton wanted to make an example while the allure of clown misconduct is in it’s early stages. To be charged with making a terrorist threat you have to intentionally or recklessly terrorize another person, cause the disruption of school activities, or cause the evacuation of a building, place of assembly, or facility of public transportation.
Makayla Smith, 22 years old, of Flomaton Alabama and 2 juveniles were charged with exactly that. They conjured up Flomo Klown and Shoota Cllown (right) to threaten individual students on September 15th, 2016 at a local high school. The school was lock down for several hours while 30 law enforcement officials made a sweep for threats. The Facebook page now simply tells of the arrests but when it first posted it had threats like “I’ll just kill you at school.” Do to the nature of the threats the FBI did get involved. There’s plenty of more reports like, Knife-Wielding Clown Attacks Boy, Threatens Woman in Michigan, 13-YEAR-OLD BOY FROM MAY’S LANDING ARRESTED FOR ‘CLOWN THREATS’ TO SCHOOL, and Knife-Wielding Clown Menaces Subway Riders, Chases Teen out of Station. There are also hoaxes and some mistakes like Viral creepy clown video turns out to be haunted house marketing stunt in Agawam Massachusetts.
Here are some creepy, homemade clown videos. Amid the sightings — real or not — the hashtag #IfISeeAClown took off to predictably hilarious results.
Some schools including a New Haven school here in Connecticut have banned clown costumes or guises otherwise concealing the identity during the Halloween Season. Clown sightings, pranking, and actual threats are only expected to increase. All of even this pranking would be alleviated by Occupational Parenting over the long haul. I keep conveying that Occupational Parenting is solvent for all America’s social and economic woes. Don’t keep quiet about Occupational Parenting. Pass it on, will you. Until next time, keep your homes well.
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