Blog – How Do You Believe In God? 1/13/2016

How Do You Believe In God?

January 13th, 2016

how do you believe in God crossWhen was young there was a debate where I lived in Philadelphia. Some argued that God is Jesus and Jesus is God. I remember coming to the conclusion that they were separate because Jesus prayed to God the Father. The prayer on the cross is what came to mind. “Father, Father, why hast thou forsaken me?” Now I believe Jesus was a living part of God but so is everything else. Everything perceivable and non-perceivable is an attribute of God. I think your stealing from God to say there’s a facet that’s not of him. Some say “it’s all good”. I say ‘it’s all God”. The one true Universe and the one true God are the same entity. I think of God as an ( IT ) so as not deny him any trait. Are we to think Eve has no place in God and God no place in Eve. I call God “him” for other peoples comfort. I think of God with 2 basic attributes; merciful and unmerciful. We see the appropriate apportionment of the sides as to the support of life. I don’t believe God is all merciful. There are too many examples of an unmerciful God in the Old Testament. God will leave an individual to the demons and the Hell they live in if that individual refuses to follow God’s merciful side.

how do you believe in God creationI believe in creation by evolution. The 7 days of creation can be thought of as 7 time periods. I think science and the Bible compliment each other. We often use the word day to describe larger blocks of time. i.e. the day of the dinosaur, the day of Abraham Lincoln. The most confusing thing about Genesis is the division of night and day twice. (1) I think the first division of night and day is the creation of planets in general; the first burst of light; the Big Bang and us there after. If someone was standing between where the sky would be and the earth would be they would see the creation of the earth around them. (2) Then a very dense ( almost like water ) atmosphere would appear above and one big ocean below (3) then the earth below shifts and moves and the waters recede to reveal land. The dense atmosphere would let enough light in to allow for vegetation then the atmosphere begins to thin out. (4) Enough thinning that the Moon and Sun could be seen. (5) Time passes and animals appear and evolve. (6) Then man evolved. (7) We now exist in the 7th day and God is resting.

how do you believe in God adamGod created us in his own image. I don’t take this to mean God is reduced to a head torso and four appendages. I think interpretation and translation must be accounted for when reading the Bible. Sometimes it’s enough just to know that interpretation and translation change actual events thus; Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John of the New Testament are all different. It is important not to manipulate God’s words to justify our own whims but to tie together a single truth. “Let us create man in our image”. God simply may own the blueprint of sophisticated energy in the Universe. This could mean that our neighbors will look relatively like us. It could mean our make up could represent our Planet, Solar system, Galaxy, Universe, or all of these. We know the Planet is 70% water and so is the human body. Maybe it’s the Solar system’s potential. I don’t buy into God having 10 fingers and 10 toes. That so takes away from God’s (The Universe’s) majesty.

how do you believe in God adam and eveWhatever the fruit of the tree of life was ( some say it was a quince ) was a significant turning point for Adam and Eve. It was their limitless pill. The serpent didn’t lie to Eve. it said that they would be like God and know right from wrong. Well they ate it and knew there was a right and wrong. They knew they were different from the other animals and they clothes themselves. Some would say our intelligence is a curse and it all started on that day.

how do you believe in God eziekielI think in Ezikiel the Bible may speak of the roaring engines and light studded haul of alien crafts and that Revelations is happening now. It has been happening over and over with new interpretations each time. The sky rolling back like scrolls  could be anything from a cloud cover to nuclear detonation to wholes in our ozone layer; who knows maybe even a dimensional doorway.

Jesus was an open man with an open mind but there was only so much he could say; even to his disciples. Look at what happened to him for what he did say. I think the last person in all of history that would want us to have narrow minds is Jesus. Curbing our behaviors; I think he was all for that, including not coming together to torture and murder a man for speaking his heart and mind. Jesus would not say covert to Christianity or burn in hell forever. how do you believe in God maryNo-one comes to the Father but by way of the Son is the way I understand it. Be Jesus like in the way you deal with other people and in the way you define events. Be conservative with your behaviors but above all try the best you can. God will know who did and who didn’t try. God will measure every burden in the way of that effort and God will judge all matters by it. The Universe has an infinite number of paths and destinations for the soul. Could be your soul gets sucked right into the Sun and that’s the eternal lake of fire? Could your soul go to the outer darkness of space? Could it be our spirit will go to many destinations which are all being forged in every present moment; justified and without error. When I die I’m going to a place that lives by Occupational Parenting. That’s my heaven. Be sure to have one for yourself and forge your road to it everyday. Don’t just settle for the default destination. Until next time, Keep your homes well.


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