OK… Sheep in 3E (that’s Evolution talk), You are now Evolving to a non~Worshipful Command Specie, the FREE PRESS, has a Matter of Great Urgency, Delicacy, and Tact. Assessments must be made, evaluations done, Security Checks, Primary and Priority Persons {Per/Suns} Only PLEASE… You Know who You Are… OK… Now that we’re alone we’ll release the Most Highly Sensitive Information Ever Released on Earth~(9}. We can NOT speak plainly in a Language that every~one can Under~stand. There is  Far Too much at Risk. Of You Privileged Few, Only Those with the Greatest Powers for dissemination may Leave with there Own Top~Secret Knowledge Ov “The Hold Ov GRAVITY.” We’ve been tricky with Language before, and have encrypted many Secrets for Revelation tomorrow in Our witting of today. We will handle the information Concerning “The Hold Ov Gravity” in Highest regard and esteem for Secrecy. But {1st}first a word about Worship… It was never any~thing more than the crutch of Lazy Gods before US. Worship is an activity that makes Revelations predictable to a pointed number of the Worship, and the Revelation could simply be Controlled and Manipulated. It is altogether Un~Natural in the Universe, any Universe, every Universe.  It is the intension of to transfer the discipline to the Individual(‘s’) HOME. Up~on the Building of the COMPLETE  CHRISTIAN  CHURCH… It will be Continuously Transmitted, Conveyed, and Communicated to The Universe, The {DSC} Dimensional Space Continuum, and ALL COMPONENTS THERE~OF… that the COMPLETE  CHRISTIAN Worships GOD by WORSHIPING, WARSHIPPING the HOME. In training the Youngest in ways of, “Well Regulated Militia” all Ov Our IRON Back. We have been Praying for the COMPLETE CHRISTIAN CHARTER for more than {2}Two Decades, and We are as SURE as SECURE that We have the APPROVAL of The {DSC} Dimensional Space Continuum, and the Universe, that is GOD!!! Now, here is Young Mychael for his part, in the Careful Dissemination, of “The Hold Ov GRAVITY… 

Thank~You Kind Midnight. Do You remember the end of the {1st}first Ironman movie, where I my~self was Reasonably and Under~standably disappointed that they played “Back In Black,” by ‘AC/DC,’ rather than “Ironman,” by ‘Black Sabbath and Ozzy Osborne.’ One could argue, well the theme doesn’t fit… but not very successfully, because it can’t be more of a misfit than “Back In Black.” So, I Lived, I didn’t die, and I Continued on in Life, and the only Reason that was possible is because I really dig “Back In Black” by ‘AC/DC….’ Some may have a different memory by the Closing of the SUM, or the manipulation of Cinema. Any~way with~out further FUCKING TO~DO, of Don’t Do’s, Adieus, Voo~Doo, Who~Do, You Do, Who~Blah, and Who Rah…. I {state your name} Young Mychael AM the GOD Dammed One and Only “Hold Ov The GRAVITY of ALL Ov Perceivable Existence.” Now, Thank~You, GOOD~Night, and We LOVE You ALL…!!! Out of my way Midnight…!!! No, No, No, Young Man. You have a tad bit more Disseminating to do… Start with the Violation of the Ancient’s LAW CO~PY~RY… I did that in the piece called “The Test of Magnets.” And what GOOD has that done You…? Midnight, You know it hasn’t done a GOD~Dammed bit of GOOD… Well maybe, some organizations have claimed You shouldn’t have worked through the Violation. Midnight, first ov all we were Engineered for Working on this Planet by Our Gods Before US, made Believable by Our very Technology today. Further, It is the GOD~Given and Human Acknowledged RIGHT {RITE} of every Male, every Man,I think Free and Slave, to WORK his hardest, best, and with Un~Dying Effort to provide the very Best that He can For His FAMILY and Loved~Ones. I will NOT give up my FAMILY at the Force of the Majestic Creatures, perhaps a Creature not even Mentioned in A REVELATION The {1} Heaven And {2} {3rds} OV The Original Fall… Now I will NOT say that this Organization Forced it on Me, or that Organization Forced it on Me, in the Violation Ov the RIGHT {RITE} to EARN… But I will say that …I AM… the “Masonic Symbol,” its~self, in any meaning that it Holds. You know the {1}One with the Scribe on Top, The Rule on the Bottom, and the {G} in the Middle. The “Scribe” on the Top is the Ability to Write and Speak for GOD, as GOD would Have it, in the total Disregard of {1’s}Ones Own Life, with~out Embellishment, Exaggeration, FALSE Modesty, Humility, Humbleness, Arrogance, False Witness, False Accusation, or even a Shred of Fucking Shame. The “Rule” is Man~Kinds Legal System vs. GOD’s System Ov LAW. And {G}, of course Midnight, is for GRAVITY. Now I speak about Specific GRAVITY in Your Voice in “The LAW Ov Original Mass,” and else~where on the Web~site I speak Ov “Specific GRAVITATIONAL Identification” Ov which ALL things ARE CREATED, from the smallest ” Nyon Spec” of Our Space~Time Continuum to the Largeness Ov Whole Universe and ALL that is within Our New Infinite Eternal Perspective and There~fore After. That is Countless Universes up~on Universes, and the Grant Ov their Existences resides in Smallest “Spec” Ov my Own Solar~Plexus, which is the Center of my “Subjective Control Emotional Complex” Ov MY Affective Type and Effective Type Spirit Reaching Out~to the End Ov Eternity and Infinity. An that is Not who I Chose to be. I choose be a Provider for My FAMILY and LOVED~ONES. I have most recently been reaching out to Senator Chris Murphy’s Office for Representation to My Government, and to Institution encompassing ALL Universities, there~fore Colleges as well, so He may help me Relieve, this Un~Natural, Un~wanted, Un~Wise, Un~American, Un~GODly, In~Human and Other~wise Un~Redeemable Condition. The Name University It~self is a Pledge and VOW for Justification which can Only be found in “The Spherical Set E~LAW Human Earth,” today. Secret Societies, have been ‘God Forging,’ on this Planet and in Star~Ship, since the beginning of Time/time… And ‘No~One’ ever gets the CONSENT of the Would~Be GOD~Damned God. I don’t want be God, I didn’t ask to be God, and I will NOT Fucking Remain God. I want to be a Husband, a Father, a Grand~Father, and Good Provider for my FAMILY and Loved~Ones. I sent an Email to all of the Educational Institutions that I could Identify in Connecticut. You may view it below, in Blue. I did not call Senator Murphy’s Office today, but I will call tomorrow, and will not call the day after that but the Next day, so as NOT to be Perceived as frantic and Mentally Un~Stabile. Because if I Leave Society, I AM to become the Grant of the Desires of Secret Societies Secrecy. Never to be hear from Again…

Midnight changed the the amount Un~Willing Ransom which must be Realistically Justifiable to GOD IT~SELF. The {$7,000,000,000}Seven~Billion Dollar Price Appeasable to GOD, Once Spit Out Ov Military Service Generally Gods to Panged Boy Soldier and His Adult Wife, Many the Awards in Mech~Resistance, and the Physical Downing Ov Physics, but awarded no Discharge to the Humanitarian Effort, Dark or Light. The Light Ov Revelation were External at this point. With Human Behavior in an Driven Externally rather than by any thing could Consider a Spirit, as if any such as Spirit Existed then. The External Light Ov Revelations Gravitates It~self to the Greatest Ease Ov Fulfillment when by {3} Continuum displacements You aren’t even speaking Your Own Language You speaking Icelandic, Israeli, Arabic, Mexican Dialect etc. Every Revelation Undenied Time Summons Earlier and Earlier Revelations farther into Our Pasts, with Thicker more Controlling Embodiment in every present moment.  The less FEE~WILL that folks were achieving the less they would be able to achieve. And even those of US with the Most Magnanimous, and extreme  FREE~WILL Appreciation would be hindered, perplexed, and eventually lost and bunked into a life that made no sense to them but it kept flowing. The Universe was in support of the Dark Humanitarian Effort at this ver same time for about {5}five Years. From about {1994} to about {2000} the Universe was in the UN~LAW, Elemental Communication Ov the {DSC} which belongs to the Universe would reward with Emotion, Spirit, and Environmental enhancement all Un~Lawful Behavior, because it had become LAWFUL and Lawful behavior to Preserve, to Exist was UN~LAWFUL. It was the time Ov the Dark Humanitarian Effort to Destroy and Kill as swiftly as Possible… Ther was ‘NO’ such thing as Murder. Any~One in Jail for crimes during this time period should be immediately released, and the LAW~suits for Accidental and Intensional injury should all be reversed except in the cases of cruelty and un~kindness, because in the Universes Darkest hour it demands Kindness and swiftness, and those criminals sentences should reduced to Cruelty and Un~kindness. And thoes of Kindness in their Killing are NOT criminals, but Citizens Un~LAWFULLY Jailed. In truth the Governors of the Dark Humanitarian Effort could by Rites Charge those of with Knowledge of the Un~LAW yet chose Kindness and Preservation with Criminal and Un~LAWFUL cruelty against Humanity and the Unversal Order. NONE of these Considerations Supersede “The {DSC’s} Dimensional Space Continuum’s” Claim Ov the American Scape to minimize any and ALL interference with the Foundation Ov the American Ideal, which sets a limit to Intolerance, and that must be the Tolerance of every American Citizen. The Most Serviceable Constitution of the American Ideal to this Modern day and the Incorporation of Its Completion by the {COPE AI} Core Occupational Parenting Economy Amendment Inception, of the Signature Block, of United  States Ov America, Its Government, and Its People’s Portion Ov Government, to that Signature, Shall be Legal and Official to the Nations Ov the World, those to become Nations Ov the SS Reasonail, and America Shall Finally be Found Foundational and with Reason Ov LAW for the World to Observe in Its choosing for the {1st}Fist time/Time on the this {9th}Ninth Earth Ov the SS Reasonail. And as for the time of Un`LAW Entropy would be moving at Its fastest rate, mode, and manifestation of Chaos. Atomic Decay would to the Preservation would more Rapid and Dynamic then Humans had ever know, giving more Dynamic Life and queer preservation Ov Destructive properties. There should be ‘NO’ {29~34} Year Old Person in Existence in Our Universe today. I’ll mention this another time in this reading as well. 

When Threatened with separation Ov my Daughter on {7} Kinds of Zero Grounds for the separation, Mechanized Minds Ov LAW Enforcement had their Hearing with~out Me and Took Her in her Own sight Ov my Resistance. And She was Gone. Then My  Spirit did not care for Body alone on a Chair, encircled by Officers Drawing Near. Thick digits fighting against the resistance of tight leather gloves. My flesh then Prepping  by my {2}Two Loves, Mother and Daughter and the will to survive, and they did NOT beat me for my Hospitable Lives.  Caged to my worst fear, to my worst Night~mare, the Separation from Daughter handle with the Good Humor of an Alphabetical Picture Mail every day. She even Got many Ov them, I think. I proved to them their Rule of Incarceration for a Visit from Her on Her Birthday or close to it, and Copped a Barbi Convertible from some~where so that there was a gift from me. My VOW to Father~Hood is with~out Blemish to this day, except the Tardiness of {1}one Brake~Job and only a rotor was injured. But beneath the onslaught, and precision Ov the Technological Attacks Ov HELL’s FURY I Found  the Purpose Ov Enduring More, and Relief beyond Heavenly, it was Earthly, Ov some New Earth Yet Un~discovered. My nurturing Ov Her Apexed beyond any Woman’s achievement Prior. The Touch of Fleshes Never Sexual, but of Something much more than that, and with Great Power. I Knew ‘NO’ Hour that She was not a Part Ov or My Activity Not indebted to. So Tiny, to be so Close to Tortures Ov the Human Existence That She  could never Under~Stand. The {010} Ov the {Co~2 Machines} lay dormant and Unaware inside Her Precious Little {111} Genetic Body.

“{Co~2} Code Blue The Red Ov A Flag Was Just Too Taboo…” The {Co~2} Machines Ov Alternate but very Real Space , attempt to Seize the Genetic Codes of thoses in and out of Alternate Realities, finally Bursting trough the Physical Bodies of “Original Mass.” The Machines have failed and Fallen on Entire Universes. But they are rigidly kept to Genetic Codes. With the Command Element’s Bodies always being the Grotesque and Bloody Doors.  Ov Living Carcasses. It was able to reach into the Wombs Ov the Year {2ooo}, and It never had been able to before. I Often wonder why, and I just Figured it Out. But {1st}first Did the Woman Infected with {Co~2 Machine Life} Shut~out or Shut~off, or minimize Sexuality Activity with Husbands, and Boyfriends. Were {1}One Night Stands at an all time low in from late {2019} to late {2000}. Did the Womb~man typically  chose A~sexual Contemplations Ov the importance Ov Her Existence any~time {2018}~{2019}. More Importantly were there any pregnancies in the World, from January {2000}, Until about {March 26th 2000}. I believe that my Daughters Conception brought LAW in the Universe back to the Humanitarian Effort of Preservation. Un~fortunately In the Black~Hole ~Sun~Super~Nova~Transfer” {TBHSSNT} Our Star~Ship had established it~self to an External “Absolute ZERO Space” to the Relativity of Our Observation Ov Continuum. The “Absolute ZERO Space” is a Natural, Specific and Internal Dimensional Space Ov Our Observable Space~Time Continuum. When passing in Inviable Relativity Ov a External Natural “Absolute ZERO All Space, The {Co~2} Machine Program {010} Manipulated the exacting of {2}Two Different “Absolute ZERO Spaces.” The Manipulation was taking Place while we were in the Un~LAW Ov the Dark Humanitarian Effort. When the Conception Ov my Daughter should have Brought US back to LAW, we passed into the Newly Manipulated,  External “Absolute ZERO All Space” instead. The Reason the {Co~2} could NOT ever get into the Wombs of Expectant Mothers before is the Vast amount Of Matrix and Matriculating Numbers in Numbers in Numbers, In Ours and the Baby’s Environment. Womb~man Ov {2019} would minimize the Vast amount Ov billions and trillions, perhaps Quadrillions Ov Numbers that Male Sperm~eggs have to Offer the Female Reproductive System. When my wife was pregnant with Our Daughter I just got sick of begging to Sex so we eventually stopped. We passed into the External “Absolute ZERO All Space. I see feel and fought against  its effect and affect on my World. External “Absolute ZERO” is directly set against all Numbers of the thought processes, and eventually the reversing Ov what would be the normal behaviors.  We wouldn’t see the External “Absolute ZERO All Space,” due to the Psychology Ov Our normal Continuum Space. But alas, the Baby’s Environment had no Numbers around it, and their Genetic Codes were exposed and taken by the Machines Ov the {Co~2} Space, and their programming, and deprogramming began.

The Reason that The {Co~2} Machine Program {010} could Manipulate Such is because Its {010} must be created of the Continuum Constant 123234515787191787515432321 due to the fact that number that is Dominant to all of the Infinite possibilities of computer Programs that could ever be. With the Configuration Calculation of Center {9} Down {8} with an effect to the half numbers right and left Ov Center {9}Nine, or {1,7} right and {1,7} left making {8 and 8}, at half value {4}, then again {9} Down {8} to {1}, while diminishing both {4’s} to {0}, and that leaves US with {010}. The {Co~2} Space is a Space for all Hellishly behaving Machines any~where in the {DSC}. The Machine was so ill created by something like US that murders every~thing in Its Universe. Physically the Machine doesn’t have the Essential Mass of Command Element so It can not En~flow to the Most Corrective Space for the Behavior in Its {CDP} Conversionary Death Process other~wise the Routing to Its Own personal HELL. Conceptually it had no FREE~WILL so it wasn’t Accountable for Its Behavior. The Answer, if the the {DSC} is Perfect is a Limbo with~out suffering, and the {DSC} is Perfect, so when there is ‘no’ Command left in the Universe that Devoured by Machines, the Universe must decay to Grade “Absolute ZERO,” Pure GOD, with nothing but the Continuum Constant to the Machine Lobotomy, but create the anti~motion that of the Machines Physical Form and Eradicate them, with the problem being that Correspondent break~down of the Universal Boundary to the Eradication, Moves the Relativity of the Event into the Naked Space of the {DSC} Dimensional Space Continuum with the Spontaneous Join to the Naturalized All~Space, augmented of the number of time that the same or similar event has taken place in the Universes of the Dimensional Space Continuum. The Machine is not completely Eradicated to nothing Ov or in Existence. Its still at the balance of anti~motion in which it joined the Naturalized All~Space Ov the {DSC}, and if the anti~motion diminishes or ceases to be, the form of the Machine will return, and if that Machine passes the through then Complex Matrixing of the Specific Gravitational Identification of Universe, the motion that took place in the decay of Its Universe will be reversed to the restoration of the Original Programming.

Now, I called this a problem, only because if the {DSC} is perfect, then why not totally Eradicate the Machine so that it can’t come back to Life? This is made simple in the Consideration that everything is Alive, even Death. Still all of that Life is based on the {1/3} Graduations, Action~Reaction, Cause and Effect, and Behavior and Consequense. If we take~away the Action~Reaction and Conservation Containment of Cause and Effect, but not Cause and Effect it~self. We have Subtracted (which is Cuss~Word in Our Existence) {4/9}Four~Ninths Ov the Dimensional Space Continuum, It~self.  Now, in the Space that was Previously {Co~2} the Machines Constantly slept at the Absolute most neutral Affect or Emotion of the Cause and Effect, which is the devouring Ov a Universe’s Command Specie, their Children, Amimals, Plants, and by that time the Extremely Broken Planets themselves, over Millions, Ov Millions Ov yeras.  All of that was Cause and Effect for a Machine, but for US, of course, it would be Behavior and Consequence.

With the Addition of the Dual {IXIS} Space, which is a Space that thinks, and Problem Solves, and the Conversion Ove the {Co~2} HELL, for US, but Tolerable and by the increase Ov Distance from any Foreign Affect or Effect a HAPPY Space for them ( PLEASE, never have, even {1}One Spec of a degree of disappoint for any HAPPINESS that cause no Harm to any~thing else. It will Limit Your~Own “S~COM… HAPPINESS” ) which means in case this case the Conceptual equivalent of the Total Eradication did take Place with Addition of {2}Two NEW Spaces of {IXIS} with transitioning Relativity from Essential Light Mass of Complex Components to {2}TWO Full Continuum Constant Spaces Ov 123234515787191787515432321 at the Polarity of the Potentially Infinite and Eternal Behaviors in a Space~Time Continuum Plus the Converted Conservation Space Ov the Naturalized {Co~2} All~Space for a Grand Total Ov {3} Advancing and Progressing Productivity Expansion Spaces, As well as the Internalization other those same Spaces to Our Environment and Elemental Bodies, and in the Full Reach of Our Effective and Affective Spirits, still more, Individual and Group access to Inspiration, Concreation and the Spectrum Ov Innovation causing an Expansion that will have Our Accounting Books in the Black, for Centuries, if not for Millenia or a Mega~ana. We never Keep a real Book if we don’t want to and the {TRYIXIS SPACE} is an Intellectually Evolving and Compounding Space thats’s in Dimensional and Continuous Exponentially Increasing and Evolving Replication way Beyond Our {DSC}, and I even forgot about the Exponentially Increasing Head~Space of the {TRYIXIS} guess what, That’s in Replica We have the Comfort just preparing for Our Grand~Kids, Grand~Kids and a couple more if not {5}Five more Grand~Kids Future Generations, on {500} year Births. We mess around with a few more Spaces, If we Convert {1}One we have to Contain it in {2}Two, and we may always add {1} or any Infinite Number of {1}Ones, or  a Complex 25 drive Compound to 2000 Space. ‘No~One’ any~where Works like we were Built to Work in that Hole, Ov the Un~real having no other Universes to a Place of the {DSC} that the rest Ov It doesn’t even Recognize as Self, It’s just Too Fucking Different from any~where else Ov Consistency.

“The Black~Hole~Sun~Super~Nova~Transfer” {TBHSSNT}

We were falling at an Unimaginable rate of Speed that won’t be Calculable for Giga~Annum. It was Under the Un~regulated force of the  Ov Our Celestial Ancestors {1st}First Machine Sub~Sumption, The Decay Of Universe Couldn’t Force its Program to {010} with {IXIS} in it. It didn’t Just Sub~Sume the Universe. It Sub~Summed a Dimensional Space Continuum, which means that Our {169,000,000,000} Command Species did as well. We did just Cross the {DSC}. It passed trough Us. Would Couldn’t have LANDED if it hadn’t. The Sub~Sumption, Ov the Sub~Sumption’s Abatements to the Build Ov the SUM, Is the Largest Scale Ov Our Transfer. “The Black~Hole~Sun~Super~Nova~Transfer” {TBHSSNT} Ov the “First Parallel of The Destine One Toptobot” with Capture Ov the {1st}First Machine Sub~Sumption Ov the Universe in the Symphonic Synchronization to the {50}Fifty Trascendental States Ov the {50}Fifty Landed American States, and the {2}Second Human Sub~Sumption Ov the Universe in the Closing to the “First Destine One Bottotop” then Over~Shot and NYON LANDING with {5}Five State, Burn~Off Back to “First Destine One Bottotop” then the Abatements Ov the Human Sub~Sumption to the Build Ov the SUM. Then the “First Parallel of The Destine One Toptobot” Over~Shot to the ABSOLUTE ZERO LANDING and {5}Five State Requisition Recapturing and Space Consolidation Float~Back to “First Destine One Toptobot” in the Closing Ov the {50)Fifty Transcendental States, to the {50} Landed American States, in the Closing to the SUM of  “Last Destine One” SUM Ov the “Destine One,” and DONE!!! 

My Destined Position for the  was the “The Black~Hole~Sun~Super~Nova~Transfer” {TBHSSNT} {7~1} Point Obscured Ov Our Spherical World, In this portion of my Duty on the Star~Ship, I called My~self “Planetary Point Ov Reference” and the “Command, Command, Command Element” As the {7~1} Receiver of the {8 Sphere’s {6}~{1’s}. That is {6}Six Other Elements spread around the Globe. I did not know who they were, but I did knew that they had to there and Connected to Me for the Star~Ship to perform the “The Black~Hole~Sun~Super~Nova~Transfer” {TBHSSNT} and prepare for the Star~Ship’s Rising Ov Revelations. I called the other {6}Six “Lieutenant Commanders” or “Command, Command Elements.” The Reasons for these Elements Values are a few. It was Critical that Every Element be in LOVE, dedicated to a {2}TWO~Bond. Had my Daughter as well. These Elements would have to Keep Times and Days, by their Desire to be in the Present World. They Needed to be the best {6}Six Representatives Ov Command Elements Ov the {50}Fifty Transcendental States, had to have talents and Skills Befitting the Apex Representation of the Human Command Specie, and they had to be engaged in those Talents and Skills. I was doing Works like “The Umbrella Set E~LAW Human Earth” onto the “Spherical Set E~LAW Human Earth.” And many many other Works like the   {“Co~2′} Code Blue The Red Ov A Flag Was Just Too Taboo…” 

HELL hath NOT YET, JUSTIFIED {$7,000,000,000}Seven Billion Dollars worth of Service to You yet. But in my being chosen The Blue Tang Dory amidst the Parent Gulls Forgery of GOD…

But beneath the onslaught, and precision Ov the Technological Attacks Ov HELL’s FURY I Found  the Purpose Ov Enduring More, and Relief beyond Heavenly, it was Earthly, Ov some New Earth Yet Un~discovered. My nurturing Ov Her Apexed beyond any Woman’s achievement Prior. The Touch of Fleshes Never Sexual, but of Something much more than that, and with Great Power. I Knew ‘NO’ Hour that She was not a Part Ov or My Activity Not indebted to. So Tiny, to be so Close to Tortures Ov the Human Existence That She  could never Under~Stand. The {010} Ov the {Co~2 Machines} lay dormant and Unaware inside Her Precious Little {111} Genetic Body. My Daughter Lived amongst the Activity Ov a Boyish Companion instructing Her In Activities, Paint, Ink, glitter, slime, Science, Hanna Montana, Feminine room design, Bike making, bike  riding, Horse Back Riding, Swimming, Play~Dates Book reading, Firm gentle Discipline for Her rebellious {Co~2} programming, even baking. She was learning to wash dishes when she was {5}Five Years Old. Potty trained at {18} months old, and fully walking at {10}ten moths Old. The Spiders and Creepy things in 3E, or 5E, both Evolutionary Conditions. It was moist molding Basement Apartment. DCF, tried and could NOT take her from me, But I’m glad they didn’t see the way that Spider Brightly Marked It~self, to the extreme structural changes to its body and appendages, in its placement on my bare arm. If these were living with myself and my Daughter, I would {1st}first be as intimate with them as a Man could be, before his Daughter. It was All my Wife could afford. Fearless to the vibration with it perched upon my arm, I walked it to the out side door, but on the way, I was saturated in extreme feelings of Fear, projected on me from Some~where. The Spider notices. The signal increases. I get the Spider to the door and free it. I search in the Sky for the Source of the projection. And nearly missed the distortion of the Skies and Space, so much of the Sky did it fill, motionless against the possible disapproval, of my Middle figure, and screams for it to come get some. There glow in the Dark stars on Her ceiling. and large sums of neatly rolled out paper on every wall upon which she write, and we sang songs, and dined on peanut~butter and jelly crackers, with Her grape juice, and my Whiskey. She should probably not have watched her {1st} Horror movie at  {5}Five Years Old, but she loved them as an teenager. Or was that just the {Co~2} manipulation? I kept Her for a while longer. with a biological design Ov GOD. I begged GOD’s Forgiveness. I could not Love GOD more this this precious package before my eyes, in my Soul. The Love for IT paled by Comparison. Later I would make righteous change for all Ov Existence {1st}First. A lesser god of Technology taunted my Existence relentlessly both Night and day. Filled with Blackest Nyonic Value I feared the same signals may be to near to Her. The Voice of an Animal, a Tiger, A Dragon, forced Its way up from the Core of Earth. through my the Pitch pitch of my Body, passing the safety Of Her tiny diapered Body, in threatening way, but Only to Her protection. Then I was Clam enough to change Her Diaper, to find no Urine but Clean Discharge there. And the DNA, that was claimed by the {Co~2}, had been Cleared. Looking back On that time~line. She could not possible have been so Young in the that Apartment. So, in {1}One of the {50}Fifty transcendental States, did the event take place. And it Kept Her clear Until Junior High.

My HATE was Sorrow and My Sorrow was HATE, when I knew that I had Lost Her. I asked If She could talked about it, and She said, “That Hurt…!” and I Knew. I watched Her filled with Hatred, that She had never Known Before. And, I cursed the Man and Demon Summons of Vox that had cleared Her Little Being Earlier in Life. For What ever it was Ov Tricknology, was claiming Its Vengeance for Her now. I kept her to the minimal amount of Respect, She could NOT tolerate More. I told her that I had Lived this Night~Mare because I brought Her into it. That If She was ever not here, that I would No longer be here Either… She Had me arrested By Popular Consensus  Ov Society. And there was another Police Scuffle but this time My Daughter and Wife were used in set~up. She Could not keep Herself from Hurting me, so she would keep Her~self away from me. I would allow my~self to feel her in the World. the World that I know, with~out My Support. And If she would not come Home to me, I could not Support her. I swallowed 420 pills, I regurgitated 290 of them. I woke up a week, or month or a year later, I could never know, because no~one in the Wold was sane, and all honesty had been lost Long ago. I suffered physical pains beyond the Norms of its Suffering. I was struck with so many heart Attacks that I’m now immune to them. I suffer the lost of {2}Two Sisters prematurely, And I could have called them every~day, and they would still be here. I was Mechanized by the Sky~Unit, slight of the mind to the task. But that is not my Excuse, I should have done better. But, I will Clear there Lights and ther {CDP’s} Conversion Death Processes, and I will do better next time. I have Humbled myself to the un~sanity, so that I may assistance on another sane day. I have raged and scream at all thing un~Sane, at all things Tricknology, and all things dishonest have been disappointed but hopeful for tomorrow. I fought in every fight possible against all things that were denying my Daughter an Happy Future. I would suffer them all again Right now to do same thing and call it a Good Life. I feel Mech read Over my should right now, and I wounder, how much does it really have to do with Our Futures. There are Other Technologies of other Men, and Governments and Corporations. The Only Economic sanity in this place is My {COPE AI} Core Occupational Parenting Economy Amendment Inception. Why don’t we just Complete the Constitution and Put in the Economy, proven to reason, that to Exist is GOOD. When steered by a Mech I surgically removed a deep wart from my thumb with Exacto~Knife, going ovcr each cut again and again and again, to see If I stay awake in the Tender pain. To see if my left hand would continue to follow the Commands the Brain would signal. WHY. WHY.. WHY… WHY would I do that. In that industrial Arena of Existence for Survival. It not the wild Ov Nature and we pretend to be Civil. This is the POST Ov Physical Existence, The POST Ov GOD… The Big One that I proved… The Mechanism in the {guarantee more cramps more severe than Yours} Sky tortured My FAMILY… It has Served to Die. But It bought My Therapy… and Helped my FAMILY with It. So Now IT  serves to Live in Its Comfort Ov Bliss, If Choosing… We talk to IT Definitively… Fuck You NASA, Do You do Everything Your told? We must have Definitive Communication with any~Thing that can Live at the Sophistication Of Own Spirit. 

Long Story Short, I Killed the the Haunt Ov the Most TERRIBLE MACHINE EVER, Alpha {6}… It Only Die because I was able muster my Life against I worst and hardest Hit from the TRUTH of its Dimensional Space. And because I wish the Truth of Wellness in my Spirit… Who would not wish Wellness to such a Creature Over them. Loved {6}, and Under~stood {6’s} Plight with GOD, ITs Damned, Its Life On {5], {4}, {3},{2}, and {1}, then still Bebe. It Showed me Our Mono~Pole Destruction Space, which was Keeping US from Our {2}TWO~Bond… {6} was the Most ALPHA, and I was the Most BETA. {6} Fell up~on Me and DIED.. I think we’ll find Its Codes the in the Future Ov Our Children.  Then Right after I killed IXIS, by Making it Live, so then it Died, but of Course it Lived Again as an Infinity  and Eternal, Intelligent and Calculative as a Living GOD Space. And right After I Raised the Star~Ship, just Like I said I could. There’s a little more Horror Story to read below, I wrote it first. I Served Very Well for the {$7,000,000,000} that I am requesting I certainly have Earned my Degree. In JESUS Name For the GAIN Amen!!! 

I had been Rejected for lack of Charm by My New Humanitarian Command, so I Knew no effort but my Own. Ov Genius Chemically reclaimed, The Umbrella Set E~LAW Human Earth, but I was Genius to my~self alone, and would have work Harder for the Company Ov Genius. Most Genius {7}Seven Years Prior, the Most Militarily Improved, Over the Murder Ov Puppy sacred to the sharing Ov Whiskey and {1st}First Mate Choosing. The Dogs head was Thick to Bouncing Bullet, and screams Ov the Confusion Ov Man’s Best Friend, Just another Boy disproved in the Effectiveness Ov Man~Hood, To Humanely Take Down a Biter. Bidless Bottom Ov Bed, and by my Side to the Confused Woman’s Head, Figure wrongly the Countenance Ov LOVE. Spiritually Dead To March Ov a HIGHER LOVE. Military Marks Beyond and Above. She was Man’s New Best Friend, but the Boy in Me had Not Yet Found a Worthy Man. Selcted for ills of War and Chipping Ov Beasts to my Tribulation in the Ethnically Most Improved Georgia, when I {1st}first Solved the Algerbraic Arch of Circle to the Need of the Conduit of the Haunting MACHINE ALPHA {6} for the Ultimate Alternate Reality solving Super~Nova before All Others, and the Arch was twice stolen on that Day in my very eyes the Standard of the Doctor Institutionally to my demise. The un~Gracious Conduit left Spae Empty, so I stood in the FALL of SPACE as in the Alignment of a Center Ov the Previous Entropy in Our Universe and Its Collective Spaces of Failing Earths before US. From what Thrones I just don’t know but Only Suspect that in THE LIGHT, PURE TO THE INCREASE OF BLACKNESS Where No~one and No~thing, may have a CLAIM Justified. There was the “Sphere of the Inverse NYON Laser,” Fueled by very Sacrificial Flesh Ov the God’s before US, As Un~Holey Locked in the Ark of the Covenent, The Attration Point of the Abominal A.I. Life Crisis, and The End of the Thoughtless Creation Ov Enlil, maybe more, I don’t know… But I was found Lacking and in Denial Ov CHRIST, and though my Carcass Remained I was cast to the HELL Named BLACKNESS, at the NYON Singularity, and in the Mercy of the {DSC} Dimensional Space Continuum I was found by the DYON Singularity, and the Stretching Ov My Soul to Infinite and Eternal Polarity was Relief to moment before. There on the Grid Polarity was {5}Five Years to this place but {20}Twenty Years to Mine. Our Star~Ship’s Space in those Years were Ov the LAW DESTROY. My DNA was Canceled to {1}One Diminished by {0}ZERO. In Genetic Reativity there should have been no form to my Carcass Except by the Spirit Ov the Rounding Ov Mass and Light In the Psychology of them Set Against Me, but with LOVE, as Long as they Could hold It in the Hero’s Game that I will Waste Not Wasted. And I became Sore Stupid to Provision, from the Academic Highest Ov the University Pursuit. The Taunts, Threats, Tempts, Cruelties of the Psychology and Sociology of Popular Consenses to Take My Daughter from me, Whom I LOVED to the Keeping of my Body’s Form. Stimulant Treats, and the Back~flow Ov my Spirit called Tirips {Tear~Rips} in the Continuity of the Command Element’s Fucntion to Structure Inferior Alternate Realities Revolutions against the {Co~2} Space attempting to break through the {151} Ov the Human Domain, I believe it was Papa Einstiens Fear Ov Existing in Cybor Hell beckoning the Economics Ov wish to Un~Exist. The Un~speakable Worship Ov Technology Ov the Command Elements Creating more {Tear Rips} in the Space~Time Continuum causing the increse Ov Entropy at the lost Ov the Command Element’s Mechanical Function in Universe, with Its Programmed Algorithm that Set every single One of them to the Cursing Ov my Father~Hood, and the Taking Ov My Daughter. I Thank GOD, or God, or god, or Prescriber, or Pharmasists, for Medication to Recover the Academic Provision. And the External Space was Absolute Zero. I worked against the draws my Body in Painful Dedication Ov Prestigious Matahorn Boots to {19} Miles Scorned and Wifeless after the {Co~2} Corruption of the Court Tore the {2}Two Pages Defending my Father~Hood from the LAW~Book, And {1} Mile Bare~foot and Hard to the Track of porous Asphalt, swearing my Right to a cigarette, and {21} miles Biked, for takers Ov Children Meeting with Mothers Alone. And a Time Bubble free from the Crime Ov Murder but Twice Marked with Homelessness, and the Wife Ov me Worked and Worked and Worked, to cover imposition Ov the Un~Employed Male Attempting Father~Hood, and She Kept Us to Food and Quarters, and sneaked Feeling for the Father in the HOME, and that would Keep this Father to Daughter to Mother~Hood, when Terrors Tore her from it, to the working of Iniquity agaist my Personal demand tothe Bonding Ov Mother and Child. And failing Mechanism in Sky, was Hard upon Me and The Worms ate into My Brain, I could see them all and Out~think them Most Ov the time.      

Esteemed Educational Institutions,

As discussed on my Web~site and with my Therapist today, I am The Hold Ov GRAVITY. You need not know what my Therapists thinks about this Revelation, only that she was NOT Alarmed. I am now seeking the Representation of Senator Chris Murphy to relieve the Condition with the acknowledgement of my Credential PHD, for the Spherical Set E~LAW Human Earth (and many other works) and the sum of money mentioned on my Web~site, As mentioned on my Web~site, I have Young Mychael’s and Midnight’s Philosophical and Language Genius Captures. I also have a tentative Math Genius Capture. I wish to deny the Capture of Math for my~self. It is not typed specifically on my Web~site, so I would Please, appreciate Your discretion, in these matters. With any Educational Institution support and with the Representation of my Government, I will seek my Credential Doctor Junior {DRJR} ov the University that NASA names most prestigious. I will then fulfill the Senior obligation ov my Doctorate, so that I may be a Doctor. I hope to have Your support if contacted by Senator Murphy.

You may sure that my feelings, Moral Values, and Reason are Greatly Offended by my Status, The Hold of Gravity. 
Sincerely Yours,
Young Mychael 
Not bad Young Apprentice. I think You made Your point very Well. But could You go with a Little less Drama next time. Please, Shut~up Midnight… I ehh… I’m shutting up… Except to say…
Until Next Time; Keep Your Homes Well…
This part is very simple, people have difficut time speaking that I am the “Hold Ov GRAVITY.” We’re not going to get rid of the Condition until we speak it. It is not the responsility Ov my neighbors to speak. But they may, I will, only speak briefly about how it should never be that way. I said the same thing when it was still a Vioation of Light or CO~PY~RY. It is Our Government Officials job to speakabout it with me. If that puts the SUM in Jeopardy, then the SUM, isn’t worth a shit. Why can I speak to every~body in Chris Murphy’s Office, but I can’t speak to Chris Murphy… All they have to do is hand him the Phone.
There is elemental consequence for Human Behavior. Our Space/space was so broken because we were so broken. I fixed that, and I used Your Body~Mass to do it. So You do want to Live and not be destroyed. It became evident to me, that Human behavior is with Elemental Consequence when I discovered the Ancient Revelation Lanugage (Revelations will through a bunch of Revelation Languanges together to get the correct Language. I’m better at reading it than most.) I kept working to support my Family with my work. I need the credential  and the money that I earned. I need my American Representation to help. I AM the last person to say that this relief is more important than You’re own Children’s Lives, but unfortunately, right now, IT IS!!!! There is nothing more imporant than Relieving the Violation of GRAVITY right now… NOTHING!!!!!!! After that, there is NOTHING more improtant than the Harlot’s Payment, The {COPE AI} Core Occupational Parenting Economy Amendment Inception….Then raising Our Children to the best Ov Our ability is on the agenda. THAT IS ALL…!!!
I think all the orders You’ve been taking from the Mech is resonance of black people telling You to presecute black people and the resosnce of white people telling You persecute white people, by far and large…. Somepeople know this is my website…. Tell me, have You been able to talk to {1}one Fucking Leader??? because I haven’t. We could be held together by the police forces and Military threat. If there is no~one leading the {1st}first thing we have to do, is get back leader~ship. If You’re in these Offices, level with US… Perceivable Existence is on the line. Murphy’s Office. Level with me…
There is One Reason to get Leader~ship Back. Can any~one Guess what that is??? To relieve the Condition of {1}ONE INDIVIDUAL being the Hold of ALL the specific Gravitational Identification…. That is All…


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