Our Congress doesn’t know whether their Business People or Politicians. One definition of a Politician, when Googled, is:
A person who acts in a manipulative and devious way, typically to gain advancement within an organization.
Now how many of us would agree that many politicians can be described by exactly that. These are persons involved with overseas Companies or Interests. So how can we be sure they’re serving America and not a foreign Company which is to serve that Land indirectly? Though a peek at a persons finances is more intimate than a peek into their bedroom. When we take Government Office it should be agreed and not A-GEED that we let “We the People” peek into our wallet or purse. So that “We the People” may be secure to raise our Children.
I don’t suggest disestablishing a Land like the breakdowns in the Middle East. But, a debt is owed the American People in this case.
A peek is constituted by, if a politician has off shore accounts of any kind, “We the People” have an “Evolved Right” to know the American relation to that Land and and anything that can construed as a company and the extent that they are invested. And, Yes Donald Trump, of course, should have shown us his tax returns. Because with them that have the power to veto a tax and own a company, “We the People” must be allowed to know how they will be effected as one of us.
So Congress’s most important decision is whether they are business people or politicians. I love a good politician. Our Nation was built on them but, If our Fore-Mothers and Fore-Fathers had done this long ago (A Peek in the Wallet/Purse). Politicians wouldn’t have such a bad name.
A seat on the Supreme Court is a Government Office.
It’s no-ones fault that we feel asleep but if we are to be a wakeful there must be some separation between Government and Business and we must be religious about it.