Geneople Preface 3-28-2018
I’ve been running guest pieces and reblogging, for a year, while I write my book. I have no idea who is and who isn’t keeping up with On the chance that I have dedicated readers, I decided to give you a taste of what’s been taking all my time. In place of this month’s blog I’m running the Geneople Preface. I hope to have it published in the next year. Perhaps after reading the preface, you’ll want to read the whole thing and possibly even purchase a copy. Don’t be afraid to let me know what you think.
Geneople Preface
The year is 2118. So much is happening in the Human existence that’s it’s difficult for any one person to know the totality of events. The world has just recovered from an energy deficit most people knew nothing about. It was called the Energy Deficit Anomaly. Confounding energy from a huge destabilizing artificial intelligence unit was making all of Earth’s elements feel tired and function at only a fraction of their capacity. The Earth had not yet sealed from its creation 4.5 billion years ago and could not with the disrupting unit in its orbit. The faulty unit had been created by a species that had long since gone extinct before Humans ever existed. It drifts through the Universe endangering all that come into contact with it. The unit did not leave Earth unscathed. The United States of America endured a revolution and is now, America’s United States Of The People, commonly shortened to The People. After the revolution the Information Age was put to the test with a massive streamlining of information. One can earn a degree in a quarter of the time that it previously took. As a result, folks who are members of The People can go on to earn four or five degrees in a lifetime. The extremely intelligent and technologically advanced can earn even more. Being a doctor is nothing special. Often times people want to know how many doctorates you hold. There are Member People and Non-Member people. Member People include all space exploration, military, government officials, education, medical, and fire and rescue. To be a member of The People you must specialize in some science and hold to a “Science First” mentality, even before God. It is extremely rare that a Member of The People even believes in God. Non-Member People are non-voting citizens. Some manufacturing occupations are part of The People but only if they fall into “The Progress of Hope.” “The Progress of Hope” is a solution-oriented doctrine that supplements the Constitution. It is in place only for the Nygate Up Rise. The Nygate Up Rise started shortly before the revolution.
A Nygate is a demon like creature cast upon this world from other dimensional avenues of sickly, rifted, and broken space. Perceivable existence breaks down further on the approach to The Fulfillment of the Destructive Potential, allowing more and more Nygate to rise. A Nygate is the size of a large SUV with sharp teeth and talons. They initially decapitate their victims with an intense single bite. When there is no more visible carnage to be had, they curl up much like a dog and lie dormant. Once dormant they are untouchable as is the ground where they lie. If touched, they obliterate causing everything in the blast radius to turn Nygate. Nygate Incidences increased in frequency, and during the revolution they became public knowledge. Things get extra-terrestrial when The People, and the world at large, look to the skies for assistance. With the confirmation that Earth is not alone in the Universe, the world is as helpless as a newborn baby. They find a helping hand, but at what cost? The population remains divided on who to trust. America’s United States Of The People does everything in their power to regain the Earth before all its inhabitants are dead or Nygate. There are a few just trying to hold on to the way things used to be, with some semblance of God. It is with these few that our story begins.
That’s “Geneople” in a nutshell. I hope this preface leaves you eager to read the book. Thank you. Until next time, keep your homes well.
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