I know only what I know, and though I’ve been with the same Significant-Other for 31 years, Psychology says that I can-not possibly know of her influence on our Daughter, out-side of the visibility of my own singular World. Anything that I indicate about my Significant-Other’s influence, with-out 1st hand, 1st sight knowledge, is simply a guess. It may be the most educated, over 31 years of learning, guess, but never more than an educated guess. If the knowledge is not of 31 learned years, the guess is that much less educated. I have fought what they coined in college, “The War on the Home.” I have fought it over-seas, and I have fought it domestically. It is the failure to keep the 1st, 2nd, and even 3rd, American Homes. It’s my Nieces and Nephews having 5 different Children with 5 different partners, most fighting to stay out of jail or working 3 jobs to make ends meet. The craziest of all is that my Nieces and Nephew, none of this really factual to them. It’s his Niece, her Nephew, it’s dam near all of them. They would see this as an attack on them. This isn’t an attack on my Family whom, I LOVE very much. How many of would this tragedy include? Do You know anyone, are You like someone I’ve described. I believe the enemy is technology in use that we didn’t even know Existed. It been close to 90 years we’ve been studying atomic energy, and subatomic energy. All of our emotions and thoughts Exist at some subatomic level. And we made the study of it and other things more important than the Family. It makes sense and it’s really not that for out. Think of how the computer has changed the World in the last 3 decades, the microwave, automobile, 90 years of studying and working with atomics. You can’t just make that go away. We lost focus of the real 1st job, and that is Family, the 1st Love, and we gave it to what we call advancement. I am not Your attacker. I am Your defense.
It’s is the failure to regain the selfless Love of our Children and mates/partners. It is the failure of all Generations after Generation ‘W’ or ‘whisky,’ to hold on to their own Children and not have them raised by others. It is the brutal hate, in which, Generation ‘V’ or ‘victor’ established in keeping the appearance of Home no matter the cost in the Home. It is the women of Generation ‘U’ or ‘uniform’ going out to work, and leaving the Parenting Post un-manned. Mine is Generation ‘X’ or ‘x-ray,’ with unknown, unpredictable, and totally un-motivated productivity after the likes of ‘uniform,’ ‘victor,’ and ‘whisky.’ Some say we have no leaders in Generation ‘X,’ no followers as well, a Generation lost.
I am a leader for Generation ‘x-ray.’ And, our calling after, ‘uniform,’ ‘victor,’ and ‘whisky,’ is to recall the American Home. Generation ‘Y’ or ‘Yankee’ never had a chance, and now my Daughter is Generation ‘Z’ or ‘Zulu.’ They are the last of the industrious Human Domain, or Home. In this our Technology Age and Global vs. National vs. State vs. Local vs. Home Rule, the implications of what could be stealing our Children’s Love, respect, and dedication to a World, Nation, People, and not just self, are astronomical implications, with no rule or LAW for reporting current events and with ‘Big -business’ claiming the Rights of the Individual, Generation ‘Zulu’ will find that they are birthing Children already sold by appearance of some law, and kept by some technology that they never even knew existed. I am Generation ‘X’ and I speak for Generations ‘Y’ and ‘Z’ and I have news of Generation ‘A’ or ‘Alpha’ my Daughter’s Children and Grand-Children. It is for Generation ‘X’ to give that which was not given to us. It is in the LAW of the United States Constitution. It is ours to finish and apply to every American equitably, each to their ability, and accounting no dis-ability as loss/lost. It is for ‘whisky’ to lose themselves if necessary and not count the accumulation of their age, more worthy than their Children, Grand-Children, Great Grand-Children and Great, Great Grand-Children forever more.
It is with a system like “Occupational Parenting,” Amended to our Constitution that demands we and our Children know the LAW. A LAW that today transcends physics, action/reaction, cause and effect, to the very behavior and consequence of the Human Existence. (A) LAW(S) was intended with the Declaration of Independence 243 years ago, and the Constitution 12 years later was/were meant to be as true as physical Existence itself. LAWS that we were charged with finishing. Our Fore-Mothers and Father sought to eradicate, all that causes the fall of Nations, but with-out the Psychology, technology, or education of the masses to do it. In this day, that some call, America’s demise, we have all that we need to birth this Great Nation into the fullness of its vision for every Man, Woman, Child, Ethnicity, and Social Class. We will read the Constitution with, “Spherical-turnaround,” in language, event, and Philosophy/religion, and with-out any self-interest, except the interest of being, ‘one of all,’ “One of Several,” E Pluribus Unum. My “Spherical Set E-LAW Human Earth,” deduces the Human Element to be a functional part of perceivable Existence. It has the mechanical function of powering our Sun with our Planet and our Planet with our Sun.
The Human Element “will” hold to Elemental and Universal LAWS and it “will” break-down and corrupt with-out them. We must teach our Children at the earliest age and earliest knowledge of the engineered and re-engineered constitution of the Human Element and we must do it with the Constitution of our American Human Element’s United States, with united states also being the combined consciousness of our Planet Earth, and the Solar-ship from which it came and to this day maintains. Other nations in their own time will forge their own constitutions in Human LAW to those lands that they occupy. We are Generation ‘x-ray’ and we see through things/issues, that are as transparent for us as ‘good Parenting and bad Parenting,’ ‘fairness and un-fairness,’ ‘LAWFUL and un-lawful,’ ‘solution and resolution,’ and ‘problems and resolve.’ We see not, through other more opaque things/issues such as ‘black and white,’ ‘forgiveness and vengeance,’ and ‘acceptance and intolerable presence.’ My Generation can-not, will-not, and has-not found desirability in the eyes of our Parents, which have never and do not now see us leading the way into the future of our ‘x-ray’ generations to come. My Generation sits in the cold hesitation of our Parents whom, for a split second, had to look upon the realization that we are better than they.
My Generation shrinks in ‘Whisky’s’ cold reluctance to pass the torch. I will no longer shrink, because with-out me there is no Generation after ‘Z’. Wh ‘Y’? Because the Parents, and Grand-Parents systematically take ‘our and the next Generation’s Children’s Children, with the proof of their over-whelm, and systematically conquered wills and Spirits, and total submission in the face of defining ‘right and wrong,’ outside of self-indulgence. If the shoe fits, wear it. The same Parent that gave their Children only negligible love, whom, “could go with it or without it,” as long as they have stay, in the trophies of their superiority, their houses. And, the ones whom, escaped the failings of their off-spring sold out the others to failure, so that their, so-called success could prove a broken system, to still be working, they sold their Children the houses that they bought, with the time that would have been better spent with the growing Child but the Rights of that very same Child have been sold to ‘Big-business’ and ethnic cleansing. And what that Child wouldn’t do to be able to grant the same ‘sold out’ and empty treasure chest to their off-spring. They believe in the evidence, which are the trophies, but not their own feelings. With wisdom they grow older and gag on the emptiness that is their deepest and only authentic emotion, and their words become garble as they teach their hatchlings that the system will work for them, but only if the ever emptier chest remain their heir-loom. They then march blindly to the self-slaughtering demise of the Human Command Specie, never having once hated the appearance of their Father’s life, but all the time knowing the treasure chest was their Parents true Love and buy passing on such love they will gain great favor in their success that proves that the system isn’t broken. They prove more and more numbers un-worthy, until the number of zeros in the chest are threatened by the number of zeros out-side of it, and there, sinks in the pit of their stomachs, the realization that their Children’s or even worse their own zeros may fall outside of the trunk and bring shame to the appearance of their Father. Mean-while the zeros outside of the pleasant, pleasures trunk and now even in-side the box there are sub-zeros, proving that it was not their failure but their Child’s in raising their Child’s Children, whether by desire or by the castings of a system, they feel a second chance. A chance to know the system isn’t failing, like those whom, 1st attain the treasure chest. What a glorious feeling to know the system isn’t failing, but it is only, those around them. Now be it, those around them like satellites and some with satellite access, float in the empty zeros, like those surrounded at a funeral, but none confess it. They must be told that the treasure-chest was always a coffin from which no zero escapes and nearly all other zeros are sucked into, as if it was a Black-hole, from which no light can escape, with the destruction of the Earth, its final lock, and amongst the zeros was never a key made.
Where are We with Technology, Really???
Now, that is the greatest tragedy ever told, in my book. Let us look Generation to Generation with the purpose of realizing if the whole poem is just bull-shit. Is there some truth to it, or is the whole poem an inevitable fate? From ‘whisky’ to me and as far back as ‘uniform,’ I have gathered real treasure and real Love. I have gathered some irresistible, but doomed hope, and expectation that I may figure out what not even ‘victor,’ figured out. Well, I have. Its still un-endorsed by my and preceding Generations, but it is the key to how we Exist in the great vacuum of Space, and applied to history and the United States Constitution, these things become the keys to Eternity and Infinity, for a nation, an empire, a country, a Home, a Parent and a Child. In the “Spherical Set E-Law Human Earth,” the keys to our extremely sophisticated Infinite and Eternal Synergies and Energies, our Souls, may pass, pause, excel and also degenerate or Generate. It is all part of the aforementioned work, the “Spherical Set E-LAW Human Earth.
Let’s face it, it will give definition to our very Souls and Spirits, which 74 years, that’s 27,010 days became the STUDY. Doesn’t seem like a lot, but let’s think in terms of 3 months or 90 days. Ten, 3 month periods is 2 and ½ years. With 3 x 10 wrapped around x (10 of those 3 month periods), gets us close to 27,010. It is of course 27, 000. Think of the study of atomics, that led to the tragic bombings of Nagasaki, and Hiroshima. It took only 12 years from the time Leó Szilárd patented his idea for the 1st nuclear chain reaction. The discovery’s reward, only 12 years later, was to build and detonate 2 atomic bombs. Twelve years is 12 x (4 x 3/mo) periods. So since the detonation, industrial World Existences have been working with and, so meticulously, figuring out what can be done with atomics, everyday of every 3 month period, around the clock for 24 hours, for over 300 (3 month periods). Probably many of their findings unexplainable to the general public, not to mention Global secrecy probably maxed into a new Age, when information became a commodity. The beginnings of the Information Age.
Now, companies could sell, buy, and censor all education, through the owner-ship of information. I’m convinced a lot of shit happened during ‘WWII’ ‘World War 2’ that the public just could not tolerate, at that time. Things that were just too far removed from their reality. And, speaking of far removed from reality, we can assess that the splitting of atomic air effected our perception of time and soon if not immediately the structure of perceivable Existence itself. Parallels in language started to manifest, like the ‘atomic/nuclear build.’ Which could define 1 thing at one, ‘atomic plateau’ or reality, and define something totally different or less extensive in another. Like my use of ‘atomic plateau.’ It could be an area between grounded reality and an area of other possible out-comes. With some doing, or time, or both, the area of possibility stabilizes into a true alternate reality or the 1st ‘atomic plateau.’ Then when repeating the process/method that made the ‘atomic plateau’ in the ‘atomic plateau,’ finding that a 2nd ‘atomic plateau’ could be had, and so-on, and so-on, and so-on, until there is an ‘atomic/nuclear build’ other than the ‘arms race,’ with some correlation to languages and understanding of those languages, from one plateau to another. Like the Space Race, could be a group of persons whom, live only among the satellites and Space Stations. They may Exist in our perception of time or some amount of light years away from our current time. Even the term ‘light year’ can be measurements of variations, intensities, volumes, and/or speeds of light particles/waves between 1 ‘atomic plateau’ and another, but when we hear ‘light years’ we think only in terms of the distance light will travel in a year, and never having had considered anything but distance. I suspect there is at least 1 ‘atomic plateau’ still with us today. I call the crust of the Earth that is the 1st and most dominate in the series of “Original Mass Events,” ‘Ground One,’ not ‘Ground Zero’ so then ‘Ground Two’ would be the ‘1st Atomic Plateau,’ ‘Ground Three,’ the ‘2nd Atomic Plateau,’ and so-on. I consider our dreams and our imaginings to be ‘Ground Zero,’ and it/they should have no bridge nor physical conveyance to our reality at ‘Ground One.’
Ever think about on what sub-atomic plain our thoughts, and the picture we see in our heads Exist? I have no doubt that with 3 times (100 x 3/mo) periods, that the technology Exists today protected under some company(‘s’), ‘so called individual rights.’ Any such company with such thought violating technology would certainly hold us at an extreme disadvantage. What could we do except demand the recognition of our LAWFUL and legal, ‘Individual Rights,’ over (a) company(‘s’) so-called ‘Rights?’
Then, with technological abuse being reasonably worse than ‘Baby-rape and murder,’ we must Amend to the Constitution to provide for the ‘Department of Technology,’ and if that ‘D.O.T’. catches a company on down to the ‘individual hacker’ abusing, persons, animals, or ecology, through technology, that company/individual will be prosecuted for half of their gross value, if found guilty of technological abuse. Now, I said that such abuse is reasonably worse than ‘Baby-rape and murder’ and the reason is that everything in perceivable Existence reduces to a signal at some atomic or sub-atomic plane/level. That mean the signals in our brains should be pretty easy pickings, nearly a century into the atomic consideration. With the use of signals, our emotional, Spiritual, cognitive, mental, psychological, social, material, and even our physical displays of motion can be over-ridden, especially those with week or complacent minds. With every Human function susceptible to atomic or sub-atomic manipulation, one may be influenced, or forced to commit an act as vile as ‘Baby-rape and murder,’ and every vile act/intention/behavior up to ‘Baby-rape and murder. There are those whom, say that Humans can-not live nor even survive with such awesome and powerful technology at hand, and they are absolutely incorrect.
Our industry does and should always thrive on an economy. With “Occupational Parenting’s” goal of eveloping an always better more balanced Individual creates an economic directive for Human health ‘even to’ and ‘in high regard’ of the Sub-pole or most inferior of the Human Command Specie. The Universe and “Dimensional Space Continuum” teaches us at both and all limits of stratification are valuable to our knowledge. So that we will not even be 1 or 2 degrees off of our best course. Even 1 or 2 degrees in the “Spherical-turnaround” of our physical Existence will bite us in ass as a 360 degree problem long after we’ve over-looked something that seemed too insignificant to account for, usually in the Sub-pole of any of any Super-pole achievement or ‘state of the art’ advancement.
This is where the LAWS of physical Existence can be paralleled and even exacted to Human LAW. Some-one may try to prevent the physical happening, “Spherical-turnaround” with conic math, and the “Arch of Circle” formula that I eveloped in college, but as to Perceivable Existence they may only defy “Spherical-turnaround.” Any angle, acute or obtuse moving in a forward direction away from You, will always come to take-up more space/Space than You as a reference point can Exist, or be perceivable in. Remembering that the reference point is a farthest-most point and is still part of the angel itself. Because our Existence is spherical the point of origin or reference point would cease to Exist to the opposite farthest-most angel projection in Space and distance, but not necessarily time.