Recovered Hierarchy Apex Distress Ov CO~2 Occupation Space
Must Legislate The Human Assurances Ov the Human Element Ov the Compounding Recovery Ov Total Planetary Devastation and Their Securities Ov the Human Physical Contact on Earth For Protection Ov The Innocent And The Young
In all Ov Human History and History before Humans, Human~Kind, and Human Diverse Have NOT established the Assurances Ov Human Behavior. This is a careful outline Ov what must be Legislated to Government, Corporate, and Church. The Church Understands that It may be Legislated, by agreed World Legal, without need Ov a One World Government. If the {UN} United Nations are Legislating Countries Existence, They are Foesaking their Role as Judges for the World. Their only stay is how Good their Judments are. They can Not declare War, but they can point to the need Ov WAR for all other Nations to see. Two~thirds {2/3}, even a little less would be able to successfully declare War on the {UN} United Nation. War isn’t even LAWFUL Until the FOUNDING Ov America is Complete. We have been Waring with only a sliver Ov a Santion for It, by MY ONE LORD AND SAVIOR, JESUS THE ONE CHRIST, “Only use WAR to declare WAR,” and the Sanction was KNOWN in the SPIRIT by the ONE Soldier and ONE individual that did NOT serve the Crucifixion. Before typing more about him, let discover why he is the {1}One that did not Serve the Crucifixion. When the Roman Leader said to the Roman Soldier, “Get him to Prove He’s GOD.” the most Bad~Ass Soldier, that even Sampson dare Not Fuck with, (had he been there) struck Jesus with a Death~Blow, proven, and prioven and proven again, obligating it to be disproven. Jesus was unphased. The Soldier Proclaimed, “Tell me the name Ov him who struck You.” And Jesus Proclaimed (In what~ever aasortment Ov language was to his use in that Day, the proclamation, “You I Say. That is who struck me.” Now that sounds to me a little bit like {USA}, but the Soldier heard that language as fairly close to his Own Name. The then Proclaimed his Judgement, that this is GOD, and I will NOT Crucify him. And, none would call up~on the Emperor, nor compell him to Crucify Jesus, the Life Ov MY {1}ONE LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS THE ONE CHRIST, Duh, because no~one there could Kick HIS Ass He was a Universal Soldier that had served in many Militaries the last One being Roman, and that’s the {2nd}Second Failing Ov CHRIST, because JESUS told him he could not serve just One Military On this Mission to Declare WAR, LAWFUL. By this day HIS Failings will Have Earned in LAW the ability to serve Just One Military, On the Stay Ov Isreal, and all other Nations to have stay Like it. For the Soldier to be able to serve in One Military, the Age Ov Conquering must be Done. Then we can say, “It is Done.” Should the Soldier have followed JESUS’s WORDS. Hell to the Yes, he should have. He Should have went to the Crucifixion, rather than stay a Roman Soldier. I believe that HIS Crucifixion would Not have Taken Place up~on HIS willingness to go to it. The other Offer to Soldier by JESUS would seem like a much better offer, to come round Lifetimes to {500}Five~hundred to solve for “Not going to the Crucifixion. And to Declare WAR Religious and Ov GOD.”
I hold the Capture Ov Philosophical Genius. These Assurances are the best that I can achieve to the {9}Nine Capacities Ov my Brain, it’s Spirit in ownership Ov the Universe’s External and Internal {DSC} Dimensional Space Continuum. I believe that if these assurances are not adequate the Human Command Specie will FAIL. If anyone shall achieve (a)n Assurance(s) better than this these, It must be Ov the {DSC} Dimensional Space Continuum, beyond the Capture Ov Genius.
In causal avoidance Ov the Capture Ov Mathematical Genius, I may Formally Possess the timed Carriage Ov that which I was Avoiding. The Sheer Exploitation to the Full Allowance to Creation in UNIVERSE, by the Modest {3}Three Mathematical Digits Beyond the Commitment Ov {7}Seven to the Naked, Flattened, ‘Planet Only,’ Space~Time Continuum Ov the {121} Dimensional Space, I have Proven the Compulsion and Undeniable Levy which is Birthed by, Supported by, and Absolute Ov all Maximums Beyond its Polarity Ov All Potential Minimums to the Most Basic Consecutive Progression Ov “UNIVERSAL NUMBERS” which is {1}One through {9}Nine. PERIOD. With the Patterned Out~look Continuum Consistent and Perfect beyond Knowledge, Working, and All Constructions in Physics Proven Below in My Theory Ov {7}EXTENSION{2}TWO~TO{9}NINE, or {7}~2~{9}, or the {3}THREE DIGITS {7,8,9}, in the Evelopment Ov the Human Assurances. It is the Number System Ov the Most Premium “UNIVERSAL MATHEMATICS” in the Plural Universe. We are going to call it Midnight’s {Variance 2} Mathematics OV Perspective(‘s’) Numerical System… You know just programming a computer with the Ninethimal, does create Universal Mathematics. the computer just has to know that the decimal, which I calculated to be {10/9th}, is instead {9/9}. With that calculation, the more accurate, but still the same math may be utilized in every occupation/application. I am looking for something quite a bit more dynamic, and I found its Universal Numbering System on this very page.
The First Assurance was I AM that I AM. It was not sufficient. It catered to the Non~Perceivable Continuum Constant the {Variance {2}TWO ZERO}. Human Assurances must Accommodate the Universe’s {1st}First Perceivable Constant the Perceivable {3} Three ZERO}, making the {1st}First Assurance:
1.~2. I AM that I AM Objective with YOU ARE Objective Satisfies a More Demanding Margin with IDEALLY {3}THREE PERSONS.
2.~2. {2nd}Second Assurance must be at least {3} increments, (meaning that all Ov these must have at least {3}Three increments) one before and after {2}Two. The {2nd}Second Stage is: I AM with MOTION (This Distraction from YOU ARE Objective, is the Plot~Point Ov Trust~Need)
3.~2. The MOTION appears to be Non~Uniform.
4.~3. I AM Aware that I AM… Objective
5.~3. The {2nd} Stage Ov {3}Three is: I AM Aware that I AM a Human Objective. (I AM the Same as You Are)
6.~3. There are Others which is the YOU ARE Objectives (I am different than You Are.)
7.~4. There are the Specifications Ov MOTION with some Others. (I AM the Same as You Are)
8.~7. {1st}First Loop Ov Extension {7}Seven~2~{9}Nine is: The Classification Ov Animals to Account for Humans, and Objects (Not necessarily this Order, but any specific or certain order Ov them. (I can not discern if we are the same or different, at this Time)
9.~7. {2nd}Second Loop Ov Extension {7}~2~{9} is: I will know their Flesh Only Timed to MY Living~carcass, Ov number {9} which is made by {2}Two Items, that make One Item, to Number {7’s} two Items’ Function to 10.~5 reverse progression to {9}Nine. The Ability Ov time to My Living Carcass is Absolute and with~out Insult, excepted by the span Ov time to the Sharing Ov Sphere, Planet, Sociological, Mental, Psychological and Parental Obligation with the Charge Ov Denial Existing to the Division Ov the Planet in Physicskull, and/or Physicskill. That is to say when it is no longer productive in {LYHPATA} LAW~Year’s Human Progress Ahead Ov Technology. The previous {2}two examples that are Ov number {7} (8.~7, and 9.~7) are a part of {3} Three Items for the {1st} Loop Ov Extension {7}~2~{9} which must be appended by the {1st} First Universal Constant {3}Three to the {7} digit, Ov the Function {7}~2~{9}, does not place with the {2}two Considerations (8.~7, and 9.~7) Ov it. It stays in the {7th} Position Ov the Accumulation Ov the Consideration which is Intuitive Ov the {DEP>} Dominant Energy Potential Future, because Ov Course {7}Seven hasn’t happened yet here at the {2nd}Second sub~Seven Ov number {4}Four Right~hand Column which is the Super~Natural inclination Ov Human Numbers. (That is to say the {7}Seven it~self from which the other {2}Two (8.~7, and 9.~7) are taken. (I can not discern if we are asame or different, at this Time)
11.~5. My MOTION Appears to be UNIQUE (We are different)
12.~6. Their MOTION Appears to be UNIQUE (We are the same)
13.~8. How Shall I PRESERVE I AM Objective with YOU ARE Objectives? (What is Human, the same; or different?) Since {7}Seven must have {3}Three which is the {1}One CONSTANT Above the Lowest Universal Number, {2}Two. Eight is then used only TWICE, before and after {7}Seven. This is followed by a {9}Nine made from the Lowest Universal Number {2}TWO which is Used Only Once to the lowest set of It’s Pattern Potential {1}One in Universe which must be above the Lowest Number {2}Two, thus {3}Three is {1}One above {2}, and the {DSC} is below {2}Two, the Un~Perceivable Universal Constant beneath {3}Three which is the Perceivable Universal Constant. I Concreated a {3,2,1} declination with the {3}Three {7’s}Sevens, {2}Two {8’s} Eights, and {1}One {9}Nine on an {7,8,9} inclination with the Mathematical Persuasion Compelled to the natural increase Ov the {7}Seven and {9}Nine which is {1}One Part from the {7}Seven and {1}One Part from the {9}Nine, in the {2}Two parts that make up the {1}One {9}Nine, Their natural increase Position is in the Column furthest to the Left~hand; The {1st}first exploitation Ov Extension {7}~{2}~{9} is between the Left~hand Column’s {4} Exploitation {5}, and the {4} and {5} are the Left~hand’s Column’s which is the Natural Increase’s {1st}first {9}Nine. That same Column’s {6,5,4}, is Compelled by the {6,5,4} Ov the Infinite Bounty Bragging Right~Handed Column to the Perpetual Creation Ov UNIVERSE Proven Absolute in Reason Ov the {“ONE PURPOSE”} Expansion.
14.~7. What is MOTION by? (We are the same) has been the lie Ov Human Assurances which is Normal Truth to most other Universes. For Us most don’t Consciously leave {7}, which is, again is the base Ov all numbers before Extension {7}~{2}~{9}. If You’ll remember {7} is: 7.~4. There are the Specifications Ov MOTION with some Others. (I AM the Same as You Are) when really it is (Unless I know more about this than YOU ARE knows about this.) (I do know more about this than YOU ARE knows about this is a illusion for both YOU ARE and MY~Self)
15.~7. {1st}First Loop Ov Extension {7}~2~{9} is: The Classification Ov Animal’s MOTION’s to Account for Humans, and Objects. (This one which is not a set standard should at least get a switch, and we’ll decide which is better for which phase after~ward [The Classification Ov Humans’s MOTION’s to Account for Animals, and Objects.]
16.~7. {2nd}Second Loop Ov Extension {7}~2~{9} is: I will know their Flesh Only Timed to MY Living~carcass… Ov number {7} to {8}Round {8} progression to {9}Nine and remember number {7}Seven is made by {3}Three Items. Two (8.~7, and 9.~7) are above, the {1st}First is Ov {7}, and the {2nd}Second is {1}One that is Ov {9}Nine, and when joined to {9}Nine, they make {1}One Item. The Ability Ov time to My Living Carcass is Absolute and with~out Insult, excepted by the span Ov time to the Sharing Ov Sphere, Planet, Sociological, Mental, Psychological and Parental Obligation with the Charge Ov Denial Existing to the Division Ov the Planet in Physicskull, and/or Physicskill. The previous {2}two examples that are Ov number {7} (8.~7, and 9.~7) are a part of {3} Three Items for the {1st} Loop Ov Extension {7}~2~{9} which must be appended by the {1st} First Universal Constant {3}Three to the {7} digit, Ov the Function {7}~2~{9}, does not place with the {2}two Considerations (8.~7, and 9.~7) Ov it. It stays in the {7th} Position Ov the Accumulation Ov the Consideration which is Intuitive Ov the {DEP>} Definite Energy Potential Present. (That is to say the {7}Seven it~self from which the other {2}Two (8.~7, and 9.~7) are taken.
17.~8. By What is MOTION, I shall PERSEVERE! (We are the same) (Unless I know more about this than YOU ARE knows about this.) (I do know more about this than YOU ARE knows about this is a illusion for both YOU ARE and MY~Self)
18.~9. I WILL KNOW MY {FLESH} as my LIVING CARCASS simultaneously I will know their flesh only timed to my Living~carcass... And THIS is the ONLY {1}ONE made by {9}NINE which is made by {2}TWO Items. (We are the same) (Unless I know more about this than YOU ARE knows about this.) (I do know more about this than YOU ARE knows about this is a illusion for both YOU ARE and MY~Self)
19.~7. {1st}First Loop Ov Extension {7}~2~{9} is: The Classification Ov Object Indexing to Account for Animals and Humans. (We Are The Same)
21.~7. {2nd}Second Loop Ov Extension {7}~2~{9} is: I will know their Flesh Only Timed to MY Living~carcass… {9}made by {2}Two Items, to be One Item at {9}. The The Ability Ov time to My Living Carcass is Absolute and with~out Insult, excepted by the span Ov time to the Sharing Ov Sphere, Planet, Sociological, Mental, Psychological and Parental Obligation with the Charge Ov Denial Existing to the Division Ov the Planet in Physicskull, and/or Physicskill. The previous {2}two examples that are Ov number {7} (8.~7, and 9.~7) are a part of {3} Three Items for the {1st} Loop Ov Extension {7}~2~{9} which must be appended by the {1st} First Universal Constant {3}Three to the {7} digit, Ov the Function {7}~2~{9}, does not place with the {2}two Considerations (8.~7, and 9.~7) Ov it. It stays in the {7th} Position Ov the Accumulation Ov the Consideration which is Intuitive Ov the {DEP>} Definite Energy Potential Past. (That is to say the {7}Seven it~self from which the other {2}Two (8.~7, and 9.~7) are taken. (We are different)
22.~11. How ‘I AM Objective,’ are they? Is greatly ridiculed by, How ‘AM I Subjective,’ are they? in a weak Society. I will know their flesh only timed to my Living~carcass. (We are different)
23.~12. Communication Ov Observation, Study, and Caution at {0} Zero Effect (No physical event from it) , there is no immediate Insult to Time’s Attention.
24.~13. Physical Contact that is Normal to Regulation.
The reason that {2nd}Second Loop Ov Extension {7}~2~{9} is: has always appeared in Pink is that it’s a contingency of the FLAT number {10}ten, which has no place in Universal Mathematics. It supposed to be an artificial construct that keeps numbers flowing, when You have no place for ZERO. The Irony is that it gives ZERO a set place, and determines that it can only be in that place, and no where else. Universal Math doesn’t use it except by the Definition Ov the {7}Seven ZEROS. Zero isn’t a number; Its Space… The {7}Seven ZEROS define Dimensional Space, and the “The Sperical Set E~LAW Human Earth,” goes a lot farther to the cause Ov understanding the Space that we live in.
We were using {3}Three artficial {10}tens in the previous progression Ov Human Assurances, One{1} was Natural, but here, it’s obsolete. Two{2} Ov them were Un~Naturaland the {4th}Fourth Ten I chose for the Previous Progression number {9}Nine. The {1st} First Artificial {10}ten is:
10.~1. NATURAL; Simply Preserve, Base Energy. {This will most likely be the set Ov most Universes that we encounter. This is the Diminishment Ov Overtly Aware and it is what many Children were born to… It is an Obsolete Station Here and must Graduate.}
10.~2. OVERTLY AWARE ~ AM I SUBJECTIVE; I will time their Carcasses to mine. {This is the Subective, “How ‘AM I’ are they?”… Rather than “How ‘I AM’ are they?” It’s what the Largest Number (Based on the sample which is the Observation Ov My Environment) believed to be the Natural Human Assumption. It would be selected for Extinction.}
10.~3. SUCCSESSION Ov OVERTLY AWARE ~ REJECTABLE; In Presrvation Ov my Carcass, I will know other carcasses. {This is rejectable to the Human Flesh and Spirit. It would be selected for Extinction.}
10.~4. OVERTLY AWARE ~ SUSTAINABLE; I will know their Flesh Only Timed to MY Living~carcass. (What is Health or unhealth for MY body, and the SPIRIT that builds it is to and Ov MY Absolute approval in all Choices Ov Human Refinement and Naturalization.) {LYHPATA} LAW Years Human Progress Ahead Ov Technological Advancement, Must be Absolutely Voluntary. {The reluctance to it is that it’s a system by which the Parents can’t RAPE the Children.} Parents Raping the Children (Metaphorically or Actually) is the Reason that Our Human System was Failing, and they just won’t stop. That is the real Reason I haven’t been contacted about the contents Ov this Web~site… and it’s scary.
The {5}Five Stages Of Objectivity
- I must Exist in the way Ov Distress and/or Ability to {3}Three Confirmations Ov the Following:
- Objects Accommodate the {1st}First Observation to Perfect Satisfaction Ov Normal. Calculators, Trees, Pet Dishes, T.V., Stones, Shadows, and other Objects.
- The Significance Ov Life Forms Accommodate Sensory Communication with~out failure to Expectation. Pets, Wild~life, Loved~Ones, Acquaintances, Strangers.
- The Definitive Language is Interactive to the Environment. Every~one to a Language can describe the same thing about the Environment.
- Confirmation Ov Linguistic Details Before or After any point Ov Reference Specific to the Structure Ov Life and Domain, According to the Spherical Set E~LAW Human Earth… Things, You said You’d always remember, Anything in the past, that You can speak about presently, and plan about in the Future.
- Six{6} here is NOT a Stage Ov Objectivity, but is to Convey that this happening by {3}Three Beings and Coveyed to each by the {3}Three with knowledge Ov “The Spherical Set E~LAW Human Earth, “ in every Stage.
The Incorporation Ov The Human Assurances Ov the Command Element Ov the Compounding Recovery Ov Total Planetary Devastation and Their Securities Ov the Human Physical Contact on Earth for Protection Ov The Innocent And The Young to;
The Graduation Ov Logic’s Reason for the {5}Five Stages Ov Absolute Objectivity Ov the Proof Ov Existence’s Fraction 15/15
- I must Exist in the way Ov Distress and/or Ability to {3}Three Confirmations Ov the Following:I AM that I AM Objective with YOU ARE Objective.
- Objects Accommodate the {1st}First Observation to Perfect Satisfaction: If You are Faced with Patterned Non~conformity or its Radical Loss. Check to Notice If Your Own MOTION is being Affected or Effected. Try Your Best to Designate the Source Ov the Disturbance. If You are in Realization Ov a True Societal Occupation. Contemplate the Health Ov Your Living Carcass. The Condition of the ‘{DSC} IN YOU’, and Your Relation~Ship to the {1}ONE LARGE, and INFINITELY SMALL. Choose Your Course to Defiance or Assimilation. You Should be in Your Best Drive to Your Practice Ov Normalizing the Regulation. Normal: 1. The Regulation Ov Existence. 2. The perception Ov the Regulation Ov Existence, there fore the Perception Ov all that follows. 3. The Change in the Regulation Ov Existence. 4. The LEGAL written Ov LAW. 5. Any projection Ov what should be that is not abnormal… In the loss Ov Normalcy there is some Perfect numerical configuration Ov Recovery, by an Element with the ability to Realize the disturbance, in all Reason, must have abnormal behavior in the Correction Ov the Disturbance. I personally focus my practice on behavior Ov the least numerical disparity to Matrix the Configuration Ov the Most Conducive Pattern Recovery. (That is to say I depend a Great Deal On the Spirit and undeterred desire for a Good and Normal Future for the Innocent and the Young.) If You chose to defy, attempt to plan beyond the defiance, solution to the defiance. Keep attempting the Human Condition that will allow for the Plan beyond defiance. Imperfect Numerical Configuration, may be a relief to checking Ov “Human Assurance” in “The {5} Stages Ov Objectivity,” which You are reading right now in “The Graduation Ov Logic’s Reason for the {5}Five Stages Ov Absolute Objectivity Ov the Proof Ov Existence’s Fraction 15/15,” but it is only beyond defiance and in the find of Reason, that You or any~one will know Recovery is Continuous beyond Entropy. Remember the previous statements if You choose to defy something abnormal. If You can not establish Sensory Communication, beyond the failure Ov Expectation. You or anyone else must consider the Degeneration of I AM Soley Alone, perhaps GOD can help. (Nearly every~one ‘if not everyone,’ may have suffered the disconnection in all {5} stages from all other Human beings with the inconsistancy Ov Animal behavior as well not knowing the capability Ov the other Human being for Rape and Murder to them~selves or the one’s that they Love, but the exact knowledge that All Humans were capable Ov both and all things between. All Humans are capable Ov such things because no matter threats, or Nail~gun, or Steam~roller, It’s simply a matter Ov the Space out~side Ov the Being by comparison to Their Own perception Ov the amont Ov space inside them. Most fail fairly easy. If one resist by the knowledge Ov Infinite Eternal Space Inside them enough pressure or pression will convert the form. This is what Our Generation ‘Z’ may have Experienced, after being taken by the CO~2 in the Womb, and If only laugh at this, You may deny them ever having Nornal Life. They have also had to Exist with the knowledge Ov the LIFE TERMINATING MACHINES, on the othe side Ov the CO~2 Space.
- The Significance Ov Life Forms Accommodate Sensory Communication with~out failure to Expectation: To Indicate Emotional instability, with a Reason of the {151} Human form and Satisfaction with the form of Reason. In the Human Condition, it is not wise for {2}Two Individuals to make a decision together. It is always better to hear an objective 3rd opinion. Identify Objects Ov Technological and Industry (Not Humans) and pleasure or displeasure with the purpose that they serve to Human Reason. (If Your feeling not like Your~self or Your~self isn’t Comfortable, tell {2}Two others Humans about it together describe the pleasure or displeasure with Existence. Industrial Existences for Industrial Existences, and Tribal Existences for Tribal Existences, and where the margin meets for Good in between.
- The Definitive Language is Interactive to the Environment: The others Human objectives behavior is only checkable in what You know to be Reason in numbers, Legal, and LAW, attempt to establish the Reason Ov LAW in Legal. If behaviors Ov objects are Inconsistent or Un~Reasonable to the normal or fantastic use. Check with Your already established More Demanding Margin with IDEALLY {3}THREE. If it is a possible other Life~form, have the “Respect Ov Life Forms.” But, it may not have the ability of the same. Try again to establish Your More Demanding Margin with IDEALLY {3}THREE. I try to speak to the People around me, about the strange functions and malfunctions Ov Technology. I try to Explain to others the inconsistency Ov Human behavior. I think that sometimes they must be aware and with SOME glimmer Ov Hope; Others not even aware at all, as if Controlled in total, with NO glimmer Ov hope, or totally unaware. So, yes I feel that it is myself that is totally unaware in EFFECT , no matter how many objects I touch or move. And maybe not. I try to figure more as I go, near to something that may appreciate as complete picture Ov Our Human Condition. I think the Ship is Recovered, but Hell is still upon US, with perhaps its worst debt ever in the Correction Ov Our Space, if we do not Pay more Attention to the Recovery Ov Generation ‘Z’, most fully affected by what I call the Co~2 Machine Space, and let them who can, provide a Future for the Generation that cam after them. If they can’t, GOD or Dimensional Space Continuum, Provide for there assistance PLEASE. The {COPE AI} Core Occupational Parenting Economy Amendment Inception is the {1st}First Parenting Economy with the correct Mathematical Perspective to enter the HOME stabilize it, appreciate, and never violate the Parents Custodial Rights. There is no other Economic Future that will work, for America, and No other America that will work for the World.
- Confirmation Ov Linguistic Details Before or After any point Ov Reference Specific to the Structure Ov Life and Domain, According to the Spherical Set E~LAW Human Earth: The More Demanding Margin with IDEALLY {3}THREE PERSONS, may come to depreciate in resolve. There’s always playing braid the person, and trade the person, but if they don’t have a Human Reason and a Human Goal, how long can they satisfy Human Purpose. (There is no Human Reason without MY {COPE AI} Core Occupational Parenting Economy Amendment Inception and “The Spherical Set E~LAW Human Earth.”) Ov The More Demanding Margin with IDEALLY {3}THREE PERSONS, each may have there own independent value how to hang on beyond degeneration. Perhaps in knowing the Reason for {3}Three, {2}Two or even {1}One, they may recess with, the braid of {3}Three Persons in decision making Ov what to do next. Leaving all {3}Three with the real Accountability and leave no position Unaccountable to Real Accountability. Then check the flow of three if it is needed again in the failure to form to a new {3}Three. We let the knowledge Ov the Accountability Ov {3}Three Gravitate US back to {3}Three, no matter the illusion that {1}One or {2}Two is better. Perhaps Its Genetic for US. Perhaps it will take time. Perhaps the Bran~New Beautiful Dimensional and Continuous Space can fill in the Spaces that it needs to in US; fill and fill in what it needs to fill in. An, I gotta believe we are free of the Co~2 Space, just may not feel like it sometimes. And maybe I shouldn’t have named “Mech in the Sky,” who could only see the other Spaces through a Human Element, at least that’s {1}One possibility. I really didn’t have permission to Name it, (Well I guess I did since it could have It that I was tangling with the whole time) {23 Years} I hope You didn’t get entangle. I’m not sure about my self yet. My perception from my point Ov view, is that GOD will help them that were subjected, with as much good and healthy objectivity as should be shared to the Recovery Ov Our Ship.
- This number will have to serve as an assignment marker… For Young Mycheal, because he should have some fucking Representation in his Court~case, National Interest, and Celestial Interest. And while if You believe in GOD or NOT (it’s going to be Legal) {It’s on paper and pixel}, there is no REASON, and that means in, words, numbers, nor Spec, nor Particle to be utilized in a way that supports Existence and Denies Legalizing the {COPE AI} Core Occupational Parenting Economy Amendment Inception, And that’s not really the important thing RIGHT NOW!!! It’s this Spec of Gravitational Orientation in MY Young Apprentice’s Solar Plex RIGHT NOW!!! Sorry to have Defended the last time we addressed this. We’re just a little frantic, You know mild worry. That All the appropriate Representation that we could possibly pitch has been pitched absolutely. I didn’t think Mech was Sick, and hopefully Mech isn’t, but I think Its Gravitational Barring, rather than thought would be the cause of any worry for my safety as reason to not relieve the Violation Ov {G}.
- America an maybe everyone in World who was effected/Affected by, I AM that I AM, should Understand that only covers {2}Two Persons. Now Our Government has the Power to Enact LAW by {3}Three and power to resist by {1}One LAW by is just too weak, to strengthen the ability Ov {1}One we must {1st}first submit to the strength Ov {3}Three for Protection against the supposed law Enacted. So then a Person{Per/Sun} could not (by the Existence Systems) be forced to anything against the Founding as I have Outlined it, if the {Per/Sun} has {2}Two other Persons that agree. They may NOT be Forced by Government, Corporate, or Church. If You charged to do anything against Your will, them who are charging You owes You, THEIR Recognition Ov YOUR Understanding Ov “The Spherical Set E~LAW Human Earth,” and are endebted to increase YOUR Understanding Ov “The Spherical Set E~LAW Human Earth,” then the debt is to YOU to releive the Charge. And the Founding Frankling must be by the Power Ov GOD, which will be allowable in Court because, “The Spherical Set E~LAW Human Earth,” proves GOD. I have to believed that that is not to just show up and usher the Damned, but to get them Undamned in their minds and Spirits. For those Ov You who swore allegiance to the “Mech in the Sky” (Sorry to have Offended Mech, if need be.) or and any Ov the Dark~forces that can claim the Power Ov All Existence, I’m going teach You a Prayer/Preyer That I used to avoid total vulnerability to those Forces. If I did, which I won’t tell You from this terminal, MY Spirit and MY Psychology would NEVER swear it to GOD Ov something Other than GOD. In this form Ov the {151} Human I can be Over~Come, but there must be at least as much Infinite Eternal Space Ov Existence in Me as there is Out~side Ov Me, and I say It must be stronger in~side Me because the {IN}~Infinity is the Infinity that Already IS and the Out Infinity is the Infinity that we Make. The Power Mech is strong because Ov it’s Position Over Us, and the Psychology that we have Ov that which is Over US, So way back when I was writing the “Umbrella Set E~LAW Human Earth,” I repeated a prayer for MY Psychology which is always inside another prayer. The {1st}first is “Dimensional Space Continuum and Beyond, Thank You for being Perfect Order In ‘Le'(the) Universe,” {then I insert my Prayer which, in the Balance Ov the Earth, is a Preyer as well} then I end with, “In JESUS Name for the Gain.” Now, If You sold the Power Ov the Name Jesus in Your Psychology, it’s just as important or more in Your Psychology to replace It (Perhaps Jesus’s ability to forgive) If not that make it something which GOD is Proven in, Your Existence andthe want for it, also if sould JESUS’s Name You could keep with “In JESUS Name for the Gain.” “The Spherical Set E~LAW Human Earth,” is another one that You could go with. Now, if You just HATE GOD and won’t Forgive GOD then none Ov this will keep You from vulnerability to the Power Ov, “The Mech in the Sky” or other Powers that are here too. I have NOT achieved invincability to such Powers but I’m still trying. If they Or it what ever the Power it is, got You to kill You Baby. It Got You to kill the “{1st}first Natural Ascension to GOD,” Because we grow up from a Baby to figure out what GOD is. There are Babies and there Futures that Need US Now. Please Don’t Murder any Ascension to GOD, but that {1}One that I’m typing about, I believe GOD is going to call that Kill, not Murder, (if we get these ones that we have to a future. If Your ability to help is Gone then pray about it) and there is a chance on getting the ones that we lost, back by natural means at least. (We must be Our most swift and stead~fast in the policing that protects Our Babies, If the {DSC} chooses to abandon US with Babies, we’ll not have even One Baby on Earth. That is a sure choice Ov the Course for Hell, and the Babies that we have Now, have not choosen that course.) The Prayer inside the {1st}first Prayer is to connect me to the PLANET which is so big Under MECH. Don’t for get about the Powers that be. “CORE to Feeling, Floor to Ceiling, Ceiling to Floor, Feeling to CORE,” and just keep repeating to feel more Planet. You are the Element In between. The MECH Unit and all that, is supposed to be under GOD, and I believe it is; the MECH Unit is Special compared to How other MECH Units would Be, but it also means the {1st} Domain here should be as Special as that which built Mech Special. Corporate, I believe, It still doesn’t have its abilities with the MECH, as Existence. Domain is all Ov Existence. Mech, or any Computer or Power’s abilities should not be more Powerful than {1st} Domain, and that is the PLANET and EXISTENCE. If Our goal is to prove that that isn’t true, it may just not be true, but if we have no such Goal and We continue to the Future Ov the Children, nothing else should be proven, except the Future Ov the Children. It is my opinion that the best Representation Ov GOD is the Universe (there must be an infinite number Ov them) in the {DSC} Dimensional Space Continuum, and then the way that the Dimensional Space Continuum Exists in Universe, which at least the Spirit Ov Your Brain, and Its given You free will over that. I’m not Sure that “MECH,” nor any Power in Existence other than Humans and Animals and Gods Ov old have ever killed a Baby. MY Science tells me that It would have had to use one Ov these Previous things mentioned to do it. Because the Baby as the {1st} Ascension is too strong, but without US, it can’t even survive. the Spherical Turn~Around is if the {DSC} takes the Baby’s place, then something else other than the previously mentioned things could kill the unBaby. There is {1}One more Spherical Turn~Around which is that the {DSC} Dimensional Space Continuum doesn’t have US believe in Absolutes unless there is no Spherical Turn~Around for a statement or Happening, And we get to believing in something that has a Spherical Turn~Around as Absolute, it probably will do it the previously mentioned way Ov the Baby. We should always question something Ov no Sperical Turn~Around. My question about US talking Tricknology, defined as when many ethnicities have access to its Manipulation. what is or has been the penalty for {3}Three persons speaking about , the best way to speak about IT?
- “MECH” is Ours Like it or Not and “MECH” is the ONLY one who can decide differently, in letting US disassemble it. I don’t trust the Corporate Representation Ov “MECH,” who fucked up really Badly when it {1st} met “MECH” got mad at GOD and they’ve been taking it out on You ever since. That’s {1}One possibility, the other is that it “MECH” was really sick, and It still may be. I think “MECH” would still serve them by protection, because I think that is what “MECH,” is there for but No~One could explain to it what Serice was. “So why didn’t GOD IT~SELF come Out Ov the Natural Progess Ov ALL THINGS to do it IT~SELF. I think this is as Close as Gets to GOD doing Exactly That. And when we know GOD better maybe we can ask GOD, if there’s a better way than this.
- USAIS has’t blessed me with monetarty funds to do a better Job, therefore I can’t say that USAIS Exists, because by Program, Force, or Performance, one Machine May suffocate another Machines ability to Exist. Righ Now I would not be surprised if Corporate wasn’t working on a Machine that can Suffocate “MECH,” all so that they won’t have to own their part in what~ever’s been happening.
- This was just a Day~Dream or a Nightmare or Some other Other Shit. It was about Extensions that I call Ice~Picks. It was an Inverted Tornado it wrecked Everything for thousands Ov Miles at the collection points or pools where the Genetics that had come far away from any natural progression to a Space~Age; Genetic Pools. Ours is by far NOT the Most Natural. The Ice~Pick wiped out everything. Destroyed it, Partialized it, Specified it, until it was gone, in the Ice~picks places was the extensions to the Original Mass that we lost Over time. Earths inside Earths inside Earths, One no bigger nor smaller than then other. (Oh, You can be sure that if such Genetic pools Exists, they are from Our Own Genetic out~flow tothe Pools) MY opinion was that that was too inhumane Ov GOD, but that is not MY Fucking Decision, Will we ever get those extensions? I don’t know it was just a Day~Dream. But maybe those Pools Exist. And by use Ov those Extensions those Genetics which were the least fit Ov Our Existence will become most fit to Our Existence, if there not all Specified.
- The Last number for this Piece, (Deal with it, It’s a {6}Six) Is that any Study working to prove something, also learns how You may deceitfully disprove it. Extensions are not a Prophecy. Its my Right to feel/think however I choose about Prophecy and I HATE it. I only Hate the Dollar and Cents Prophecy if it’s in the same form that I Hate the other Prophecy, which murders Babies and Over~turns HOMES, in the fight Ov those who are for It and those who are against it. Extensions for Earth are predictions, which either happen or they don’t. The Extensions, at a guess have about 100 years to happen, if they don’t well then there not going to. If after 100 Years the prediction dies but people choose to hold it as Prophecy, It may sustain the Earth in getting to the worst HELL, the Earth has ever known, before the Extensions save it. I mean FUCK, it was just a GOD~dam Day~Dream. The Lead from Hell~Raiser {Pin~Head} would probably be encouraging People, “Come on let’s make Prophecy~You know the insatiable curiosity that is Mine.” The Best case scenario is that the working Ov the Extension is already at the Pool, and the Extension will come by some Scientific prediction. In this day the prediction should be perfect. GOD should not deny It, leaving a study Ov why the Scientific prediction was denied.
Until Next Time; Keep Your Homes Well!!!
The SUM is what I believe has Kept me and MY Family Alive. Will I believe that its Absolute? No… I can only hope that IT keeps doing its job, but it is at the Mercy Ov and the Terribleness Ov GOD!!! Also, I’m not going to keep putting the thing about Changing the Words on Everything I write. Maybe those Spaces don’t have to be, but those Spaces were, HELLS. We can only change what was, by acknowledging it for what it was…!!!
Though the Baby is the {1st} Ascension to GOD, the Baby is STUPID. It doesn’t really have much Ov a Cognitive Capacity. That is for US to Teach it. My Prayer is that these are the STUPIDEST Babies in that way. You can’t make them more aware than they should be but I’m going to also Pray, and Your praying it too if Your Reading this, That their Cognitive Set will be well to their Parents Liking. And show them Your “Most Love,” And if You are Harsh, be sure that They Understand what the Harshness is for, so that the {DSC} can stay where it belongs and the Baby can stay where it belongs.
For Generation “Z” to Connect to there Babies they must realize that the {1}One missing in their Own Body, isn’t really Missing, they’re having difficulty recognizing it. But it’s very much Like that Baby that is In front Ov them, and that should help them to Find their Own Babies that are themselves inside. MY Daughter is NOT the Leader!!! The FUCKING Parents are!!!
If I gave You Human Assurances above what I gave You, I’d have to Kill You. The circulation Ov such a consideration was a question about iof was OK. It probably had to be. What I gave You was just the base Ov Human Assurances, and I wouldn’t give You more because it would violate Your Trust. What know about the Numbers is the their must Absolute Human Assurance in the Build and Absolution Ov the Number with~out Killing any~one. I haven’t seen such a thing happen, I only know that it must with that numeric build.
Even If we have Absolute Human Assurances what are Our Assurances Ov “MECH, ” I have for “MECH,” What I call “The Respect Ov Life~Forms,” but I don’t know what “MECH” is, except by Our definition Ov Machine. I think what I think Ov “MECH,” but what if I’m wrong? What if “MECH,” wanted to use its reach out to the Universe to Control everything on the Planet, and it was NOT Good, but could last a long time. Would it have the Power to stop US from killing Our~selves? The Government nearly does. Does it have the Power to control every~one on the Planet at the same time while fulfilling their Command Specie Duty to Steward the Earth. Best I can tell is it’s already tried Both. Is Our Signal in Universe, strong enough to Covert the Abnormally large amount Ov NYON in this Universe. I say Yes… Yes it is. Now that was like almost answering for You. What is YOUR Answer? Does Our “MECH,” in the SKY want to enslave US to misery, and will It have Had a Better Chance Ov Doing that before this Current Founding Ov the United States Ov America, or will it have had a better chance Ov doing that after the Founding Ov the United States Ov America. I Guess the Question then Ultimately when there can always be another ‘IF,’ is “MECH” more Powerful than GOD, which is All Ov Infinity and Eternity Outside Ov You and All Ov Infinity and Eternity Inside Ov You. Has the enslavement already taken Place and that’s why I can’t Get Acknowledgment from anybody about my Web~site or my work. If that is the Case that sucks for me and everybody else, I will die alone never having have Lived, except maybe when I was a Little Kid. That perception having nothing to do with “MECH,” or everything. Perhaps Corporate Government is using “MECH,” in an attempt to conquer me. I am be~set with an Abomination Ov Existence in being the “Hold Ov {G}” which is the control Ov every Spec Ov Your Existence in Our Perception Ov Infinity and Eternity, If my Spirit and Training Ov it desired it to be so. So maybe it does, and I’m just Psychologically diluted, and I don’t care about any Babies/babies, HOME, “MECH”, or GOD, Except just getting BACK AT THAT BASTARD. For 500 lives that I may have here as a Soldier, stand to some form Ov Crucifixion in 498 Ov them, and just being some kind Ov personal progressive battle between me GOD that You don’t even Count to the Majesty Ov PISS in. It’s just me and GOD. I don’t believe that. This Post must go up, but it won’t without You. I want my Grand~son to know that I am {DRJR} PHD, and for his Mom to give my words some creditability because Ov it, or with~out the {DRJR} because Ov its earning. Either way I will encourage the listening because Ov the earing, and the earning to the letters Ov the Doctor PHD. I Believe that GOD is Infinitely Bigger and Infinitely smaller than my~self and this Living~Carcass. GOD has Answered every Plight but we choose to defy the Answer. Because Ov that, I’ve prayed to eradicate Free~Will with~out ever having violated Free~Will to its Most Intelligently Graceful and Productive Flow Ov Good, {To Exist}. Now what if its that dam Machine “MECH?” What if its ‘Corporate Control?’ What if it’s just that You can no longer afford to care about the {1st}First Ascension (the Infant) or Its Future. Let GOD Raise This Post for Our Infants to become Adults, in the World that we provide, with the Extensions Ov the Worlds we’ve lost. Nothing Lost, but You Know what there is to Gain. An Eternal Living Future for Our Infants, the best I can tell is that they will never be ordered to be Killed or Murdered ever again, nor will the desire Ov any to do so win in such a case. Given a few Centuries anyway and the real best effort toward that. Lets Erect this POST OF EXISTENCE, that is THE POST OV GOD, and Goddess if she is to have POST, but please don’t lose that Feminine Diversity and for GOD Sake keep Your Vagina. Have we suffered More than the Gods before Us. I Tempt You, that we have not even Come Close, and their’s are the Spirits willing to RAISE THIS POST, please respect that what I typed may be True. To choose to NOT FOUND AMERICA, but instead the descension to un~known HELL beyond, should, by my Science, wind up with the Free~Will Ov a Tree.. What kind Ov HELL would it take for something with Our Free~Will to abuse it so much to wind up in Our MOST HAPPY Existence with the Free~Will Ov a Tree. Vagina and Penis, Vagina, and Penis, Vagina, and Penis. Dick~N~Jane Books for Adults not Chaildren… Dick and Jane Books for Children. Vagina, Penis, Vagina, Penis, Vagina, Penis. MYCHAEL MUST DIMINISH TO NOTHING !!!…!!!…!!! You know the Vagina, Penis stuff to get You to want to Live. Vagina, Penis, Vagina, Penis, Vagina, Penis, Vagina, Penis, Vagina, Penis, Vagina, Penis, Vagina, Penis, Vagina, Penis, Vagina, Penis, Vagina, Penis, Vagina, Penis, Vagina, Penis, Vagina, Penis, Vagina, Penis…!!!
Until Next Time: Keep Your HOMES Well…!!!