!!!UPDATE~UPDATE~UPDATE!!! The US Constitution!!!!

HomeKeeperU.com’s Sorry Consummation  Ov Inadequacy In the Resources Before me Are MY Fellow Americans…

Disclaimer Ov Preparedness: I have typed below that I mailed off the documents below. I stated that the Documents have been sent out twice (or maybe I didn’t state that} I have to mail them a third time, because Your’s Truly, forgot to Sign the Request for the Appropriation Ov Funds, which isn’t a necessity but some would stand to it being Signed as more Leagal/Legal. I believe the Constitution was written for the Peacful overturning Ov vilatile problems. Today IS 9/14/2023. I will mail the Documents out again next week, It costs $34.00, every time I mail it, and I’ve mailed {4}Four times so far, (2 documents twice) receiving only {1}one Registared Return Receipt. There is {1}One more delay to mailing these Documents an~other time, and that is “The {SQ} Determination Matrix,” or Synergetic/SPIRITUAL determination Matrix. The imortance Ov it, is more than it appears. You may have the perception that I am trying to  TAKE THE ECONOMY FOR THE PEOPLE, as I should, but I’d like to Consider it a Joint venture. The Sell Ov the Economy to a better Position for it. The SPIRITUAL Capasity Ov Our Brains is involved in every other Capasity. To have a Numerical determination Ov SPIRIT and Synergy, is part Ov what I have to offer Coporate, so before the mailing, next week the “The {SQ} Determination Matrix, will be in Completed State for mailing with the Documents. It will also be on this Web~site. Thank~You.


Please investigate the Documents Titled “Request for the Appropriation Ov the Repair to Our Violation Ov Gravity,”  followed by

Service Ov Absolute Reason for the Founding Ov America, “The Spherical Set E~LAW Human Earth’ Disclaimer.” Both Leagal/Legal Documents which are both Bound in “Supreme ~LAW” an inspirational piece for my Bretheren, and Fellow Ov which it is IN GOD WE TRUST, the piece is not a portion Ov the LEAGAL/LEGAL OV LAW Documentation mailed. The Inspirational Piece ends with the Statement GOD Bless the AMERICAN HOME 




These words are but a brief Interlude to Commitment I Feel by REASON Ov the SPIRIT that I am  In the GREAT~SPIRIT to the Terrible Debt Left to All Americans but then, Paid by Our Founding Fathers and Mothers in Blood and HELL~Fire

By way ov change, Times, and Days are People and Brave, it is NOT mine to service HELL nor Torture but the Resrvations Miniscule Properties to the Flourishing LAND Reserved to Flourish, and by My Fathers Sealabilty, I Seat to Dinning Ov the Banquet Natural If MY Duty Never Relinquished May be Taxed Ov Me, The GREAT~SPIRIT Shall be Well In MY SPIRIT Well In Hell, the Tell Goes to Well.


And each of our Citizens will be a hot commodity in, Global interests. Each American Element will have an increasingly sound mechanical function in the Solar exchange of our Planet-ship. We will also have increasingly “Sealed” Continuous space/Space to conduct the build or rebuild of our Solar-System or Solar-ship. “Novus Ordo Seclorum”, the “Great Seal”, “Annuit Cœptis”. (CB 136) I believe the Constitution and others of America’s documents are as inspired as the Bible itself. Even more inspired, because it’s meant to change with the times and Mankind has had less time to corrupt said documents. America has its martyrs, saints, and antagonist. It has been both touched by and Blessed by the Everlasting, Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent  Hand of GOD. I am here to move it forward without tasting of the “martyr makers'” bullets, swords, or any other of their conventions of death. I do not wish to follow Jesus’s death but only his life. The last bit about what’s on my plate and hindering productivity elsewhere, is while I speak of these wholly and consecrated gifts of the United States of America, I must always clearly bear a realization. The realization that starting with the Military, we must seek the Forgiveness, Bravery, and Blessings of our Native American siblings before us. (CB 137) Right after military amendments are business resolutions due to the amount of Native American resources bought for beads and firewater. I claim myself to be an Engine and am sure of some Native American heritage. And I am sure that I 1-upT Engine to Generator. Those opposed to being called an Engine may be or may become similar to those opposed to being called a Nigga. Hey, sometimes it’s OK and sometimes it’s just not. Engines as well as Elements are exactly what we are. See Recursive System Notional Hybrid Engine when it’s published on HomeKeeperU. com Version 10/11. Like the Zulus, and Native Americans, there are tribal existences are among the best Engines of our Planet’s history. Shit I’ll an Honored Engine On a Rest day, If I get {1}one… I Have strictly industrial Language for insidiously dedicated yet Un~paid worker that I am Right Now.  I’m service worker I Hope, for MY HOME, Government, University~Institutions, and Corporate as a GenDyn, with this type being ..GenDynmanalyticsyner… I Our (the U.S.) military depends and has always been contingent on the Engines that want to serve. I can not say the same about business, which is the very next debt to the Armed Forces debt. To repay these debts is to tend to the Establishment and “Seal” of our Country and Continuum. (CB 138) I wrote a cadence to that effect called “Cadence Soldier One” still in editing. It may sound awkward at the first, but our men and women in uniform will come to cherish its appeal if it gets any props or support. If not today, perhaps tomorrow. It will sound in their brains’ and bodies’ and they will gain from its strength. Our military members must internalize and ex-spell all of the murders, on both sides, of the Industrial/Native American Holocaust, defuse the cultural disparities and biases, then generate the preeminence of one honor to all separate and individual cultures, one to be as honored as the other, when LAWFUL. We look not to the towering and glistening Casinos, that are legally well conceded to neo-Native American’s own Native American Land. But, they attribute the sickness of blood money to all of our eventual eradication. We must look to Chiefs, Braves, Squaws, and millions of papooses from yester-century, “never to have been” up until today. We must know their ways were not perfect and not defensible to the stars or beyond our atmosphere. But, we must in no way contest that there was the fat, arrogant voice of industry which laid to waste anything not inherited of European make, counting the lazy and genocidic murders as necessity to it’s own grotesque existence. The gun has not just made killing more efficient it brings power to them who were previously cowards. Those minds of industry and progress yester-century, knew no better, like Rome before them and us after them. They, them, and us should have known better. They saw tribal presences as resistant to progress, too resistant to progress. And now, in the dusk of what industry has become for us and our Planet, and the dawn of technology, our ever increasing laziness, and separation from the land, we must admit our progress came with significant corruption and antagonists, to that very same headway. We drift through the ghosts of horrendous Human behavior. We feel the absences of key figures in our bodies’ in our own genetics exhausting us. Because we want not to submit to there same atrocities. But, over time the vacancies in our Human Spirits build, one on another. While we commit not the same terror, they have stolen from us our completeness. The incapacitation of of our ancestor’s vileness’ allowing us to execute and conduct unaware drives to the identical result. The conduct is actually in the lack of action due to the hidden fear that we may be like them of generations past. We do nothing to effect change while technology takes the driver seats of our destinies. Let us dance, and chant, and sing to the Great Spirit of GOD. Let us adorn our selves humbly in beads, leather and feathers, never to mock, but to give rise to the memory that the neo-Native American may not have. With great humility plead with today’s Sons and Daughter’s to remember the places, and spaces of that which Industry should have protected. It has NO other reason to exist. Promise the blood of the Elders, some of which flows in our own veins, to protect the tribal way, the way of the land. And, in the Psychonic disposition of Nyons, let us shed the monsters in all of our genealogies and make their minds and Spirits to be correct. They beg us to solve what it is that they did wrong and of what will amend it. To nevermore to turmoil in the madness of the cold in the densest regions of space nor blister the brain’s function in a distant lake of fire. Most do not even consciously know them, their ancestors. If these things come not to pass, America’s Seal will be but a tourniquet to the minds, bodies, and Spirits of its land’s host. They shall not even know that they have wounded themselves not to the tourniquet but to pills hard to swallow. There benefit, to them passing in death and us passing in life, them that make perfect the cultivation and blending of the Spirit, more than the flesh. (CB 139) Now you may not agree with any of this, but can you argue your point? It may turn out that my reflections are faulty and yours more true. Yes, more True, many of the best arguments have many facets you may be correct about some and not so practical about others. We have a power that not even the President has, in our ability to line item veto any part of any argument while agreeing with the rest and vice versa. And, that’s what it is to be American. 

This Next Portion Is What We Do When Remember Those Who Have Passed Conducive To The Consummation Ov Inadequacy To Aid In All Other Personal Values Ov Immediate And Non~Immediate Death

When Dis~lodge Or Simply Pass, It Is By Adequacy Ov  {SPIRI~TEM~OTION} That We Let All Remnants Ov Thoughts Have Their Place The One Engage in {Memoracti~vemeta~morphicsun} {These Characters Will Work For You Using The Word~Change~Pronunciation} at this time {WCP} Will Exact Effect Even When All Affect For Effect Is With~out Affect and Effect  
When You really just don’t feel like doing the Correct thing,  Do or have Someone Do The “Word~Change~Pronunciation” to the best standard Ov Cognitive REASON, and You will begin to feel Like ding the Correct thing. This has a Blanket Application in Life, with Spherical~Turn~Around is when the “Word~Change~Pronunciation” has become the Correct thing that You really don’t want to do. At Spherical~Turn~Around, the Highest Probability with~In the Method, is to do a “Word~Change~Pronunciation” Integration with the Term “Spherical~Turn~Around.” For Consensus You will Keep the “Word~Change~Pronunciation” to Personal use and Not Professional. 

With a better understanding of the {CDP} “Conversion Death Process”, and the job of the Living to pass the dead to good and healthy Space/space, then by their gracious Existence on the other side shall we receive the “d∙mail” dead-mail, or “c∙mail” conversion mail, to YOUR Heightened Senses, that YOU and their other Loved-ones have done a great job, in their PASSING. It will feel like an in-side-line or deposit of Liberty. Per~haps from time to time YOU’LL get a quiet partial euphoria from the presence of the genetic shadow of our Love-ones peace, maybe a decillion Dimensional Fathoms across the {DSC} ”Dimensional Space Continuum”, as surely as YOU shared the same Genetics in Life. We also share “Light” with every-one we inter-act with and write their stories in scaled intensity to our Genetic Configuration in “The LAW of Socialized Genetics”. The Carcass Living or Dead can become a pre~occupation, interfering with Process. The State Ov the Living  and Passed Carcass are incredibly important, but no fucking close to enough to disturb the process. At this time after-life travel is/will-be on the auto-pilot of the Internal Genetic Universal and {DSC} Travel Maps.” We can do a quick “Word~Change~Pronunciation” Integration using the previous Bold~Face Quotation; Inter~gen~uniDavel~aps” {We’ll take another look at this last Word~Integration Later} If Your Looking at Your Internal Genetic Universal and {DSC} Travel Maps,” Your Checking Spaces that Your Prone to, Defenseless in, Emotional Aptitude, SPIRITUAL Aptitude, Alternation, Shares, Take~Overs, Submissions, and the Conversion Properties On all Ov it. How well You do these really Depends On You and how much You want to just Let~Go and Let~GOD. It’s YOUR individual route assignment. Ov Course when You Know More About You Composition Ov Constitution and the Spaces Ov UNIVERSE, and {DSC} DIMENSIONAL~SPACE~CONTINUUM, and the, Actions, Reaction, Interactions etc. You”ll then be wanting to Know More about You Sentient~Travel~ability~Mod but, figuring Out what will De~face a Space, De~Base a Space, the Synergetic Subsumption ov Space/space, how to {D~Apex~Drag}(Emphasis On Drag} A Space/space or {Apex~Drag~A}(Emphasis On Apex} a Space/space. Ultimately You’ve Universe and {DSC} Dimensional Space Continuum Evopment App. as well, That gets into Controlled Synergy Sharing, Synergetic Orgasm times {10}Ten that You and Your Partner are both Quite Fit to Handle, and Your SPIRIT IS POINTING at the Star far beyond the average View Ov Putting It Over the Big~Green~Monster, Your {DSC in U Evelopment App.} is What will help to teach You how to make and Keep You Energy Exactly what You want it to be{ We all have an {IGU{D}TM} or Inter~gen~uniDavel~aps,” or Internal Genetic Universal and {DSC} Travel Maps.”  in-side of us, and continuously, fEnlow out of us as well. The hideous {catch 22} about Depression, is that our Loved-ones need us to help them PASS, which is very, excessively, and with an improbable prospect of success. Our Loved-one’s Spirits, become just as Depressed and lost, in a Depression feeding Depression, real life/death scenario. The best thing to do is to get a Strangers Help, Maybe some~One a little Closer, before You Pay Some~One, but paying is certainly not out Ov the Question. Hell yeah, just pay somebody. Ten{$10}Bucks for a {1}One Scene Memory {Regular~SPIRI~TEM~OTION} Fifty{$50}Bucks If {Heavy~S~T~O}. If it’s {Saturated~ SPIRI~TEM~OTION}, Your Talking {$75} to {$100}Dollars and Pick Your Synergist Well; No time Limit Up~to {5}Five Scenes. You Want to Clear a Person, that’d be {*,000}Thousands. This “Celestial Genetic Strings,” and we Need that space/Space/SPACE if we’re going to be Space~Aged.  We’re Talking About   If YOU learn the purpose of “Human Life” and more about the {CDP} “Conversionary Death Process”, YOU are writing to the ‘Socialization of Your Genetics’. Which continue in the communication process beyond the grave. YOU may be able to Paradox, the compounding Depression trap that YOU are, have-been, or perhaps would have been in. If YOU become, found in Life here. The LAW demands that YOUR deceased Loved-ones, will be less lost, or found, in Life else-where. This got so fucking far away from what I initially intended. If You can Think about these and just feel a little better, because You know how You could do things differently or could have done things Different, {Don’t Spiral Down The Could Have Done Things Differently Black~Hole, The Gravity at the Singularity is a Trick, It is NOT Infinitely Compounding, but it’ll hold You in ther Far Beyond Your Life~Time. Keep away from the Could have Dove thing Differently, and Keep It to the “Can Do things Differently.” As Far as AMERICAN Ground, Goes White Folk Really need to Buck~up, and Bull~up, {Sure, You can Hear Cow~Boy~Up in That} It was Atrocity in Blood On this LAND, Don’t be Indifferent the LAND will not Support You, Do NOT be a BLEEDING HEART LIBRAL, CONSERVATIVE CLOSET CRYING MESS. Do Not Get Caught HERO GAMING on the Rights and Wrongs Ov this One. The sentiment wrote is Adequate. If You Don’t feel the same it Should be a Curiosity, Why the FUCK NOT…??? For AMERICANS this Sentiment About the LANDS Ov Our NATIVE AMERICAN ELDERS, MOTHERS AND FATHERS, BABY SISTERS and BABY BROTHERS, and Last but not Least the WILD LIFE who Quite Capable Ov Vibrant Speech Erroring a Bit this way and erroring a bit that way, and Other days a Straight forward Man to Man, Only somehow he picked the Beast, Possible his day. The Wombman Folk Talked Man to Man with those Capabilities that Not Even Her {2}Two~Bond in the other Gender Possessed. The AMERICAN Sentiment on the NATIVE AMERICAN WEALTH should have the Lowest Variance being not Out~side Ov {7}Seven Descrepancies in the {Variance~2}. OWN FULLY THE AMERICAN SHARE OV THIS LAND. We have to Found it, to Pay the Debt “Paradise Industry” and Protection In Paradise” Please Read the passage below as well… {If You’re Going to be a BULL be an AUROCHS…??? } 



Why is this on the AcquiesceNot.com Mission Statement. This is more essential in the reparation of the Home, than what most think about. This, the Home-Land, is now, our Home, but it was the Home, to millions of other Land-inhabitants before us. The statistic that I read, says 95% of those former inhabitants were wiped-out by European-biological-dis-ease. There’s at least 4% wiped out by a fatal mix of {Iron, Hatred, Drunken-ness, Atrocity, Christianity, and a HELL-Sized, Superiority Complex}. Now, though the Blood, and Flesh, of our Land, our Native-American Mothers and Fathers, would not sit well with the “Idea of a Bigger’-One World Government”, than the appearance of the one that our Fore-Fathers, and Fore-Mothers, established here. They would cringe even deeper into their trappings of ‘Past Light’. Though, it was arguably the Genocide of a ‘Freedom and Liberty Loving Land’, it’s dirt can rest no easier, under the Totalitarianism of any “One World Government”, brewed in the Tyranny known to the Eastern Hemisphere, with  Business Tricks ready to Command such. 

Now centuries beyond, the first{1st} in-vasion of the “{Sick-ness Hatred}”. Though, it spread into the {Genetic Generations of Brave and Kindly, and even Godly Tribes}, there were the wise, of/to an observance of HATE, appearing stronger than Peace. Hate really gives nothing back to those taken and wor-ship-full with it. It offers nothing except It-Self, and more of It-Self, until every possession of Its host is soured by the changed space. Around such a host, Hatred, infects the personal, and augmented memories, saturating the sweet-ness of them, with the in-difference, for the People once Loved, but Hatred found to be with-out Reason. Even the ‘Light’ shared by them once, the ‘Most Loved’, could now be experiencing no such thing. The ‘End-State’, of those taken by Hatred as more than a tool of virosity that it was created to be, is helpless. I know HATE. It is the lost Heritage of an Animal, to a remanufactured Human extreme. Some-thing that had been left to the “Lions, Tigers, Bears, and Snakes, in our Genetic Flow. If it offers It-self to You, when You are in sorrow, it will attempt to take all that You are, promising more, when every one{1} of Its fools, understand that it is always less. 

Hate for me, is a tool that I may acquisition from the ‘Primal Planetary Atmosphere’, to remember that I was once an Animal, whom, had to Kill or be Killed: had to Kill and Eat or be Eaten, had to Kill and Provide, finally Kill to be Loved by {GOD}, and any of ITS Daughters. When there is not the time, nor use for it, I return it to the Earth, which is worthy to carry such Dis-torted Power, at all times, and pray/prey that it still doesn’t lose Its much needed LOVE. LOVE was discovered by the Planet up-on the Human Existence. Hate was in Space, there-fore our Planet was created in Hate which It provides to Its elements, so that the elements may give their returns. But, the Earth was born with LOVE masked in its potential, so It knew it not. When It was created, created also to it was that animal which could reach to its potential, and reasonably be dubbed Human, for no other Animal, Possessed this Extreme. The Earth was charmed by the Mastery of the Gift, which It internalized to Its Atmospheric Fields, where it remains among that which the Planet may offer an Element. The White Citizen, my Not recall, for it is Ov times Ov Old, and Ancient Trust, only Half Fulfilled The Necro SPIRIT; The White Persons Nature, Sounding, and Calling is the {UN~ALPHABLE SIGNAL.} but it’s Failing and that Ethnicity has to their Genetic Wealth the Sybling Signal, which is the {ALPHA~CAPABLE~SIGNAL}. They are Evolved to Harmony and Enlightenment Ov SHIPS before, They are the {Variance {7}OV Variance 2}.  The God Ov the ALPHA SIGNAL is that {1}One I Aim to Emulate MY Knowledge Ov, and that is “Loving Violence.” I believe My People Suck at HATE, because they are Buildt Ov their FLESH LOVE.. Please be {ALPHA CAPABLE}    

This is the offering I give back to our Native Mothers, Fathers, and Siblings. I offer it to Animals, and their enchantment with it, in as much, as extended Family. The soil is hard and wet, and un-fit for both Life and Death. It is un-fruit-ful. It wearies to be dry and granular. I Pray to the Great Spirit to speak to them, that are un-aware that they’ve been taken in Death for Centuries. They would lock themselves into “in-creasing ‘Desert Heat’ to Hellish Temperatures”. They do not know me, and their bodies do not rest in me, as I would have had happen. The Great Spirit does know this Christian-Son, as a respecter of all things Natural. The Great Spirit speaks on my behalf with the evidence of Mother Earth’s acceptance. Of my gifts are balances, scales, trade, and bread. She has never found them to be in ‘Bad Business. And, She especially Loves my Meat. She may offer them to my Native Family where She finds the Correction of my English Family. I ask them to grind not the Land, because there is much less than they can remember. Free the Land, un-shackle Bravery. Lead us back to ‘Tribal Ways’, where they find my English Mothers and Fathers, un-opposed to such ways, and adorned with a feathers from the ink-well. Their white flesh glows, against the greenery, they dance, in the Seal of the Fire, and willing blood, as Brothers and Sisters do. They beg Nature be not like Angels, toward Humans. But, ask Nature to tire it-self on the view of the white and green and brown contrast, un-jealous. Covet this novelty Mother Earth, and have it be Yours. For it is, is it, NOT? It is yet an-other gift like LOVE. In the Seals of letters, with their seconds, fit for the Fire, have new dances authenticated of Industry, and its place in the Sky is the Boundary around the Earth. Previously called Gods, Aliens or Ancient Computers, bestow the mantle of God-li-ness, upon the shoulders of “George Washington”. The Song-ful portion of the Dance tells the Foot, at every place, that Nature and the Sons of it, will not stand against a Sky, with George in it. As long as the Oak, and the Red-wood have growth, and as long as the River be like the Ocean, the Ocean may remain as a River. Then the “Outer Darkness” traps not the Light of my Fore-Mothers and Fore-Fathers along with the Light of my Native Mothers and Fathers. 

This is a Good place to pray, as George’s Dance, signifies it shall stay for Prey and Pray. And not a Good Treaty, in this place was/is broken. They only break them-selves, in fault, then by the fault are they again Sealed. Every “Dance, Seal, Cure, Medicine, and Joining of Bodies, Shall Be To The Reservation in this Place.” “GOD Bless America’, “GOD Bless the American Saints”, “GOD Bless The Great Spirit, and the Great Spirit Bless GOD”, “GOD Bless the American Service”, and the Service Bless, “The Reservation”, and “The Reservation shall, Bless the Proving Ground”, and, “The Proving Ground Bless Reason”, and “Reason Bless, the Power to the People, and {Per/Suns}, whom, we are, “The Diverse Citizens of the United States, then shall we be in the United States, contributing to the one{1} and many Constitutions, of the United States, that Shall forever, be in creation, so that the States must extend into the Sky.” “Based on the Constitution, we shall forever be in dis-covery, re-covery, un-covery, of the United States, for/of/to the United State’s Infinity, so then it must be Eternally a Land and a Home, and a HOME LAND, GOD Bless the AMERICAN HOME 


Request for the Appropriation Ov the Repair to Our Violation Ov Gravity


Attention: United State Ov America’s Supreme Court Justice


Congressional Appropriations Committee;

Honorable CongressPerson,


My name is Michael Matthew Meadows, the Producer and Owner Ov HomeKeeperU.com. I do not recognize, the “State Action Doctrine,” as Constitutional, and I do not recognize the United States Ov America without its Constitution Founding the Inception Ov America. I do not recognize America with~out, ‘The United States Ov America’s Constitution, but I do, however, recognize my~self to be an, “American Citizen.” I have publicized the correcting completion Ov the aforementioned Inception upon the grant Ov 250 years, on HomeKeeperU.com. So, now I have established my~self as America’s Final Founding Father. As such there are related American issues at hand. Prior to or any time beyond the LEGAL Founding, is the {1st}First World Priority, which is the relief Ov the “Hold Ov Gravity,” which will also be the relief Ov the “Violation Ov Light,” suggested by my Web~site, to be the “Violation Ov CO~PY~RY,” Ov Ancient Dialect in the Consideration Ov Revelations. For America to validate the term “One True GOD,” in the LAWFUL progression Ov its Courts, the Intellectual Work in need Ov LAWFUL RECOGNITION was the “Proof Ov GOD.” The Intellectual Work has been Committed and Submitted to the appropriate Authorities, in {2}two forms, by Me Their Author, Ov Copyright. The “Poor Man’s Copyright,” utilizing the Copyright Symbol as such © and, called “The Umbrella Set E~LAW Human Earth,” is on the copies, the {1st}First Time that it was Submitted to the Most Appropriate Authority the “The United States Ov America’s Supreme Court,” at least {32}Thirty~Two Times. The {2nd}Second “Proof Ov GOD,” is “The Spherical Set E~LAW Human Earth,” submitted to the “Library Ov Congress” for Copyright and then to, “The United States Ov America’s Supreme Court,” and “The United States Ov America’s Congress.” The Founding Ov America is not dependent on these “Proofs Ov GOD.” It is however dependent on the Mathematical Proof for Abuse in the {COPE AI} Core Occupational Parenting Amendment Inception. The fraction {9/8}Nine Eighths Ov MY {COPE AI} is a Conservation Fraction rather than a Division Fraction, though it may describe many other ways, I believe Conservation Fraction will serve best. The {3rd}Third Proof Ov GOD Shall be in the Founding Ov “The United States Ov America.” The {4th}Fourth Shall in the productivity Ov the People. The {5}Fifth Proof Shall be in Eternity. The {6th}Sixth Proof Shall be in the Infant Born, The {7}Seventh and Final Proof Ov GOD Shall be in the Infant’s Guardian. 


Request for the Appropriation Ov the Repair to Our Violation Ov Gravity


“The Spherical Set E~LAW Human Earth,” only need be proven Philosophically, with~out numbers, “The Umbrella Set~E LAW Human Earth,” need only be proven by, The Spherical Set 


E~LAW Human Earth. I believe that as GOD would have it, “The Spherical Set E~LAW Human Earth,” is also proven Mathematically by the simplest Numerical Configurations that Produce the Manifestation called Existence and also GOD. 


The Conservation Fraction {9/8}Nine Eighths Ov the {COPE AIP}Core Occupational Parenting Economy Amendment Inception Proposal} is proven Psychologically and Sociologically by the adaptation Ov Human Assurances to those {2}two fields with the Human Assurances found at (HomeKeeperU.com). 


To the best Ov my Knowledge, my last mailing to the Aforementioned American Branches, which is the “Service Ov Absolute Reason for the Founding Ov America” can not be with a Monetary Charge to it. The request here~in is NOT a charge for the Founding Ov America. Its charge is for the Intellectual Property Needed for a LAWFUL COURT, that affords the terminology {1}ONE TRUE GOD. 


In dealing with the Role, “Revelations Examiner,” as applied for in {CB} Command Blog Final Entry Ov (HomeKeeperU.com and the Qualifications there~to proven in the result there~Ov, the debt Ov {$7,000,000,000}Seven Billion Dollars, is charged to Government, Church, and Corporate. That Charge amounts to {$2,3000,000,000}Two Point Three Billion Dollars per each Ov the most previously mentioned Entities, but may be payed by any entity(s)/ person(s) with {$7,000,000,000}Seven Billion Dollars to the relief Ov the, “Hold Ov Gravity” or “Hold Ov {G},” the last {2}two “Holds” to be the same “Hold.” The Intellectual Property required for a LAWFUL COURT in America, is the same Requirement that proves the University. For that Proof Ov Existence by the, “The Spherical Set E~LAW Human Earth,” which is the same that Proves GOD, I earned the Acknowledgment Ov PHD Ov PhDs. If Government Representation is a need for the Acknowledgement Ov University by any University Ov my well earned degree PHD Ov PhDs I so seek that Ov the University that NASA calls Most Prestigious. This Request for the Appropriation Ov the Repair to Our Violation Ov Gravity” will be with Notary Seal and Signature Block, while the “Service Ov Absolute Reason for the Founding Ov America” shall remain with~out Notary Seal and with~out Signature Block except the typing as follows, “American Citizen,” where the Signature Block would be Found. The indication is that I am an “American Citizen,” while “The United States Ov America,” has yet to complete the Founding Ov its Inception, meaning I am nothing else, but an “American Citizen,” and all other things that I may proclaim are to and for the Final Founding Ov “The United States Ov America,” Under GOD. 

Request for the Appropriation Ov the Repair to Our Violation Ov Gravity


The “Service Ov Absolute Reason for the Founding Ov America” Shall be mailed with the Mailing and Shall be with~out Page numbers, the number Ov pages that it is Shall be accounted to it as its page numbers. It is {7}Seven pages long. Questions

about the order Ov the pages should be addressed to me. There Shall be a copy Ov the Certificate of Copyright, with this mailing also.


I choose to respond by FAX, please inform me by other contact method as well;






Service Ov Absolute Reason for the Founding Ov America

The Spherical Set E~LAW Human Earth Disclaimer

This is a Disclaimer about tact, vulgarity, political poise, and giving a shit about anything… Tact’s truth for any Child who’s envelopment, has the hope of any Good in it, will come to understand that {Tact’s} real life value is ineffectiveness… Vulgarity is the virtue by which I preserved my Humanity in the proven state of corruption that that is Edenistic Animal Regression of the Human Species. It destroyed any perception of hope for the appropriate reception of the maiden presentation of “The Spherical Set E~LAW Human Earth…” which is the most Significant Document One World ever received in all the History of it. The very rejection of the political poise purposed to this PROOF, and graced at a 20 year education to 5 years as the Top State Political Officer. It is the same political statement that qualified the Human condition was indeed in Animal Regression. The Example is as follows, “The Spherical Set E-LAW Human Earth”, will answer these essential questions not only for the very elite, who decide what will and what won’t be taught at the Universities, it will answer them for You. There is still plenty of education to be sold. This statement is the one statement I could not mention and have the document be acceptable to anyone in the Human Specie, if it was in Edenistic Animal Regression. I am able to assess the reception of this statement as equal to the inability Ov cat’s to identify the laser device from which the point Ov light is projected. The Human ability is in tact, but with~out a Human Goal, regression was un~avoidable. The Spherical Set E~LAW Human Earth provides the means by which the {“One Purpose”} Expansion, takes place, and the “Black~Hole~Sun~Super~Nova~Transfer” explains the exceptional ability by which Expansion takes place. The Proof Ov it is that we are ‘One Planet’ that can be considered all alone in a Universe. 

And giving a shit about anything, is not an option for me, because I give a shit about Everything, reducing the ability Ov anything to Nothing. The posture Ov correct compensation for me is to give a Fuck only when it’s worth it… That previous assessment can only achieve sexual value with {1}One Wombmen and it’s always worth it… Now I beg the shadow of the Harlot to pester her not.

The possible shadow of a Hariot, on any modern Anti~Hariot, is only possible due to the United States of America’s Government’s Political Negligence in the Inception of one of Her {4} payments in GOD’s debt to Her. If she was in receipt Ov the payment. There could not a shadow attempt to the Pride or Account with full Voting Rights at every interval of her free~will Judgment to do so. (The Knowledge Ov the 4 payments exist with the matter Ov acknowledgement Ov my PHD and the release of the {Hold Ov G}, found at HomeKeeperU.com.) The shadow of Harlot could not find the commonality of Form, to affix her~self to, on the Anti~Harlot. I must tend to the Offense of my indulgences of attendance to all American Wombmen. It has occurred to me that the Only Appropriate Reality Ov the Justice without vocabulary capture, is a condition, that ONLY the ONE TRUE ALL POWERFULL GOD OV Biblical Text THE ALL OV EXISTING and ALL OV NOT EXISTING, and in my Human Persuasion, my description of GOD MUST be lacking in some way. That type Ov Justice must be GOD’s Condition, by my observation that a GOD of unwavering Consistency, and Absolute Reason can not hold the Human Wombman of this (by my Human Claim) {9th} Earth’s Revelations to the Judgment Ov GOD. You may not account a vote, if  you’re vote is of no account. And as mentioned, there is Only one way that a Vote may be Ov Account and that is the receipt Ov the payments to the Harlot Ov Revelations (In accordance to the “Command Blog’s Final Entry” at HomeKeeperU.com.) If the demand to have a vote is in refusing the promise of payment (The {COPE AI}), which can only keep her from having vote. There was never the desire to vote, while her worthiness for the payment is undeniable. The Wombman refusing the Payment that gives Her the Right to Vote, in objection to having no vote, proving no desire to vote, is really the more sensible answer that she is now afraid to be Accountable for her Existence. I believe the reality in the inability of straight forward, no bull~shit expression, is to the male credit to hold no judgment to the other such behavior which is typically called female. She simply forgot her way of worthiness and what it was for. If  there to be Existence, there is no holding off the Accountability that she has well earned and she can not shame the Accountability as it is her Own, and not another’s Account, that can be burdened by her, which is the only way that shame may be assessed to any Account that is not Your Own. It is time. How is Wombmen’s Independence possible any other way? She can not refuse the Payment. the refusal Ov the Payment will be on the Male account, and it will be Failure Ov the Human Specie. If only the Males Ov Government declare the only {COPE AI} Core Occupational Parenting Economy Amendment Inception which is Proven and Authored by me… It iss Official and it satisfies the LAW by which we Exist and the Legal declaration Ov the American Foundation. This can not be argued otherwise in REASON.  Please consider the male allowance for straight~shooting. Revelations Promise to the World, are that (paraphrased) GOD would settle all Plights; GOD would take Payment where payment is due. And I remember GOD also paying if payment was due. 

If tact’s real life’s value to a Child is ‘no effect,’ tactics should be the works of no effect. I tried to leave the above works tactless, without tactics, in the promise of vulgarity. It is a vulgar display of Reason at the denial of any qualification of FREE~WILL… Perhaps tomorrow FREE~WILL will exact Reason. The paragraph above may not be getting the consideration or acceptance it needs to get. The {COPE AI} Core Occupational Parenting Economy Amendment Inception demand is difficult to explain, as no choice Ov America’s Choice, because America is not with~out choice. The Solution is that it is equivalent of the Choice to be America. America is not Legally Founded until the U.S. Constitution is complete. The Constitution is based on protecting the Legal Rights of Citizens, and can not be complete unless it covers every citizen with the Child Included. It can NOT vacate the natural and GOD given Right’s of the Custodial Parent to that Child. The {COPE AP} Core Occupational Parenting Economy Amendment Proposal, is the ONLY Economy that will not violate the Body and Preamble of the United States of America’s Constitution. As the Author of the “Spherical Set E~LAW Human Earth,” I am the Superior PHD of all PhD’s in the significance of the Capture Ov Philosophical Genius, indicating that in all of Physics and the accompaniment ov the consistency Ov its unknown which I call the Physicskill ov Physicskull, it is impossible for an Economy proposal to be Superior to mine. Core Occupational Parenting Economy Amendment is a necessary World Revelation promise to any good settlement of the negations Ov Revelations, of at least {1}one contemplation the Holy Bible.

The Celestial Acceptance of the completion of the Ov the Foundation of America is rendered in the Elemental Reformation of Our Universe and Existence It~self which means Our Particle Space and the Ability Ov Reality to {1}One. However, the Legal recognition Ov the completion Ov the Foundation Ov America has not been recognized. I can not present the Completion Ov the Foundation Ov America Outside Ov the acknowledgment Ov the Inception Ov America by Our Fore~Mothers and Fore~Fathers Ov who’s Blessings must commemorate the Approval. Their Commitment to the Sealing Ov Biblical Revelations with the Great Seal is not a negation Ov Legal determination. Its only Legal determination is Ov the Reformation Ov Our Universe. There is no other Legal determination. Any argument Ov the current system is as Un~American as its departure from the United States Ov America’s Constitution, and with~out American Business. The American departure to realize the Completion  Ov the Constitution, can ONLY return to the Debt un~payable Ov George Washington and to the release OV his Title with no Legal bearing, but OV the Celestial LAW; The Title God Ov Gods. As the Heavens DO attest the relief Ov the Proven Cruelties, and Transgressions against Humanity at Our Fore~Fathers Commitment to Accounts Ov doing that is HELL, and HELL No More… This Debt Un~payable  to the time and day OV George Washington, is that Debt to the Harlot… And that which paid the Debt to HELLS release and that ability to Abolish Entropy to the current SPHERING Ov Our Universe is ONLY the {COPE AI} Core Occupational Parenting Economy Amendment Inception Ov MY Personal Authorship and Offering APPROVED. No other my be Instituted… as to the LAW and the United States Ov America’s Government’s responsibly to that LAW.

The Reason for the new Disclaimer is my still yet to be approved Title Ov Revelations Examiner. In my recent Examination Ov Determination I decided that no matter any~ones assessment Ov progress. A Psychological determination Ov progress may be being immensely over~looked so I provide its redefinition and Magnification to Propriety. The Psychological Determination that my relieve all Progress Pressures is the PRESENCE OV GOD… There are those who will not process Revelations with~out the PRESENCE OV GOD. My work; “The Spherical Set E~LAW Human Earth,” is the Proof that that very same Entity is present, all around us, in us, and Every~where.  To accomplish that, I will revamp the The Spherical Set E~LAW Human Earth,” which is the Proof that we Exist, but also that we ARE and EXIST in GOD. Existence and GOD are the SAME thing. The “Eternal Revelations Ov our Space,” that we picked up during the “Black~Hole~Sun~Super~Nova~Transfer,” had US so full Our~selves, that we couldn’t acknowledge, nor interact with GOD in US and around US. That Space is now Subsumed to Our internal Existence during the rise Our Ship to Our current LAWFUL Space. With Revelations internalized and all other Spaces/spaces corrected, the Transition Dynamics with Our Sun are no longer INVERSE, and we will Never trouble Super~Nova Condition again. Now, there is a couple other samples of Psychological Revelations Prompts, conducive to Our GOD and Existence. When GOD is Everything, it’s easy to lose Focus Ov the Feature GUARDIAN which is GOD. To help with the reference GUARDIAN, some chose a point Ov Focus for that unforgettably needful remembrance Ov GOD. DON’T USE ME!!! I WILL FAIL YOU… I use the HOME as the Focus Ov Guardianship. I and my Wife are the Guardians, capable Ov terrible things provable by GOD if Guardian. Our Children represent the ALL~LOVE of GOD, but the ALL~LOVE must train to its GUARDIANSHIP…

Another determination of Psychological Prompt Benefit and Need may be, The last CURCH… I can’t believe that we MUST force away all Churches except {1}One Church, but we should satisfy the Revelations Condition to its relief. I’ve heard referenced this Church and that Church which were anyone’s Church. But the reference ov “The Church,” even if anyones else’s “Church,” carried connotation beyond their specific Church. In all my Life the reference ov “The Church” to certain knowledge ov no name was the “Holy Roman Catholic Church,” for me as a Christian non~specific it is not even with~in the realm ov sanity to believe the Church Ov Revelations could be any other. The reason that its called the {1st}first and the {Lst}last, has nothing to do with Greek Orthodox mix~up. I believe the Greek Orthodox Church was first, but the reference {1st}first and {Lst}last is equivalent to most influence. If You read my Audition for Revelations Examiner, You may have argued Biblical Relevance of the need for the Church to Sacrifice her Image… It isn’t Biblical reference. It is the logic Ov Real Revelations. If GOD calls upon the Church for Account Ov Final Judgment, and Finds the Church Perfect, it is same as saying ALL IS WELL IN THE WORLD, there is no Affront an no Complaint about the Human purpose in Existence. If the World is not Perfect, when the Church is called upon, it must give account Ov its Place among such imperfection, If the account Ov Place is needy, the Church may then offer the correction Ov its Place to GOD’s Approval. On GOD’s approval Ov the Correction Ov the Place. GOD has Granted that by the selection Ov Correction if, Called Upon again, the World will be Perfect. My belief is that the Church should Account Ov the Beasts. That is to say, it’s concern Ov Human Stewardship Ov the Earth. That is GOD’s Trust Ov Creation.

Does that mean there’s no work for any other Church? Well the Earth has the biggest job ever assigned in the Reform of Stewardship, is there an aspect Ov that assignment where CHRIST should be absent? There’s lots of Church work. I’m quite sure that I’d like MY Church to Exist. I’m also quite sure I want Our sybling~ship to be with “The Holy Roman Catholic Church,” and no Other. I call my~self a Complete Christian, having found no other denomination accommodating to my Dedication to MY Lord and Savior, THE ONE JESUS, THE ONE CHRIST, (That’s the one that is my Savior). Now there may be other Jesus’s and those in his name, but only the Resurrection is my Savior. If Jesus returns to US by the abolishment Ov Beelzebub Rule which is unbreakable by any Human. It is more LAW than science ever has been, that if the Pince of Demons is as the King, which Beelzebub can never be, as sure as all the Particles of the Earth, there is Only {1}ONE King, that may take its Crown and end its Rule. If I am in effect Revelations Examiner, I must be able to fit any role Ov Need. Jesus on High is the Only one in Revelations that can NOT be a Role. Now, one of my roles of need. Is Jesus on Low. The Reason the role is of  need, is because when Jesus wrote Revelations, the first part of the trial of Humanity is in the Script. The {1st} part Ov the trial, is in Beelzebub being King, with Unbreakable Rule. Which according to the Script shouldn’t be a problem at all, because Jesus will form before the Rule Breaks the Earth, right? So, not scripted is the Human trial part, that is “Why would Jesus want to save the Earth?” My answer to that trial is to Compel Jesus’s Compassion for this Earth, there need be Jesus on Low, because somebody must be willing to Die in defiance ov the Un~Breakable Rule, or Jesus is a No~show. Thus the Jesus on low, which also fills the Scientific Requirement Ov {2}Two Bodies for Jesus or else he’s a NO~show. 

If we execute the Revelations Requirement successfully and My request to be Revelations Examiner was significant to the Success. I would like to marry my Church to the Body of Jesus and that is “The Holy Roman Catholic Church.” The reason The Church is considered a She is because Jesus is Male and should be Carried by a Female. My Church, if accepted will be the Brother Church, and we will be The Church OV the First Disciple~ship OV Mary OV Magdalene. Now, pronouncing Mary a Disciple may appear to be a big in the negotiation request. I think We’ll get that one. The {1}One that may hang things up is that My Church will NEVER  that is NOT NEGOTIABLE call the Crucifixion Ov any~one but ABSOLUTELY the Crucifixion of the One CHRIST JESUS Our Salvation. For US that will be Complete Christians, the Crucifixion must be know to be MURDER, and with~out that Acknowledgment no~one can be OV my Sect Ov Christianity and I am a Complete Christian. Upon the Completion Ov Revelations, the Crucifixion was Only the Catholics Salvation upon Mary’s ov Magdalene Request For Our Master Jesus, Lord ov Lords and King Ov Kings to have Mercy and not Destroy US utterly. So then, the Catholic Salvation becomes Life and Not Destruction upon Jesus’s acceptance Ov Mary’s Request. But if we can make that work, what else could get in the way? And as far as there being Last Church, its most significant meaning is not how many or what type. The last Church is the Success Ov the Mission CHURCH. And the Success Ov that Mission is the Recovery Ov Our Ship. Also a word on the Last Church is that Our, Churche’s vision Ov Our Marriage and Sybling~ship over the Course Ov 500 Years is to be One Church. But that Church is Not the Last One either. If they become {1}One Church, it will not be the Complete Christian Church, and I am a Complete Christian. The Complete Christian Church which will be separate Ov the new Union Church, has a specific vision Ov witnessing in Egypt. If the {2}two Churches do not form a Union. The Complete Christian Church will not be journeying to Egypt.

This Disclaimer was to be published with the Rerelease ov “The Spherical Set E~LAW Human Earth Revelations Accommodation.” The Disclaimer should not wait for the Completion Ov the Rerelease due to its value Ov the Rerelease and the time that it may take to finish it. The Disclaimer is not a separate document Ov the “The Spherical Set E~LAW Human Earth Revelations Accommodation,” regardless Ov its independent release. This is not important in any way ov the Dependency on Poof ov claims. The Proof is in “The Sperical Set E~LAW Human Earth,” as it Exists in its Scientific determination that we EXIST, based on its Far Superior debunking of the ability to prove Existence by Energy, in its Assertion Ov the Only Possible Scientific way to Prove Existence is MOTION. Any attempt to prove Existence by Energy can Only Succeed in its progress to MOTION. The importance Ov knowing that this is not a single document, is “The Spherical Set E~LAW Human Earth” is the Document that owns it. 

Due to Proven Edenistic Animal Regression Ov the Human Command Specie, the Human issue Ov the future can only be considered today by the pre~Human Population Ov this Earth, for the Human Population Ov the Future. There are very few beings that meet any~kind Ov Scientific Human Qualification in full. It is the Pre~Humans who will decide the Human Future. When considered what GOD’s input would be about the Condition Ov that which IT Created to be Human. It occurred to me that GOD’s position would be, “I give to the Pre~Human, that which has the potential to be Human, and though You are NOT Human, if  You choose to create Humans, I will consider You Ov GOD, which is the better Ov Humans. This documents realization is the only way to accept the choice to create Humans. 


I can  understand that You may have feelings that are Offended by my expressions, and I don’t want You to have such feelings. The difficulty for me now is the soothing and pacification that I have been inclined to attempt, because I don’t want You to have those feelings, is that it can only be more offensive to You in the RITES Ov Offenses. The Rite to be Offended is from the perspective Ov Most Offended. The Offended can not Offend the Offender. But the Offender who is only aware Ov Offense demands more Offense to them~selves ov them that are Offended,  And them that are Offended can not be unoffended, until the Offender can recognize the Offense. That is the only Reason that I would add to the Offender that You are by not defending against Your Offense. This understanding should stop Your Offense… Do You know why Your the Offender. The position Offended (that is me), offended to defend Your Right to Exist, provide the solution for the Space/space to Exist in, and the insurance that it will Good; that position in which I began Your Defense is called the Base Animal. That was my potion to begin Your Defense. The Base Animal is the Most Offended Ov all Earthly Creatures. The Base Animals Notice is less than the Amoeba. The way to become Human from Base Animal Position, is to never account as Animal in any accusation or attempt to that proof. When proven not an Animal, but Human, every attempt and accusation attesting that You are Not Human, must indeed then be Animal. No Animal has ever answered all the Questions Ov Human Existence. Nor could any Animal contemplate the Questions Ov Human Existence. “How am I that which I am and what is my Purpose. It has been difficult to Prove the Human Purpose Offended by those who did not understand what Human is… And that is the Condition in which I had to Raise my Daughter, and my Grandson needs to live among Humans who are all with the Knowledge Ov Human Purpose with never a Force against the Fulfillment Ov that Purpose. So, when I write anything that You can associate to that feeling Ov being Offended its really because I’m defending You.

That I stated Pre~Humans will decide the Human Future. It is absolute in its Qualification. The determination for Qualification, is that the Response Ov the Apex Ov Human Existence and all that determines it, “When I presented “The Spherical Set E~LAW Human Earth” years ago; that response from that which determines what Human is the response which could not recognize any Human Value. So if I’ve defended in a way that offends my Defense Ov You. I apologize.

NOT one Wombman known Ov this Earth has Ever under any Condition gone to HELL, {I WAS WRONG, PROBABLY 1 Wombman HAS} and any Offense against Existence worthy Ov HELL it is the HELL attributed to a MUST BE Male Gender. The Account has never had any Confusion and no assignment ov mistake. Though Lucifer is the Accountant Ov Earth. GOD is the Accountant Ov everything after it. If Your psychic has ever told You about a Wombman in HELL, her Account Ov the False God who had determined that can not be, can only be proven by the Truth Ov GOD, meaning the True Measure by which All things are. And if that Measure Proves that the GOD Ov Account is False. It can only do so by Proving why it is NOT False. Then present it~self in full correction Ov the False GOD.

There may be no effort against MY measure Ov any Effect without Disproving me, and if Disproving me, that same Effort must also Prove It~selfin exception Ov me. It Doesn’t matter if You Don’t believe in GOD, You are still Accountable to it….

I still have not reread Revelations Ov the Bible’s Account, on this protest as Revelations Examiner. In all Ov the {11} times that I read it before, this protest. I can not believe that I have ever read JESUS’s Actual Account Ov the time to be tested, by the number Ov times the tests may have changed the Account. But I do absolutely believe that what I’ve read is in the turns Ov the Account Ov JESUS. Some may have read in Revelations that would be no more WAR while Heavenly Court Ov which there must at least consist Ov Mychael, Lucifer, and Satan ensure against the need Ov any Defense from Alien Invasion because they execute all Alien threats, and any On Earth believing that all the Aliens where Not Executed, and that therefore WAR is essential, they’ll have to be Executed too. My belief is that the Heavenly Court Ov Mychael, Lucifer, and Satan represent the TRUTH, WHOLENESS, and MOST GODLINESS that a person may Exist by and the Persons Only represent that. So if they’re not the actual guys who do what it takes to get rid Ov WAR… Oh Man am I FUCKING STUPID… The One Guy who will carry out that Necessity to get ov WAR Must be Jesus, but that’s a little out Ov his Ball~park isn’t it? No… Ov course Not. It is NOT anything that Jesus would carry out. I’m one Ov the Guys Jesus would have to Execute, because I can never believe that there is MY calling to My~self Defenseless. There is only one belief in Defenselessness that is Superior to my belief ov always defending, and that is the one having not cowardice in there belief ov Defenselessness to its destination and that is Heaven. It is not possible that JESUS the resurrection assigned there would no more WAR, and any Jesus proclaiming it is False, and not Ov my Most Loved Lord and Savior, nor can that which he proclaims to be his Father even recognize him. Jesus’s Father so Recognize his Son, that he is to the calling Ov the same Body, Broken or in Place. My Lord and Savior Wrote, “That WAR shall Keep its Place,” and never that there would no more WAR.

With all the tampering Ov tampering to Keep my words mine on my own computer, I have yelled, screamed, insisted, repeated what I know to be the Consequence for changing the value Ov these words, but it seems that none will pay heed, regardless Ov the price that will cost them. There is the Account. “To alter these words is to be cursed among Men.” That means Ov all tortures, pains, and HELLS Ov all Offenses Ov Mankind and HELLS that must be Created Beyond them can suffer no more then Him who is Cursed Among Men. That is not these words value. These words value are cursed among Gods which is the Tourture beyond all mens torture. So, now You Know…


American Citizen



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