You may choose to read this eulogy in Yellow, Tashee’s favorite color, clicking on the Yellow text.
My little Sister, Tashee, Roberta, Robbie, Robbin took her own Life 5 days ago. I’ll address Mental Illness first because it is least. Both myself and my Brother can attest that Severe, Clinical, and Major Depression is no small matter. We would tell You that Depression at its worst is an indescribable Dispare. The best way to understand that which there are no words for, is a Despair in which one longs for either Heaven or Hell, at some point not caring which as long as it’s not that Dispare. Depression is an American epidemic affecting 32.8 % of Americans, meaning 1 of every 3 Americans are affected by Depression, but that was not Tashee’s Life. Her Life can’t be dismissed that easily. Tashee is dead and depression is an American epidemic because; it’s a MAD WORLD.
Tashee fought a Good, Strenuous, Heartbreaking, Spirit Taking, Name Raking, Joy Forsaking fight. She gave more to us all than she ever took and fought until finally she simply could fight, no more. We can say that Tashee was born a Christian because our Father was a Reverend. She believed that Jesus was a Good Man, but no longer believed in the power of GOD, and closely related, no longer in the power of herself. Pulling back from what triggered this event to take place; the full picture, full focus and Tashee’s real Life,I know that it was a MAD WORLD that killed her. In speaking about power, we believe these things to be powerful; Government or a Corporation while GOD allows conservatives to have conversation, it’s just not real World. A Mountain may be powerful but far too passive for any effectiveness against its only modern threat; the apathetic Human Being. The power of self these days is held to who has the most control of 2 individuals in a relationship and One’s position at a Company. Am I wrong? Who here believes that they have the power to change a Corporation? Who believes that they can influence Government in a profound and specific way. The tanacious Tashee believed she could. Even as a teen she believed that she could change Corporate Greed. She BELIEVED it. So what do we say of that? Tthat, “She was an inspiration to us all,” or do we say, “Yeah she believed, I know she believed and look at her now.” I say inspiration… Beyond my parents, she was my first moral compass in Life. She wanted to be a Good and Correct person {Per/Sun} on her part. If You knew her, You know that she demanded that You be a Good and Correct person {Per/Sun}. She was that way because she knew that the entirety of the Human stay is in how we treat one another, and how we steward this Planet’s Animals. Humans are actually wiping out all of the Animals, so that we can take their place in our treatment of each~other. She and I didn’t always agree on what a Good {Per/Sun} was, but hell, overwhelmed by her passion and reason, I guess I eventually wanted to be a Good {Per/Sun}, on my part. Later my wife and today our Daughter are my moral compasses. There has been no Great Man or a man that is just worth a damn who became so, without a woman as a moral compass. So then what is a Good and Correct {Per/Sun}? It’s what Tashee was; it’s what Tashee is. Born knowing the Love ofJesus, she carried that same Love for Humanity. Like Jesus, she wanted to save it. They beat her down so badly that she couldn’t see the value in her own Life never~mind anyone else’s. I could Hate Humanity for that, but that will not be my Sister’s Legacy. Her Life was a Super~Nova of Warmth, Passion, and Hope. Her death will not be a Black~Hole of Despair. I begged her; I’m not finished Tashee; we’re not finished, give me another chance my weary crusader, my Woman named Righteousness. She wasn’t Living a breath for herself. She was Living for US, because we wanted her to be alive with US. So, You or You, or You, do You believe that You have the power to change a Corporation? She believed it, she stood up to many Corporations in some small ways and some really big ways. It was among the last things that she did before falling to Mental Illness. If she had a problem with Company Policy she would speak her opinion fearlessly better than most Men could. Some would say that most Women do. Tashee can no longer change America, which has been called a Light by which the World may see. What does the World see when it sees America? Does it see Idealist and Philosophers on Human Liberty and Progress or does it see hoards of worshipers at the pentacle of money? If it’s money, Tashee can’t change this highly perverse view of the most enlightened Government of all Human history. You will have to. You will have to because baby Americans are being born every day, and People this is the Truth. If America is not a Light by which the World may see, while racing across the expanse of our Universe; the World is blind in its course. Believe wholey, fully and absolutely, that what I ask next is about Legacy and not advertisement. Visit and After my Daughter, and my Significant~Other, they are written for Tashee and she was the 1st to inspire them in a ranked and foul boy, some 38 years ago. There are those who would say that she hadn’t been the {Per/Sun} that You describe for a long time. They would be wrong. I saw her, and I called to her but she wouldn’t come, nor speak. But on the day that these sites produce the success of the Geneople Foundation, that Woman would have been it’s most valued employee, it’s 1st inspiration, and it would have been the platform for her Love of the World and Herself. Do You believe that You have the power to change a Corporation? Why not? Is America not the Power of the People?
My Sister’s death is in no way a disgrace to me. She was a Battle Buddy, a Soldier in what has been called Collegiately, the War on the Home, and in this War~time Army Veteran’s opinion, heart, and testimony, she both Lived and Died Honorably. GOD Bless Roberta Tashee Meadows Dunsmore.
This is a portion in the body of the Mission Statement. It is an infantile but true understanding of the highy, extremely complex {CDP} “Conversionary Death Process”. The fuller and under eveloped theory depends on Celestial Genetic Strings, along any point of which there may be location destinations and they may be at every point simultaneously.
The {CDP} “Conversionary Death Process”
With a better understanding of the {CDP} “Conversionary Death Process”, and the job of the Living to pass the dead to good and healthy Space/space, then by their gracious Existence on the other side shall we receive the “dmail” dead-mail, or “cmail” conversion mail, to YOUR Heightened Senses, that YOU and their other Loved-ones have done a great job, in their PASSING. It will feel like an in-side-line or deposit of Liberty. Per-haps from time to time YOU’LL get a quiet partial euphoria from the presence of the genetic shadow of our Love-ones, maybe a decillion Dimensional Fathoms across the {DSC} ”Dimensional Space Continuum”, as surely as YOU shared the same Genetics in Life. We also share “Light” with every-one we inter-act with and write their stories in scaled intensity to our Genetic Configuration in “The LAW of Socialized Genetics”. Therefore after-life travel is/will-be on the auto-piolet of the “Internal Genetic Universal and {DSC} Travel Maps. It’s YOUR individual route assignment. We all have one in-side of us, and continuously, flowing out of us as well. The hideous {catch 22} about Depression, is that our Loved-ones need us to help them PASS, which is very, excessively, and with an improbable prospect of success. Our Loved-one’s Spirits, become just as Depressed and lost, in a Depression feeding Depression, real life/death scenario. If YOU learn the purpose of “Human Life” and more about the {CDP} “Conversionary Death Process”, YOU are writing to the ‘Socialization of Your Genetics’. Which continue in the communication process beyond the grave. YOU may be able to Paradox, the compounding Depression trap that YOU are, have-been, or perhaps would have been in. If YOU become, found in Life here. The LAW demands that YOUR deceased Loved-ones, will be less lost, or found, in Life else-where. Your Relative can station themselves at every point along the Celestial Genetic Strings (Travel Map), just a few, or travel along them in You. You may set up wait stations for more apprehensive parts of your Relative and final destinations or playgrounds of others. Your Relative Self can be present at all destinations and travel routes or just the ones that You get along with them on. But it’s never too late to get a better understanding of whom You Relative was nor is it too late to settle old arguments. Be Your best self here and You will present Your best self (selves) there. Your Relative rather they know it or not has the choice to leave the strings if they are able, but will attract to similar strings. We can only be what we are and know what we know, where changing and learning are optional. The same is true of our Synergy or Spirit. Therefore as our Relatives negotiate the unknown and do well with it becoming known, they may be more and more unknown to us here and more of just a memory. How well any individual is with themselves WILL affect what we find to become communication or communion. Your Relative Self does indeed trickle into Einsteinian Special and General Relativity as I understood it. I will have to brush up. I actually speak to my Relatives aloud. I don’t hear answers but speculate as to what they may be curious, fearful, confused, or nonresponsive about. The understanding of this process can go a very long way to stablizing America’s Continuous Landed Sky, and the better the new atmospher gets the easier those suffering in America’s epidemic of Depression may be relieved.