
Banbile is: 1. a substitute term for Baby that is not equally substitutable. It is less sheepish than ‘Ba’ and less incidental than ‘by the by’ and any such future, ‘by in by,’ of both ‘Ba’ and ‘by’ or Ba·by, Baby. {see definition 6.}  2. A term for baby which uses the subconscious to provide more attentiveness and caution of the Parents and Society at large. 3. a subconsciously accessing term conducive to, lowering the population at the birth-rate, while increasing Parental and Societal caution and care. 4. Cut the shit. 5. Demanding more responsibility of the Parents and later the Child, and less given to a Baby-sitter or Grandparent. 6. Ban”, take away or disallow toxins like feces, combined with “bile” as in toxins or feces’, in “Ban” and “bile” or Ban·bile, Banbile(s). {I really do hope the coined term catches on, I use them together, saying, Baby 1st then adding Banbile, both of which, in my opinion, should always be capitalized, for subconscious boosting of the infant’s significance.