Expert ov Instances: The Expert ov Instances may be appointed as such the selected or Appropriated Government Official, Expert ov Histories, Expert of Credentials, or the Parent(s). The qualification of the Expert ov Instances may be validated by any of the previous, the Parent(s) unless being (a)n Expert(s) ov Instances, and including the Judge whom, may qualify whom~so~ever with the agreement of any Expert and other Appropriated Government Official. The qualification shall be a perspective like no other Expert and a view that can be conveyed and or moderated to the American and Human existence, especially if it can challenge the current legal system. The same Expert must be able to cross~reference, parallel, and or poetically serve any multiply existing Instances to the relevance of their selection. The Expert of Instances’ opinion shall bear with it the credibility of all other Experts. Upon any systematic, reckoning, alteration, refinement, or any other provable value to the American and Human Existence, the Expert of Instances, shall not be left with~out position and the offer of pay, from among any of the aforementioned casually Governmental and Agenial bodies; upon which the new Expert of Instances must be an U.S. of America Citizen in good standing; never having as Expert, reasonably by the most basic perspective, been recognized or reported to have engaged in sedition, insurrection, or treason against the Constitution of the United States of America. This decision must be made in the view that the Constitution of the United States of America was and is a timeless, scientifically lawful, document. That same document stands absolute for amend~ability and only may be misinterpreted. That is to read into it anything other than an always Free Nation of always Free Individuals. The freedom of both is due, superlatively, irrevocably, and inalienably to the Inalienable Rights of each Individual Citizen. If American Rights in their priority “To Exist” seem to conflict remember, the Right that slights the Right, making even one degree less Free, also makes the Nation not Free; if only not Free by less than a three hundred sixtieth of a degree, which is the fullness of our sphere over time. That being said, no inalienable Right of the individual can fall\fail, the individual’s/individuals’ Free Nation or it is not inalienable. To such an agreement is an Expert ov Instances so fit for life.