“Manufacturing Economy Tier” {MET}

The “Manufacturing Economy Tier” is Business. The {MET} is the support of the  🔗“Core Occupational Parenting Economy” {COPE}. It provides all producting and services. It is a ‘security regularity’, keeping the regularity of the  🔗“Security Regulation”, the  🔗{OPET}. If Business accepts the  🔗“Sperical Set E~LAW Human Earth”, the “Core Occupational Parenting Economy” {COPE} is the only resonable, logical, and honestly, sane progression. 

In our ability to understand, we are near to the top of what any Continuum has to offer. Unfortunately we place our~selves among Animals and takers. We must separate from the animals. The spoken language and the fact that we ask, and don’t take, is the separation of human and animal~LAW to which life adheres. We must always ask; if not, all else is rape, for Humans. Animals are ‘with~out’ rape as charge or criminality. We can not simply fall back to Animals, for even our grunts would scream to the linguistic ‘shout back’ of our ear’s, heart’s, and Spirit’s yearning. It is only left for us to see the fire from that point. Un~like the beasts, we cast our~selves here. Why shouldn’t all good be relieved, from the full of the casting, that is Hell. Take not and therefore rape not.

If Maufacturing builds the best products and services for the {CHEIF} “Command Human Element In Finance” and/or “Conduct of the Human Element In Finance” and the Earth votes to have the World Banks to scale the regulation of costs/pricing in the projection of a New World, Century, and Economy, not {1}One billinaire would have to change even the smallest aspect of their Existence. The reregulated Financial Structure would also norrow the stratification, canyon, ocean, desert, making every~one’s money, worth a little more. Our new knowledge of Space/space, is going to provide less expensive, more expediant means of Space~flight, moving back through the Space~Shuttle to even newer innovations. The renegotiated billionaires, and millionaire, will realize a Space~Aged Economy beyond the fake {1}one we’ve been entertaining. That mean trillionaires will evolve in the development/evelopment of Moons and Mars with Space~training to the {CSOTHE}”Conditional Space of the Human Element” and the acronym is (Soothe). Just imagine {2}two dots over the ‘O’. More comfortable Space/space  for the Astronaut/Cosmonaut/Taikonaut as well as any other Space Cadet. The activities of the {OPET} “Occupational Parenting Economy Tier” will evemtually turn trillions, quadrillions and so~on.  

The {MET} must have Government~ (economic only)~regulation or in America’s case the regultion of “We the People” at its base. This simply structures a Business~negotiation. Business is trying to achieve a Non~Negotiable Business~status with legislation like the {SAD} “State Action Doctrine”by which when ruled to be Constitutional, Business may ignore Your every Right along with the Rights of every other American Citizen.

Pray continuously for the reversal of the current Un~Constitutional enforcement of the {SAD} “State Action Doctrine”, and the reconstuction, amending and mantling of the “Fairness Doctrine”, which President Reagan removed from the Federal Registry along with the instrument for the rule for the “Fairness Doctrine”, in 1986. The “Fairness Doctrine” kept the news reports honest and balanced. America can not survive nor recover with both prays coming to pass, granted. The Space~Age can not survive nor recover with~out America.