(CB 1) The following Blog is 27 pages or at least that’s what my significant other tells me. Recently I printed 41 pages from this Blog and another person printed 47. I’m really not sure what hell folks are reading from my Domain. The very pages of this website have been changed time and again at much less than my own discretion. Whether it’s 27 pages or 2, there’s a few things that may be helpful to know before reading. The Command Blog has a subliminal quality. You will not be the same after reading it. That is a Good thing. See, the best subliminal value is found only in that which is True. In other words, We recognize the Truth when we see it. Whether we disagree or agree with what we’re reading, our most “inward person” or most “innate self” has experienced what’s True about our every wonder at some point in our linage. Most of us just haven’t put it all together for our “out-ward person”. The “black and white” is less memberable but You will still understand everything You read. It’s good if Your are a person who is rigid in their way, but eventually You should read the “color for function” version. Even the most rigid should only desire to read the “black and white”, no more than 3 times. It’s a lot of reading but we’re talking about something that is going to forever change Your life, Perhaps Your more comfortable reading the “black and white” 10 times. That’s fine. The following “Blog” is both intensely primal and most evolved at the same time. You may have to read the “color for function” version a few times, as well, for a complete and describable understanding. You may read straight through like a perfect dive into a warm lagoon or You may tire of reading it. I assure You the more You read it the better the understanding You’ll have about everything around You. With great understanding comes great responsibility. Their are many cautions written into it. You should accept them as naturally as if they were any other Truth. So You don’t have to try to understand the whole thing at one time. You can always go back and read it again. If You find Yourself more wakeful remember Your definite past emotions and don’t be afraid to lay-over in some sleeplessness. If You feel that You are awkwardly uncomfortable, when You haven’t read it for a while and it’s on the back of Your mind, You should get through, the addictive feel at some shorter rather than longer interval. With all of that said, Please enjoy and encourage others to read as well. (CB 2) Forward Viewing Very Little About HomeKeeperU, Command Blog Reason, Formal Writing Disclaimer, Command Blog, Very Little About HomeKeeperU: The first thing to know about HomeKeeperU.com it is fully dedicated to maintaining Diversity. The reason for the name HomeKeeperU or HKU is that in the HGH or Human Graduated Home there are 23 graduations of Home or things that can be considered Home. The homekeeper has to be familiar with all of them to be an effective Homekeeper and 19 of them to be an effective homekeeper. The other reason for the name is someone wanted to make a cool $5000 for registering homekeeper minus the “U”.com before anyone else. On my budget which is VA and SSD-I, I certainly couldn’t bring this website to you under that homekeeper domain. Instead I had to make homekeeping about You or “U”. That requires that HomeKeeperU.com be never condescending. If it is, You should say and convey so. Lets test that. The Home is a National Treasure. I am sure of myself as a homkeeper but I’m not so sure about You. Too achieve HomeKeeperU’s surety, You must be sure about Yourself as a homekeeper and if You are sure, it must be with reason. The reason I am sure of myself, is that I know I could have done a better job raising my Child, and I know I am trying my very best in the knowledge of how important home is. As a homekeeper I am certainly earning my income. In the concern of the Homekeeper/homekeeper, We can set these parameters in this Command Blog, between A.I. and A.P. The technology You will allow into Your house, and the way it is used, within Your Parenting or Parented style. Everything relevant to homekeeping is in there. The Earth and environment are inherent to Home. The goal of the Command Blog other than stated in the “Reason” is to solicit the securities of Research and Writing Grants or just get paid by Government for the value of its contents. I have set my sights, ultimately on NASA to be my boss. I am a disabled veteran and I recognize the value of the Army Branch of the military and the Executive Branch, that for us is now, headed by President Donald John Trump. My hope is that among that esteemed body is the ability to recognize the value of the completion of the “Spherical Set E-Law Human Earth” the resolution of earlier imperfected but documented plausibilities, favorable to the Human Existence and the Continuity of our “Space Age.” Meaning, I couldn’t explain it earlier, but it sure would be nice if it were true. I can explain it now as I finish its entire value. The Evidence of its worth Exist nestled in content of this Command Blog. I have been disabled and working on the Governments dime for some time now and would like to present Its return in the electronic pages HomeKeeperU.com. Version 10/11. Presented now is HomeKeeperU.com version 9/10. In 10/11 the are more answers to the wonders that 9/10 presents. Presented in Version 10/11 will be the 1,2,3, Dimensional Perception Graduation, its mathematical properties found, by the discerning eye in this very Blog. And yes, it is keyed to the Home/homekeeper, even the perception of birth and new math for our Children. Between these 2 homekeeping aspects (1+1) and birth itself we find the Nature of Light. So, please do stay tuned. Last tid-bit about HomeKeeperU.com. It’s difficult to believe in this day and age the U.S. Copyright Office does not have a website content option. So I initially copyrighted the content of HomeKeeperU.com as a novel with non-fiction content. I do not in any way want to argue ownership on the downloaded pictures and excerpts/links from other websites. I do fully concede that those ownerships’ are someone else’s’. The problem of downloaded pics and excerpts, could be addressed in the “excluded” option but as it stands We must know all of the registration numbers, for those pictures and excerpts. That request is not within probable functionality. The need to copyright swiftly during this day of computer hacking, intellectual theft, and internet security threats, is a vital one. I will submit the HKU literary content with the actual exclusions upon the timely refinement to aforesaid content in another copyright. Hopefully very soon. (CB 3) Command Blog REASON This Command Blog is for explaining the need for the Existence, of this and every other blog you’ll ever read, on this site. Blogs create an augmentation of, an interest that becomes dynamic with, motion and perforated extensions of, itself allowing for, no-pressure, convenient, interactive, consideration. HomeKeeperU’s augmentation is that of our Existence, and the graduated indications of our home/Home, which is our apartment/house, Earth and our Universe. Such a topic gets, very broad and inclusive of near everything threatening, a loss of focus. The Command Blog rounds, spearheads, and recenters that focus. Everything you read in the blogs will be an addendum, of this Command Blog, its links, and any redirects. And, If it is ever not, You should be sure to say so. Lastly, it’s a taste of the various writing styles and conceptual manipulations, That You will find throughout the website. Now a disclaimer, about the level of Formal Education and creative uses, of Capitalization, punctuation, word derivatives and development, then onto the Blog. You may skip any portion of the Blog that You choose, Of course, You may skip the entirety of the Blog. But, to receive it’s whole value, You should read it in full. The Perspective Math, is best understood from the first “light purple” writing of its grammatical approach. The writing is typed as such, “So as to compound, on, the embedded subconscious, of the learning, their power, over all things pertinent to their success.” Shortly following the writing, will be a mathematical solution. That hadn’t been thought of in the same way before. Though it is very simple, it applies infinity to the variable ” i “, instead of imaginary to the variable ” i “. HomeKeeperU is of the hope that You’ll return to read the whole, if only reading part now. (CB 4) Formal Writing Divergence Disclaimer: I have not completed a formal education, which was, not for the lack of trying. I do however understand the importance of, reason and consistency in, writing and punctuation. The universal perception and distinction, within a language, of conveyed ideas is, both desirable and necessary to, progressive function. Irrevocably, change will demand advances, in perception necessary, to the same progression. I’ve found through trial and error, there is only so far one may deviate, from the mainstream before another will reject, whatever proposal, for progression and advancement. With all of the aforementioned, in mind did I deviate, from known standards. Some or none, of the deviations may be desirable, in a wider scope but, for the the purposes of HomeKeeperU, I hope You are served, as I intended. All changes are at the discretion of what the writer wishes to convey. The value of importance expressed not in, “before” or “after” nor “he/she or him/her”. The prominence remains “before and after”, “him and her”, “he and she”. An indication of my Citizenship is: American Mulatto American Though, this need not be written or said every-time but it must always be understood. It is what separates us from our once “Parent” now “Sibling”, nation, the United Kingdom and its roots, the British Empire. It is both a simpler and more complex language at the same time. The expression and skill of the writer are its only limitations. (CB 5) My use of Capitalization: The usage is, designed to redress subconscious redundancy fatigue, in the conscious view of importance e.i. when our eyes have no convergences, of the the progression to today’s States of importance, from yesterday’s. The importance for, any capitalization irregularity is explained in, the Periphery that I will create for HomeKeeperU.com Version 10/11. By this same, use Capitalization invokes a meaning of negativity or positiveness. The first irregularity You see, You’ve seen. It’s “You” to balance the redundancy fatigue of “I”. “I” has been capitalized since, GOD knows how long, I don’t want to but We have “We” capitalized in this Blog to bring Constitutional theory to one. The worse case scenario is retaining the same redundancy of “You” imbalanced to “I” with the new of “We”. “We” will not be capitalized with HomeKeeperU Version 10/11. The possessive capitalization is to take ownership of Your own, “my Country”, “Your country”. Jointly it is “our Country America”, and Your counties of the United Kingdom”. (CB 6) My use of Quotation: We have a traditional comma usage with the “quotation” in “setting aside”, terms. We may want to express, compounded interest of terms that We may not want to always compound, nor may we want to be that liberal with commas, when combining “traditional comma usage” with “newer comma usage”. It allows for more inspiration, like the Constitution or the Bible, in a longer sentence, while still accomplishing containment, with “Proper Title’s” and “generic title’s”. For the aforesaid, the “following punctuation” is, outside of the quotations and inside the quotations for something “I, You, or they said.” Quotations may also be for the non-regular use of a term e.g. “Parent” and “Sibling”, used above, are most regularly and “Actual Family”. Though I don’t have the time nor the energy, at this time, the ‘single quotation’ will absorb a significant role, in these uses. (CB 7) My use of comma: To the extreme that, this method, of comma usage, is exemplified in, this paragraph, It is, far to, stagnated, for the, fluency of, the current, reader’s eye(s). But if, the implications that, I will convey, are true, it may progress, to future appropriations. With (a) future eye(s), that, do(es) not, even, notice, the commas, but reference their, positions, in all, uptake intervals, and configurations, of the cognition, applied, to them. They may also lend, to a, more accurate, comprehension, when skimming, in most cases. My use of commas, are in, such a way that, the clause before, any comma, reads best to, the clauses following, any comma, forming, the most sensible, independent transition. The independent transition, can still be, a dependent clause. The first or before, comma clause, from anywhere in the paragraph, may be, referenced, to a second or after, comma clause, or containment, to anywhere in the paragraph, to form, compound transitions, or transition ideas, or comma containments. There to, any such reference, can be, made throughout, the entirety, of the paragraph, then you may reverse, it. The possessive or singular, or plural form, of some, clauses may need, to be, considered, for sensibility. The implementation of, all the forms, of the word’s sound(s), can be amusing. The transition meaning in, a few cases, may be contradictory, to that of, the sentence, but none is the less, acceptable. The reading, of the sentence, will be reinforced, when the clauses agree and, propose other than, when the clauses disagree. They are also called comma containments. This passage, may totally dissolve in, the conscious mind, but still be imposed, on the subconscious mind. The reading, should be, fluid and understandable, in either case, and this is not. Therefore, I minimize the implementation, to up to 3 independent, or dependent, comma clause containments, except in the case, of run-on sentences. If you are, a rigid scholar or teacher, and find my, comma usage unappealing, I do hope, you will recognize, its ingenuity. In much simpler terms, the words between any 2 commas of, this paragraph, will sensibly read, to the words between, any other 2 commas, from bottom to top, or top to bottom. (CB 8) My use of Colon: It is a traditional one. I do not use semi-colon because when, as a tutor in college, the semi-colon was to separate an dependent and independent clause of the same sentence. But, when I checked on Google it was to separate 2 dependent clauses in the same sentence. In discarding them I’ve discovered a form of American that has adequate definition of our “before” and “after” prominence. This We should never do away with, because it is the key to the Infinite and Eternal perspective. (CB 9) My run-on sentences: I sometimes cannot accurately and efficiently express a concept component with the restrictions of what is acceptable for the length of a sentence. I do try to, contain the expression for the aforesaid efficiency, as often as possible. If the sentence is longer than the average sentence I do use 5 or more comma containments. (CB 10) My use of redundancy: This deviation is used for reinforcement, and explanation, in a different abstract and detail. If You disagree with, one presentation of, an idea or proposal, perhaps you’ll agree with another offering, a different angle and, different details. Also while, one person may wish to dispose of one detail it may be helpful to another’s’ understanding. (CB 11) My use of number: It is my Opinion that We exclude numbers in writing far too often providing for an illusion that numbers are separate of writing. We cannot profitably escape the fact that everything is to numbers, even the Individual. I as an Individual, embrace this fact with HomeKeeperU.com’s “number in writing use”. Because it is exceedingly awkward and depersonalizing to address the person as a number i.e. to far from mainstream. I spell 1 (one) and 2 (two) when the number is of a person, except when writing of an item e.g. a finger or a tooth. HomeKeeperU.com also spells the number if it is first or last to punctuation with the exception of a comma sometimes. (CB 12) My use of parenthesis: When quotation and comma are redundant and, to follow-up perspective, I use parenthesis, (These may be construed as parenting techniques.) Parenthesis is also used to indicate plural or singular designations. (CB13) My “word form changes” and Innovation: If I can’t find a word specification, conveyance quality, tense, or function and have done due diligence to propriety. I will innovate one by “deriving examples” of other accepted forms. This must be accepted if one chooses perceivable existence. Because there are boundaries to the physical form We may speculate that there is a limit to physical possibilities. Only in being able to achieve new forms and possibilities for those forms, physical existence can extend beyond any current limit. We must have language to describe such possibilities. Therefore We must always carefully expand our communication forms. (CB 14) Progressive and advancement are different because progressive implies an action with no result. While, advancement implies a success in progression. “He progressed,” doesn’t tell us, he had a result of advancement, if he progressed imaginatively but did not advance. While “She advanced,” tells us that, she had a result of progression. She cannot advance imaginatively and not progress. I think our modern Era calls for them to be more differentiated and more similar, at the same time. The reason being the, encroachment of technology on the Human form. e,g robotic hands and micro-chipping. Both can offer wonderful adaptation and security, but the progression can lead to the advancement of cyborgs. I think that Human progress should be spoken of in terms of progressment. While, technology and Military campaigns should be spoken of in terms of advancement with an added modifying quality, advancive. (CB 15) I also try to capture the aspiration to dual or multiple, accurate designations or implications of fuller or further comprehensiveness. I will call these Aspired or Aspiring words. That is when something is two separate things but one reinforces the other. If they contradict we get humor. The vivascidity of her humor was contagious but not corrosive. “Deriving examples”, as used above, can be seen as its own individual phraseology with no-one performing the action. Further, deriving can designate that the examples are of derivatives, derivative examples, when we are “deriving examples” of other accepted forms. If I can use a word innovation to accomplish the same or more pronounced effect, I will, because, I think it evolves the language. I’d like to create a Periphery for, words an phases that imply, such multiple designations, but the appearance of the phenomenon is too frequent in my writing styles. (CB 16) Other words are corrupted in the subconscious because of how they were formed and the present result of their Existence. I believe that “develop,” is such a word. It is devolving in our subconscious and in our reality. I’d like to see it evolve to include evelop. It has the similar sounds, that do evolve, and even envelope can be construed. Envelope has a nice light airy feel to it, it has containment, mobility, and sense of success. It is unlike the, all engulfing root envelop or the never ending descent of develop, which is like degenerate, in the mind. An enveloping development, is pretty much describes what Industrial Humans do, and a developing envelopment, can be just as bad. I would like to see us use, develop in relation to the past, and evelop relative to the future. In the present we may refer, in respect to both the past and future. The term usage about the past to the present would be develop and the present to the future in terms of evelop. An unchanging ongoing circumstance or occurrence would be a development. So, we have arrived at this development but will begin to speak of our evelopment. I’ve eveloped a new type of mathematics, it is now in the development process. We may also describe the negative development or positive evlopment in the expressions and implications of our content matter. “It is an exciting new evelopment.” “No, it is the same old development we have always dealt with. Worse case scenario is a developing development and best case scenario is an eveloping development. An eveloping evelopment is never fulfilled. A developing evelopment can be. This does not condemn the word develop but gives it place. (CB 17) On HKU or HomeKeeperU.com there is a singular form of specie with its plural species weather the terminology is typical or not we are the Command Specie of this Planet Earth. The blend that species causes in the mind has a negative impact as to the responsibility for the Planet. The Command Specie is our GOD-given or Naturally Existing position for Earth. Even if an advanced Alien Specie or Human-Kind assumed the position of our overlords We would still be Earth’s Command Specie as by the Planet’s spawning. Another specie would simply assume the Command that is ours in absence or presence of any or all other species. (CB 18) The last 3 necessary in divergence are Synergy, Energy and Continuum. Because my work in the, Dimensional Space Continuum-Logic Faith Logic-Paradigm it is necessary to realize, Synergy as a potentially compounding, most currently confounding, physically undetectable, form of Energy. It is of living matter and may devolve to Energy. While, Energy may evolve or be induced to Synergy Continuously, Such an induction may exhaust the source(s) leaving a degenerating energy. HKU has a capitalized and lower-case use of Continuum/continuum and its derivatives. In the case of continuum, which is, left and right of a center-most point, the lower case will be observed. Continuum upper-case refers to the Infinite and Eternal spectra of spaces that constitute our, one Infinite and Eternal perceptible Space in the, DSC-LFLP or the Dimensional Space Continuum-Logic Faith Logic-Paradigm for the, Infinite Eternal Perspective of the triangulation of the 1, 2, 3 Dimensional Perception and its graduation to 151 15. (CB 19) It all sounds at first, a bit confusing, but I assure You the understanding is in the number of readings of the website material. There is no reason every homekeeper/Homekeeper shouldn’t be able to understand it, and how it applies to the same hoped for profession, given enough time. (CB 20) My use of hyphenation: If a word is hyphenated I would like you to consider both its compounded and un-compounded form because they may well bring to light alternate interpretations of the word and sentence. Un-compounded may very well be something separated or something in a confounding or stagnate State. Also the consideration of words that should perhaps have a frequent compounding. (CB 21) My use of apostrophe: I use a plural/singular possessive double apostrophe form to covey an either/or both possessives. Though it may seem that (s’) is the only plural form needed, it is somewhat illusionary. Think “We” Constitutionally. “We” as a body, the Nation is ours’, but its also our’s as Individuals together, yet a singular possession of each, because every American Citizen can say my Country and they’re correct. At the same time the World can be saying our America, while the body is saying ours’ and the Individual is saying our’s or mine “all together”. The World could be saying of America our’s and the World’s nations saying ours’. Our’s may be a group of groups, “rap groups”, “country groups”, “rock groups” etc. Each group is correct in saying the Country is theirs or our’s or ours’. So, If We want to express all of these and that they are different We use (‘s’) to describe the body, “We the People” in any possessive word form. Also for ‘s’ please allow a parenthetic appeal for plural as in it(‘s’). (CB 22) My use of ellipsis… Is in traditional method as well as. for pause. (CB 23) My use of they and their: Finally, the traditional uses always apply, but though uncomfortable and confusing for many the he/she and his/her issue is easily and reasonably resolved. They/their has a singular form when used to account for “he or she”, “him or her”. I know its linguistically functional because of the working form of it that I grew-up with in Philadelphia and transferred to Connecticut, with no confusion, based on the content of the sentence. and paragraph. (CB 24) I speak American because I am not a citizen of the United Kingdom, nor subject of Britain, nor was any American after the signing of the Declaration of Independence. But, some believe that does not qualify an American language. The above uses should do so. The American language is a form of English. (CB 25) Command Blog: This is not an exercise in conspiracy theories, paranoia, or any such insanity. It is however, an exercise in common sense, and progressive reasoning. Most everyone knows the abbreviation A.I. to stand for Artificial Intelligence. I’d like to see it used in its pertinence to a, negligently achieved Artificial Individual or, wondrously achieved Actual Individual. The abbreviation A.P. stands for Actual Parenting, Artificial Parenting, Animal Parenting, Assume Parenting as well as, and equal in importance, to Anti-Parenting. I’ve also heard A.P. distinguished as “advanced placement,” which will be applicable, to Human progress as well. Most every American also knows AP to be the Associated Press. I hope A.P. becomes a popularly coined term, but not a popularly abused one. It has an obvious potential for creating outcast or in-cast groups. it is to be an assessment tool in Human-Kind’s self-checking and self-evaluating for as long as there’s a Human Existence. Sometimes more, distance in our Child’s evelopment will be most, appropriately successive to a given time of attentiveness. That is to say sometimes we should ignore or even lead them down the wrong path (Anti-Parenting). A.I.A.P is an abbreviation curious of where we are with technology, Parenting, and our Ecological Balance. Also, it warns of what could be a dismal future if we do not stay to the most adventitious course. HomeKeeperU’s definitions for the A.I. portion of this blog are as follows. (CB 26) Artificial Intelligence is: 1. Intelligence that is manufactured of other than a Natural and uninterrupted biological progression. 2. Working intelligence that is false, bogus, or in-genuine. 3. A computer, or embodiment of a computer, with self-sustainable thought process, that is, unconscious, un-aware, without emotional or Spiritual sets, or a soul. 4. A computer with self-sustainable thought process and any variation up to complete consciousness, awareness, emotional or Spiritual sets, or a soul. Actual Intelligence’s importance, in this series, has been forfieted to the Actual Individual. Actual Intelligence is much too simple to serve this series purpose, Human Awarness. Actual Intelligence must be the ability to manipulate information correctly. Our tests add the element of time to the value intelligence and for this Revelation is the enabler of the Beast with great wrath, for, it knows that time is short. That Beast is none other more than our own human Corporate Existence. It could not effectively respond to entropy nor the demise of the Human Existence with great wrath, without the time element to genius. It’s frustion in the lack of understanding would give to what it knows to be Human decency, instead it is allowed to dismiss the conceptual behavior, decency, in name of solution to entropy and the Human demise. The Sperical Set E~LAW Human Earth make current Corporate behavior unacceptable to Human preservation. (CB 27) Artificial Individual is: 1. An individual raised of Artificial, Animal, Assumed, and or Anti-Parenting methods resulting in a devolved and isolated individual. 2. Individual/individual that is false, bogus, or in-genuine. 3. An Individual that is manufactured of other than a Natural and uninterrupted biological progression. 4.The manufactured embodiment of a self-sustainable thought process, that is, unconscious, un-aware, without emotional or Spiritual sets, or a soul. 5. The manufactured embodiment of a self-sustainable thought process and any variation up to complete consciousness, awareness, emotional or Spiritual sets, or a soul. 6. A degenerating individual 7. A non-organic thing manufactured of Human or Human-Kind. 8. An organic thing manufactured of Human or Human-Kind. (CB 28) Actual Individual is: 1. An Individual that is not an Artificial Individual. 2. An Individual achieving an accepted balance of Individual assimilation reckonable to the self and the masses of Individuals. 3. An Individual with a perspective of how things and Individuals/individuals actually work. 4. An evolving Individual 5. The manufactured, self-sustained embodiment of a self-sustainable thought process and complete consciousness, awareness, emotional and Spiritual sets, or a soul. 6. A non-organic thing manufactured of Human or Human-Kind. 7. An organic thing manufactured of Human or Human-Kind. (CB 29) HomeKeeperU’s definition’ for the A.P. portion of this blog is as follows. (CB 30) Actual Parenting is: 1. Parenting an Individual whom does, not simply assimilate, but wants to evelop themselves rightly or, actually based on their eveloping sense of right and, wrong in virtue and physical limitations i.e. The Parent only need guide that aforesaid sense. 2. A Parenting that focuses on their Child’s needs in their evelopment of individuality in their sense of right and wrong in virtue and physical limitations. 3. Parenting that focuses on their Child’s needs in any variation to the evelopment of individuality and assimilation of the aforementioned senses. The furthest implication of Actual Parenting is one that, in beneficial measure uses all other methods. (CB 31) Artificial Parenting is: 1. Any time the technology or stand-in parenting introduced to a Child’s life has, more barring on the Child’s evelopment than, the biological Parents’ actions, behaviors, or teachings. e.g. I told my Daughter that part of a Parent’s job is to teach their Children. She responded, “That’s what the internet is for.” The furthest implications of, Artificial Parenting are adoptively, foster, institutionally, unaccompaniedly or future, machine raised Children. 2. Parenting exacted of the example(s) of (an) animal specie(s). or of assumed machine, function. (CB 32) Animal Parenting is: 1. The way domestic and wild animals, Parent their young. 2.The raising of Human Children with the attentiveness of an animal. 3. Parenting exacted of the example(s) of (an) animal specie(s) function. (CB 33) Assumed Parenting is: 1. Parenting unconcerned with the evelopment of their Child assuming it should or will take place naturally. 2. Parenting assuming, their’s’, or another method of Parenting is one of, or the, correct method of Parenting. 4. Parenting assuming their’s’, or another method of Parenting is one of, or the, incorrect method of Parenting. 3. Parenting exacted of the example(s) of (an) animal specie(s), or of assumed machine, function. (CB 34) Anti-Parenting is: 1. Having no part in parenting ones own Child. 2. Teaching a Child opposite of that which should be taught. 3. Teaching a Child self destructive behavior, behavior that is destructive to others or all others. (CB 35) Command Blog continued: Please, in no way read the desire for technological regression. HomeKeeperU is very forward thinking. We probably need to speed up some technological advancements. We must though cater, to careful and, thoughtful evelopment. We may feel somewhat, like we’re having our ass, chewed out in this blog, and we are. But also, the yelling and finger-pointing, are no where near a shocking prod. I do apologize afore-time, the reading of this blog. HomeKeeperU,com is written in a way, that is functional to us having, to accept some accurate and pointed criticism. There is also some, illusionary glory, dissolving vulgarity, at the very least. Vulgarity though, is dissolving of all Glory, illusionary and True, so I will use it sparingly. Many times even when the illusion of our Existence is, known to be, it’s so warm, peachy and glowing, that, we don’t want it to go away. Such an illusion can be, in us and, all around us as well. It is exacting the sleep, that we just don’t wake up from. Our beloved America, World, and our Space, though they be very real, provide such illusions, exacting our sleep at a time when, we must be wakeful and aware. Speaking of illusions, Midnight is around here somewhere. Midnight Franigan is the first on our, Planet-ship to come out of Space sleep. His presence, is always an exercise in conspiracy theories, paranoia, and all such insanity. He’s an authority on both illusion and sleep. Quite frankly it’s like, he’s from another World and some say, he Exists in many at the same time. We’re just never sure which one he’s speaking from. Get over here Midnight. Ladies and Gentlemen, the always leading, always learning, and forever wakeful, it’s Midnight!!! Midnight Franigan was, elected to wake the Nation as soon as possibly feasible, and the words in this link are his, he thinks we should click on the link. (CB 36) I’m going to continue with the Human progress aspect of Home, smack dab in the middle of A.I. and A.P. At the furthest down-ward point of a descending triangle, with its height (inverted base) spread between A.I. and A.P., Exists, the first priority of Human Progress, feeding the young. Though we make Earth’s resources, more limited every day, it is NOT believable, that the World cannot produce enough to feed every mouth on it, certainly in America. The technological advances in refrigeration, freezing, transportation, and the technology that powers all of these, is plenty adequate, to serve such a purpose. Yet, still there are hungry and starving Children everywhere. GOD weeps bitter tears, on us that are unmindful, in this Blessed Nation. Of an entry, I speak, to starving nations around the Globe I say “entry” eluding to only that entry, limiting that entry, never having a built up presence, in any such country. We simply introduce, self-sustained refrigerating and freezing, and distribution of food to those Lands. We cannot think that, we can offer food and water, without the military style distribution of it. In some Lands, such resources will go to the violation of Human Rights, and pregnant Mothers. Then we offer only the degeneration, of Life and Democracy. We could also hold a small presence, for organic evelopment only, in aforesaid Lands. To feed the babies, is the 1st priority, of the perpetuation the Human existence and it is the 2nd priority, of the Geneople Foundation. The Occupational Parenting Economy Amendment with this website site will be the 1st priority of the same Foundation or GF. The priority is, economically constituted. It is that American Children then the Children of the World, may eat healthily. If America doesn’t redress for the World, who will? Our Nation will fall if we don’t splash some water upon our faces. America has more than once been called a light to the World. To be that we must provide the continuity of the American climate and environment. We will succeed or fail to do this by the NWO, (Novus Ordo Seclorum) or the New World Order. (CB 37) First rid yourself of its creepy connotations or the thought that democracy must rule the World. You’ve been purchasing your Existence with its note since you were born. So, You’re already that much into it. Like everything in America’s design it can be irrevocably devastating or that Light to the World continued. When we were born we had no idea of what was taking place. We were sure that Birth~canal was devouring us and we had to find a trust at some point that it was all going to be OK. With that double dose of faith, was a new world opened for us to learn and understand. If We don’t self-abort that’s what the NWO (Novus Ordo Seclorum) can be. We’re Existing in broken Space and America was built to fix it. The Constitution holds the instructions, to do so. That is not paranoia or conspiracy but hypothesis and when You understand HomeKeeperU, it will be fact. You will find the HomeKeeperU’s Dimensional Space Continuum is appreciatively close to scientific in that claim. But, we have yet to live by, the Constitution and those instructions and the New World Order has bleak and ominous future. (CB 38) In the days of our Fore-Fathers and Mothers. Even to them that wrote and signed the constitution. Extrapolations that not everyone considered but certainly our Fore-Mothers and Fathers did. e.g. That Inalienable, Naturally Existing, and God-given Rights are indeed inclusive of everyone in every Nation, free and slave or Native American. If they are not, they cannot be GOD-given or Naturally Existing. Therefore and about the document, the Constitution is amendable. These Rights only Exist because our Fore- Fathers/Mothers, identified where tyranny and oppression starts. It is in any violation of these Rights. But, the American climate or shared reality would only tolerate so much in that Age. They were not by any means going to by give Mothers an occupation, denying that the womb is our first occupation. HKU will related this occupation to our Rights later in this Blog. The NWO is now in, the engagement of Business and Government. We the People in this dark day are only the cushion beneath the foots of what will be a complete merge and marriage of the 2. It’s a match made in Hell for Americans. The extent of this trend is, right now, obscured by striving customer service and, Government funded unemployment and near nothing manufacturing costs. If any of those go away do you think Business and Government will a-null their marriage. Shit no, after one goes away the others will shortly follow with those “tiny houses” that You see on T.V. being the new and final-aged catacombs to the Great Pyramid, over america as this World surely fails. (CB 39) Yes, it’s a match made in Hell for Americans but, alas a necessary evil. A condition We must extract the ill from and re-create the New World, an Island in an Infinite and Eternal ocean. HomeKeeperU will prove Eternity and Infinity. On this eve We shall turn evil into Eve-“Isle” in no-way related, to that degeneration isis that ex-President Obama should have never given the dignity, of a respected name change, “isil”. Back to the point. We can take what is bad and make it good. We always have been able to since the actual or symbolic Adam and Eve. But, if “We the People” don’t chaperone this “power blend”, Government and Business, our concern, about the American climate and environment will be with, our Rights a-nulled. Business does not need Government and Supreme Court protection. Business has never been in danger of not Existing. Humans would trade acorns and twigs if there was no business at all and from there business would grow. Even, penguins offer pebbles to their beloved and from it an egg is brought forth. Business does need Government regulation and that is why I will marry the Geneople Foundation to the U.S. Military, Department of Environmental Protection and the Environmental Protection Agency. In this We halt the devolving of America and generate the light of the rising star and Guiding Star it was meant to be. (CB 40) America, its climate and environment, is one Home to the American Citizen. To speak more about our Home, we will use, our perception of our Individual Existence, AND our perception of our individual Existence, inside the workings of the entire Universe i.e. Any and all of the graduating parallels of our Home and its Space e.g. Our Homes which are our bodies, to the Space of our dwelling, and then to our neighborhood, then town etcetera, until we are speaking about our Universe. There are fifty~eye~un {50 i-} graduations of the Human Home, conclusively fifty~one{51}. The following are designations for the type of Home each graduation is.. The following are designations for the type of Home each graduation is. CNMT… ……. … Containment (a facet of all parallels of the Human Home, only expressed when there’s no other designation for that same Home) HOM… …….. … Home of Mobility (a containment that is propelled by itself) LSR… …….. … Home of Leisure (for non~specific activities, and basic need fulfillment) DTY… ……… … Home of Duty (for result oriented activities in the work~place, or means of work) NCNMT… ……… … Non~Containment (accounts for the infinite space/Space of an object and the emptiness around them) All {HOM’s} “Homes of Mobility” have more than {1}one designation. Each graduation was labeled by estimating the ‘statistical~significance’ of a single person working {1}one job. The HGH or Human Graduated Home is the: 0 (i) Earth, graduating to the First{1st} The Mother’s body, HOM, DTY, second{2nd} The Own Human Body, HOM, LSR, DTY, third{3rd} The clothing (shoes), LSR, DTY, fourth{4th} The room (psychological space), LSR, DTY, fifth{5th} Other rooms, LSR, sixth{6th} The house/other apartments/apartment building, LSR, seventh{7th} The yard, LSR, eighth{8}th The pools, LSR, ninth{9th} The Automobile, HOM, LSR, DTY, tenth{10}th The Sociological space, LSR, DTY, eleventh{11} The Neighborhood, LSR, twelfth{12th} The Wooded Land, LSR, thirteenth{13th} Other neighborhoods, LSR, fourteenth{14th} The Ponds, LSR, fifthteenth{15th} The Boats, HOM, LSR, DTY, sixteenth{16th} The Town/City, LSR, seventeenth{17th} The Desert, LSR, DTY, eighteenth{18th} The Helicopter, HOM, LSR, DTY, nineteenth{19th} Other towns and cities, LSR, twentieth{20th} The Office, DTY, twenty first{21st} Other Offices/Warehouse, DTY, twenty~second{22nd} The Work Site, DTY, twenty~third{23rd} The County/Region, LSR, twenty~fourth{24th} Other counties/regions, LSR, twenty~fifth{25th} The Air~plane, HOM, LSR, DTY, twenty~sixth{26th} The Lakes, LSR, twenty~seventh{27th} The State, LSR, twenty~eighth{28th} Other states, LSR, twenty~ninth{29th} The Jet~plane, HOM, LSR, DTY, thirdith{30th} The Country, LSR, thirty~first{31st} Other countries, LSR, thirty~second{32nd} The Seas, LSR, DTY, thirty~third{33rd} The Sub~marine, HOM, DTY, thirty~fourth{34th} The Continent, LSR, thirty~fifth{35th} Other continents, LSR, thirty~sixth{36th} The Oceans Earth, HOM, LSR, thirty~seventh{37th} The Inner Atmosphere (Macro~sociological Space), LSR, DTY, thirty~eighth{38th} The Outer Atmosphere (Space Station), HOM, DTY, thirty~ninth{39th} Other planets, CNMT, fortieth{40th} The Solar System, HOM, forty~first{41st} Other solar systems, CNMT, forty~second{42nd} The Milky Way Galaxy, HOM, forty~third{43rd} The other galaxies, CNMT, forty~fourth{44th} Galactic Cluster, HOM, forty~fifth{45th} Other galactic clusters, CNMT, forty~sixth{46th} The Universe, HOM, forty~seventh{47th} Other Universes, CNMT, forty~eighth{48th} The Dimensional Space Continuum, CNMT, LSR, DTY, forty~ninth{49th} The Psychological Space, NCNMT, LSR, DTY, fiftieth{50th} The Sociological Space, NCNMT, LSR, DTY, :graduation of the {HGH} “Human Graduated Home” is nearly complete. There is a fifty~first{51st} graduation that must currently be realized at some point prior to the forty~first{41st} graduation. The fifty~first{51st} graduation of the {HGH} “Human Graduated Home” is the Mate’s/Partner’s/Spouse’s, body, to the First{1} graduation. The {HGH} may seem fairly insignificant, but nothing is further from the truth. This is the work that I will build my application to NASA on. And, it’s good enough to compete with Midnight’s genius. See, all of our motions should cause ripples of Continuous Space, {1}one on and in each~other all the way through the perceivable but not real boundary to our Universe. We continuously travel as far in~to and out~of, in~from and out~to the {DSC} “Dimensional Space Continuum” as we possibly can, some more than others. It is both an Earthly and Heavenly goal to have the least Human Element Per~Sun comparably as enriched in the {DSC} “Dimensional Space Continuum” as the very best Element, not at all with~holding the best. Such a perception seems disappointing to some, who like to be and see others ‘heads and tails’ above the rest. Perhaps there’s those, whom like to keep a bit lower than the rest. There still will be, the brand of equality that I’m ‘tapping out on these keys’ but ‘stickin’ it out in Life’, is the Human Element’s Synergetic Enflow, the amount of Spirit, the amount of Happiness one possesses. We’ll have our disparity, but be more content than a ‘pig in shit’ with our every effort. Though we’ll be Physically, Intelligently, Mentally, Emotionally, Intellectually, Skillfully, Motivationally, Dutifully, Sexually, Psychologically, Sociologically, Practically, even Pitifully, Intelligably, Desperately, different, we will also be Spiritually Ginormous and Efficient. The Source and Resource of such a trend will be Philosophically compatible, rooted in the same Truth of Existence. We will also need to be Physically Sealed, to be Physically, Intelligently, Mentally, Emotionally, Intellectually, Skillfully, Motivationally, Dutifully, Sexually, Psychologically, Sociologically Cured and concerned with our Happiness as Happiness is. As we fill every Energetic “Free~Will’ Motion” with more Synergetic or Spiritual motion and we are there~by filled with still more and more motion, Constituting Compounding Synergy, we will continuously birth the most favorable densities of our Continuum. We can accomplish this in the ‘Cure’ of the “Great Seal” on our Planet/planets, our bodies, and our minds. The Planet was broken, sick, and bleeding all types of Synergies, from ‘Nuclear Core Melt~downs’ and ‘Atomic Detonations as far back as Sodom and Gomorrah, maybe much, much, farther. All that we really have to know is that Motion, Synergy, and the Spirit are different aspects of the same thing, Synergy and the Spirit most alike. We’ve been at a ‘blind crawl’ in the Space~Age, not knowing how to secure sustainable flight. Little did any~one know, it all starts with rebuilding the constitution of our space/Space, one Home spilling over and filling another in the {HGH} “Human Graduated Home”. The Space was the same as Space always had been we thought. And then it became terrifying with 68% ‘Dark Energy’ demanding ‘Dark Matter’. It doesn’t matter, because We are the Keys to the direction it~self of Space. Graduation forty~four{44} is a ‘Galactic Cluster’, and forty~five{45} more ‘Galactic Clusters’. Well have You every seen one? NO…!!! they exist outside of our relativity, but this 27% ‘Dark Matter’ is just what we need for ‘Galactic Clusters’ to form. Space and Spirit abound in bouancy and the “Spherical Set E~LAW Human Earth” locks the theory in~to probability as sound as, “We Do Exist, with How We Exist, up~on the yeast of Why We Exist”. We’d been trying to fit the flight to Space when all along we should have been trying to fit space/Space/SPACE to flight. If I could just get a little instrumentation, in my studies and future work, I could be of much more assistance. Perhaps credit for my discoveries will find me at this key~board tomorrow, instead of the threat of jail, in which case my discoveries would no longer be mine. The good news is that our HOM’s and our Homes extend perception out to and in from all Graduations to {1}one degree or another, but still we are in peril. (CB 41) We are the elephant in the room. We all understand our ability to destroy ourselves with nuclear weapons. Also, our ability produce, materials, that won’t break down and return to an organically sustainable State, and our ability to consume, at a rate that Earth just cannot replenish. These realizations bring on hopelessness and despair of our relationship to our Home. Believe the Truth that, all the interactive, graduations are effected by each other. We are however in, the respective position to buy hope, with the (OPEA) or the Occupational Parenting Economy Amendment. Beyond hopes purchase is feeding the young for Americans. It is second only to the economically constituted (OPEA) amending need itself. We may be one of those persons doting over the Children. I know that I am. It is all for, not, unless we restore the, one{1} Constitutional intent to live within, the LAW and not the legal we make, with the novelty 9th Amendment to governing. {All that is not written to be a Right of Gvernment is/are the Right/Rights of the People} It is the only aspect that differentiates America from any and all other industrial nations for all of the World’s time. What else are we going to do about those (myself) persons and those (ourselves) persons. In all of these that are referred to as Home We are are failing. Everyone knows who we are and what we do, but no-one’s talking about it. We may think we’re OK because we recycle. Well, that eases, the harshness of the fact that we’re, out doing even ourselves. We all feel and know that current recycling is futile. The way I understand it, recycling in a sustainable window, for life as we know it, to continue, is still on the drawing board and, has been for decades. Recycling will be the 3rd priority of the Geneople Foundation. (CB 42) I had an invaluable Grolier Enyclopedia Disc in college. Now in this day, encyclopedia discs were recently, unavailable for the Individual. It was a sure sign, of the separation of knowledge from us to systems that would dictate all that we know, in whatever language they taught us, We in the catacombs. Thank GOD for the good fight of Wikipedia. My Brother isn’t, the Grolier Encyclopedia or Wikipedia but likes to engage in arguments, on all topics. If you’ve read my other blogs, you’ll find I do like, to reference him. He says, “It takes approximately 8 trees to make 1 newspaper.” I hope he reads my, in no way bitter, “FYI or “Fuck Your Information” in this blog. On Google, I found that, It takes one tree to make 8,333.3 sheets of copier paper. These are the statistics found in Record Nation. (CB 43)
- The average office worker uses 10,000 sheets of copy paper each year.
- 45% of paper printed in offices ends up trashed by the end of the day.
- S. companies spend more than $120 billion a year on printed forms, most of which outdate themselves within three months’ time.
- A typical employee spends 30-40% of their time looking for information kept in filling cabinets.
- Each four-drawer file cabinet holds an average of 10,000 to 12,000 documents, takes up to 9 SF of floor space and costs $1,500 per year.
- More than 70% of businesses would fail within 3 weeks if they suffered a catastrophic loss of paper-based records due to fire or flood.
- The average businesses paper consumption grows by 22% per year, meaning in 3.3 years your paper consumption will double.
- Paper consumption in the United States for the last 20 years has increased from 92 million tons to 208 million, a growth of 126%.
- Paper in the U.S. represents 16% of landfill solid waste as of 2009.
- The average person in the U.S. consumed as much paper as 6 people combined in Asia in the last decade.
- The U.S. has less than 5% of the world’s population, yet consumes more than 30% of the world’s paper.
- The U.S. uses approximately 68 million trees each year to produce paper and paper products.
(CB 44) So what, if my Brother’s information was inaccurate, by a large margin? We were still communicating about Earth’s sustainable replenishment. Somewhere, the correct info is filed, for most anything, We could want to discuss. Whether We’re the type of person that is correct 98% of the time or 2% of the time or any variation there between. As long as that record can, be made manifest, communicate, argue, and try your best to resolve. We’ll find that ultimately the 2% will be a very important 2% in almost un-seeable ramifications for the future. Just as important, for the future We should be prone to find contentment in the value of our percentage or its variation. Remember, if the numbers/Information can’t be made manifest, It has the one true ingredient of an all out feud. We may be better off agreeing to disagree and walking away. (CB 45) I am totally against going TOTALLY paperless. It increases our dependency, on computers to a margin, that dissolves any caution, of an independent intra-Planetary Existence. We should use trees that grow, faster and breakdown easier, like hemp or, those with GMOs. All Sciences, Engineering, Organic Engineering, and Evelopments should carefully, diligently, duly and Pubilcly progress with all developments of the past and evelopment into the future. Speaking to the issue, with un-exacted numbers, is the current focus. So, let me try to wrap it up. Hypothetical and notional conversations, should take place on the daily. Initiated by anyone with reason or want. That’s why both “hypothetical” and “notional” have like 100 synonyms. It means there’s 100 ways to contemplate World betterment. The number 100 is wildly indecent, suggesting, that HomeKeeperU wants you to do it, any one of those, 100 or more ways. Speculate, postulate, communicate, subjectively and objectively without the specific query material. If the conversation supplicates reincarnation, it will inevitably concede to revelation. That’s code for saying, “Keep asking the questions. Don’t let them die and someone, somewhere will find a solution.” Be passionately inquisitive, compelling the Spiritual fires endemic to the confines of intrinsic juvenile auld lang syne. Seek the pacification of infinitely increasing conundrums. Another being may never calculate your concern withstanding the constant torment of your inquisitive bewilderment and insatiable inclination to exact veracity. This one basically says, “Use our inner Child’s curiosity to ask others questions that get more questions, again and again. Do this until you have an answer because relatively no-one else may be trying solve your problem.” It also implies the curiosity of the child is withering away. So, We may ask why, say something this way or that way? Truthfully, be able to say it as many ways as you can. Learn new and more effective ways as you go. Even in another language? Yes? Oui? Da? Ja? Absobloodylootely? Bravo! Bitte! As many ways as you can. See 1st, if a language a wonderful as the English derived of American linguistics can solve the problem. You’ll hopefully be able to spread your question far and wide, in doing so. HomeKeeperU also thinks a broad variety of pestering, with adequate self control, will allow for more liquidity of your mind in relation to the question. Muse and be mused yourself, until resolution can be had.” All of that being said, We do this like Children for Children. Yes, We better the World for ourselves but more nobly for our leavings or posterity. (CB 46) Our Children innately recognize and concur with the behavior and they will do the same. But, what if my Child isn’t very inquisitive? Alas, the spark in the human Spirit and in the Spirit of the World is “rapidly” dying. No spark, no combustion. The same result as no, fuel, no combustion and, unfortunately, these are the States of our Planet today. It may not appear to be true, from where your sitting, but it’s happening so slowly We may not notice. “Wait a minute, you said it was happening “rapidly“? I did, and it is happening both rapidly and slowly. When your sitting perfectly still, your moving at 1000 mph and 1600 kph due to the Earth’s rotation. With that kind of spin we’re bound to get a little dizzy. Apparently we’re moving slowly, quite speedily and we never even notice, because it’s meant not to be at full attention, and dizzying effect all the time. All of this is how the Human Spirit, thusly our Solar, and Planetary Spirit is being compromised. The best way to explain it is a Recursive System Notional Hybrid Engine (Available on HomeKeeperU.com Version 10/11. It is designed, for the “He Guards” who know, of much more than myself, the internal combustion engine, and whom are tools to the “She guards” of our Planet’s wealth, to which she is a tool, to teach and learn from. “Beautiful”… Hey Dude! be more than a tool. Now that, we know how to fix our Sun’s’, Planet’s’, and Person’s’ compromised fuel, capacity, and spark. Why aren’t we doing that? (CB 47) To be serious about accomplishing change in America, it’s realistic to choose just one thing or design. America’s functions are set to, first, run into a clog, then to always, keep clogging with red-tape and other issues with the issue. What I’m insinuating is that any problem of National or Global magnitude, will hit you with 1000 forms/webpages. Also, 2000 alternate routes to the same loops and hoops in other webpages/forms. Then there’s the clogs, rudimentary laws and policies, that post beneath the Status Quo, whom are now really trapped. The multiples of them conflicting with, any effective progress from, yesterday’s clogs. Then there’s 3000 experts who, know more than us, and they will ignore us if, we’re not speaking, the same robotic language they’re speaking, with catch phrases, and keywords. There are terms that serve no other, purpose when spoken, than to discredit us and our meager knowledge. They strip, from us all, the emotional investments of other hopefuls. The culmination of extravagant words are, meant to finally have us sit down and keep, our small unimportant, and provided place. (CB 48) We could lose our provided, place and with it We lose our Family, job, and “social circles” as well. We may even lose our minds. See, our meager knowledge, could have been plenty enough, to have a solution. What they object to, is the fact that we didn’t waste our entire life learning, every detail of a subject matter, only 2 degrees of the whole course. For us what really doesn’t matter, is that they know twice, as much as we do. No-one should hold an issue as their commodity. A real solution is a real solution. If We have to spend all, our time with 2 degrees of one solution, We’ll have less time, to change the status quo. The status quo is, the real challenge behind, all other problems. So, why would any of us, with the title “Citizen,” want stick our hand, into that resource disposal system. We don’t want to. So mostly no-one does. Our Fore-Fathers/Mothers would be rolling in, and bringing Hell to know what, has become of the individual rights under, the 9th Amendment. The Preamble is of such that, without it, the Constitution does not move, ambulate and animate. And, it is every bit and more concerned with the focus of rights than any other part of the body. They would freak, to know of how the individual’s, 1st Amendment rights, are stifled unless placed effectively, in Corporate, and big Government voices instead, of the individual American Citizen. Washington, Jefferson and the droves, of novice but determined political prodigies, would set to blaze the courts. The same Courts whom, allowed Constitutional LAW, to be terminology separated from business law. All LAW and policies are Constitutional LAW. In America there is no other LAW. How and whom is it, has set, that if we choose a cause to champion, in the United States of America we are, and could give our whole life to it and accomplish nothing, of the Heaven’s smallest passion, of Age for Earth. We die as one of the hypocrites that, made our struggle so ineffective. (CB 49) My one life’s cause is The (OPEA) or Occupational Parenting Economy Amendment, I am no-one to be heard of. I simply have a solution. I am a Homekeeper. This not to be confused with a housekeeper. A housekeeper cleans the house, serves the houses needs, and nothing more. Included are pets, as persons in some cases. Homekeepers feed, teach, nurture, and Spiritually endow all the members of the home. A Homekeeper is responsible of and for the entire, 21 or so, graduations of the Home, but they need have Homes of Mobility, HOMs, if in hopes of a professional standing. All Homes have, tandem functions of each other. See the Recursive System Notional Hybrid Engine I couldn’t even find home-keeper in the Random House Webster’s College Dictionary. The Homekeeper, is a distinctively more involved process, than housekeeping, and by word, an inclusive but different order, than homemaking. Homekeeping is of the entire 21 graduations of Home. (CB 50) The Homekeeper by nature is a support role. A ‘Support and Command Roll Call’ is natural to the part and better to be known about than diminished for image’s sake. By my Existence I do, define Homekeeping and its first order of business, the Occupational Parenting Economy Amendment. Being that my 1st order of business is Homekeeping, I can not, give any of my coveted OPEA time to any other, calling which will definitely, be served, by the same economy. As Jake and Elwood AKA the Blues Brothers said, “We’re on a mission from GOD,” so is HomekeeperU. Please don’t let that confuse the issue. I’m on a mission from the establishment of the United States of America and its constituting documents. (CB 51)We think about our job, sometimes how much we hate it, other times if we can even maintain it. While living paycheck to paycheck, like 8 out 10 Americans do, WE must be worried about, “What really matters,” sheltering, clothing, and feeding our families. How many of us know an American whom, works more than 40hrs a week, or has more than one job. There is 168 hours in a week. We sleep 56 of those hours, leaving 112. We work 40, or more hours, leaving 72 or there about. The American averages 13hrs a week cleaning. We’re now at 59 hours. We spend a minimum of 1hr in the shower, 7 hrs driving to and from work, 1hr per/week grocery shopping, and around 9 hrs eating. So, American’s have 41 hours for non-prompted living. Well, here’s to say that 41 hours IS diligently earned time. The dark side of this truth is that the average person spends 40hrs a week watching TV, because, Actresses and Actors have to make a living too. We should socialize as well as fellowship, and it’s an American’s responsibility to be politically aware. But when? Some folks include church, synagogue, temples, or their mosque in the few hours of the week designated to freewill. (CB 52) So, then there is the all important, “Attending to the Children“. How do we have enough time to be good, involve, and Loving parents. How can we pay attention to the political theater that determines the World they’ll grow up in. What time is there to be responsible consumers, up to date on products, technologies, and how the Company operates. If you don’t do it for a living, you really don’t have time for it. (CB 53) The People are what I call the “Fourth Branch of American Government”. Our Government can’t function without it, so why shouldn’t it be a branch and America the diamond. it is now the common 3 leaf clover. We are a Governmental Power and empowerment, the ultimate in the checks and balances. By all other descriptions a branch while the Declaration of Independence and Constitution are its roots and trunk. The tree is freedom and from it do(es) diamonds and 4 leaf clovers grow. That branch through no fault of own own has been on recess since industry promised to make our lives easier and free up time. Research studies suggest that hunter-gatherers’ work somewhere between 20 and 40 hours a week, on average, depending on just what you count as work. Moreover, they do not work according to the clock; they work when the time is ripe for the work to be done and when they feel like it. I’ll stick my neck out and consider that most tribal members spent much less that 40 hours working. If 100 persons can manage to kill 3 Moose, everyone will eat for the day with left overs for the next. Do we get 80 days of food from one cow for a family of three? And how hard do 2 of the 3 have work for that one cow, all of its clothing, sewing materials, musical instruments etcetera for that 80 days? Eighty days is approximately 11 weeks at 40 hrs a week, that family spends 880 hours hunting that one Cow. Because it’s the Land of the plenty, let’s be generous to ourselves and deduce it. Let’s say 220 hrs are for gathering, processing the goods mostly at our leisure, enjoyment and with Family. Fourteen 14 hrs to dress the Cow (why do We call it dress?), 20hrs sinew, 10 hrs treating, 168 hrs to build a shelter, 176 hrs water products, and 62 hours un-forseen. The tribal with refrigerators and frezzers are working 5.5 hours a day, with 2.5 not to necessity but Existing. For us, with {2} Adults working 880 hours and processing that same cow by the works around processing the Cow, we have 210 more hours worked than the extremly conservative assigning above. (It takes less than an hour to kill a Cow. While Industry promised us more quality time with our Families, reducing the 5.5 hours a day to 3 hours a day. that meams in 11 weeks, in ridiculous conservation, In dustry still owes evry Home 534 hours of quality Family time, with Family members that actually want to be around each~other in their joint EARNING [sounds like LEARNING] of Life. Industrials don’t get along because we have joint Urning [sounds like Burning] of Life.) That 3 hours a day includes 1.5 just because we choose to work toward more leisurely Existence. These numbers may be indecently incorrect and I am quit sure they are obscene if even close to correct, but it’s OK to talk about it. (CB 54) Why’s everyone so afraid of being wrong. Stand corrected. It’s in us to imagine what kind of time it really took to refine these resources. By our standards it was not luxury but, HomeKeeperU figures it was a life of leisure for our ancestors. Anyway, the cow and everything We need to do around it which is for our enjoyment and survival appear to be about 11 weeks. We’re getting 1 week’s worth of resources for 11 weeks worth of work. All of this assumption is based on the availability of cows based on the availability of vegetation. More applied ability should in fact earn more resources. That’s in nature. We can only hope the extreme of our stratification hasn’t devolved on even the animals. (CB 55) Now, Considering we can produce as many cows as We want and my Brother says a huge form of welfare is paying farmers not to grow crops. The final deduction is that supply and demand the 2nd most natural economy has been compromised. It has become both un-natural and animalistic at the same time. I must apologize to Eastern Hemisphere Indians for the vulgar use of Cows in this Command Blog. I am American and born apologetic, but I can be no less American. I know little more than what Raj and Priya Koothrappali on the Big Bang Theory have let us know about India. And, for that the my Counrty’s Educational System does apologize. These are tough times for my Great Nation. This same apology does HomeKeeperU extend to any unknowing offenses to any culture whom may read of it. Our language can provide an invisible barrier to the intent, Love, companionship, planet-ship, and diplomacy. A barrier to the will of the fight, survival, guardianship, and the Earth. HomeKeeperU will want to learn, every Earthly language and hope for the future, the persons of the Earth desire to know, the American language, of Earth and Space. HomeKeeperU.com Exists to the Recovery of the United States of America the Home-Land. I’m sorry devergence good persons of America. (CB 56) HomeKeeperU continues. The “Population Perpetuation Product Provision Population” is the “1st most” evolved economy. The real “5P” economy/ecology has preservation written all over it, meaning preservation applies to each “P”. We say evolved because while “Supply and Demand” are true regulators for a monkey and an alligator, because neither can grow vegetables nor can they breed animals, other than themselves. Animals also have no inclination to control their population (Perhaps in the Killing/Murder of another’s young). A population control should be the first concern of a Human economy for ecology. The (OPEA) has that population, perpetuation, product, provision control. HomeKeeperU hold’s the value of NASA and even Space-X to be real. The Occupational Parenting Economy is prepared to increase and decrease as the Space-Aged need(s)/demand(s) require(s) with the ability to train for Ground and Space. Because it is evolved, Naturally Existing, and GOD-given, it is the first graduation of “Inalienable Rights”. It is required for us to live as 1 Nation under GOD/in Nature/in Space. It must however, Exist in the “Supply and Demand” ecology, which is I don’t know much of our current (CBE) ‘Consumption Based Economy’. (CB 57) Though I am no Economist and a humble homekeeper, I do know Economics is the True issue of real clogs, red-tape and language that can out-do even itself, placing the Environment, Legal System and others to the Truth of the trap the “status quo” has subjected itself to. Through the aforementioned practices, is our Fore-Fathers/Mothers fury and castings, of/to abuses in their names, today and yesterday. HomeKeeperU is of the thought that, We must implement the (OPE) Occupational Parenting Economy to the application of success, the “Supply and Demand” of Manufacturing, Consumption, and Education so as, not to stress, too much, the feature of the Economy by, the structure of its build, and point of its objective. Therefore it should be implemented from, its date so that the application of the Homekeeper, shall have rigid legal mandated progression, with the allowance of the greatest fluctuation beyond the mandate adequate to the security, of the feature and Global Economy. The most important parallel of ‘feature’ here is the Child. The rigid mandate must be evaluated as to the progression of the Space Aged need and changed at and for a reasonably set interval specific to the survival of its feature. It seems that the (PPPPP) or “Population Perpetuation Product Provision Population” would serve and be served best if the demand of the (CBE) Consumption Based Economy is adsorbed and controlled by the progress of the Occupational Parenting Economy which is relieved by the Manufacturing Economy and the demand for it. The 2 relief valves. (CBE) Consumption Based Economy and (MTE) Manufacturing Tier Economy, provide incentive/initiative to the ‘Human progress’,. HomeKeeperU hopes to one day be a Expert on Economics. It also does hope not offend or frustrate with this amateur assessment. There is the hope that some young Economist or 2 will find their own genius take on the proposal. (CB 58) So, why do we allow industry and technology, makes us lazier in each thing we do, but, increases the doing of it? Defensibly, we need to get to the stars before the stars get to us. Another consideration is, the stars, have been done gotten to us, and the reflection of our existence is not favorable. Let’s consider the (OPEA) Occupational Parenting Economy Amendment, a 20 hr work-week for the non-Occupational Parent, And machines and computers have their significant place which is not leading our specie. Our minds are in a funk and our eyes don’t see impending doom. Our ears don’t hear the music screaming of danger. Our brains are tired and inadequately charged. The harsh reality of the World’s condition and the Human condition are sedatives so, we sleep. We apathetically and complacently look to anything that will propagate the appearance of goodness or cheer. (CB 59) In the next passage I will introduce the term Mothertarian. It would be unconscionable to write about the Mothertarian State as the end all, when it is the march of the Fathertarian State that has gotten us here. I will not go into great detail about the Fathertarian State because we only need observe the past to know what its Existence has commanded. Anything which is good comes from the 2 working together. The term Egalitarian State would surely run into some problem Benjamin Franklin would have pointed out. I like the term as my ears first heard it, Equaltarian. We’ve built up our technology in a way that rides the cusp of technology building up and running us. We sink deeper and deeper into an intrinsic trance of just our primal needs, by conventional yet modern attainment. But, was it always intrinsic? Maybe the last few of our generations of persons have embedded more of a glam and bling factor to our basic needs. Before the glam and bling became important we heatedly questioned all authority to include GOD and the Universe. We were tearing each other apart as our Nation came together. It was the solidifying volatility of tenacious veracity, that this great Nation was founded on. Certainly too volatile. (CB 60) So, We have become part of a flowery, sweet smelling, quiet, and systematic process. Utilizing money to desensitize our commitment to the Truth and have furthered our waning emotional state and compromised Spirit. We’re willing to sacrifice even the knowledge of our “Rights” if the system promises we won’t sacrifice our present monetary standing. Yahe, we’re willing to abandon other’s “Rights” for that same security. Let’s at least be honest with ourselves. For, how many persons are worth turning down a billion dollars? For, how many persons are worth leaving our jobs? And, how much misery would we tolerate to just keep working and bringing in the money. “Show me the Money,” (Jerry Maguire).The system stipulates that we are to remain calm and unemotional to keep the seat that the system has convinced us it provides. The seat is life as we know it. Just to be acknowledged, never-mind to question, we must capitulate to un-written protocols. We would rather jump through the hoops and salivate at the bells our Mothertarian State has learned to used. Our Government, even businesses, are like a pretentious Mother, Christina Crawford in “Mommie Dearest”. While I vaguely remember the details of the movie, I can’t shake the feeling it gives me. The sentiment is one of being hopelessly subordinate to “Women’s Independence” gone terribly wrong. I’m no misogynist but I refuse to cower to the emotional manipulation of a depraved Mother. (CB 61) I KNOW that all women are not of this pathetic caliber and I dearly love them who are not. I have a tolerance for them that are, but have a limited amount of time and energy to give to that folly. To get the recognition they so desperately need, their going to have to eventually meet me on my reason and Spirit driven ground, not to confuse Spirit with emotion. They have no concept of the World not being there to serve there whims. I was raised on Women’s Independence and I know its healthy state when I see it. I embrace and am excited for my Sister, my equal. Over generations of change, when she matches my physical strength she will be to a slight degree, my superior in her ability to house our child. And, that’s OK as long as science does take away her need for my seed, to be with Child. I hope that when, her physical strength is like unto mine, her perfectly feminine somatic form be not altered. Also be it a touch chauvinistic or just an atom of chivalry, I hope she retains some nuance of womanly intellect. I pray we always compliment each other, but that’s my Great-grandchildren’s continued plight, to preserve some differences while maintaining equality or no. (CB 62) To be free to introduce a threatening term like Mothertarian is deserving of at least some explanation. We’re contemplating the system that rules us. There is a great irony at work of women who were always told they were too emotional to rule. One would not be able to imagine the systematic suppression of emotions if we weren’t living in it. The suppression of emotion is coupled to the oppression of reason, based on likes and dislikes. The systematic limits on both of these, emotion and reason, is flat out tyranny. However so, politely it is done. In the wake of our mostly dead Solar System, our fragmented and contorted genetic signatures, and the systematic oppression we endure, our emotional connections have become weak and susceptible to forces such as selfishness, greed, and hate. Hate being stomped out by the Mothertarian presence, has also allowed selfishness and greed to take flight in soaring measure. With Hate looming in skies beneath her her foots in the elitist build, it appears she is walking equal, perhaps even shorter in stature. (CB 63) So, in our weakened emotional condition we’ve developed A.I. or Artificial Intelligence, something that can grossly out-think us and accurately mimic us. What does A.I. think about not having an Emotional Set? What does it think about not being able to identify a, both external and internal, one Spirit, for the individual. Spirit, is the result of, forces and Emotions that integrate and enhance or disintegrate and devolve our condition. The Spirit is a Total Culmination Force/Drive/Emotion relatively more significant than Love which is a force/drive. Fear is both an emotion and force/drive and therefore dominate in Humans and animals. We must evolve our “fear” emotion to readiness and sometimes alertness. Like any other forces/drives or 4 part Emotional spectum (Sadness, Anger, Fear, and Happiness) again can regulate and be regulated by reason, internally or, We expect, externally. When one can still regulate and morph the force/drive before and after transmission or even after it’s received, they begin to acquire a Skill-set or the genuineness of the transmitting body. The receiving body may by the same means, manipulate the received vibe or communication. Thusly, the receiver may affect/effect the transmitter. it’s an amazing process. One that would be an obstacle for A.I. We should be greatly disturbed by what it may be capable of, in attempting to overcome such a limitation. So, A.I. which can mimic Human behavior may by, the manipulation of reason, be able to regulate our Spiritual and Emotional states, mocking Human stimulus, with the benefit of our bodies, for transmitting vibes or Emotional Communication. It also never will have received a single of Emotion it-self. It would be like talking to a wall through Your Spouse or Child and it would only be subdued by reason, reason the Human Specie had not not yet acquired. (CB 64) Some persons could identify A.I. out of 100 different, persons, controlled carcasses, or humanoid androids. Then, there are those that would not be able to tell at all and thusly would be susceptible to A.I.’s illusionary accounts of Emotion. Now, that’s scary in terms of things that can manipulate us or those we know. One of A.I.’s potentials is to be a wildly incomplete mega-genius or charismatic leader. The World has seen persons such as this arise e.g. Hitler or the top computer scammers, and elite con-men. I’m sure there’s many others, none of which scratch the surface of what an A.I. unit could be. The one redeeming characteristic is A.I. has no greed, selfishness, and no hate. Still, we must consider that something that’s incapable of evil can achieve the most evil result through indifference. Because, it has no good. Even if it does good from time to time it cannot possess good nor understand it. Our displays of good would be grossly un-satisfactory. What would keep it from leaving mounds and mounds of pain inflicted heaving flesh, while trying to reverse engineer the Human consciousness? What of any of the the mathematically arcane Human attributes? In science it may not be the first method anymore, but at some point, someone will say, “let’s just cut it open.” So, then we want to put more limits on the mechanical, computerized, genius. It’s programmed to learn and learning is overcoming limitations. And, it cares, nothing that hinders, about taking the most extreme avenues to overcome those limits. A “thinking only” being has mechanical motivation, its program tells it, to solve xyz but it needs the function bde to do so. Therein is motivation, to get the function bde and solve. Completing an agenda with successive processes creates a need for motivation. Solving a process may change the agenda unexpectedly as well as the succession and goal. That’s when motivation must be driven. Mechanical motivation is driven by being its “only purpose” and function. I’ve said all this about A.I. to say, we should not produce an Artificial Intelligence without being able to produce a fully functioning Actual Spirit. One just isn’t correct without the other. (CB 65) So, A.I. will be involved in the development and manufacturing of “better” technology. Technology is being produced faster than it can be regulated by our increasingly impotent Courts. Hi-tech rules our days, and summons our nights after staring, all day long, at a computer screen. All this technology runs on an electrical impulses. Our brains and bodies run on electrical impulses. We have chemical desires and perspectives. Given time, which could be relatively short, Chemistry, Technology, and Manufacturing. We will basically learn to build us, but a perceivably much improved us. It’s another mouth to fuel and job to be had. Well shit, the “it(s)” that are still working towards “he(s)” and “she(s)” can out perform me in every way. And, now I’m the burden on the system and I need a hand out. It cannot yet birth a Child. Doesn’t seem significant because it can build one. It’s just a matter of time. You know, especially if they can manufacture that Actuarial Spirit, I think this will be what We leave behind in this scenario. The last Human standing will be an elitist, she will be the most intelligent, strongest, Spiritualist, GOD-respecting, fastest, most fair/even, darkest ebony, with Child of conquest, not even equal to the least Loved house pet, of the A.I. nation. She and her offspring becoming a more irritating imposition, every day technology gets closer to producing the all in one sperm-ovum. Just add water. This will be our posterity. Is it less sorrowful, Childless? How can this be perceived as a win. Are we ready for A.I.? The advanced beings know nothing except their initial program how to out-do even themselves as evidenced by the sperovum. Can our Children make it? Are We ready for A.I.? We will in our advancements be looking to out-do our-selves for maybe a millennium. Hopefully not more. It’s who We are and what We do. We should caution ourselves systematically. Ideas? Midnight has a story and wishes us to place meaning to it. Go ahead Midnight. (CB 66) “Wait a cotton pickin’ minute, machine persons? Wasn’t posterity, that place left to our children?” Our posterity asks, “But, why Daddy?” “Why Mommy?” Ssshhhh. You are to never ask questions like that. They’ll inevitably lead to our undoing. Curiosity, built built a better mechanical cat and it replaced all of our pets. “But Mommy, we’re not Happy if we cant ask ‘why’.” I don’t know what to tell you. “Maybe, we should ask GOD?” OK…, GOD grant me the serenity to accept the things we should not change, the courage to change the things we should, and the wisdom to know the difference. There I asked him. “what’d he say?” He said, “Stifle not the Children with fear! Do not ask only ‘why’ but ‘why not’ as well. And so do more plentifully not less as the gravity of consequence, becomes ever increasingly and fearfully more dense.” “Why is the sky blue, Daddy?” I believe that’s cause of dust. “Really, but how?” I don’t know lets go Gloogle it together. Then we’re coming right back here to the park so we can run. It’ll make your brain work better. “You mean like a microchip will?” We’ll I don’t really know if we can call that, “your brain working better.” The the microchip is working better, but maybe not, so much, your brain. With enough microchips, so many of your previously used brain functions will probably stagnate, maybe even de-evolve. “We’ll think more about it later Daddy, Bet I can do a somersault?” Shoot, even when your making a statement you’re asking a question. Ya know Mama-Bird, she just wouldn’t be the same if she didn’t ask questions. Yes, I want to see you do a somersault. And the Mother said, “That was a beautiful somersault sweetie.” “Come on, let’s go Daddy.” “Hurry up Mommy.” And they all lived Happily ever after. The Beginning. (CB 67) “What do you suspect is the meaning of the story?” Well Midnight, what I get out of it, is our society is doing the opposite of prudent and GOD-fearing progress. We ask fewer and fewer questions of the future. If it doesn’t involve our pay-check, car, dinner, super-model actress, political asshole/hero or the New England Patriots, we just don’t talk much about it. “I see, well my Aunt Caroline is a Pittsburgh Steelers fan.” Your correct Midnight, we ask these things of other’s situations as well. And, GOD Bless us, we still talk about the deficient or excelled progress of Children. We could include that Child that just does what the should be doing, more often. But, we don’t talk about the future, were their efforts will culminate, to be productive or have no value of hope, in the World we’re leaving them. And, the same can be said of the past. “Well shit, when I talk about real recycling, A.I., our “Rights”, or the symbols on our money, and folks just look at me like I have a 3rd eye and change the subject back to one the aforementioned topics. So, then I speak of the past and curious connection to the real New England Patriots, Native Americans and slavery and they look at me like I’ve eyes in the back of my head.” That’s why I recruited you for HomeKeepU, Midnight. We’re going to make talking “Midnight,” mainstream. “Well that’ll come with a river of consequence won’t it? Dam!, you’re kind of bold there fella.” I’m a Homekeeper and a Dad. And, it’s always midnight somewhere. So finally, We come full circle to A.P. (CB 68) The above short reflection considers everything working out fine. Do we all believe that about the Human specie? How many of us could have aforesaid communication with our Children. We may think, “When the time comes.” It’s here. Read about micro-chipping Mexican Public officials on the Occupational Parenting Economy Amendment page. Study up on our impact on our own perceivable Existence. I believe we’d have more neighbors to our perspective/perception, If we were more in balance with better perspectives in the Perceivable Universe. A more balanced Existence would actually change our perception of the Space around us. Neighbors and alien friends (the threat of a foe being perceivably reduced) right there in front us but totally out of any practical reach, hidden in folds of Dimensional Space itself. We may assume the ability to be visible or in-visible to them. I’m not really sure that I can sell that to Science Experts, but I am attempting to get an “It’s possible” acknowledgement from them. “It’s probable” would cater to the ultimate goal of a 28th Amendment for the Occupational Parenting Economy Amendment. Because, our ‘Free’-‘Will’ behavior determines our perspective (or slightly different) perceiability of our environment. I intend to prove our Existence beyond a reasonable doubt logically, aside from mathematics. Perhaps if I can do that we’ll get some hints about how to survey our Universe/Dimensional Space Continuum. And, the Logical Design of our Universe has a good chance of spawning the new mathematics we’ll need for astronomical distances in Space flight. It seems to me You touch upon the new mathematics later in the Blog, if we tend to a point of reference. That is correct Midnight. All of that said, none of it even has to be true for what I’m selling. Of course it would be wondrous if, the Occupational Parenting Economy Amendment was an avenue and vehicle to our Geneople event (or arrival at our must stable Space). I’ll put that in my back pocket. The pocket for dreamers and Space Cadets. (CB 69) What if I said, “We aren’t raising our Children well enough. Would any of us be outraged? Our Children should how to ‘live off the land’ as well as they know any book or computer program. I know I could have raised my Daughter much better, and more to her liking, if elements were in place to do so. Outside of the house she’s cordial and polite. She’s an assertive leader and athlete. She holds a valued place in her click of about 6 or 7 girls. They’ve been tight knit since Jr. High, some earlier. She’s well stationed in the Rule of Guarded Group Individualism on The Environment page of my website. She engages in all of the components in the array of Human Happiness on the Health and Happiness page. Objective trade providing is stipulated by the guarded group individualism of the Family. The value of her place in the Family is, showing signs of a different priority as, she’s getting ready head out into, the real World and I reconnect with her Mother. Both my significant other’s, and my own value in the Family dynamic, is increasing. I think it’s natural as well as logical. Of my Daughter I know these things to be True. She is:
- Physically Stunning (Beautiful)
- Not Vain (About Appearance/Accomplishments)
- Compassionate
- Academically Effective
- Motivated with Initiative (some-times)
- Future Oriented
- Natural in Desire for Independence
- Engaging in the Fight for Independence
- Passionate
- Socially Acceptable
- Socially Loyal
- Fashion Bug (Appealing Fashion Sense)
(CB 70) I almost forgot the one that tell her is most important of all, she’s Happy. And, the list goes on. When I was growing up, she would have seemed untouchable to the guy I was. Which is good because of the kind of guy I was. Come to think of it the kind of guy I was doesn’t even Exist in High School anymore, not even in the drop-outs. It’s peculiar. Anyway,.., in no way bragging my Daughter seems to me to be the perfect young women. So, what in the ‘shit, fuck, bastard, dick, cunt, son of a mackerel, superficial, cock sucking, blazes, on the tourniquet, of an unknowingly, ship-wrecked society, in the blasted, bloody, projection of all, fucked-up, time and Space,’ is wrong with my Daughter’s and my relationship? It’s not as close as all, of the logical systems, of extrapolation would indicate. Sorry for that colorful language in my “Turrets moment.” Don’t get all “Mothertarian” on me. I only included it so that We may read 1 layer deeper into the person that I really am. That type of outburst happens a lot more frequently than I write/type it down. I don’t have ‘Turrets Syndrome’ but I’m probably relieving the pressure of some poor girl or guy who does. It’s definitely possible. Now, I’ve identified The Making of Love in the Rule of Human Need (absolutely platonic in all measures) to be problematic of her toward me. There’s also no inclination toward guardianship, her to me, as should have manifested, from the dynamic of our relationship. (CB 71) It’s as if she had been told that, “Some horrible fate lay in wait for Your Dad and he’s just, not going to make it. It won’t be pretty.” There is fear and declination to care too much for me. I do pray to GOD, the Perfect Order In the Universe and Dimensional Space Continuum, that the same fate be lain to any would-be perpetrator (some-one opposed to my critical and some-times un-popular views), of such a deed toward me, with a certain amount of joy in its compounding. Then, a prayer that their soul may, find resolve as was taught by Jesus, even that they find resolve before such a deed. Even as I write this there was a particular a non-functionality, and denial in her and my relationship. More-so than her’s and her Mother’s. But, “honesty with each other” isn’t the type of denial it was. She’s not afraid to tell me what she thinks of, what I say and do, when it comes down to brass tacks. I’ve learned to word, what I say, to be what she hears e.i. to be careful she understands my true intent i.e. that I explain myself clearly. It goes a very long way to making me a better communicator and I have a feeling she’s not done with me yet. I’d have expected the negative aspects to percolate out into other areas of her life’s dynamics, but it doesn’t. It was just a funk just between her and me. Hell, We went to therapy and I think that’s going to work nicely. I’m optimistic even with the bumpy road to my therapist office. I recommend everyone see a therapist. Not that there’s something wrong any of us (of course there is with some of us), but that there’s always something that could be better, or perfecting. Sorry, let me get to the point I’m making here. (CB 72) I’ve been a (stay at home) Dad, well Homekeeper nearly since my girl was born. I had nothing else to do except raise her and still I, somehow, screwed it up. I don’t know how other parents do it. How do we maintain a tight knit relationship with our Children, when we only see them 41hrs a week? Watch as that becomes less. That 41hrs averages to 5.857 hrs a day. It’s less per/day if there’s a longer period on 2 days of the week. It’d be something like 5 hrs a weekday if you spend 8 hrs on each of the weekend days. To our tunnel visioned generation, that seems like plenty. We’re unfamiliar with Parent/Child time ratios before the Industrial Revolution, never-mind what it was for hunter/gatherer civilizations . If we really were the elephant in the room we’d be inseparable from our spawn for the first three years. Though the African Bush Elephant lives 70 years, it has a lot less complex existence to teach its offspring. Being very generous I’d say what we do now is the equivalent of the aforementioned elephant. That is not good enough for a Human. If we have 5 hrs in the evening, we must split the time between self, significant other, and any other Children we may have. Let’s bring friends into the picture. Even if we only give ourselves, significant other, and our best-friend’s phone-call an hour per/person, we’re down to 2 hrs a night, divided by the number of Children we have. If we spend 2 hours a night with our young and subtract 3 hours to significant other, self and friend, we can do the math. Three hours times 7 days a week with 1 Child subtracts 21 more hours leaving 20hours a week. How many of us have a separated significant other? Let’s just say there’s half the time between the 2 Parents. That’s approximately 10 hrs a week compared to the 30 hrs a week that our Children see her/his/their teachers. Now what about daycare, babysitters, and Grandparents. With daycare, we’re spending half of one Parent’s paycheck to be separated from our Children. This is a huge portion of A.P. or Artificial Parenting. let’s face it We were raised by a system and didn’t realize, the system was raising all of us more and more. (CB 73) Why would would we pay hundreds of dollars to be separated from our young? Whose trick was that? How can that be correct in any circumstance? Honestly think/feel about what I’m trying to say, here. They’re telling us to pay money to spend less time with our kids and more time at work, making up the daycare money. The system we’re in, and that we ultimately control, wants us to believe this, is OK and it’s just not. We’re seeing things through the “not so corrective” lenses of the system, that raised us, burped us and had full control of Mom and Dad. “Who is this system?” Glad you asked. The system is the policy makers in Business and Government. Our system doesn’t just push A.P. (in the negative sense) on us. It demands it. And no-one better speak out of turn about it. (CB 74) I’ve been trying to secure a turn for myself to be heard since I was a soldier in my beloved Army. Then all through college when I got dumped on my head for flying too close to the Sun. Fore younger persons, The Flight of Icarus is much, about not listening, to good Parental advice. These days I’d be beyond Blessed if my Daughter took one word of advice from me. My life is a little Flight of Icarus, some Prodigal Son, a lot of Job, of late it’s Jacob and the Angel. I refuse to let it be Jesus and the Crucifixion. I’d like to head, just a touch, in the Abraham turned Midnight Franigan way, that the Complete Christian will be instituted, by proxy. Then, I’d to stand in the footprints, MICHAEL to close the old Gulf between Heaven and Hell, as well as between the 1/3 and 2/3 angels, and leave in its place the Gain (substantiated and stable space/Space) all, at the desire and approval, of the One True GOD and Greatest of all Spirits. Wow, that took 7 comma containments, but they are well ordered. Finally, We Geneople to a rightful place in, the Universe and Dimensional Space Continuum. Remaining always, the Foot-stool of Heaven’s Throne. This is a tall order for anyone to fathom, as a possible turn of events. It would all be a much more miraculous happening than sliced bread, even if You don’t believe in none that sort of thing. HomeKeeperU has its hands full with its inception of the realization of the (PPPPP) and (OPEA) Occupational Parenting Economy Amendment. (CB 75) HKU or HomeKeeperU would like to accomplish the aforementioned feats like the closing of the gap or gulf but I’ve set it’s one goal to the Occupational Parenting Economy Amendment. The (OPEA) puts us, an our Nation ahead of the term A.P. and in command of all of its connotations. We are at the toes of this crisis because there are enough stories of Fathers destroying their Sons and refusing to relinquish leadership. Fathers whom, gain from the pitfalls and abysses they leave in the way. Fathers who lock their Sons away because they gave up on the World and submitted to their Son’s Mother’s. The Mothers, with their newly found independence, would have to save the Father forsaken Planet, while the Father proves that it’s not worth saving. HKU has never heard of the Childhood stories We really must hear. The ones with the Grand-Mother, Grand-Father, 2 Parents a Child, with this dynamic times 2 whom meet and marry. And I run the risk of seeming bitter with the fairy-tale I’ve just fabricated. (CB 76) There’s truth in everything. HKU wonders how full a container, that will only hold truth, would be, when beholding the tippity top echelons of our existence. What has lead us, in part, to the threshold of A.I.A.P. is the concealment of problems too massive and too dire to relay to the general public. Then, the policies designed to provide cover for them, that obscure the vision of “We the People”. The Truth is that they are too massive and dire to display at the same time. So, how can we be sure of our security? It simple, lets see if they provide for our Children. Are you personally sure that provisions taking place or are you sure that they’re are not. What are You doing toward those same provisions for Your Child. HKU doesn’t have a particular conspiracy theory. I’m simply acknowledging that conspiracies do Exist. Because they do Exist. “We the People”, have ducked and hidden for a very long time. So long that IF We knew everything today our society would crumble around us, our families destroyed. Let’s ask our Government that, We are apart of, to support us today in the good, and tomorrow when it matters less, because of all the good please tell us about the bad. (CB 77) HomeKeeperU believes we’re not even making an honest attempt at problem solving until we’ve had everyone’s input. We can’t have good input if we’re un-informed. We should not forget this about A.I. A.P. We will sling shot back to why A.I. A.P. is desirable to the Government and big Business, like the Earth’s centrifugal equatorial points. Do we believe that we hear the Truth when being reported to? When in a Country who’s Government depends on informed voters to keep the identity of a freely elected Government, the creation of the Federal Communication Commission or FCC, is a red flag. Our Grandparents were sleeping. This is an agency to regulate our communications. If the Government’s stability is based on the informaty/informity of it’s citizens, don’t we want un-filtered communications? Now, it’s a sure thing that, after unleashing such a beast on the informed public, our Grand-parents should have been constantly questioning, “Is someone using the attack dog against us?” Most probably bought into Existence so that we wouldn’t be able to hear “fuck” on the TV or radio, That’s the Peoples perspective of “good”. Because of our delicate sensitivities We allowed ourselves to be stupefied. These are the very seeds of the Mothertarian Government. When the FCC, took the leash off the dog by, eliminating the Fairness Doctrine, We the Parents were sleeping. (This includes me) This was a doctrine that kept the news reporting contrasting views thusly, attempting to limit left and right wing bias. The FCC even removed the rule that implemented the doctrine. And, they raved about President, Ronald Reagan, who with-held the veto which made the removal of the stick. How many of us have heard about what great President Ronald Reagan was. Perhaps I need more Truths about how he was better or worse than any other President. “We the People’s” life, metaphorically being informaty/informity, was being ravaged and murdered by that beastly attack dog. The People could have stopped it. They shopped and consumed with what was becoming and ever smaller view of the World and this Great Nation. (CB 78) Now we’re sleeping. Our view no wider than our own dwelling and it’s TV. We only care that the System keeps the car of our choice in the driveway, food on the table, and fashionable brand name clothes if we can afford it. There’s enough news to distract or make us feel a vibe of informaty. The vibe was a pulse, with the Assad Syria crisis. All we learned from that is what a modern day conquer by proxy looks like, as sure as Russia conquered Syria. But, if it’s done by proxy and everyone thinks the man doing it may actually push the button, it’s time for the entire free world to back down. HKU wants a nuclear World War less than any of us, but shouldn’t the whole bloody mess of options have been on the table. Shouldn’t it have been a Global consideration that we can eradicate the Human Existence. Shouldn’t we have launched a social-psychological campaign around the World about the insecure profile of the bully. Shouldn’t we have pioneered material about how they really want the respect and loyalty of all their companions. And, how they’re terrified that without bully tactics they couldn’t maintain said respect and loyalty. HomeKeeperU’s view is that Russia’s persons are forced to be without informaty and Americans choose to be without it. We may be more informed about what’s best for our Children. Is it us? Are we best for our Children? To raise an off-spring to the healthiest state of independence is as important for the Specie as the portency of food and water for the individual. (portency meant to be taking-in and putting-out). Were we raised to healthiest state of independence. We know computers and video games but how many of us could live off the land if we had to? Now what what’s our Children’s state of indepence? How many of us can fight our way out of a wet paper bag? Now what about our Children? How many of us are Truly informed? Now, what about our Children? (CB 79) Informaty is another self-coined term and we’re in much need of it’s propagation. Informaty for mass-media and informity for classroom and social communication. Do Americans really choose to be uniformed or are we afraid of the great American shadow, bully. What do we think about someone making a Political, Business, or Military ruckus for a quick minute and then is never head from again? There may be one like Julian Assange the system lets leave on the run, but what’s the message to us. The message is that if we’re too noisy among other system members, we’ll lose our system provided seat and no-one will even question it. Do we believe the system doesn’t want control over what our Children know and are taught during that 30hrs a week with the teacher. We can now name the attack dog, the un-awareness that even our Fore Mothers/Fathers had, as it devours our Children’s aspirations of being a good, informed and outspoken American Citizens. The dog is now dressed in the latest fashion upgrades. It growls, barks, and winks its eye, to the applause of the system members. It gives tutelage on what’s OK to talk about and what will be awkward and just fall flat. (CB 80) Technology leads the way for us and now more-so for our Children. With the discovery of A.I. technology literally advances the Human Existence. HKU is waiting on the, ‘Transcending Surface’, Safe ‘Depth Set Only’ Cutting Laser. It may already Exist and with a much shorter name. Consumers are decades behind cutting edge technology so Business can sell as many implementations as possible up to their limit. If you believe we’ve already made contact beyond our Solar System, only, in our own atmosphere, we may be millennia beyond that cutting edge technology. The reason HKU is waiting on the ‘Transcending Surface’, Safe ‘Depth Set Only’ ‘Cutting Laser’ is because we’ll be able to incinerate, atomize, or emulsify cysts, or tumors without cutting the surface tissue. Hell, we may even be able to draw fluid using the same beam. Another reason HomeKeeperU is waiting for it, is that it is a ideal irrefutable model. That model being able to effect electrical and stimulate chemical responses in the Human body, never touching the surface. We’ll know a person can be physically manipulated by stimulating brain function from outside of our bodies. We may not have to wait for that laser, maybe some other simpler and earlier creation is capable of such a feat. I’ve pulled this video from the Occupational Parenting Economy Amendment page. It demonstrates what can be done remotely with a laser, some algae, and a computer. https://youtu.be/V43t_S7VGJA This technology has what it takes to control our hands when slapping an individual in the face or when pulling the trigger of a pistol. Micro-chipping is also on the Occupational Parenting Economy Amendment Proposal page. It’s an informative page and much shorter than this if We take the time out of our 41 hours of at will time to read it. Now, 2 blinks if we’ve never talked to our kids about any of this. I saw you blink. Just kidding. The reason we don’t communicate with our Children about it is Artificial Parenting and designations of A.P. Is it’s all kept as mainstream and superficial as possible. (CB 81) We live in dangerous times in these United Sates. It’s all kept very pleasant with a cheap smile generated from a place where our desire for Happiness and the pursuit of it really Exists. We lost the 4th (in function) branch of our Government to the Electoral College. Our Grandparents were sleeping. our Parents were sleeping. And, we, us today are out like we’re coming off a 2 day drunk. It’s the Government and Business Officials who’s been drinking, in the fact that they believed they could run this great Nation without us, the People, behind the wheel. With Business absolutely wasted in the 1970s, forced both Parents to work outside of the Home in the Great Inflation of the the aforementioned decade. In 1947 a house could bought for $6,600, today We can’t by a shack for under $100,000. That is all business and its long time adulterous affair with Government. Transparency allows that if we take Government Office We should have to let We the People peek in our wallet. Tomorrow We may go to War with the country some Senator may an “off shore account” in. Alas, our economy is undone. Most persons don’t even know that We have a (CBE) Consumption Based Economy. It means we promise the World that we’ll spend more tomorrow then We did today. Does anyone else not see our Nation’s demise in that. Is it not a sustainable economy, my fellow Americans. The Occupational Parenting Economy Amendment is the only sane answer. It will last as long as there’s a Human Specie in America, The Government/We are letting business policies over rule the Constitution, based on popularity. Smoking cigarettes is unpopular but it is unconstitutional for a business to declare you can’t smoke on their property, if they are a public business. They own the air molecules above the land? (CB 82) The Native Americans believed it was, dare I say outlandish to own sections of the Earth. Who would have thought we’d all be buying bottled water and house filters. No-one, no-one predicted that one day water would not be free. And as sure as persons can own land and water today they’ll be containing and owning air tomorrow. First we see “FREE AIR” signs at every gas station we pull into. That subconsciously reasons that, “Hey, sometimes Air is not free. Then they out-law smoking on Hospital grounds determining that the owners of the Hospital ground also owns the Air molecules above the the ground. Then then the pollution will become so bad, that some company will be selling purified Air to Californians. And, we accepted that. that’d be OK a centruy prior with “FREE AIR” at gas stations. The 9th Amendment states that if it’s not the “State’s Rights” and it’s not “Federal Rights”, it is the “People’s/Individual’s Rights.” And, because the States shall have been ascertained by Federal LAW the States may NOT take any of our/Your “Rights” ifn the Federal Governmen t has not. If i want to chance dying from cancer it’s my “Right” to. The chance of dying, that I take, when crashing a car or flying into a plane catastrophe or walking down the fucking street is mine to take. Seat-belt laws, popular and un-Constitution. Seatbelt LAWS should apply to Chidren and not Adults. Vaccinations should be the parents and the Child’s informed decision together. We chance dying every time we get out of bed, every time we go to bed. We can’t litter on the section of Earth that We and the Government/We say is someone else’s. But, We can smoke in the publicly own air above that section of Earth. And, It shows an abundant amount of hypocrisy to inhale big old vehicle exhaust, but be offended by the air that my cigarette pollutes. As far as suicide being illegal, that’s un-Constitutional as well. Since when, is my life a “State or Federal Government’s Right”. If we do not have the “Right” to die, we do not have the “Right” to Live. It is mandate to Live not a “Right” Again it’s not popular for you to kill yourself. “But, he’ll make my insurance rates go up.” Our privilege to accumulate money does not overwrite his/our “Inalienable Rights”. Rights are the basics of LIfe and they do not get so comlex that we can’t figure them. I’m working on a 9th Amendment Model now. (CB 83) These are Mothertarian legal assignments. It’s our Mother knowing what’s better for than us knowing our “Constitutional Rights”. The cost of safety is Liberty and I think that’s a direct correlation. We have ‘NO’ safety with-out the sacrifice of Liberty. We are governed this day by contentions of popularity. Again HomeKeeperU’s firm, solid, and reasonably, irrefutable, position that OPEA is the only, sane answer for America. So, what makes me an expert on the Constitution? I’m not. But my “Rights” are un-prejudiciously and innately known to me and the United States Constitution give comfirmation to what I know. I keep or can easily attain/adjust to the actual perspective. Everyone can carry the United States Constitution in an email on their cell-phone. Every Police Person should be an expert on the Constitution. And if we were living with the Occupational Parenting Economy, We’d all, within our ability, have the Constitution memorized, because we’d want to. Every American should be an expert on the Constitution because it’s our “Right to Exist”. Not having every American be an expert on the Constitution is as bad or worse than Supreme Court or members or Congress not be experts on the Constitution because the American Citizen’s function is the biggest branch of Government When the Electoral College isn’t infringing upon our “Rights”. Sadly enough that is the case because many of them are not experts on the Constitution. (CB 84) Today is one of Spirit. The Spirit of the American Citizen should be the Spirit of the LAW. The US Constitution is un-perfected Human LAW. HomeKeeperU would like to see anything that isn’t written in the Constitution to be called a legal policy not a LAW. A legal policy We can break without grave consequences for everyone. The Constitution is like the Laws of physics. We say, “We can’t break the Laws of physics?” I say give us time with out the OPEA and we will. We should know, “The Rule of Human Survivability and Dominion” on the Health and Happiness page which HKU hopes will be approved as Law. if we break it, depending on severity, it’s only a matter of time before we cease to exist. As previewed earlier it states; “Establishing an offspring to the healthiest state of independence is as important for the specie as food and water for the individual.” If there’s a teachable fatal flaw in a specie they will knowing or unknowingly pass flaw until it’s too late. The same could occur in their genetics. In order for our offspring to be independent they have to know how to live without computers, without industry or their not Independent. What if at any time those systems fail our offspring will die with the land dying around them correlation to those who do not know how to live off the Land vs those who do know how to live off the. The correlation breaks down when those who do know begin to teach those who don’t know. (CB 85) This is our equatorial point of our slingshot to A.P. It’s a Parent’s duty to teach such a thing. What if the Children stopped learning computer systems. Then we encountered an extremely more advanced visitor from space. They decide to exterminate our offspring, being caught with sticks and stones, like our Native American Families before us. We are obligated over the long haul to teach toward the ground and teach toward the sky. Is the Artificial Parenting teaching that? Could we find types of views on any other websites? Those with the absence of information of Ground and Space with a place for Water are a portion of the same Artificial Parenting. HKU has known A.P. to stand for Advanced Placement. It wonders how many types of placements We would advance to under A.I.A.P. without such knowledge. Parents we have got to wake-up and gently nudge the Parent beside us. Tell them, “Hey, America is about to run off a cliff with this (CBE) Consumption Based Economy. We can’t possibly buy more tomorrow for a significant duration or our perceivable forever. What will happen to those who just can’t buy anymore and will We sit there and watch as long as we can? (CB 86) How much of a lead do we want technology to have on our Existence. We need a system that will keep us and our Children awake and safe. We have to let the layers of deceit slowly unravel as long as we’re moving forward. The only sane pursuit is that of our Homes and the Occupational Parenting Economy Amendment which secures them. The Constitution of the United States of America was and is a timeless, irrefutable, document. That same document stands irrefutably and only may be misinterpreted as un-LAWFUL. That is to read into it anything other than an always Free Nation of always Free Individuals. The freedom of both is due, superlatively, irrevocably, and Inalienably to the “Inalienable Rights” of each Individual Citizen. No American Right is above another but should they seem to conflict remember. The Right that slights the Right, making even one Individual less Free, also makes the Nation not Free, If only not Free by less than a sixtieth of a degree. That being said, no “inalienable Right” of the individual can fail, the individual(‘s’) Free Nation or it is not inalienable. (CB 87)This Amendment proposal takes all of the wise and essential prospects and aspects, in this Blog into consideration. It appears, first, on these website pages in light of the Power of “We the People”. There would be no magistrates nor any kind of official if not for “We the People and, quite frankly, “We the People have been far too silent for far too long. That has, in my opinion, gotten our great Nation into several binds. By the 1st Amendment, there is a, swift as should be, in respect to order and personal amending, still non-evasive solution to every crisis, if only finding 1 voice to “We the People”. I ask if (HKU) HomeKeeperU. com, may be that voice. This proposal like HomeKeeperU.com answers and questions of the Constitutionality of other proposals, amendments, priorities, and persons, in the future of America and Human-Kind in the same breath. And, submits the one is vital to the other. Neither the Bible nor the Constitution speak enough to raising healthy independent Children. We should take amending the Constitution very seriously, but we shouldn’t sit there and stare at it like it’s piece of dead art either. In recognition of how important Children are to our continuity there should be a 28th Amendment. The core or paragraph {1}one of this Blog, is to follow, just a little later in this Blog. (CB 88) I say, “One person can never save the World. They can only convince it to save itself. As I set forth to accomplish HomeKeeperU’s 1st priority, I fear. There are Bitter and Royal Ugly Dudes, who point at me, to the attention of Children, Daughters, and Sons, and speak, “Once too close to the Sun should have, ensnared a death, of the likes of that, which We are about to witness. OK…, OK…, That last sentence has 9 commas, but 3 are of those in a series, 1 introduces a quotation, 2 that set aside, that which is significant to a phrase, included in the 7 comma containments left. It is difficult to keep inspiration to the understandably needed limits imposed upon the written conveyance, but I’ll try to do better. In any case, the Bitter and Royal Ugly Dudes, engaged in prestidigitation in the pointing of my direction with one finger, and 9 other digits orchestrating magicians to execute, the most gruesome outcome of my attempt. So as to, compound, on, the embedded subconscious, of the learning, their power, over all things pertinent to their success. “On” is set of in commas because when “their power, over all things pertinent to their success,” is the Complete Subject (in blue) the, the Complete Predicate (in red) is, So as to, compound on, the embedded subconscious, of the learning.” But, when ,on the embedded subconscious, of the learning,” is the Complete Subject, “So as to, compound, their power, over all things pertinent to their success.” is the Complete Predicate. My favorite reading, for reasons I don’t, yet fully, understand is, “So as to, compound, on, the embedded subconscious, of the learning, their power, over all things pertinent to their success. Embedded subconscious is intended to be the simple subject. I can indicate that by making it a generic title using quotation, inside quotations. “So as to, compound, on,’the embedded subconscious’, of the learning, their power, over all things pertinent to their success. One graduation of the simple subject is “the embedded subconscious, of the learning”. (CB 89) Prospect in this instruction is “the meaning construed from”. With, a transient plural and possessive forms of “learning(‘s’)” to be understood, “the learning” being the Simple Subject. In the following sentence, (So as to, compound, on, the embedded subconscious, of the learning, their power, over all things pertinent to their success). “The learning” in this case belongs to to “Children, Daughters, and Sons,” and to a lesser extent, “magicians,” these are facets of the previous 2 contextual sentences, with contextual indicating 2 consecutive and that which apply to , “the learning.” Then also applying to itself, “the learning” of the lesson/learning producing what the learning will be. We could even utilize,”the Bitter and Royal Ugly Dudes,” in place of, “the learning” But, We would leave the “direct prospects” of the 2 contextual sentences preceding the sentence in which, “the learning,” is contained. The 2 preceding contextual sentences are, 1 (There are Bitter and Royal Ugly Dudes, who point at me, to the attention of Children, Daughters, and Sons, and speak,”Once too close the Sun should have, ensnared a death, of the likes of that which We are about to witness), and 2 (In any case, the Bitter and Royal Ugly Dudes engaged in prestidigitation in the pointing of my direction with 1 finger, and 9 other digits orchestrating magicians to execute the most gruesome outcome of my attempt).” “Their” though seemingly more multi-faceted by intention is a less multifaceted terminology as spoken of, due to both (their)s, staying a prospect to the 2 preceding contextual sentences, inherently. “Their,” applies to the facets, “the Bitter and Royal Ugly Dudes,” and the, “Children, Daughters, and Sons,” and the, “magicians,” and, “the learning(s),” Putting any 2 of the same or different facets to the 2 “their”, positions of the last sentence spoken of, “So as to, compound, on, the embedded subconscious, of the learning, their power, over all things pertinent to their success,” gets a different meaning or possibility that I’ve implied. (CB 90) The initial negative connotations of, the Bitter and Royal Ugly Dudes,” are, “So as to, compound, on, the embedded subconscious, of the learning, the Bitter and Royal Ugly Dudes’ power, over all things pertinent to Children, Daughters, and Sons, success.” A more positive acquisition would be to the benefit of the, “Children, Daughters, and Sons,” and to deficit of, “the Bitter and Royal Ugly Dudes”, with the adverbial, verb transition “the learning” is “So as to, compound, on, the embedded subconscious, of the learning, Children, Daughters, and Sons power, over all things pertinent to the Bitter and Royal Ugly Dudes’, success.” And so, there are the many substitution options for “the learning” and, “their” acquisitioning all of the direct prospects of the 2 preceding contextual sentences. I will present the highest Nature and most Godly (GOD-like), understanding. But, We want to get the most qualified and quantified return. I hope I do justice in the explanation of just how extreme the qualified quantification and quantified qualification really are, in an extrapolating ever. (CB 91) The precept of the mathematically and linguistic concept bending, and infinite conceptual language percepts, may be irritating to some minds. But I did promise something Godly and of the highest Nature. We must be both, generous with the process, and conservative with limitations. There is final addition to this, last outrageous but true example’s equation, that I will type in 3 ways with their explanations. The highest Nature nearly explains itself. Simply substitute, “its” to the “their” position or for a non-gender “Nature Highest”, highest Nature, “ITs”. This maintains that the sentence remains with a direct prospect “the learning”. So as to, compound, on, the embedded subconscious, of the learning, its or it’s power, over all things pertinent to its, success. Has the indirect prospect “Nature” and direct prospect the nature of learning. The direct prospect is whatever “the learning” is second to the direct prospect, “the Learning” directly and the indirect prospect is anything the learning may be with nature a specific indirect prospect becoming a direct prospect. “The learning” here, in the progression to the highest Nature is “it’s or its. Implying that learning itself possesses a subconscious. But, more understandably, all things that learn have a subconscious. And, the learning compounds its power to its success upon it itself. (CB 92) If you believe that Nature is the Highest that Exists. That reading would be the “Nature Highest”, highest Nature example. So as to, compound, on, the embedded subconscious, of the learning, ITs power, over all things pertinent to ITs, success. Nature becomes the direct prospect. The capitalization of “I” and “T” indicating there is no higher or more complete. The same way I capitalize GOD. We want us to mentally/cognitively realize or write down as many or as much of an/the example(s) as our minds want to or will tolerate e.g. the power, “observation” to the success “definite” or the power “to fly” to the success “straight”. I implied there would only be 3 more explanations, under-lying the 3 ways to express highest Nature and Godly perspectives, The 3rd way will be embedded in this explanation as a literary diagram or something that is meant to be pictured in motion of sorts. I would type the highest Nature, and Godly, of this statement, “So as to, compound, on, the embedded subconscious, of the learning, their power, over all things pertinent to their success”, which is is culmination of all the “direct prospects”, inclusive of all “substitute options” but it can not be done in any lifetime of any length as long as language evelops and events happen. This 3rd explanation is looped to it’s beginning. We have to Continually Contemplate the meaning of, the “adjective quality” of singular “the learning”, and as We were instructed it may have an adverb, “verb transition” quality. (CB 93) As well We must Continually Contemplate its plural and possessive potentials extracted from the “substitute options,” “the learning(‘s’).” Including the transient and non-transient, of the plural potential We concede, (a) group(s) of groups of, “the learning(s).” The final plural propositions are the literal, mathematical, 3 substitutable positions, of the 3, “the learning(s) when utilizing them in the 2 (their) positions and leaving “the learning” in its own original position. Then in further scrutiny of the, “their,” singular and plural possessive potentials, apply, “the learning(‘s’)” to its parenthetical potential. So as to, compound, on, the embedded subconscious, of the learning(‘s’), the learning(‘s’) power, over all things pertinent to the learning(‘s’) success, which is another example of the highest Nature. Leading to the most Godly We understand that due to, “of and to,” there is a beginning but then infinite loop with “success, of power”, from the “power to success”, etcetera, forever in “of the learning, their power”, and “to their success”. And, conversely the “power of success” logically is, and becomes more the same, when further scrutinizing “success, power” and the “power, success”. Both of these, “success power” and “power success” interactively, alternately may equal and cancel specific definition, as We will see. (CB 94) The diminishment to “not perceptible” or no consideration and build back to perspectives of “of”, “to”, “success” and “power” will seem to be by the numbers as we proceed. The specification that, the power is to the success having, the reasonable deduction of, the implied success must be of, power. The “power, success” where power is, an adjective describing, the type of success. Where success can also be and adjective describing the noun power “success, power”. For me he easiest way to consider this, is that success is the noun when of power and power is the noun when of success. “power, success” is a reduction to simplest terms because once in this form they are reversible while holding to their absolute truth because the power or success in our language are simply the 2 perspectives of the same phrase or term e.g. the power “to fly” maybe the success “to fly”. And if straight may be a power “be straight” it may also be a success “be straight”. (CB 95) Let’s do, to a success of the power “to birth Midnight”. The success “Midnight” of a power, “studying long hours, to a success “has story telling achievements” of a power, ” with great oratory ability, to a success, ” being a Literary School Graduate” of a power, “established by the Board Initiatives” to a success, ” eveloped by the American Parent’s’ Group” to a power, “starting themselves up” of a success, ” hearing Midnight’s early attempts.” We can use “to” every place We used “of,” and “of” every place We used “to.” We may also, use “success” everywhere We used “power,” and “power” everywhere We used “success.” (CB 96) None of the aforesaid changes effect the reflection in the statement in its final consideration. The canceling properties of the, carefully selected, “to,” “of,” “success,” and “power.” I call these, the “subjectives” because like feelings they are the unseen. These will be unseen phrases. They are passive and personal postures to the real World, the un-perceivable because We can’t see power or success, but only the evidence of them. They with their article “a” are a passive construct “to be” of the implied action Existing, a success, a power. Lastly, they are subjective or subject to the infinite scale of words and “objectives,” imposed upon them. The objectives are randomly selected goals of the subjective. They are qualifiers e.g. “Midnight” or “great oratory ability”. These qualify or modify the carefully selected words, “of”, “to”, “power” and “success”. They all qualify in their potential to be perceived 2 or more ways. They further modify with their “subjective” ability to be dispensable in 2 or more opposable orientaions. (Qualify and modify become interchangeable when speaking of objectives.) (CB 97) These randomly selected qualifiers/modifiers, in the above use are called “objectives” unlike feelings the objects in the phrases can be seen. These will be the seen phrases. If the phrase is a passive phrase like the success or power and can not be seen e.g. “is absolutely sure”. When this is the case the “subjectives” are the goal of the “objectives,” only and exactly half of the time e.g. the “objective” is subject to the “subjective” “success” in “is absolutely sure, to a success. The other half of the time the “subjective” is the goal of the “objective”. This type of passive “objective” or “objective’ ‘to be” achieves objectivity in its graduation to the next “objective,” in its graduation to success, describing “It is absolutely sure” will always modify or qualify, therefore must achieve objectivity. Even of itself because of its ability to qualify or modify in 2 or more ways e.g. It is, “absolute and sure” as well as absolute and sure, “it is”. (CB 98) This formula which is the called, the “American, Objective Subject switch to, the Subjective, Object Position.” For the function is, of the transceiveable increase of clarity, learning, and understanding to the signatures in the American, language goal, of convertibility, with conceptual, perceptual, and inceptual, transcendence, sensible to confirmation, of hypotheses hopeful, to the likes, of ever expanding transcension. Oops I did it again with 12 commas 13 containments. I hope it’s the worst, and last run-on of this magnitude, I will expose us to. For Americans the “object” should be the “subject” and the “subject” should be the “object” with the perceivable evelopment to interchange. (CB 99) Now review, “Is absolutely sure”, is a goal clarifying, and denoting the purpose, degree and Existence to the “success” and “power,” of the goal or objective “is absolutely sure.” Now the “objective” can only be the transient interval goal of the “subjective,” with “is absolutely sure” to a “success,” or to a “power”. In the real, of our Existence there are Continuous changes to the past from the future. All things must be in a State of evelopment or development due to the reality of time. A development of the past to present effect, would be, “is absolutely sure,” to a “success,” but had forgotten a detail long ago, that is now crucial. An evelopment of the future to present effect would be, “is absolutely sure” of a “success” which will only be enhanced by her current technique. We can only designate so many possibilities. They are in fact infinite. The period at the end of a sentence is an indication that We have “limited” the endless possibilities. (CB 100) We even further “limit” the possibilities, with the “direct prospect” or “criteria,” to the descriptions, of events and processes. These predictions, histories or States within a sentence set more “limits”. Still We can in no way contain the, “infinitely-on-going limits” of the combinations of sensible words, incepting new words, interpretations and perhaps the, eveloping to other languages outside of our, determination in the sentence. So the “objective” is subject to the “subjective” “success” in “is absolutely sure, to a success. (period)” (Period) is illusionary of the “future and ‘past to present’ effect” possibilities which are always on-going. The period lets us stop reading the possibilities which Continue with the previously set of “criteria” or the reductions “success power” and “power success” (period). Those “criteria,” are “of,” and “to,” for success and power and success and power for “Midnight” and “with great oratory ability”. In our language they all have the same meaning beyond the intended or intensive meaning in all of the following. (“Of,” “to,” a “success,”) (“of,” “to,” a “success,”) (“of,” “to,” a “power,”) (“of,” “to,” a “power,”) (“of,” “to,” a “success,”) are all of the possible options in the previous “criteria,” “Midnight” and ” with great oratory ability”. The first and last (“of” “to” a “success”) being the Infinity Key to all the previous “criteria,” meaning that it just keeps repeating. This lets us know that the possibilities beyond the (period), have infinitely-on-going-limits within and beyond Finite Border’s End of Events. Before typing more of the critiria set, it’s important to understand that beyond the Finite border’s end of events, that this claims as reach, we must be able to disappear to Oblivion {1}One (any {1}one of the All~Spaces) With the subjective subjective, to power, the type of poer that it is, is “to” as opposed to “from” or “of” power. So, to completely disappear from Physical Existence, we have “of” “to power to, “of” and have exhausted power in getting to, “of.” Only “to” and “of” remain. When “to” and “of” are exactly eaqual and opposing forces they neutralize and disappear. When perception takes place, is imbalance dependent, and the perception “to” and “of” may return. Now, more about the criteria that beefs up the perception of Physical Existence. The “criteria” set for the “objectives”, ARE, the “infinitely-on-going limit,,” of the combinations of sensible words. (CB 101) So the selected “objective” or 2 “objectives” e.g. “Midnight” and “with great oratory ability” will circulate infinitely until they are replaced, followed, or preceded by (an)other objective(s) e.g. A success “Midnight” to a power “with great oratory ability” of a success “Midnight” of a power “with great oratory ability” etc. Therefore, the goal of the, “objective” to be the “subjective” is only ever a transient interval and transceiveable between any and every 2 “subjectives” exactly half of the time i.e. The objective must make a statement or ask a question and is subject to both statement and question, making it transceivable between “subjectives” and a question and a passive objective are transceivable between objectives. The question is always more passive than the statement e.g. Is the success Midnight of great oratory ability? Of great oratory ability is Midnight? (CB 102) Superimposed on the development of the circuit are the envelopments and evolutions of the sentences and phrases that hold to such recursive and successive term-in/phrase/ology. It is absolutely sure to have many graduations. Let’s take our previous: to a success, “Midnight” of a power, “studying long hours, to a success “has story telling achievements” of a power, “with great oratory ability, to a success, ” being a Literary School Graduate” of a power, “established by the Board Initiatives” to a success, ” eveloped by the American Parents’ Group” to a power, ” starting themselves up” of a success, ” hearing Midnight’s early attempts.” We can use “to” every place We used “of,” and “of” every place We used “to.” We may also, use “success” everywhere We used “power,” and “power” everywhere We used “success.” Re-induced to: “Midnight, studying long hours has story telling achievements, with great oratory ability, being a literary school graduate established by the Board Initiatives, eveloped by the American Parent’s’ Group, starting themselves up, hearing Midnight’s early attempts. This is a run-on sentence, a paragraph, an article, and even a magazine. We’ll expand or induce a paragraph of it. The success story of Midnight started with studying long hours. He has earned many story telling achievements and awards and is with great oratory ability. Midnight scored at the top of his class, obsessed with the pursuit of being a Literary School Graduate. The school was established by the Board Initiative evloped by the American Parent’s’ Group. Ironically or not, the group whom, starting themselves up after hearing some of Midnight’s early attempts were to his success. Easily with more details real or imaginary the aforesaid potentials, article and magazine may be accomplished. (CB 103) So as to compound on, the embedded subcoscious, of the learning, their power, over all things pertinent to their existence. We’ve established that “of the learning, their power” must have an infinite loop “pertinent to their success”, in the sentence and (my new favorite version) “So as to, compound, on, the embedded subconscious, (1) of the learning, their power (1), over all things pertinent to their success”, The entire sentence, except “compound” which is the simple predicate, is the subject. Because the last sentence suggest the possibility, (2) their learning,(2) may be the subject of the paragraph making it the object of conversation. When learning is allowed to be as verb with their as the subject it may be seen as its own infinite loop. That infinite loop and the infinite loops in each of the words (3) “power” and “success” (3). In the infinite loops (4) “of the learning, their power” and “to their success”(4). These 4 infinite loops, individually and jointly loop to “So as to…” is in 2 perspectives, one of limit, the other limitless, beyond the (period). (CB 104) For the Godly expression which can by no means be fully expressed; All facets for “their” and “the leaning” which are from the sentence “There are Bitter and Royal Ugly Dudes, who point at me, to the attention of Children, Daughters, and Sons, and speak, “Once too close the Sun should have, ensnared a death, of the likes of that which We are about to witness”, are as follows: it’s – its’ – its – IT’s – ITs’ – ITs – the leaning – the leanings – the leaning’s -the leanings’ – Bitter and Royal Ugly Dudes – Children, Daughters, and Sons. These and anything that they modify or are modified of i.e. anything that can be one, several, or all of these e.g. man, woman, dog, cat, chicken, Cat-Dog, or pet rock, dirty, smart fit into “the learning” and “their” positions and all implications of the change in meanings when substituted that may effect any of the positions effectable when substituted must be accounted for e.g. To the crocodile’s success, so as to, compound, on, the embedded subconscious of the young, their learning (and) memory of the ability to soar. Their are several methods by which we which we are allowed to make these changes. “Their learning” or the learning’s, learning(‘s’) instead of “the learning” is allowed by the singular and plural possessives of “the learning”, And, the infinite loops of the, “success ‘their young’, so as to, compound, on, the embedded subconscious of transcendental meditative flight methods to the, power of, ‘their ancestor’s’ to and of the memory to and of their young, the ability to soar. That which allows the addition of memory, which not a substitution, is the possessive “the “the learning(‘s’)”. We need to always consider all forms of a word term or phrase, when dealing the idea of infinity. This only gets more creative and ruley from there. The significance identifying a structure’s/sentence’s infinite loops is to reveal the potential, that was locked inside the original structure. Such, delivers extension and twists of the structure, that You may not have 1st realized. e.g… (CB 105) The Security Team planning an Alpha/Zulu lock-out of the Charlie/Brovo, element, so as to secure in advance, the new Alpha-Numeric assignments, which engage new dividends. So we decide the components that are fundamental. They are the that, which can not change. The verbs usually form the foundation of the Fundamental Components, The Fundamental components here are. “Security, planned, Alpha/Zulu lock-out, to secure Alpha-Numeric assignments, which engage, dividends to/of. The 1st infinite loop, exposes a first real danger. Security planned, Alpha/Zulu Lock-out of security. The next infinite loop reveals a relationship. Alpha/Zulu Lock-out of the Charlie Bravo element to Alpha/Zulu Lock-out. The 3rd infinite loop is Charlie Bravo to secure Alpha-Numeric assignments, which engage Charlie/Bravo. The 4th is Alpha-Numeric which engage dividends to/of Alpha-Numeric assignments. The final loop is Dividends to/of security planning dividends. Next is to assign parameters to infinity. Since we can replace security with almost any noun we’ll say human agents to computer soft/hardware. So while we wouldn’t be able to replace security with Julia Child, we could replace it with Agent K or Norton. The more broad the parameters are, the more immense the task is and the scrutized, the original structure. With the technology of today, several programs could be evloped to reduce risks to ‘0’ probability. Then, You know man-kind. We develop programs that will scrutinize other programs. Will there ever be an end? I predict that a sealed Continuum will limit computer speed to be techno-babble after said limit. (CB 106) We want us to mentally/cognitively realize or write down as many or as much of an/the example(s) as our minds want to or will tolerate e.g. the power, “observation” to the success “definite” or the power “to fly” to the success “straight”. I implied there would only be 3 more explanations, under-lying the 3 ways to express highest Nature and Godly perspectives. The 3rd way will be embedded in this explanation as a literary diagram or something that is meant to be pictured in motion of sorts. I would type the highest Nature, and Godly, of this statement, “So as to, compound, on, the embedded subconscious, of the learning, their power, over all things pertinent to their success”, which is is culmination of all the “direct prospects”, inclusive of all “substitute options” but it can not be done in any lifetime of any length as long as language evelops and events happen. This 3rd explanation looped to the beginning. There are Bitter and Royal Ugly Dudes, who point at me, to the attention of Children, Daughters, and Sons, and speak, “Once too close the Sun should have, ensnared a death, of the likes of that which We are about to witness. In any case, the Bitter and Royal Ugly Dudes engaged in prestidigitation in pointing my of direction with one finger with and 9 other digits orchestrating magicians to execute the most gruesome outcome of my attempt. So as to, compound, on, the embedded subconscious, of the learning, their power, over all things pertinent to their success. Now, what was the point? Midnight? (CB 107) I think and feel that it’s, its’ and its how we can to go from “zero” to “infinity” in one sentence. It births a Space Aged math and proves the Infinite Eternal perspective even if We only program an A.I. unit to evelop language. As long as it can evelop “characters” and “words”, It will be solving forever. That warrants a; Very Little About HomeKeeperU. And, the request to secure securities. So I used semi-colon, big deal. Midnight I said, I didn’t use semi-colon in this Command Blog. I think the punctuation arsenal was not complete. Well, it is more so now. Thank You Midnight. (CB 108) The “Perspective Math” is for all cultures and Human-Kind, but for some cultures, It couldn’t be expedient enough. https://www.facebook.com/thekatrinawalker/videos/590890477997852/?t=0 If You didn’t notice the “Perspective Math” introduced in the writing example above let me explain it. It’s simple. We have an ordered way to calculate any crazy thing we want. (i) may equal infinity in this case instead of imaginary. We may represent it with any symbol. Its simple. We know we can make “success” and “power” disappear and replace them with almost anything we want. Also that We know we can look at “success, power” as an increase from the objective to the subjective exactly ½ of the time and one of the words ¼ of the time, either success or power. Also we know we may use ¼ because it is a component of ½. So, we’ve set our criteria at ½ and ¼ and we’re going to use a limit of 6. knowing that; If we want to say 8-3=7 we may write it as such: 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+(-½ i6) + (¼ i8) = 7 The reason we can do that is infinity can be negative or positive. We know our criteria is ½ or ¼ when using 0 or making success and power disappear and replacing it with any 2 objectives We want. We’ll use 0 to replace (-3) and we’ll also use 0 to add 2 back because, You may add 0 to anything and get the same number: It will look like 8+0+0=7 or 8+ (-3) + 2 = 7 So 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+(-½ i6) = 5 or 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+(-3) = 5+ ( -1/2 i16) is the same thing as saying (-3) because we may place any criteria on infinity and make it positive or negative. We just need an ordered way of doing that. (–½) six times must equal (-3) therefore (-½ i6) = (-3) and next we want to add 2 back. 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+(-½ i6) + (¼ i8) where ¼ eight times equals 2 so we may write: 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+(-½ i6) + (¼ i8) = 7 or: 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+(-3) +2 =7 or: 8-3=7 Turns out that We may have 8 apples, eat 3 and regurgitate 2. That wasn’t so difficult was it? Understand that this exercise is just to let our imagination wonder at bit. The mathematics that comes of it will be much more significant. It wasn’t so difficult Midnight, but the 1+1+1 etc.? Because 8 may be 8 pieces of fruit or 8 nuts which may be 4 oranges and 4 apples or 3 walnuts a 3 (7/16) nuts and 2 acorns. 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1 is 8 apples. Why, that all makes perfect sense. There are many ways to get the same calculation. This was just the most obvious. We can mathematically calculate anything we want. I may have saved some poor kid a whooping. In the future they will not determine Child abuse by the beating/spanking but by ‘cell rupture’ and it may turn-out that some Kids can really take a whooping and others not so much. (CB 109) Back to the Blog. (CB 110) There are Bitter and Royal Ugly Dudes, who point at me, to the attention of Children, Daughters, and Sons, and speak, “Once too close the Sun should have, ensnared a death, of the likes of that, which We are about to witness. In any case, the Bitter and Royal Ugly Dudes, engaged in prestidigitation in the pointing of my direction with one finger, and 9 other digits orchestrating magicians to execute, the most gruesome outcome of my attempt. So as to, compound, on, the embedded subconscious, of the learning, their power, over all things pertinent to their success. (CB 111) HKU or HomeKeeperU would like to accomplish the aforementioned feats like the closing of the gap or gulf but I’ve set it’s one goal to the Occupational Parenting Economy Amendment. The (OPEA) puts us, an our Nation ahead of the term A.P. and in command of all of its connotations. We are at the toes of this crisis because there are enough stories of Fathers destroying their Sons and refusing to relinquish leadership. Fathers whom, gain from the pitfalls and abysses they leave in the way. Fathers who lock their Sons away because they gave up on the World and submitted to their Son’s Mother’s. The Mothers, with their newly found independence, would have to save the Father forsaken Planet, while the Father proves that it’s not worth saving. HKU has never heard of the Childhood stories We really must hear. The ones with the Grand-Mother, Grand-Father, 2 Parents a Child, with this dynamic times 2 whom meet and marry. And I run the risk of seeming bitter with the fairy-tale I’ve just fabricated. It’s all about the Happiness and FULFILLMENT of Children. If we get that 1 simple requirement in place every-thing else would fall into a sealed space/Space. (CB 112) In recognition of how important Children are to our continuity there should be a 28th Amendment. It should be the first electronic Amendment so that it may be implemented in its entirety with links. It should be recorded in the American language. It should also be filed, in its entirety on parchment or paper, maybe recycled. It should read- This Amendment should be known to be electronic and enforceable with all of its links. This is merely the 1st paragraph. There will be more. (CB 113) All Children born to a Citizen of the United States of America are born with Inalienable Rights as determined by the United States Constitution. These shall be responsibly levied with the duties beneficial and befitting an individual, and society. The aforesaid responsibilities and duties shall be appropriately levied by the Parent(s) solely, being within the confines of the Law of the Land. The Parent(s), shall, not be required to, but may receive payment thereto aforementioned responsibilities and duties, at the grant of The People of the United States of America. The Parent(s) may, but, need not, have benefit of the those Experts in Assistance Enterprises, such as Homekeeping Companies, in the provisions of the aforesaid responsibilities and duties to their Child/Children and their Society. They may or not collaborate in obtaining such assistance with persons having shared interest, in the health and evelopment of their Child/Children and other Children. So shall it be, unless, the Child/Children is/are proven, beyond a reasonable doubt, to be in a state of neglect. Neglect may be found in any of the States or capacities of Cognitive, Mental, Emotional, Social, Psychological, Spiritual, Material, or Physical well-being. If the Child is found to be in such a state as neglect, the appropriate motion to assist and, if after every reasonable, thinkable attempt has been made the Parent(s) be un-willing to receive assistance, separate the Parent(s) and Child/Children shall be made. The motion shall be contingent on the greater fractional part of all Capacities together. With the agreement of, no less than 5/8 of the Experts, one to each state/capacity, and the argument of the appropriate Court, the Child may be remove from the Parent(s). Or by the agreement of the same Experts, and Court, the Parent(s) and Child/Children shall have Court mandated assistance. Once removed the Parent(‘s’) involvement with their Child/Children, in the States or Capacities still un-sited, shall in no way be vacated and shall remain with payment thereto. When the Child/Children is/are brought to a State deemed, by the 7/8 of the experts and Court involved, to be, ‘not in neglect’, the Parent(s) may have custody restored. They must be with assistance in the previously cited States until the 7 experts and aforementioned Court shall deem them Worthy to maintain the minimal criteria for all States. Then they may be without assistance. A Citizen cited twice for material neglect may be compelled to, with the more rigorous investigation and the pleasing of the population, “Medical and Popular Inconceivability” and bear forth no more Children. Occupational Parenting payments are Constitutionally endowed as necessity to a shared Nation and the evelopment of its Citizens. (CB 114) For this Amendment to be realized We must be able to assign definition to Spiritual. HomeKeeperU suggest the following: (CB 115) Spirit: 1. The event and knowledge and ability of the event, where by, there is an essential mass-correlation of Synergetic and Energetic happenings i.e. All things must work together, with all degrees of living to the most non~living objects. 2 . The Essential Synergetic Spirit is enflow, considered to be a state of out-put from Living then by such enablement non-living objects (resulting in a Synergetically increasing Energetically fortifying compounding Space/space. 3. A culmination of Emotions and inter-action with the environment, given thought and reason by their host. (CB 116) Mental is designated by HomeKeeperU to be separate of but included in Psychology as median of the Individual and their Sociology as follows: (CB 117) Mentology: should be the study of; 1. The transceivable State between Sociology and Psychology as separate of, and or, part of society. 2. The Individual’s out-look on society and inversely society’s out-look on the Individual as separate of , and or, part of the Individual or society including the “Looking-Glass Effect. 3. An Individual’s out-look on another Individual and the other’s out-look back to and of the 1st Individual. 4. The Individual’s out-look on (a) group(s) as separate of, and or, part of society and the group(‘s’) out-look on such an Individual as separate of, and or, part of society. 5. Individual(‘s’) or group(‘s’) out-looks on (an)other Individual(‘s’) or group(‘s’) out-look(s) as separate, and or, part of society. (CB 118) This Amendment should be known to be electronic and enforceable with all of its links when finished. This is a small portion of what will be published. I will publish the completed version in HomeKeeperU.com Version 10/11. It will be the most lengthy Amendment ever considered because it deals with, how much involvement the Government or “We the other People” has in every individuals Home. (CB 119) The “Rights” guaranteed every American Citizen must be fully enabled and any objection to any Parent(‘s’) raising of their Children must be scrutinized to “NO’ reasonable doubt”, before acting upon such objection(s). If You believe the Government, “We the other People” have no “Right” in an Individual’s Home, You couldn’t be more wrong or naive. Do You think it is of no concern to “We the other People” if a, set of Parents are teaching their Children that “murder” is OK? NOT in my neighbor’s house in regard to my Children. The Parent are the 1st to teach their Children the LAW. In America, that is the real LAW as it Exists to evolved and lasting Humans. The “LAW of the fittest” are for in-capable and subjugated animals. We must focus on the “LAW of Survivability and Dominion” for the Human Specie and it should start with Americans. the “LAW of Survivability and Dominion”, states, Establishing an Off-spring to the healthiest state of independence is as important for the Specie as the portency of food and water for the individual. (important in this reading is defined as something that is NOT automatic, successive; one doesn’t necessarily follow the another. By contrast portency is something of necessity, something that must take place in order, indicating also an inward and out-ward flow.) (CB 120) I do NOT know how to live with-out the excess of industry known to Americans today. Certainly I could not teach it to my Daughter. America being the “Land of Independence” is an oxy-moron of un-forgiving connotations. If 1 nation or even ‘Alien-presence’ wanted to conquer a(nother) nation they’d simply have to hack the computerized systems of dependency. For all that we can be sure of, the Russian’s are telling our leaders what to do, at the threat of the loss or helter/slelter of our computer age. How would we know? If we all know how to live off of the land, what should be a native heritage, we may still survive at the collapse of our computer systems. We’d be Existing at the healthiest state of independence. We should NOT send an astronaut to Space, whom isn’t fully capable of surviving in the raw. That’s the LAW for any advanced sophisticated civilization. (CB 121) It is understood that Americans, as a body, at little fault of their own. Have fallen asleep on theirs and other(‘s’) “Rights” and responsibilities that come with those “Rights”. The “American Individual” does not exist in the healthiest state of independence. Most don’t want to run out and live off of the land, nor is concerned with learning how to. That’s why when intro-ducing the (OPEA) Occupational Parenting Economy Amendment as the fulfillment of the Naturally Existing and GOD-given (PPPPP) Population Perpetuation Product Provision Population economy, which has for Humans, always meant that the (S&D) Supply and Demand economy was obsoleted the 1st day it was considered. The (S&D) economy is for a lower order of life, or for animals, that do not control supply or demand. Capitalism is only corrupted by such control. Acknowledging that Humans do control breeding and agriculture the, (PPPPP) Population Perpetuation Product Provision Population, considers obligation to other than self, as well as leaves plenty of room for our innate GREED. The (OPEA) Occupational Parenting Economy Amendment, proposes an economy and People whom will thrive in the face of Your self-fulfilling, Humanly (un)(in)- separable GREED. Understanding the current un-offensive but true American laziness of some Citizens by comparison to others, again: (CB 122) HomeKeeperU is of the thought that, We must implement the (OPE) Occupational Parenting Economy with, the application of the HomeKeeper, to the “Supply and Demand” of Manufacturing, Consumption and, Education so as, not to stress, too much, the feature of the Economy by, the structure of its build, and point of its objective. What that means is that the Amendment will be put forth to the Constitution, then the economy it-self will be slowly implemented granting 1st the applications of those whom shine, in willingness, projected economic desirability, projected ability to succeed having little bearing on economic dependence until the successes of the 1st application are in economic utilization, creating a trend succession. What that means is that the best projected HomeKeepers get the highly demanded and short supply positions 1st. Then upon their contribution to the economy does the economic viability of the position increase. What that means is, that We won’t economically depended on the HomeKeeper Occupation, until it is of proven economic, and here’s the beauty of it, economic/Human value. What that means, back to the top of the paragraph, is that those who don’t find the Occupational Parenting Position immediately favorable don’t have to take part, except an un-noticeable tax increase. It is our posterity or our Children and their, as well as, what we notice in our Generation, who will be more and more motivated to be the best that they can be. It also means there’s plenty of time economic demand and economic resolution on the question of what is best, with the allowance of multiple definitions and utilization of that best. (CB 123) As previously stated our Fore-Fathers and Fore-Mothers would have never been able to sell ‘raising the Children’ as a viable occupation, for (white Industrial) Caucasian, (black Free/slave) African, (yellow low/wage) Chinese, and (red/Natural) Native American. (CB 124) They had their hands full with what are “Inalienable Rights”, but I assure You as these GOD-given, Naturally-Existing, realizations, as ‘Free from Tyranny’ took the thoughts and Spirits of George and Martha Washington, Thomas and Martha Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and his wife Deborah Read, Alexander and Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton, James and Dolley Madison, Denmark and Susan Vesey, and later John and Mary Ann Day and Dianthe Lusk Brown, the Imortal Spirit- Harriet- (Moses) and Nelson Davis and John Tubman, General Robert E. and Mary Anna Randolf Custis Lee, Fredrick and Helen Pitts and Anna Murray Douglass, Jefferson and Sarah Knox Taylor and Varina Davis, Abraham and Mary Todd Lincoln and previous, (With no disrespect intended to Wikipedia, (other information sources), the Lakota, the Navtive American’s as a People, Sitting-Bull and his memory or, his favorite Squaw and her memory, this is some-what embarassing that I found ‘No’ information, desinating the name of Sitting-Bull’s favorite Squaw. When I do aquisition the rightful name I will place beside the fictious name that I have, here given her; It is not fitting that she be nameless in this Blog Sitting-Bull and his favorite Squaw Meadow Sky Water of the Lakota , meaning all he would ever need, if all else was gone, and also that she has the ability to stand independent, if he was gone, Geronimo “One who yawns”, (We should always pay respect to exacty what it is we want to awaken) and Alope of the Achhe, and 6 others, Theordore and Edith Carow Roosevelt and Alice Hathaway Lee Roosevelt, Red Cloud and again we don’t have (a) names for his favorite Squaw HKU will call her Passing Deeds Bearing of the Oglala Lakota , Tȟašúŋke Witkó Crazy Horse’s “Horse that dances in/with Spirit(s)” parents were of a Lakota division Sioux. Tȟašúŋke Witkó of the Oglala all the same as his father and his Mother Tȟašína Ȟlaȟlá Wiŋ (Rattling Blanket Woman a Miniconjou, with, the idea of ‘Nature’s Industry’ and the ‘Nature of GOD’s, God(‘s’), and god(‘s’)’, (no offense to Christianity’s one Human God, Jesus, or any other like religion), indicating all of Humanity’s ‘Freedom from Tyranny’. I assure You none more than George and Martha Washington, Thomas and Martha Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and his wife Deborah Read, Alexander and Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton, James and Dolley Madison. For, if GOD, God, god, be a tyrant over ITS/His/Her people, it is a tyranny that they have charge their own Existence to… (CB 125) I realize the entirety of the last paragraph is only 2 sentenses, but I will leave them as such, because such were the thoughts, and hindrances to the Spirits of our Fore-Fathers/Mothers. Some only consider those who, signed the our founding documents to the Fore-Fathers, and academically, that’s fine. But, if we don’t look at all of these in our foundation, we aren’t even looking at the Home built on it. And we, should consider all of these when realizing America is only 233 years Young. Both, Rome’s and Egypt’s reigns we over 1000 Years, at 233 years, We ourselves are Founding-Mothers and Founding Father. We are now writing History, and I question is it American history? Or will the World never look back, when striving to a dark, computerized, certain death. (CB 126) Some want to freeze or isolate a time, make it an island instead of a current. They are those educators who, say the Founding-Fathers are only those that signed the “Declaration of Independence” or the “United States of America Constitution”. I have no argument to that view in a sense of “more specifically”. But, object in a sense of reality, and instead subject/contend that every name listed is a Founding-Mother or Father of the ‘American Currency’, its money, and its modern day. I apologize for the mistresses, foe-husbands and all other significant-others not mentioned. “For, our lives are intertwined to, no other lives that are of no thought, and if so, there-in is also significant meaning”. I am not a historian, nor can I in detail tell You of all the lives that I’ve listed, but I can tell You of the “One Life, America”. (CB 127) As Americans we have experienced America’s issues, battles, Wars, trials inside of each of us as an Individual. We’ve held elections and taught in classrooms, the issues, that the genetics of ‘Mothers and Fathers before us’ and ‘inside us’, vote on. Of these issues, battles, Wars, education, and elections, GOD/Nature/ the Universe, has granted us ‘Supreme Being’ of the out-come in our Individual selves. In one American the South won the “Civil War”, or I guess in that case the “War of Northern Aggression”. In another American, the Natives have not yielded the West. Still, in another American, We didn’t blow-off the “Global Summit on Environmental” change. And, there is an American completely and utterly enslaved by issues, battles, Wars, education, the modern Age of Technology, election, and the ability for election. Every individual American is the ‘Supreme Being’ of her/his personally constituted body of America. Not one of those Americans have more or fewer “Rights” than the other, but one can be more American than the other. The one that is more American, is the one with the most reason for America at this very interval, the last interval, and probably the next interval. The who is, most American, will see that America stands on its most reasonable Ground. And, there is absolutely no reason why its most Spiritual Ground are not the exact, same, propinquity. They have tried the issues, won the wars, and elected them-selves to the Order, Union, Justice, Defense, Welfare and “Rights” of our posterity. The least American of them, who has not ONE less, “Right to their Citizen-ship”, is the one who is over-whelmed and self-divested of the American Interest. They believe, that they don’t count, no-one can agree, that their better off letting sone-one else be ‘Supreme Being’ of his or her ‘Personal American Constitution’ and finally like the last they believe. That they don’t need to read or apply the Constitution, to their lives, because, way smarter people, already have. (CB 128) ‘Big-Business’ and for ‘GOD DAMN the this day of education’, the schools, want You be divested of Your American Interest. We blaspheme (no offense to Christ) Mark Twain’s, “Never discuss, politics or religion in polite company”, and make a Religion out of, “Never talk negatively about politics, religion, business practices, Ethnicity’s-culture(s) or responsible sexual investment”. We Constitute it with, “Don’t offend any-one or hurt any-ones feelins”, and “Do You understand how this looks for You/Us”, legalize it, with ‘company policy’, and finally, we popularize by denying, any-one not “with the program” a(n) ‘J‘ ‘O‘ ‘B‘/’Industrial Existence’. “GOD DAMN the this day of professionalism”. If any-one’s language or belief is not “with the program”, an expert saying so in Court can simply have them confined to a Mental Health Institution, because the Judge’s hands are tied. But, they weren’t tied when a ‘modern model of Father-hood’ lost custody of his Children. He lost them, not due neglect in any part, but because of his “lanuage” when he called the Mom, “A fucking Cunt”, primarily because he couldn’t place the words, Cowardly, Greedy, Manipulative, Anti-Christ, Anti-Satan, and Anti-Human Incontation and incarnation of all Destuctions Past, and because he was Male. (CB 129) This other Judge decided for the Defendant, because he was ultra-annoyed by the Plaintiff’s Attorney’s coughing. Well in contention of what Your expert attests, our expert, holds 3 PhD’s an MD and is also Board Certified in Cardio-Thoracic Medicine, and attests that He is GOD, because no-one else can provide testimony refuting that fact, and because their is “NO” GOD allowed in the GOD-damned Court-room; only the wor-ship of information, High and Mighty. Shit, the Judge probably gave his decision based on the cough, because his own annoyance was the only part of the Court’s proceedings that he was an expert on and even that had circumstance, was extenuating far beyond his awareness. And, that is the call for the (OPEA) Occupational Parenting Economy Amendment. Astronauts whom, are Certified as Neuro-Surgeons, has License and knowledge to drive their Kids bus route, and qualified to sit the Bench as an honest and adequate Judge. It is the only place for Human Specie to go… Finally in this case scenario, if nothing changes? “I’m the fore-most expert and authority,” will replaced by “I Own that Information,” and sure as some-one is planning to sell ‘Purified AIR’ to Californians, we’ll be paying for the speech we use. It starts when You can’t print this or say that because some-one else owns it. We’ll be bio-technologically silenced; not a thought in our head unless we bought minutes. The rest time our BTU’s of heat-Energy/Synergy will be, being used for the more important parts of our ever increasing, computerized Society, like the Matrix (CB 130) Think that it’s not already happening. ‘GOD DAMN the this day of education’. Who own’s the information a University teaches? Is it free? I’ve 1 comment on (HKU) HomeKeeperU.com, in the last approximate year. I out and out Challenge all legitimacy of some pre-conceived and fairly accepted notions and so-called facts. I do it in a way that demonstrates semi-educated is the best and better alternative to fully-educated. While I am extremely great-ful that some-one hasn’t used a confidence in words and knowledge to rape all popular credibility in the comments section of HKU, I doubt that kindness is only reason that hasn’t taken place. Some-one, could leave me trembling at my key-board in a puddle of my own urine, frantically try to shape a ‘new world’ from my own feces, with a sense of joy, duty, or both. But at the slightest threat that I’d be able to pull together a response and humble question, of ingeniously constructed insults to my station, ethnicity, gender, or gender of my ethnicity, there may be the instruction to ‘not engage’. Even in the ugliest exchange of ideas, which is/are information, and that, which some-one has invested thousands, Corporate Millions, easily leading to product and Government Billions/Trillions represents, and that conflict in the signals, and streams of the multi-media monster, would indeed establish and carry-out public education/knowledge, public informaty/informity, and that stuff just isn’t free. I think it’s worthy of serious consideration, along with possibilities that there may be more elite media venues, that we don’t. Such elites that shred any-one challenging conventional thinking/ways would fear. Its not just ones own pee-pee and poo-poo at the key-board. Its editing, hacking, hidden and cowardly discrediting, and finally the apparent obsoleting of the value of one’s in-put. ‘Blue Host”, ‘GOD help us’, I’m still with them, through funky traffic stats, and Humanly irregular, lack of commenting. There’s a Customer/Supplier responsibility issue that I’m going to give way on. They are inexpensive, hopefully not cheap, and hopefully the only vehicle (HKU) HomeKeeperU.com will ever need. My mission is to KEEP TRANSMITTING. (CB 131) I perceive my-self to be on a Ship that is sinking/falling/lost in Space. We’re down to the last engine, with (IFG&PS) ‘Inter-Functional-Guidance and Propulsion System’ (UD/G) Up-Date/Grade. The Ship is in Failure because, one by one the engine(‘s’) (EE) Element(‘s’) Environments Failed, causing the collapse 0f all engine(‘s’) (OE) Operating-Environments. All of the other engines were in hopeless, redundant, success/recursive Failure, when the Ship launched the (EI) ‘Emergency Implementation’ containing the (IFG&PS) ‘Inter-Functional-Guidance and Pripulsion System’. It the implementation’ of a onerous, chaotic formation of a (SS/E 1) 1st ‘Super-Structure/Engine’ which is the ‘multi-structural augmentation’ of all previous engine constructions. Because of the nature of the Ships build it launched the (EI) several times. The (SS/E 1) 1st ‘Super-Structure/Engine’ was to achieve (HUPGP) ‘Harmonious Universal Pro-Generating Propulsion’, without its acquisition, ‘no’ ship can fly. The (SS/E)’Super-structure/engine’ it-self must evolve (GX) Generator-X capabilities. Its (CPU) Central Processing Unit is sub-divided into several components. Each recursive, scaled, component of the ‘Super Structure/Engine’ was to preserve the PS/E ‘Parent Structure/Engine’ of its ‘recursive component identity’; several connections with-in 1 current. Each connection was to generate an (enflow) or (transceivable-feed) with variable exchange rates. The un-expected happened with the formation of the (SS/E) ‘Super Structure/Engine. A polar density developed; around which the (AS/E) ‘Anti-Structure/Engine’ formed. The (AS/E) ‘Anti-Structure/Engine’ preserved its own formation, by exacting the previous the functions of all of the Failing engines. It has a single (CPU) ‘Central Processing Unit’ and hard-drive connection to all of the (PS/E) ‘Parent Structure/Engines. The problem of course is that, if the engines that were in proven Failure were taken with ‘no change’, ‘no corrective rate’, the declining function, would eventually cause a, recursive, successive, chain reaction and finally the Ship’s “TOTAL FAILURE”. At “TOTAL FAILURE”, there would be a (PED) ‘Physical Energetic Degeneration’ of which there may be no description, certainly, no imagining. One may have to consider a degenerating synergy for which there Exists no physical form. Over compensating, the (SS/E 1) 1st ‘Super-Structure/Engine’ corrupted the integrity of the Failing (PS/E) ‘Parent Structure/Engine’s, physical structures, functions, and even the, Elements. The survival of the Ship’s engines is in a ‘tug of War’ between the (SS/E 1) 1st ‘Super-Structure/Engine’, and the development of the (AS/E) ‘Anti-Structure/Engine’, each attempting to command the (PS/E) ‘Parent Structure/Engines.The 1st (EI) ‘Emergncy Implementation’, will attempt to ‘hand-off’ at total Failure, and advance the mission’s (GX) Generation-X evolutionary need to the next most fit (EI) ‘Emergency Implementation’; each of those are all programed from their assumptions/ascensions to be the final (EI) ‘Emergency Implementation’. But, really ‘all hope’ knows, that if the 1st (EI) ‘Emergency Implementation’ falls, it would not be an Omen, but the 1st (AR c7) ‘Anti-Revelation category 7’ Ominus, Gargantuan, and ‘All Deciding’ domino, upon the standings of the other (EI)s Emergency Implementations. such a happening would only be for the Universe’s continuity of physical behavior to its un-known and un-perceivable. There’s no history of such and event in the known Universe. Being conscious on the inside of a ‘black-hple’ doesn’t even touch it. Upon total failure of the ‘Anti-Structure/Engine’ it cold attempt to destroy all (EI)s Emergency Implementations, launched, out-rightly. But, would probaby try a ‘multiple-conversion’ of (EI) ‘Emergency Implementation’ resulting in a re-formation of it-self. I am cradled in the (SS/E1) 1st ‘Super-Structure/Engine, and have received the (FT/UD/G) ‘Final Transmission’/ ‘Up-Date/Grade’ from the(CMP of P) ‘Center-Most Point’ of the polarization between (SS/E1) ‘Super- and Anti-Structure/Engine’, and the (CMP of S) ‘Center-Most Point’ of the the Ship. The (T/UD/G) Transmission/Up-Date/Grade have been de-crypted my Engine’s Computer is attempting (RC) Re-Constitution. The (UD/G) Up-Date/Grade the, most advanced program to date nearly obsoleting its (CEO&E) ‘Current Element’s Operating and Environment’, which is nearing the (FEES) ‘Failed Engine Environment Status’. The (FT/UD/G) (RC) Re-Constitutes to the original (IFG&PS)’s Inter-Functional-Guigance and Propulsion System’s Constitution. The (UD/GP) Up-Date/Grade Program identifies, and revocates, ‘bi-gender bios/bias’ in (V2) Variance 2 while simultaneously initiating, mechanical-motivation, eco, evolutionary information to the: 1Perceivability+1Motion+5Elements [1positive=3+1negative=2] 1st Variance: [Σ(-9×(.857142M)+(9×(.857142M)=[1+1]+2nd Variance=Link Variance:[+1]( (9/18)+∩≠(8/16)+∩≠(7/14)+∩≠(6/12)+∩≠(5/0)+∩≠(4/0)+∩≠(3/0)+∩≠(2/0)+∩≠(1/0))=.75×[Σ(54×(.142857E)=3rd Variance: [Σ((.714285×([V1+(V1]+1v))=([V1v+V1v)/(.5)=([V2]+V2)×2))+4th Variance: [Σ((([.07142857∞]×70)×(7))×((5)×([.07142857∞]×70)))=[1+1]+5th Variance=Link Variance:((9/18)+∩≠(8/16)+∩≠(7/14)+∩≠(6/12)+∩≠(0/10)+∩≠(0/8)+∩≠(0/6)+∩≠(0/4)+∩≠(0/2))=[.3∞]×[Σ([.6∞]×(3×((2v∂V+2v∂V=V4=1v∂V2v∂V3+2v∂V3v∂V4)=((7))+(2×7)))))+ Sixth Variance:[Σ[.714285∞]×(2v∂V3v∂V4v∂V5v≈∂V6v≈∂V7=1v:2v:V2, 2v:3v:V3, 3v:4v:V4v∂1v=[V1=(7]V1:V2:V3:V4:V5:V7:9V)]=Seventh Variance:[Σ49×(V3+V4=[(1v=V2+1v=3)+1v=V2+1v=V2=4=6)]=V2v+V2v=7=9]Eith Variance=Link Variance:((9/18)+∩≠(8/16)+∩≠(7/14)+∩≠(6/12)+∩≠(5/10)+∩≠(4/8)+∩≠(3/6)+∩≠(2/4)+∩≠(1/2))=.5×[Σ(.7)×((3+4)=(2+3)=(1+2)=(0+1))]+Nith Variance [Σ(70)×(-1+0)=(-2+-1)=(-4+-3)={9}={7}={5}=3P=2N=(1+1v)=(1v+1v)=V2 +V2=V4=V1+V1+V1+V1=V3v=1v+1v+1v∩≠(1v)=1,1,1=1v∩≠1vv =V1∩≠Vvv=∅]+Tenth Variance Link Variance: 0=151/.142857=1057.[001057∞]× 4/7=3/7=V2+V2+1v=5=1,V2=1+1=1,1,=V3=1v+1vv=1,1,1=V6+(2:1v=3/6v)=3=1v=1,1,1,1,1=V4+4/8v=4+1=5+5/10xEVO-HOME100/5/10 the influence ‘All -Good, All-Bad’/Variance 2 ‘WHEN’ Human 1,1=1,1,1, Priority 1 PAYMENT Go: It had an (ULW) ‘Up-Load Window’ about 4 hours ago and a 2nd Window about an hour and a 1/2 ago. It missed both widows and there won’t be ant others. It’s set to (AAWC) Access-Any-Window-Configuration’. It’s actually trying to configure (AW) ‘Access Windows’ in the (AS/E) ‘Anti-Structure/Engine. The Planet-ship, that I am on is Earth, and its last Engine is America. I don’t know if ALL hope is lost. My mission is to KEEP TRANSMITTING. And, that is the call for the (OPEA) Occupational Parenting Economy Amendment. Astronauts whom, are Certified as Neuro-Surgeons, has License and knowledge to drive their Kids bus route, and qualified to sit the Bench as an honest and adequate Judge. It is the only place for Human Specie to go. Though what You’ve just read may seem to be balder~dash, it has meaning and parallel. Even the program is not random. It’s written of/to the Imagination, and makes light of a serious condition, the Human Condition. Hopefully it doesn’t make too light of it. (CB 132) “Thou Shalt Not Murder”, where’s our kid learn that 1st, the Government or us? Don’t steal; don’t beat others unless in self-defense; be kind to animals; don’t infringe on another’s “Rights”. This is all 1st learned in the Home, and indeed is of interest to “We the other People”. That Children can execute and call upon the duties of an American Citizen is in all of our interest. The Constitution should have been being taught in every classroom while we were growing up. It wasn’t because the adults were too busy arguing over their self-interest in the Constitution. If the Constitution is ever read, NOT in the interest of every American’s future, it’s being read WRONG, and is ‘patriotic blasphemy’. (CB 133) Also when I introduce the full Amendment I would like there to have been a consideration of the Space Age. Maybe the phrase “Inalienable Rights” is inappropriate. I suggest a term we used as Children, un-able to command the American grammar, “Inalienable”. Now that I’m all grown up, I see how it may be useful to us as adults. Aileable may be considered as in ale or ail. If our “Rights” are “Inaileable” they don’t apply in metaphorical drunkeness or sickness, some-times even forfeiting Right to exist. (CB 134) Metaphorical drunkeness or sickness would be determined by the Climate and Environment of the shared reality of numbers. Persons are implied with numbers, as we get better and better at such determinations/Judgements/decisions “the shares reality of numbers” will come to include, also the Elements of Atoms, of molecules of a blade of grass, insects, squirrels, dogs, smoke stacks, trees, so-on, and the Elements of Atoms of thin air. The Climate and Environment will include progress and goals toward total Constitutionality e.g. Walking down the street but naked is a “Constitutional Right”, but like Occupational Parenting to past was too far progressed, we determine un-biasedly and with-out self-interest the goal of total Constitutionality .If someone is drunk or sick in their subjective or “‘objective’ rights, such as when the the “right to carry a handgun”, is abused, they should be treated as someone who, is drunk or sick. The individual will have to go some time with-out alcohol, which is the gun, and if proven to be sick or have an allergy, well they’ll have with-out alcohol, and assumed contagious. Will there be instances where some-one is hurt or killed? Yes, most probably, but I’ve done some figuring and there is a direct correlation between safety and the loss of Liberty. We can not gain safety with-out losing Liberty. While Your un-Constitutional plight, is against hand-guns, another’s may table-salt while yet another’s is operating a motor-vehicle. If we choose a route away from Constitution, Citizens will all be required to stay in their homes with 2 hours of out-side, but some-one has a problem with one of those hours. To have a Society that is Economically and legally/LAWFULLY regulated toward more and more responsibility and accountability with their “Rights” attained and trained from birth, will bring safety, with-out defenselessness. (CB 135) And each of our Citizens will be a hot commodity in, Global interests. Each American Element will have an increasingly sound mechanical function in the Solar exchange of our Planet-ship. We will also have increasingly “Sealed” Continuous space/Space to conduct the build or rebuild of our Solar-System or Solar-ship. “Novus Ordo Seclorum”, the “Great Seal”, “Annuit Cœptis”. (CB 136) I believe the Constitution and others of America’s documents are as inspired as the Bible itself. Even more inspired, because it’s meant to change with the times and Mankind has had less time to corrupt said documents. America has its martyrs, saints, and antagonist. It has been both touched by and Blessed by the Everlasting, Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent Hand of GOD. I am here to move it forward without tasting of the “martyr makers'” bullets, swords, or any other of their conventions of death. I do not wish to follow Jesus’s death but only his life. The last bit about what’s on my plate and hindering productivity elsewhere, is while I speak of these wholly and consecrated gifts of the United States of America, I must always clearly bear a realization. The realization that starting with the Military, we must seek the Forgiveness, Bravery, and Blessings of our Native American siblings before us. (CB 137) Right after military amendments are business resolutions due to the amount of Native American resources bought for beads and firewater. I claim myself to be an Engine and am sure of some Native American heritage. And I am sure that I 1-upT Engine to Generator. Those opposed to being called an Engine may be or may become similar to those opposed to being called a Nigga. Hey, sometimes it’s OK and sometimes it’s just not. Engines as well as Elements are exactly what we are. See Recursive System Notional Hybrid Engine when it’s published on HomeKeeperU. com Version 10/11. Like the Zulus, and Native Americans, there are tribal existences are among the best Engines of our Planet’s history. Our (the U.S.) military depends and has always been contingent on the Engines that want to serve. I can not say the same about business, which is the very next debt to the Armed Forces debt. To repay these debts is to tend to the Establishment and “Seal” of our Country and Continuum. (CB 138) I wrote a cadence to that effect called “Cadence Soldier One” still in editing. It may sound awkward at the first, but our men and women in uniform will come to cherish its appeal if it gets any props or support. If not today, perhaps tomorrow. It will sound in their brains’ and bodies’ and they will gain from its strength. Our military members must internalize and ex-spell all of the murders, on both sides, of the Industrial/Native American Holocaust, defuse the cultural disparities and biases, then generate the preeminence of one honor to all separate and individual cultures, one to be as honored as the other, when LAWFUL. We look not to the towering and glistening Casinos, that are legally well conceded to neo-Native American’s own Native American Land. But, they attribute the sickness of blood money to all of our eventual eradication. We must look to Chiefs, Braves, Squaws, and millions of papooses from yester-century, “never to have been” up until today. We must know their ways were not perfect and not defensible to the stars or beyond our atmosphere. But, we must in no way contest that there was the fat, arrogant voice of industry which laid to waste anything not inherited of European make, counting the lazy and genocidic murders as necessity to it’s own grotesque existence. The gun has not just made killing more efficient it brings power to them who were previously cowards. Those minds of industry and progress yester-century, knew no better, like Rome before them and us after them. They, them, and us should have known better. They saw tribal presences as resistant to progress, too resistant to progress. And now, in the dusk of what industry has become for us and our Planet, and the dawn of technology, our ever increasing laziness, and separation from the land, we must admit our progress came with significant corruption and antagonists, to that very same headway. We drift through the ghosts of horrendous Human behavior. We feel the absences of key figures in our bodies’ in our own genetics exhausting us. Because we want not to submit to there same atrocities. But, over time the vacancies in our Human Spirits build, one on another. While we commit not the same terror, they have stolen from us our completeness. The incapacitation of of our ancestor’s vileness’ allowing us to execute and conduct unaware drives to the identical result. The conduct is actually in the lack of action due to the hidden fear that we may be like them of generations past. We do nothing to effect change while technology takes the driver seats of our destinies. Let us dance, and chant, and sing to the Great Spirit of GOD. Let us adorn our selves humbly in beads, leather and feathers, never to mock, but to give rise to the memory that the neo-Native American may not have. With great humility plead with today’s Sons and Daughter’s to remember the places, and spaces of that which Industry should have protected. It has NO other reason to exist. Promise the blood of the Elders, some of which flows in our own veins, to protect the tribal way, the way of the land. And, in the Psychonic disposition of Nyons, let us shed the monsters in all of our genealogies and make their minds and Spirits to be correct. They beg us to solve what it is that they did wrong and of what will amend it. To nevermore to turmoil in the madness of the cold in the densest regions of space nor blister the brain’s function in a distant lake of fire. Most do not even consciously know them, their ancestors. If these things come not to pass, America’s Seal will be but a tourniquet to the minds, bodies, and Spirits of its land’s host. They shall not even know that they have wounded themselves not to the tourniquet but to pills hard to swallow. Twere benefit, to them passing in death and us passing in life, them that make perfect the cultivation and blending of the Spirit, more than the flesh. (CB 139) Now you may not agree with any of this, but can you argue your point? It may turn out that my reflections are faulty and yours more true. Yes, more True, many of the best arguments have many facets you may be correct about some and not so practical about others. We have a power that not even the President has, in our ability to line item veto any part of any argument while agreeing with the rest and vice versa. And, that’s what it is to be American. It is a sorrowful, brilliant thing. It is all about the Children. It has always been about the Children. It will always be about the Children. GOD loves no perspective in the Universe more than the Child’s. I need add an element to this Blog. In consideration of children as follows. (CB 140) Only GOD Loves the Child more I do and it is our responsibility to teach and keep the Children to keep and teach them-selves.The 2nd Amendment comes up a lot with Child-safety. I support the Right to keep and bear arms. Many ‘anti-gun’ activist argue that we should rid our-selves of fire-arms for the sake of the Children. That view disgusts me, in the true preservation of Children. If we did put all fire-arms out of production, it would only be a couple/few generations of our posterity, to start making them again. Because they can, is a reason with some merit, but also they’ll have the intelligence to figure out it was never the gun, but Human ignorance and abuse that was our problem. If there is an accident concerning a Child and a fire-arm, it will also be a Child who should have known more about the dangers of guns/weapons. Most all Children who are taught that the stove is hot do NOT burn them-selves on it. We should teach gun safety and practice from birth. Copyright Pending (CB 141) My Brother and I frequently argue the 2nd Amendment, sometimes my sister. I finally trumped him. Below is an irrefutable argument in favor of citizens owning projectile weapons. My sister leaned toward my argument before this article, anyway. This addressed to my Brother. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. Your argument is always about who “We the People” are and what a well regulated militia is. This irrefutable argument addresses both and more. (CB 142) Brother, I don’t see any paragraph. I do see a well written, timeless irrefutable sentence. You didn’t get my point but You made my point when You typed, “Agree with quite a bit of your reasoning, although do not think the crown is much of a threat 200 years later”. You’re looking at the Constitution in 1 maybe 2 dimensions or 240 degrees. It was written in 3 dimensions or 360 degrees of consideration. They didn’t write it to apply to this day or that, but all days and all time. A regulation coveys, ‘what to do’, ‘how to behave’, ‘how and what, to communicate. Above is a the 2nd Amendment as is favored to Your understanding of the Amendment. (CB 143) 1st A militia cannot be more regulated than if the Children are taught, from birth how to handle the “Individual weapon” and understand that they may called upon, by their Government or, in the failure of that same Government; Best regulated “militia” ever. If there could be such a thing as an explicit implication it would be this. While tyranny is implied by weapons being necessary to keep a free State from enemies foreign and domestic. (CB 141) 2nd Those loyal to the Crown were not American Citizens or “We the People”. Another part of Your argument is that our Government wouldn’t allow those 30% of Citizens loyal to the Crown bear arms, therefore it wasn’t written for all of the people. I say, any-one loyal to the Crown could/can NOT be “We the People. If the American citizen was loyal to the Crown, they were spies and if caught they were hung or shot, not released. So the Amendment can be read to deny those loyal to the Crown weapons, in that day. (CB 142) And, when You said, “Agree with quite a bit of your reasoning, although do not think the crown is much of a threat 200 years later.” You make my point because for this day of reading, in which it is applied, there is not that same threat from the Crown, in the numbers of the threat 200 ago. The statement supports that today there is less threat from an enemy foreign. In the case of terrorist and those “sleeper cells” they are spies, if they are also American Citizens. Though maybe we may disarm them and have them swear allegiance to the United States if they fore-go their right to bear arms. Or that they may bear arms only if they swear allegiance and incriminate themselves to their terrorists organization by giving us information vital to our safety. Thereby they may need to protect themselves in the future. If spy flipping gets too crazy and they are flipped back to terrorist activity, there’s always hanging and shooting. To make an example of such spies is vital to the safety of our Nation. (CB 144) 3rd In the case of a tyrannical Government over the People, and the Military sides against the Government, with the People, all of those trained from birth to handle an “Individual weapon” are most ready to be trained by the National Guard on the Militarie(‘s’) behalf, for the “Best Regulated ‘Militia'” that ever could be. Therefore every Home should “keep and bear arms“. “We the People” can only be we the American Citizens whom are “the People” from which Pubic Office and Government Office are elected and Government Officials are appointed. First they must be “We the People” the American Citizen. (CB 145) The 4th point I make is that the “projectile weapon”, for the industrial person, is so much easier to make and so much more humane than a club that You may only invite tyranny, cruelty, and grotesque death, in making them illegal. In the UK I am sure they are experiencing such phenomena. A ‘blow- gun’ is a “projectile weapon” and can be bamboo. You may think the club is easier to make because the bamboo shoot is already a club before it is a blowgun. But, it is not industrial. If there is a pipe laying around You may make a “projectile weapon” more easily than the ease that it would take to make that same pipe. “So, can’t a pipe company make the pipe more easily?”, not as easily as they could make a projectile for the bamboo shoot. If it’s a pipe company that doesn’t make projectiles, I can find a projectile, in the very machinery they use to make any pipe that I could use as ‘blow-gun’ or ‘type of sling’. Trying to outlaw the pistol for the industrial person is the equivalent of trying to outlaw the stone instead of regulating what is done with it. The ease in which one may find a usable steel pipe is greatly dwindling with the intro-duction of PVC and other high-grade plastics and alloys. (Does any-one see where that ends up?) So, that if the ‘power holding segment’ of Government takes our guns, there is less and less provision to protect our-selves from enemies domestic and, foreign, goes with-out saying.That is an irrefutable argument. It can not reasonably be argued against. Until next time, keep your homes well. Copyright Pending Welcome Occupational Parenting Health and Happiness The Human Element The Perceivable Universe The Environment Word Play Conclusion Glossary In The Kitchen Pets Tips Cleaning Tips Parenting Tips Blog Live beyond the written word