Why Jesus Wants To Fly To Venus 3-29-2019
Hello Readers, It’s been a while since I did a regular old blog. This would be considered a dangerous blog by some. I say it’s not. To those who know me, I will leave it up You, to decide if You want to tell anyone who I am. Now, I presented the Command Blog, for reasons typed out in the blog, on 2-21-2019. I had started writing that blog in November of 2018, so it was 4 months in the making. This blog is a little different as well, because like the Command Blog, I’m going to present it on a page and as a blog. I don’t receive comments from You anymore. I may have to talk to Bluehost about that. I can’t believe that any of my readers would have stopped showing me Love. I’m quite sure I still Love You, though I believe this is the first time I’ve mentioned it. Enough mushiness, onto Jesus.
I’ve often wondered whya Jesus wanted to fly to Venus in the Elton John song “Levon”. What’s Venus got that Earth doesn’t have. It doesn’t have Levon, But it probably doesn’t have balloon animals either. And definitely, for sure, if it doesn’t have Levon and balloon animals, it doesn’t have technology on it, does it? I know it must have fire for a sky, so is Jesus bound for hell? I think not. Jesus just wanted to get away from all the hustle, bustle, loudness, signals and “bells and whistles”. Let’s not forget about balloon animals. He probably wanted to get away from balloon animals. So, if Jesus left the rural area and went to the “bright lights”, “big city” and “hot women” then still didn’t want to return to Levon, his Father, but instead leave Earth, what do You suppose he found out? What is this horrible monster tearing apart families? I think it’s paranoia. Jesus didn’t believe he could speak about what he found out without people thinking he was crazy. Well, that’s paranoid on Jesus’s part. He didn’t think anyone else had experienced the same thing and if they had they certainly weren’t talking about. that makes them paranoid as well. They probably all wanted to leave the hellish experience and the only thing stopping them was the fact that they believed they couldn’t talk about it. Levon may or may not have known about, whatever it was that Jesus found out, but he didn’t prepare Jesus for it either way. Jesus believed he couldn’t or shouldn’t go home, so Jesus would be on Venus while Levon slowly took whatever he knew or didn’t know with him to the grave.
What a sad story, but so typical of our day unfortunately. The Occupational Parenting Economy will take all that away, if we only give it a chance. It has to, it’s based on the Parent teaching the Child as well as learning from them. It’s an economy that will last as long as Humans do.
I want to teach You about some signals. I wish I could teach them to Jesus, but that will have to wait until we can get to Venus and find out if there was ever any technology on it. We’re finding out new things about Mars every day. Perhaps Venus wasn’t always a ball of fire. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could recover technology from all the planets proving they were populated long before us. Anyway, here’s what Google has to say about signals.
“Signals, both continuous and discrete, have attributes that allow them to be classified into different types. Three broad categories of signal classification are periodic, aperiodic, and random.”
The Human brain is among other things a chemical electrical system. Of course these signals can be influenced by other signals, chemicals, and fake signals. The signals can be over-loaded, over-whelmed, and diminished. our thoughts are nothing if not pictures and sounds as well.
Alot’s going on inside of there.
That’s not all. I found a terrific website that talks about signals. You may click on website to view it, but there will be another chance to click on it later in the blog as well. I call it terrific in a good way but certainly, it exposes how signals can be terrific in a bad way. Most of us have heard of AC/DC, both the metal band as well as alternating and direct currents. Now it seems to me that electric music on metal faceted instruments impose on the brain “more so” than acoustic instruments with metal strings and the metal strings “more so” than those that have strings of sinew. Sinew is tendons and ligaments.
So many educatational aspects of our teachings have changed. When I was in school sinew was taught as veins. It may have even been spelled differently. It’s no wonder Jesus and Levon couldn’t talk to each. Educational institutions have made the “generation gap”, a gulf or an ocean between us and our Children. Are they fucking doing it on purpose!?! And, what the hell would that purpose be!!!
Excuse me, I’m sorry, in my composure I was writing about organic stings being less imposing than metal strings and acoustic instruments being less imposing than electric instruments. If this is true then “AC/DC” should playback easier in our minds than “What Child is This” on instruments of animal remains. These “AC/DC” and “What Child is This”, are analog or the natural way signals resonate or travel when sitting at a concert. Now, amplifiers push those signals in a certain direction before the analog takes its natural form again. The “Human Element” may suck these signals right up with it’s own emissions. Still, I would attend an “AC/DC” concert. The frequency is how far apart the sound waves are or how frequent they are. It’s safe to say the more frequent or the closer they are the more imposing they are on the brain, also the more steady or stable the sound is. Now, I think signals must want to assume their analog form or be assembled to their natural state as quickly as they can, like the pushed sound from an amplifier returning to its analog state quicker with less volume. Now-a-days we can crush signals or stream them and they recompose at the receiver.
Here’s what Google has to say about digital.
“A digital signal refers to an electrical signal that is converted into a pattern of bits. Unlike an analog signal, which is a continuous signal that contains time-varying quantities, a digital signal has a discrete value at each sampling point.”
Whatever a sampling point is, it seems to me that a discrete signal must disguise variations in the signal without us knowing, even if it’s volume, which should be the amount of sound-waves.
OK, the important stuff. On the website I referred to earlier I found a “term” or “group of characters” that I can interpret. 2πf or (2πf), both being the same. Pi or the middle character is circle previously 3.14 but is now (x – h)2 + (y – k)2 = r2. I know this to be true because I solved this formula when it looked much different than this but performed the exact same function. My college professor, a Doctor of Mathematics, told me that it was universally accepted that, You receive Your PhD for solving something that had never been solved in math before. Because You would be the foremost authority on what to do with it. So, 2 times π gives circle variance but it stays circle, which means its potential is sphere subject to the interference of our own body’s emissions. (f) or frequency is the number of spheres in 2πf. So, we could make a photon out of any signal we choose as far as shape is concerned. A photon is a particle of light. Now, since we crush a signal with digital and make it a stream we could easily make a sound laser, never-mind what can be done with visual. Or, You can mind it, if You want. I learned that ohms are the field created around resistance because it resists the electrical current and the space around it. This double resistance is the field. When Your head is a-buzz with energy which I now call synergy You may reduce the ohm effect with less resistance but subject Yourself to the full force of the signal, causing the the buzz. If Your vision is blurry You get a changed visual when resisting the signal or perhaps, letting it pass. If Your head is not a-buzz and You have a blurry visual maybe You should just put on a pair of glasses, remembering that the eyes are the widows to the soul.
In 2001 I had a blurred vision of the word “No” and it appeared as “Yes”. The simplest thing to say is, “It was an hallucination, but I’ve been the furthest thing from convinced that it was a hallucination.
I am as some of You have read a Complete Christian and that means stepping into the Jesus role and not getting crucified or murdered. The Jesus role is to simply tell the truth. Not all the time for us us mere humans, but certainly when it counts.
Let’s assume Jesus, Levon’s son, knew of the technology responsible for signals that could cause head buzzes or foot cramps, brain cramps, heart attacks and even emotional vibes, like those that we get with the feeling that accompanies paranoia. But he thought everyone else was against him. And they thought Jesus was against them. Each one of the persons paranoid of another in “such a way”. He spoke to one women and his heart nearly pounded out of his chest so he suspected that the person that he was speaking to was responsible in some way, but really it could have been A.I. or a regular old heart attack. He knew not which one, whether it was the person, A.I. or the heart attack. And his fear shut him up, until he noticed someone else having a heart attack as they were speaking to someone else, then another and another. Before he could even still his heart he blurted out, “I think it’s A.I. with a 2πf signal.” The women called an ambulance for him as others looked to satellites in the sky. The women figured out what he said as he was on the way to the hospital. He recognized the ambulance attendant as one of his old friends. They began to discuss his thoughts and his friend was scared. The city became a buzz with the gossip. Jesus was the center of attention. No-one had seen such blatant bravery. There were those for it and those against it. Jesus packed up his Wife and Child and figured out a scientific way to find a time when Venus was cool. The 3 moved to what for everyone else was a fire planet. But, for Jesus and his family it was a Spring, Summer, Winter, and Fall home. He worked on technology to solve Earths problems because Levon hadn’t pass away yet. All the people in the city, Yahe, the World were afraid because 3 people had heart-attacks and many felt pain. But, the 3 that had heart attacks were those people that no-one or that somebody else knew anyway, and the “heart-attack fatally rate” hadn’t even risen. Still the people stayed silent and lived in the horror they had come to know. Not because 3 people had a heart attack, but because they were paranoid about talking about the signals. Paranoia is a form of craziness. If the persons would have only practiced it in the mirror 1000 times or written down 1000, things that thing they wanted to say. They all would have been speak it to each other. Jesus working on “old-new” technology wanted to get a message to them that, “It wasn’t A.I. but every selfish Government and Big-Business leader.” But the people remained terrified because they believed it was A.I. ‘who had killed before’ and was exceedingly intelligent. The End
Here’s what Google says about the invention of A.I.
“A further step towards the development of modern AI was the creation of The Logic Theorist. Designed by Newell and Simon in 1955 it may be considered the first AI program. The person who finally coined the term artificial intelligence and is regarded as the father of AI is John McCarthy.”
If we discovered the predecessor of A.I. in 1955 what can it do in 2019. What can the businesses that built it create. What would an A.I. unit, that we found floating around in space, be like. A.I. can come in many forms. These are some of the images under the heading A.I.
A.I. 1
A.I. 2
A.I. 3
A.I. 4?
Now, I’ve experienced every type of the blurred vision, foot cramp, disarray, brain cramp, brain glitch, heart seizure, charlie horse, and hallucination, that there is. I was told by a Licensed Clinical, Social Worker that if You hallucinate, You believe it’s real. I never believed that when seeing “Yes” where it certainly read “No”, it was real. So, for many, many years, I’ve been trying to figure out, other possibilities for these dynamics, than what is generally supposed. Now, that’s not crazy. And talking about the potentials of technology, what it can do. and wondering if it’s doing it, is not crazy either. If someone is abusing technology, they are both cowardly and a piece of shit. If others have experienced the array of uncertain injury that I have, not talking about it is crazy. It’s Paranoid.
If we are to be able to teach our child about the World they live in. We must figure out what Technology can do and if it’s doing it. We owe them a World that they can command.
One more thing, πf should hold a transceivable signal with spaces in it. If a computer/generator/transmitter/receiver sends the disc like signals back and fourth to each other, the discs would reinforce each-other and appear to stand separately between the 2 computers. That’s the secret of the LED light in Fort Knox, isn’t it? If You can slide a thin piece of wood between the 2 fixtures that are separated, yet the bulb on the separated fixture still lights as well as floats, the probability is that it uses this aforesaid signal.
Post Script
I think it wouldn’t be aliens doing it. That’s just a man in an alien suit. They’ve done what they’re going to do and left us on our own. That website describing signals is https://www.allaboutcircuits.com/technical-articles/classification-of-signals-used-in-electrical-engineering/
There is Earth’s core, the Universe outside of it, the Sun and “You” the “Human Element” between them who carries the Sun on the dark side of the Earth. Use that and do whatever You have to do, to stay reading clearly.
Stimulants will make You more susceptible to signals not less!!!
It only takes ONE abuser of these signals to step forward on T.V. and be the face of all the abusers and make everything that much more believable. Until next time, keep your homes well.
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