Blog – Christmas Etiquette 6/15/2016

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Christmas Etiquette

June 14th, 2016

Thank you Jennifer Fernandez Page for the request

First and foremost try not to get too drunk on Christmas. No-one likes a drunk Santa and It’s a lousy way for kids to find out about Santa.

christmas etiquette drunk (2)   christmas etiquette drunk

It’s approximately half way through the year; a good time to address a request given to me0 right after Christmas last year. Compare last year’s values and etiquette with what you would like this year’s to be. I agree with all of The Twelve Rules of Christmas except number 10. It says to fake it if you don’t like a gift. Whether it’s an old relationship or a new found friend or relative the value of being honest can’t be overstated. Even if the gift giver is mildly upset that you don’t like the gift or would prefer something different they will gain appreciation for your candidness. When a more serious issue arises they will know they can count on you for the truth and that you won’t be trying to spare their feelings.

Christmas etiquette fightSometimes it’s difficult getting along with family all the year through. Siblings and parents sometimes have personalty clashes and that’s just the way it is. But at Christmas everyone’s best effort should be put forth to avoid civil war. This may mean holding back an opinion that’s sure to rub the wrong way or not even bringing up certain topics at all. You can’t ensure that all family members will bite their tongues when needed but you can be sure about yourself. If Christmas goes south for some reason you can be sure that it wasn’t anything you did or said. If all goes well with family members being on their best behavior for Christmas you may find you can employ the same tactics throughout the year.

christmas etiquette in-lawsIt’s hard enough pulling off a pleasantly spent Christmas with one family. It can be even more daunting when the in-laws are involved. The Golden Rules for Hosting Christmas should be a big help if you happen to be faced with that prospect this year. If the in-laws are willing to have Christmas at your place this year consider being their guest in the years to follow. Being on both sides of the ball may spark good will and happy feelings between the two families.

I’m for lightening up a little if your someone’s guest. I want to be sure that every event isn’t a cardboard cutout of the last function. Always be in good humor but ready to apologize if you offend. If tension is too great you may have to stop being your good old self to avoid further friction. A great fallback is Christmas Guest Etiquette. It may feel not as genuine but even if there was a couple of bumps you still want the day to remembered as a success.

christmas etiquette re-giftTry not to be sneaky about re-gifting if it involves someone your close to. You will inevitably get busted. Time is of the essence. Not that you have little time but let some time pass if you’re uncomfortable. Simply tell the re-gifted that “It’s something I’ll rarely use and I thought you may like it and utilize it more”. Tell the gift giver “Johnny would really like it so I’m going to let him have it. Please don’t be mad”. If this does get you into trouble with the relationship the relationship is far too frail. I’d rather have a relationship where the gift giver says “Awe I thought you would really like that. I’m definitely going to surprise you next year”. (if you know this would hurt the gift giver’s feeling just don’t re-gift it). If it’s just a secret Santa or someone you hardly know don’t worry about the re-gift. The chances that they’ll ever find out are greatly reduced and so are the chances that they’ll care very much.

christmas etiquette moneyChristmas Tipping is customary. The currency the previous link is the British Pound and the dustman is the garbage man. You will find that the custom of who is tipped a little different than America; at least to best of my knowledge. We tip our mail lady $20 and are a bit more generous tipping at restaurants around Christmas time. Being American is about having a thousand different ways to do the same thing. I think that same thing here is being more gracious with tipping around Christmas time. Even if you’re not a native born American or Christian chances are you know someone in the service sector who is. Nothing’s warmer in a cold winter that some gratitude. Until next time, keep your homes well.


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