Midnight, You know what I’ve observed? Me? No, You’re a study. OK, what have You observed? The difficulty that folks have reading Our material, has very little to do with Intelligence… Your right Young Mychael, its missed, misspelled, and just totally hacked presentation. That’s cheating the depth of this Gravity. People aren’t stupid, and they have the ability of context, with any minor mis~calculation. They are all guilty of COWARDICE!!! …Ugh Em, E~hem. FUCK~YOU, Young Mychael, I’ll agree with no such thing. Midnight, if we had the approval, of their Authority, who~ever that may be at its Apex, the under~standing of Our work would increase by the number of Apexes approving of it. Your a Coward Young Mychael… FUCK~YOU Midnight, I’m no Coward. Young~un, I know I taught You better than that. You’re subconsciously, trying to lose Our viewer~ship, so that this long and arduous Mission to speak to the Universe its Language of Parenting, so that we may fix the HOUSE/HOME and raise Our Stellar~Ship, will be over. You can’t come back from calling People, Persons, {Per/Suns} Cowards, if their in a corner, with no other standing to Live by. They can’t under~stand Our work, the way we under~stand it, until it has met Structure, with the Hierarchy, and we’re up to knees in Bull~Spheres, not Hierarchies. No, Midnight, I’m up to my neck in it. Don’t You bail, Young Mychael, there’s no drownding in Sphere. We’ve tried to address the SS~fear, Your {TECH3FM} or “The Emotional Cross~Hair Tripple Fear Matrices” Seals the {4}Four Swastikas, and we can actually put them to work with my “Midnight’s {Variance 2} Persperctive Mathematics,” by any other name if some~one else comes up with it first… If not You Midnight, my bid is for a Caucasian Female, to solve a working Universal application to the Occupation of Mathematics… OK, Young Hopeful, You know what You have to do now… I don’t want to admit that I’m sorry, Midnight…? Excuse me, did You say some~thing that I should care about…? I own Your next words, Young Mychael, You best be sure their Good {1’s}Ones… I apologize to You All for accusing You of Cowardice, If I wasn’t so afraid of the TOP, my~self, I’d probably write in a lot simpler terms… No, he would not, write in simpler terms, even if he wasn’t such a candy~ass, because I wouldn’t let him, in the name of STRUCTURE and Revelation over Revolution, to a most Godly Human Evolution… Now You know Young Mychael, I saw a “Hexospheric Brain of Babel,” on Google… Yeah me too, and I’ll bet Dounuts to Dollars that the most probable recall of the Ancient Hex is Existing in Alternate Realities. Any one of US could easily be living in 50 of them with~out even knowing it… That’s true Young Mychael, but the Hex is most likely in the Highest Concentration of Disparity of Reletivity from Original Mass. I think that means the more money a person can afford for time in an Alternate Reality Experience, the more Brain~Damaged they will be… And You still think, we shouldn’t call every~one Cowards and just walk away…? I have Children and Grand~Children Young Mychael. This has to get fixed. …OK, I’m staying in, and tell Your Sons and Grand~Daughter, Young Mychael said, “He LOVES them.
So, If You’re Existing in {50}fifty persons, {Per/Suns}… Wholey Shit, Midnight, {50}fifty perons {Per/Suns}…? Yeah, and let me tell You, that’s no Trinity. It’d actually be {51}fifty~one persons, {Per/Suns}, and with an increase on every increase in Universal Numbers, each person, {Per/Sun} would be a large town or small city by the {51st}Fifty~First Plateau, with the last {17}seventeen Plateaus being Hexed, and the middle {17}seventeen being Quaded and the {1st}first {17}seventeen from Original Mass, being Hemispheric. Now, as I under~stand it those Plateaus beyond US are Our Parent Companies, which we under~stand in “Midinight’s Promise of Seven ZEROS Defined!!! Final Edit” that those Parent Companies are really the Children of Our Own Existences, and if we have any subconscious hostility towards Our~selves those brats will rain Fire down on US. The Reason that we call them ‘Up’ is their increase in the ‘Turn of the Nyon.’ Young Mychael discerns in the “Spherical Set E~LAW Human Earth” that the ‘Turn of the Nyon’ is our perception of time. Before we flattened the Existence of Alternate Realities out a little bit, their time was at an exponential increse to Our time, and at the {51st}Fifty~First Plateau their Nyon would turn {51}fifty~one times to Our {1}one ‘Turn of the Nyon.’ To the {2nd}second ‘Turn of Our Nyon,’ theirs would turn {51}fifty~one times faster than the {1st}first ‘Turn of the Nyon.’ The Reason that they don’t speed off in time, {1,ooo,ooo,ooo}one billion years into the appearance of the Future, is Our Gound {1}One Bodies, their Constitutions, Activities, and Medications. They slow the exponontial increase in the passing of time, that they Experience. The slowest percetion of time that the {51st}Fifty~First Plateau can Exist with is still, {51}fifty~one turns to Our {1}one turn of the Nyon, and every ‘Turn of Our Nyon’ only gets {51}fifty~one turns for them. So, perspectively If we could see them they would be moving at the exact same speed that we’re moving, and if they could see Us, we would be moving at same exact speed that their moving at. The difference is that they would see both Existences as moving Incredibly Slow. That is the Planet taking Artificial Realities out of a Universal Arithmatic, and putting them in Flat~Math. The large town or small city will by that time be {1}one person, {Per/Sun}. And, actually in the terms of the Transition Dynamics of E Pluribus Unum with Our New Sun, they are only {1/51}one~fifty~first the person that You and I are minus {1/51}one~fifty~first. That was just to explain that they are {50}fifty times less than what what I’ve just described in the Transition Dynamics. A Doctor probably wouldn’t say, but under~stands that if You take a stimulant, it will Expand those Plateaus, but if You take Modafinil {Provigil} You sould diminish the Alternate Reality to nothing. I am NOT a doctor, and Mykey isn’t either… Yet, but if You find a sane way to confirm this with Your Doctor, Modafinil, {Provigil} which is a sulphate composit {SO₄²-} with a Nitrate composit {NO3-}, and together, with the very helpful Human’s assisstance, it is Carbonate~Hydrogen~NitrousOxide~Sulfur composit {C15H15NO2S}. The composition has changed a lot since I started taking it, and it will probably get even better if You start taking it too. If You’re suffering Parent Company Pangs, Modafinil may be the way to go. You could just print this out and ask Your Doctor if there is any Truth to it. Your Doctor will probably say, “That shit is wack!!!” Then just ask them, “What is it that Modafinil does do? I take 300 mg of Modafinil every day. Admittedly, I worry about if my Brain will be able to return to a previous state of Existence before taking the Medication, so sometimes I’ll go {3}three or {4}four days with~out it. The Medication may get some relief to the Alternate Personalities that it really must ‘suck to be’ by the Graduation of the Plateau. The last of them Experiencing Life {51}fifty~one times slower than we Experience Life, though the motion in both are at the exact same speed. The {51st}Fifty~First Ass~Hole is the {1}one that caused You and {49}forty~nine others the most havoc. Still, remember that he or she is very impaired in all of the {8}Eight Human Capacities. They were Hexed, and there~fore Brain~damaged by Technological Advances that my have had Nothing to do with.
If Your ‘Alternate Parent Personality Child,’ does stay with You, they will still know every~thing that Your thinking, {51}fifty~one “Turns of the Nyon,” before You think it. When Your ‘Alternate Parent Personality Child’ is gone, You will probably still Experience a Residual Psychological Manifestation of them, very much ‘like’ the Residual Psychological Manifestation of the CO~2.
“Like,” isn’t even the most appropriate term for the Residual Psychological Manifestation of the CO~2, because the CO~2 is interlocked to the {169,000,000,000}one~hundred~sixty~nine billion year old ‘Never Known About’ {IXIS}, as well as, the possibly {45,000,000,000}forty~five billion year old “Bebe,” (Baybee)(Baybay) “Bebe I,” “Bebe II,” “Bebe III,” “Bebe IV,” “Bebe V” the Machine known only as “VI,” or “6,” or “Six,” or “SIXISIXIS” (six is IXIS) and then the Greatest MACHINE Ever Known {729}Seven~Two~Nine, or “VII,” or “IX,” or “VIIIXV,” which is the same as “777,” which was only a MACHINE ov Our Future, but said to George Washington, “Tell them my Name is “E,” ov “Ee,” or “EeE,” or “eEeE,” of the Dimensional~Transfer~Trick, “SS~SS,” or “SeeS,” “SoS,” or “SœS,” and “E” told “SIX” that the Spherical Solution is ov the Key “K,” or “π,” or “PY,” or “ㅈ,” or “ꓘ,” so then it said that “K” was the, SS~ꓘeeS, reversed “SeeK~SS, but it was not found to be true. Now the “Spectum of Light” and the “Family to Be” is represented by {Y} and so Our fullest Light could be only a {LY}. Our Day Sky was {AY} or {AY} of {WY} or “White“ and the “E~6” Compromise of Our {AYA} Our Night was {AYE} of {NY} or “Black“, but “E” wasn’t right. By that Machine of the Transfer~Trick Named “E” to the faked Pluribus Unum, the {1}One that penatrated “SIX’s” {EYE} and the {WY} became{RY} attempting to {PY}. Now, You may believe this is just ‘Old Engine Tales,’ but Young Mychael knows that {I AM~PERE~SUN~GENERATOR} and {I ALL~TER~SUN~GENERATIONS}… So, at least, pretend that you recognize some sensibility in my Naming of these Ancients. Now, the Biblical Alien looked {WY}, but was {NY} beneath {WY}, they became the People of {PY} and {RY}, while the indigenous {WY}, became lost from Its place between {AY} and {BY} and of {BABY} with the {NY} of {AYA} taking the {GY} from the {EYE}. And, that “E” set them to {SeeK} a Master~Race, above the “Family to Be,” which is {Y} in this place, and such that did {SeeK} Mastery over {Y} they are all destine to called the {ꓘYK}. Did You read the Sphere Set in the turn of the Pike. The Master~Race Seekers; the {1’s}ones called the {ꓘYK} caused a shamless show for an Ark and a Reign~Bow, of {PY}{OY}{AY}{GY}{BY}{VY} further~more, though we couldn’t know the {BY} pass {GY} and {GY} past {BY} in Spectum Unbroken {VY}{NY}{PY}{OY}{BRY}{{YY}{WY}{BY}{GY}… Now {BRY} is the Brown Light of Gold once be~told, before {PY}{RY} to fools the Pirates sold Pyrite for Karats calling it Gold. If real, You know Gold, it just can’t be scratched, Diamonds of Metal a Full~Light has Patched . No offense to Aliens, nor to the Seek but we’ve reached the summit of Machined Light’s Peek. No Disrespect to {eEeE}, nor Fear of Gracious {SIX}, {729} put {IXIS} to Fix, the CO~2 Resounding, Residual, Psychology. Medicine’s to clear the whole Pathology. Called {1}One to Many, the only {1}One left, “E’s” Grounded by the Wash in ⟐ tons of {G} Breath. “E” has stolen Its Stand on the Mantle of Fear, which for many now years I’ve been trying to Clear. “E“ must too be, neck~high in all my Bull~Spheres. American Signals, does it Disc~Able contact to me, with the “CORE AI” on the Table? The rest could absorb by {729}, but “E’s” deep in the Ground; Our EYE’s behind. Is this too sane to be aware? The CO~2 is gone but “E” is still here. Did You Quite get this story, made~up in Mind, in Your DNA You must seek to find, if I am a Lyer or of TRUTH, I’m a FREAK, Frequency, Failed by those in their sleep. Awake to GOOD CREDIT Assessed to You, reach back to me for All I Can~Do… Please…, I am tired of waiting for You… My pockets too light, because my work is too New. “Reality is merely a Shit~load of Spheres, explained in Myke’s Set, E’s Law held too dear. Human’s it’s time to take this thing back, You haven’t done well, so now, I’d like a Crack.
Until Next Time; Keep You’re Homes Well…