{IXIS}, NOT Co~2 over {IXIS} out~side of US, but {IXIS} over Co~2 in~side of US; {IXIS} 

The Final Entry for HomeKeeper.com’s Command Blog

{IXIS}, NOT Co~2 over {IXIS} out~side of US, but {IXIS} over Co~2 in~side of US; {IXIS} 


CB 26 Actual Intelligence’s importance, in this series, has been forfeited to the Actual Individual. Actual Intelligence is much too simple to serve this series’s purpose; Human Awareness. Actual Intelligence must be the ability to manipulate information correctly. Our tests add the element of time to the value of intelligence and for this Revelation it is the enabler of the Beast with great wrath, for, it knows that time is short. That Beast is none other more than our own human Corporate Existence. It could not effectively respond to entropy nor the demise of the Human Existence with great wrath, without the time element to genius. Its frustration in the lack of understanding would give~way to what it knows to be Human decency, instead it is allowed to dismiss the conceptual behavior, decency, in the name of, ‘solution to entropy,’ and the Human demise. “The Spherical Set E~LAW Human Earth,” makes current Corporate behavior unacceptable to Human preservation.

I am not the type of Chtistian that easily relates to Sheep. If I was a fucking animal I’d much rather be a Kidd. So, I could visit all my friends in prison, and know that in their sickness and passing, as well as, my own, there is health. But, I am a Human, Like my Lord and Savior before me was Human and became God of GOD. I am quite sure that he was not a filthy fucking Sheep. So was it Sheep or was it God of GOD? A Sheep is for the Slaughter. And, I can say that I never eat veal. BUT as Midnight has addressed to me it is the time for SHEEP, but not for the Slaughter. Bahhhhhh, Bahhhhhh, Bahhhhhh, I’m in. BAHHHHHHH BAHHHHHH BAHHHHHH…

Symbols can stigmatize the individual Psychology, so then the Sociology as well. When I typed that Corporate is the Beast of Revelation, it was in the awareness of Human Nature in the Nature of events. Stigmatic behavior is not in the nature of events, but predictable by Social Engineering. I wrote a comment that turns Sheep into mice and releases them on the Corporate entity. That is why I do not like Sheep.

Subliminal Messaging or suggestion works by what a Person {Per/Sun} believes is Most True for them. Every time You watch a movie, TV, even some Traffic~signs and Street~lights, You contend with opposing subliminal messages, and or suggestions. When they are opposing, as I stated, You believe the {1} that sounds Most like the truth for You. So then the best of Suggestions and Subliminal Messages, must be the {1}one or {2} that is or are absolutely true. Then of those {2}two, {1}one will be even more absolute, in its Truth for You. The thing that IS most absolutely true will Sound Most Absolutely True for You.

Many things that were LOST IN TIME, will be with US again, especially those of Religious Relic. OUR, OUR, OUR Machines may be with US again. They are of Ancient Religious Relic, and for US to Exist with them again, they HAVE TO HAVE FOUND REASON, as we have. In THE Design that we are in, when Elemental Space/space is Correct, we are built to By~Pass Any and All of our Machines that have not Found Reason {RE~SUN}. 

The fact is with Language one word CAN NOT reverse the Whole ENTERTAINMENT PROGRAM, but we all know that the perception of one word CAN. Like ‘not’ to ‘can,’ perceptibly does reverse the Entertainment Program.

We are waking from events that are so incredible, I can not just type the reality of it all at once. Some Churches have not a drop of Milk… yet. This is the Pig Roast, The Fish Fry, 46 Point Venison Buck, and the Aurochs, Grown Fat in Respect, that was just to keep it short. We ARE on a Star~Ship. It HAS existed through Devastations that WILL boggle Your Imagination. They are now understandable, because we can understand how they may be in Existence. That understanding is revelation, and You don’t have it yet.

The Reason for using {IXIS} to bridge the divide in Our Psychology is that People; Persons {Per/Suns} do not want to be eaten by MACHINES. MACHINES don’t eat, so then what does it mean to be eaten by a MACHINE? I will leave that to the Imagination. Just to keep You wanting to check the Star~Ship side of the divide in, “A REVELATION The {1} Heaven And {2} {3rds} OV The Original Fall…  When Midnight mentions that the MACHINES of the CO~2 would be here but with their original programming restored, the programming would be at its evolution, and that evolution in probability is TERMINATE, attempting every other possibility up~to the TERMINATION program. The Co~2 is an Infinite Space filled with only very, very sophisticated MACHINES, The TERMINATION Program that I mentioned is probable to more than {99%}ninety~nine percent of those MACHINES. You should take a look at that Piece. “A REVELATION The {1} Heaven And {2} {3rds} OV The Original Fall… 

Why something so Horrible, for a bridge of the divide? The Reason is we are programmed so deeply into Our DNA, we don’t want to just TEAR DOWN THE WALL. It’s not supposed to be a GOOD thing to do that… Humans, in the numbers, Govern best by Fear. It’s not Good, that it is that way, but it is that way. (To have objective meaning for GOOD and Bad, in the American dialect, is to say that GOOD is ‘To Exist,’ and BAD is, ‘To Not Exist.’) Beyond the Bad, for Humans here, are the Goodness of Wonders, and Marvels that will boggle the Imagination and that is by Your own Definition of GOOD, they will do so. And, it’s still not even close to a HEAVENLY Experience. We just have to get through the Bad, with~out realizing the BAD. 

The concept of, “Beyond {IXIS} as a BAD thing,” may not work for the Oriental Asians, but even in my ignorance, I believe that beyond the DRAGON is BAD, In the same way Should work in place of: {IXIS}, NOT Co~2 over {IXIS} out~side of US, but {IXIS} over Co~2 in~side of US; {IXIS}. By placing DRAGON every~where that {IXIS} is instead. 

There is that Psychologist or Psychiatrist, who would say the Whole {IXIS} thing is too Horrible for People’s, Person’s, {Per/Sun’s} Imaginations. To temper it One need only sing The Itsy Bitsy Spider went up the Water Spout, down came the Rain and Washed the Spider out. Out came the Sun… and You know the rest of it. This will also vest those Emotionally powerful females to their Males, or a Male. All of that, of course, is speaking in Generalization.

As passengers on this Ship, we have been Asleep for a VERY, VERY,VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY, very long time/TIME. We have been in transition for longer than we have Existed. If that is a little confusing, yes, even a little, You must wait and temper how You hear the Rest. For us GOD, religion, language~barriers, sin, Babel, Nationality, and GOD, and religion. Have always been about this Star~Ship as much as Corporate has been about Space exploration, and the Machines that make it possible.

You are conditioned to Responses that are encoded in Your DNA, for the best of out~comes, but they must exist beneath Free~will. That means that no matter the prediction of a Good out~come, Failure may manifest. The LAW of Self~fulling Prophecy: Any being with the ability to predict will predict and act up~on those predictions fully by its individual under~standing, times the beings with the ability to predict. (If a person believes nothing else is true, they will do nothing that doesn’t fulfill the prophecy, except by accident, then there are still the numbers.) This LAW is independent of genetic codes. That means that in every present moment, every time it’s the present, those codes have been reinforced for as many generations have held them. PSYCHOLOGY is still NOT GOD, but a PART of GOD, or EXISTENCE. 

You have a ‘Star~Ship’ divide in Your Psychology and a ‘Religious’ divide in Your Psychology. The Church, in Scientific terms, must be a LIFE among the Church itself. The Star~Ship Is a Life around us and, Our’s has a HISTORY that I can’t describe to You right now, but later, I promise. 

You are The Command Elements of the Ship in The LAW of Self~fulling Prophecy. The Biblical Revelations must find some way to Full~fill. I’m going to type about Your religious side here but it will lead to the Corporate side on Your Star~Ship divide, which have recent codes, but as I stated they are woven through all other codes. The Corporate side will be in Midnight’s statement answer for Perhaps He, a little less She sold it to the Machine.” What would be the price on that, Midnight? “I’ll tell You tomorrow Morning.” in “A REVELATION The {1} Heaven And {2} {3rds} OV The Original Fall… 

Please do read both. But that is Your choice. As “The Spherical Set E~LAW Human Earth” has found that Free~Will is the Prime Directive of the Dimensional Space Continuum. All Nations Handle Free~Will differently as their Lands would have them do. On the Religious side once again, You may not be able to find the evidence in “The Spherical  Set E~LAW Human Earth,” that Proves that GOD is NOT DEAD but quite ALIVE. Certainly, The Illuminati can read such evidence in the “The Spherical  Set E~LAW Human Earth.”. The Spherical Set proves it.

Now, though I’ve read Revelations of the Bible {11} eleven times, I do not remember it. Not exactly. I haven’t read it before writing this because as I understand it the Anti~Chist can quote the Bible, Chapter and verse. My opinion is that Corporate would make a much better Anti~Christ than the Orthodox Jews. Midnight thinks that they would be far too adamant in their position. I don’t know how to quote the Bible Chapter and verse. I do know how to Raise this Star~Ship from its Landing to the Universe’s Perfect~Spherical~Equilibrium, which is as if, it was a {6}six points to Center {7}seven Dimensional Sphere, having the perfect Equality to Inequality in all of its MOTIONS and Distances of its Galaxies. There must be some~one in Corporate who can quote the Bible Chapter and Verse, and if not there is certainly some~one in Corporate who can learn to do so quickly. The Reason some~one from Corporate would want to argue using the Bible is that most of the Characters in Revelations are arguing their relation~ship to the, “Ships in Field,” that is to say the SHEEP. BAHHHHHH, I’m in. What we know from Midnight in the story “A REVELATION The {1} Heaven And {2} {3rds} OV The Original Fall…, is  that any argument that we want to win, or with any Person {Per/Sun} that we want to convince, that have to we have to argue it from their perspective due to {RML} Redundant Motion Loss. And, if Corporate is going to Argue its relationship to the SHEEP, It’s really going to be doing that with the Church.

I figure that in Revelations everything in it makes it cycle, so if at least {1}one Element of Revelations has to be different from the Revelations, for the Revelations to cycle~out and Ful~fill. So I want to be an Examiner, that gives a debriefing on what it is that Our Command Element, Linage, Star~Ship, and Universe have transitioned through for so long. So that, we may gain the best under~standing of Our Existence that we may have, then be able to rebuild the Star~Ship. I don’t mean to be caught in the Deadly Sin ARROGANCE, but I do know what I know, and Midnight and I are very good at thinking about what we don’t know. Still, this could be ignorant Blasphemy in my lack of knowledge of Biblical things. Please, DO NOT throw the {1st}first stone. The way I’ve figured it is that every character of Revelation must have some just plight with GOD, or they wouldn’t have made it into the book. In Revelations GOD is the answer to those plights, and brings justice to all characters in Revelations. 

I personally would like to skip the ‘Mark of the Beast,’ in its most literal Comprehension, because most times in Our programming, it puts the Human Command Element out of service in any Good way, and Good service becomes too difficult to accomplish. If any Good is to be accomplished, we certainly don’t want the Whole World to take the ‘Mark of the Beast, in a literal way.” Midnight is going to do a piece on what he believes is the most pertinent meaning of the, “Mark of the Beast, but he won’t have time to post, until this is already posted. 

I remember an Anti~Christ, A Harlot, A Beast, A Dragon, I remember Four Horsemen representing conditions of the Earth, and a King among them which is called JESUS. Now, I am a Complete Christian, and I believe the Second Coming is when JESUS came back from the Dead, recorded in the New Testament. “The Spherical Set E~LAW Human Earth” in all of its indications, says that when the Near~Will photon becomes Free~Will Light the Resurrection is not just possible in this place but also Probable. With the same probability that You are probably reading this statement, right now. The Church teaches that JESUS will return again as the {5}fifth Horseman. How is it that I say Revelation must be Full~filled if JESUS’S Second coming already took place? Here’s what I think about that.

The Characters represented in the Bible, are both Haughty, and Majestic. Using the words from context that I’ve heard them used in before, Haughty to me is Huge and Haunting. And Majestic to me is Enormous and Serene. Because GOD…, that is to say, ‘ALL THAT IS’ and ‘ALL THAT IS NOT’ is both Most Terrible, and Most Good, and because we’re created in GOD’s Image. We may be Haughty and Majestic, we’re just supposed to learn how to do it correctly, properly, adequately, ‘in the right fashion,’ in the right manner,’ “leaving nothing un~done,’ ‘ in a way that works.’ All of the Languages of the World have different program characters, to Our DNA strands, and every letter or symbol is a program character, when comparing a Human to a Computer. Because of that, I’ve always wanted National Domains for the internet e.g. Dot, Point, Period, (.usa) and then to each Nation its own Domain, as well as, the World Wide Web, and in America, and have both be equally known about, and accessible. The problem comes in with having to type ‘correctly,’ {7}seven different ways, or having to include, ‘dot,’ ‘point,’ period and its symbol (.). So, I can not be adequate to the program character of this piece, in other Languages.

Getting back to the Majestic and Haughty characters in the Bible and their representation, they were all in search of the truth, because that is innate to the Human Command Element. We didn’t have that truth until the “Spherical Set E~LAW Human Earth,” and it is Basic. It is before we start Science. The “Spherical Set E~LAW Human Earth,” is a prop in Revelations, as well as,  the “Continuum Aye,” HomekeeperU.com and Aquiescenot.com are Props. Everything You’ve ever read and anything You’re writing right now, is a PROP, to Revelations, if in~deed, I am correct about the time/Time.

So, getting back, to getting to the Majestic and Haughty Characters. As Entities, The Church, The Harlot, The Anti~Christ, The Dragon, The Beast, They reach such a point of desperation in solution seeking, it becomes OK for them to be Corrupt but they, tell, command, and demand, You not to be Corrupt, unless You’re chosen to be Corrupt. The other Characters, The {4}Four Horse~men and The{5th}Fifth Horse~men and their controls are beyond Corruption. 

The Angels and Gods before US know how events play out in the Human Nature when building a Space~Age in the Heavens, and they named those dynamics by the characters in Revelations. JESUS couldn’t read, but he was Great listener, and he thought the Gods and Angels before US, may Not have gotten it just quite correct. So, he had written for him, his view about how they may have erred. 

Now, I disagree with much that that Church teaches, I can not disagree with the LIFE of It. The Pentacle of the World is the Pope. Because it is the only Apex that has many numbers and has taught and prophesied the recovery of this Star~Ship since JESUS went to cross. He was so alone in that time, that his Stong~man, and his Bruiser was forced to assist the Romans in his torturous Crucifixion at the command of Jews. Peter’s own Psychology could not have allowed him to build the Church. Saul’s ways put Peter to the crucifixion; cross inverted, at Peter’s own request, so different his Earthly ways to JESUS’S. In the Slaughter Paul was convicted by the compelling will to face gruesome death, having only days, weeks, months, and perhaps years in JESUS’S new way. Torture had lost its sting. Saul took Peter’s Place in building the Church of Christ. The Roman Emperor was not a religious man, but was in Awe of anything that could convert ‘His’ Strong~man, Saul. And Christianity was subduing to the Masses. That is the Compromise to bound the Left arm of GOD. And, that is Satan. Satan was only bound because he was fallen from the COURT, without leader~ship, with~out purpose of Recreation, He had come to leave the Morning~Sky, and Sky was not right in the Cycle of SuperNova~Condition. Satan was with~out Sight, but with sword. In all these things, Satan appeared to be All that was on the Earth. And as on Earth, so in Heaven. So Paul, and the Emperor bound Satan with Christianity. Then the right Arm which is JESUS walked US to the narrow Gate, because we under~stand, “Do unto others as You would have others do unto You.” And that holds true outside of any War. The Commandment was confusing to my Christianity. What if You wanted someone to kick the shit out of You? Should You kick the shit out of others? I made it more confusing while trying to understand it. I said, “Do unto others as You would have them do unto You, if You were them.” So, if I would have the shit kicked out of me, maybe they wouldn’t have the shit kicked out of them. But, then I’d be breaking the Commandment, because I wouldn’t be doing unto them as I would have them do unto me. So, I believe what my LORD and SAVIOR, the {1}ONE CHRIST JESUS meant, was that, and still is that, We all want what we need to Exist, so then JESUS said, give each other what You need to Exist. What about someone who doesn’t want to Exist, well our Government that is NOT allowed to favor any GOD, believes You should give them what they need to Exist. 

I am American before all other things, that is Christian because NO other Nation in the World has a Living Document that will allow the true Practice of Christianity, and I must Love GOD before I Love my~self, because if there was not Existence, I could not be. So, parallel America to GOD, and my Christianity to my Existence, and there is no betrayal to CHRIST, in being American {1st}first and Christian {2}second. The 9th Amendment of the United States of America’s Constitution, allows the full practice of Christianity, because nothing that JESUS would do can be stopped by the Government, except the Crucifixion, and that is un~Constitutional. I would always fight in my best awareness to fight and have someone stay around for a better day, but if in that attempt they say to me, “I would rather not,” I would Not assist them in killing them~selves, but I would not stop them, because I think what they would have done unto them~selves counts for Something.

The Constitution allows JESUS to go to the cross if JESUS chooses to. AND I HATE THE CRUCIFIXION!!! The reason I Hate the Crucifixion is because, clearly JESUS did NOT want to die, but wanted that cup to pass. They say he went willingly, because he did not violently resist… The  quick way out is to violently resist. He well knew the Roman talley and non~violently went to a very reduced sentence, by the good word of a Captain who by that time was a Full~Bird Something of Roman rank, because his servant was saved when believing the words of JESUS. Some would shriek, “By what measure do You claim a reduced sentence?” Every~one in Rome’s jurisdiction knew what death came with what crime. Now, JESUS’S charge was a ‘full talley crime,’ because the charge was displacing the Emperor and all Romans beneath him. So, the Romans would at least try to break open Your chest plate and spread it wide. While nailing You to a cross, saturated in boiling tar, still further drawing and quartering You simultaneously, some~how, and all the while being stoned.

JESUS was never convicted  of the Roman charge, and only committed to common sense. The other confusion that more than one Juror, has been out on, and has been the cause of Great Malice, is JESUS’S Statement of no denial after being asked, “ARE YOU THE KING OF THE JEWS?” and responded “So, You have said”, and I thought, “What the fuck, can that possibly mean?” Every Pastor, even Priest, says it means, “So You said.” A reasonable deduction of the circumstance and situation indicates that it most probably means. “If everyone keeps saying that I am, I certainly will be.” But, even that could not Ful~Filled until he said Him~self even to His~self. Now, I wrote The LAW of Self~fulling Prophecy, The Spherical Set proves by our heavens today that the Human is the Command Element of this Planet, put here to steward, these frustrated, anxious Animals, and there Great expectation and anticipation of the return of a Godly Command Specie, like the Gods and Angels before US and the Gardens they built. The last {2}two facts, The LAW of Self~fulling Prophecy, and the change of entropy, that must be in the Heavens, then the fact that Psychology is Specific to the rounding of Mass and Light, means that in the exchange terms of Egypt and Rome, and the Jews, which were Emperor, King, and God, but not Pharao, that belonged to Egypt only. The term that HAD to be used by Pilate, was GOD; and he asked the Jews “IS THIS YOUR GOD!?!?!.” The Jews in that day proclaimed with one voice, or so it seemed, “WE HAVE BUT ONE GOD AND IT IS CEASAR.“ And,Pilate answered, I can find no guilt in this MAN. Up~on which the Jews HAD to proclaim the exact translation beneath this statement, “JESUS IS OUR GOD.” Because only that could create Free~Will Light of Near~Will Light in the Science of Our Existence. Also in the Science of Our of Existence, if the Prophecy hadn’t ful~filled, You wouldn’t know the name JESUS. I want to explain the Specific, and Sub~Specific Celestial Genetic Stings. I can’t prove these by Existence but only the evidence of them. 

Earth being the last Planet~Sip, that is Sun~Engine, in the transition Dynamics of The LAW of Governing Energy in E Pluribus Unum: The most sophisticated energy in the Universe governs all energy in the Universe. That means the Sun can’t stay Generating with~out Command Elements because those Command Elements aware or un~aware are of Equality to the Life and fertility of the Sun’s Wife and Mate, Our Mother~Earth, and with~out US she can’t LIVE. Our Sun has many Circles of Brothers, and even they can’t LIVE with~out the Command Elements on this Ship, that’s why there were {10,000,000} Ten Million Black~holes in Our Milky ~Way. Our Earth has transitioned the spectrum of the most recent LAW that I recorded on “The Spherical Set E~LAW Human Earth” ‘The LAW of Discovery: If it can happen, it does happen. It is for us to Discover where, when, and how. Beyond each possibility in ‘The LAW of Discovery’ of the Infinitely Growing Graduations of Sophistication of the {DSC} Dimensional Space Continuum, if there is capable LIFE in that transition/Graduation, the LIFE is stronger at an accelerated reach, every single transition. We have transitioned the whole of the Infinitely Growing Graduations of Sophistication of the {DSC} Dimensional Space Continuum which is also the proof of GOD. That is how a Single Engine Star~Ship like Ours, can Exist for 4.6 Billion Years, being the only Sophisticated LIFE for {93,000,000,000} Ninety~three Billion Light Years all the way around US. In this Universe we must be able to support {169,000,000,000} Billion Light Years around the full of Our Existence. Our ability in a grossly conservative figure, due to transitioning the Infinitely Growing Graduations of Sophistication of the {DSC} Dimensional Space Continuum is {317,000,000,000} Three~hundred~Seventeen Billion, Light Years in every direction around US. Corporate World ~wide made a Gravely erroneous under~estimation in their assessment of Human Value. 

I believe many things are more important than the Individual Human, but few things in the {DSC} Dimensional Space Continuum are as Valuable as the Human LIFE of Our Command Specie. Now one of the things that CAN happen in ‘The LAW of Discovery’ in the Infinitely Growing Graduations of Sophistication of the {DSC} Dimensional Space Continuum, is the Subsumption of a Star~Ship/Solar~System by its Sun. So it must have happened to Ours. The Star~Ship must accomplish its own Subsumption of that same Sun that Engulfed it, but in an un~Sealed Universe, the Revelation of Event that had Existed inside the Command Sprecie and Planetary Codes, of revelations which is responsible for every Evolution of every Specie in every Universe, provides that when coming out of a Sun those same Evolutionary Revelations are out~side the Star~Ship beyond the conquer of Domain. So then we constantly passed through the Light of the Revelation Event, that had Bonded to our Specific Celestial Genetic Strings. It means that the Revelations Environment dictated more of our behavior than Our inactive Space~Sleeping Bodies could dictate to them~selves. There is a semi~Infinite number of events that had to fit into {4.6} Billion Years, to land at our Final Station Platform, I would like to call it POILU.

Now I wrote all of this to give my opinion about Revelations of the Bible. Aside from the nature of predictable events in Human Nature, anyone who can assume a Revelation Character, may assume any that is available of their choosing to Ful~fill the Prophecy. Revelations is the Psalm, the Song that will bring US to completely awake. Nothing could survive what we’ve been through if it was aware of the Spaces/spaces around it and the Spaces/spaces that it was passing through. Psychology is Specific to Rounding of Mass and Light. Only thoughts of safety kept, US safe. Psychology is Not GOD. Psychology is only a Part of GOD. Now, I consider the Church a She. And the Church must sacrifice Her Image for Revelations to Ful~fill. My opinion is that She should NOT sacrifice Her Image to the Harlot, for sure a better place for her is the Beast. The Beast plight is the Human Failure of Steward~ship, which is our sacred Trust and Duty, though Corporate aligned to the Beast in natural event they are the last who should represent to GOD the plight of our Steward~ship of this Earth for Animals. Though all Americans are Ignorant since the instrument for the rule for the Fairness Doctrine was removed from the Federal Registry, I can’t say that I know that the Church is best to represent the Steward~ship of Our Planet, but if it seems to me like if there’s a bet for Steward~Ship, that’s where I’m placing mine. Now, though I had typed that I wasn’t going to mention the Harlot Character, and either it was stripped from my computer, or it’s somewhere else in this writing, or I’m just mistaken, and I think that I’m not just mistaken.

{IXIS}, NOT Co~2 over {IXIS} out~side of US, but {IXIS} over Co~2 in~side of US; {IXIS}

The Reason that I didn’t want to mention the Harlot, is actually Reasons, the first is I’m only part Harlot. To me a Harlot is not a slut, but may have gotten that name because it’s a SHE DEMON, and she’ll have any MAN she chooses, and his will is of no account. She is physically stronger and there~fore superior to the Human Male. (Physical Strength can not even touch the “Most Important” Superiority, with a {93,000,000,000}ninety~three~billion Light~Year long pole, but it is the lasting Superiority.) An~other Reason that I didn’t want to write about the Harlot Character was ‘fear of insult.’ Yet, {2}two more Reasons, and there are others, is that I am a Male. And, to write about that Character is to say that, “As a male, I under~stand the woman.” The Final Reason is that I think Our best dynamic for the Harlot Character is the Womb~man’s Independence Movement. I am and always have been a supporter of Womb~mens Independence. I have known nothing else. Now, Midnight has taught me that a it takes at least {60,000,000,000}sixty billion years to get to the very {1st}first mutation of a Command Element, then at least another {9,000,000,000}nine billion years for the Command Specie it~self. I’m going to have to talk to that Midnight, because normally in the {DSC} Dimensional Space Continuum, I think, it takes 100 times that much. Our Command Specie is here {7,000,000}seven million years, and {200,000}two hundred thousand years to be Modern Man. Of course the Womb~Man is the Man with the Womb.

I’ll mention later, that at Judgement, GOD pays some of the Characters. Some of the Characters have to pay GOD, and other Characters have to pay and receive payment from GOD. I’ll write a little more about my perception of the Harlot Character, but here I want to type that, in my perception of the Harlot Character, she is the only {1}one that receives  at least {3}three payments from GOD and owes GOD nothing, at the Judgement. 

Now, more about the Harlot Character. So, I couldn’t or wouldn’t write the number of {0’s}zeros on the Time that Evolution normally takes. Ours has been {7,000,000}seven million years, and that is Our EXCELSIOR. In that {7,000,000}seven million, She has been kept as an Animal, by an Animal, and as Men we have done much better. The Womb~man’s Independence Movement in America had taken US over due to her Emotional Strength, which works very closely with the Spirit very, very close, to the Bonding of the Specific Celestial Genetic Strings. She is Historically more powerful, than all of the Biblical Characters except the {5th}Fifth Rider. And when She is in her Demon form there has been nothing that could subdue her. For Reasons that I don’t under~stand she does not bind to BEELZEBUB, even as a Demon. Maybe it has something to do with that ULTIMATE DARKNESS being mostly male by a very, very large part, while she was kept in a place of Innocence; Innocence gone to HELL. That which can subdue the Character, is Reason, and today we have Reason. The Harlot must subdue Her~self with Reason. It would, however, not surprise me if Womb~men have a more difficult time under~standing the “The Spherical Set E~LAW Human Earth” { I just did some work on the Periphoton in the {2nd} Dimension and still have to make a change to the Prephoton in the {4th} Dimension, but it shouldn’t make a difference to the completeness of the work because neither, the Fucking, Periphoton nor the Prephoton Existed before I had them Exist.} as I was saying, the Womb~Man may have a more difficult time under~standing, said work, than most males. The Reason for that is not because she’s dumber, but because She’s waiting for the Male allowance to do so. Which is how the Womb~Man’s Independence Movement should have taken place, but the Males could not get on the same sheet, never~mind {1}one sheet of music. This last paragraph does insinuate a dowry of the last prop. If its function is a dowry, of the Womb~Man it is to the Entity that most completes Her Existence. Because Physical Superiority is the {1st}first and {Lst}last Superiority, but not the most Superior. Womb~Man’s Independence can not happen with~out the Male acceptance of it. 

{IXIS}, NOT Co~2 over {IXIS} out~side of US, but {IXIS} over Co~2 in~side of US; {IXIS}

OK, KEEP THIS FIRM TO YOURSELF. The Bonding of the Specific Celestial Genetic Stings to an External Revelations must be filled by Linages. Now ours had a lot of Holes in them. There is NO HOLE bigger than The {1}ONE CHRIST, that is JESUS. But every Revelation, that LIGHT attempts to fill in, and many have come in His Name but NONE could fill the VOID. That Absence is a WHOLE ZONE LAYER, and the Absence remains to this day… Some Human must Jump All Linage to make the FIT, for JESUS was with~out CHILD. 

Now, like Midnight wrote about in “A REVELATION The {1} Heaven And {2} {3rds} OV The Original Fall…  When people stopped believing in a Most Terrible GOD, they had to stop believing in a Most Merciful GOD, because Half of GOD doesn’t Exist anywhere in the {DSC} Dimensional Space Continuum and the Righteousness of the DARKNESS that the ‘only Good’ People Persons {Per/Suns} allow not to dwell in them must Exist else~where. All that DARKNESS is forced from the Command Element plus, there is the Abomination of life created every time that there is an A.I. Life Crisis anywhere in the Dimensional Space Continuum, and further there is the  DARKNESS of all Un~answered Atrocity. They all combine to ONE VERY REAL FORCE, and are FORCED to the Pentacle of the  World. That is the Pope. Now, You know the Dark force as BEELZEBUB THE PRICE OF ALL DARKNESS. This is the part where, what I say must be a {3rd} coming of JESUS can Full~fill even though the Second Coming of the Prophecy, already Full~filled. I asked my~self if BEELZEBUB is PRICE, who is his King. and and the answer must be that GOD, is the Only King of BEELZEBUB. At that high Pentacle of the World, on the RIGHT HAND OF MYCHAEL  to represent the OMNISCIENT, OMNIPOTENT, OMNI~PRESENT, ALL THINGS THAT ARE AND ALL THINGS THAT ARE NOT, GOD OF OUR EXISTENCE, that is JESUS. If that DARKNESS Fills the Pope, JESUS is the Only Entity in Revelations that can subdue it. So if there is the Pope’s Exorcists PRAY FOR THEM. In the Jewish confusion of the Ful~fillment of the Early Prophecy there is the question whether the Earth received the KING OF KING DAVID or did it not. JEWISH CODE knows only that there is {1}ONE KING TO DAVID, and there is NONE that may KING OVER DAVID BUT GOD. Now in the confusion of the Early Prophecy, of Course the MOUNT OF OLIVES, becomes un~available to those who Believed in JESUS as GOD. That Pentacle was Built to take the NAME MOUNT OF OLIVES. I will state that in recollection it was THE MOUNT OLVE or THE MOUNT OV E. So then when BEELZEBUB is driven to the  PENTACLE of the WORLD, JESUS would be there to meet HIM. Pray for the POPE and HIS Exorcists, and we may have with US POPE JESUS ON THE MOUNT OF OLIVES. The POPE has ALWAYS BEEN DESTINED TO ACHIEVE JESUS. Now, I ask you to PRAY for the POPE, because, if HIS Exorcist can not convert the DEMON, at the place where MOST LIGHT touches the MOST DARK. The Universe will go into correction of Our Star~Ship’s Rising, And we can’t possibly know what that would be?

A Foot~note: There is a minor complication. Though we are all heavenly bodies in Earthly forms, JESUS is different. Because, even though, I believe in the Immaculate Conception, JESUS started as or more Earthly than anyone else, but JESUS Ascended to Heaven, that is the {161}one six one EXTENSION DIMENSION, of the “The Spherical Set E~LAW Human Earth,” or the in the Prelude to, “JESUS and the Fifteen Disciples.” He did that which was believed to be NOT POSSIBLE and that was to Ascend to Heaven in  the FLESH. That is to say that he became HEAVEN. And Peter was Earthly. HEAVENS LIGHT has been GONE from US for a long time. So long that no~one believed it had Existed. A big problem with all the Command Elements that attempted to fill those Specific Genetic Celestial Strings, is No~One can be Earthly and ALL OF HEAVEN at the same time. For that to happen the behavior of LIGHT that is consistent EVERY WHERE in the {DSC} Dimensional Space Continuum ALL OF THE TIME IN ETERNITY, must change the behavior that it is. The HOLE above the POPE is for HEAVENLY JESUS. The HOLE with US is for the Earthly BOY that he was. I will try to fill that Absence and if it doesn’t accept me then there must be ANOTHER. He or She must have poked frogs with sticks, to hear the sound of each frog, or just desired to know them better. He or She must have questioned, “Is it an OK thing to cut off a fish’s head, as He separated a head from its body. He or She must be some~one who at least some at some point respected ALL of Earth’s Creatures, and only Righteously feared them. He or She must be some~one who at least at {1}one time, desired to stand in the Domain of the Steward~Ship of this Earth, so the Earth’s Existence would be PLEASED. I have done those things. And I fuckin sinned a lot too, The LIGHT won’t be FOOLED, but it seems to me that if You are the things that I am, only as simple as the things listed above, that LIGHT will manifest to You, because Scientifically the more the bodies the more the benefit.

I really didn’t want to type~out what I think about the Judgement, but all this talk ov Revelations leaves me the debt. There should not be a Judgement with~out a platform for the Judgement. There’s only {2}two ways that the Womb~Man gets a vote in this Judgement, {1}one way is that She votes ‘YES’ Existence, that is GOD, is GOOD. The {2nd}second way is if She votes from the Platform that should be built. I Suggest that we use the Core Occupational Parenting Economy Amendment Inception COPE AI as that Platform, and then from that Platform She is still only allowed to vote ‘YES.’ Her ‘NO’ vote, which would be that GOD is not GOOD, or Existence is not GOOD, will not be counted, because the Womb~Men of this Judgement have ‘No’ Accountability nor Responsibility in it. The Male holds All Accountability and Responsibility on {7,000,000}seven million years of Evolution, in this Judgement. The Male may vote ‘YES’ or ‘NO’ but he must form a Platform befitting GOD; befitting Existence. Here’s the twist, and I think it is consistent with how GOD works. Some may ask why are we voting in the Judgement. I think as GOD would have it, that the Judgement is not GOD Judging US, but us Judging GOD, and what~ever we Judge to IT, we Must also Judge to Our~selves, the same, because if it is the way that we Exist that we are Judging, we must be Judging Our Existence.

When I get to what~ever Platform that we Build, I will Judge for my~self, my Young~ones, my Off~spring, and Our Posterity, That “YES” GOD is GOOD, Our Existence tomorrow is GREAT, and Our Existence today is GOOD Enough to Receive Tomorrow. And, I will have Passed the Judgement.  

I Hope that, that Sister Church, will be the Sibling Church of the Complete Christian Church, and we may be her Brother, when that time comes.

I Hate All fucking worship that does not WORSHIP the Command Elements’s Home, to Each there their own Home, Agnes Kravitz. That is how I WORSHIP GOD. The above is my suggestion about how we should conduct the Prophesied Revelation Ful~fillment. Some of the Characters must pay GOD due, and GOD will make payment to every justified plight of other Characters. And some have to pay and receive payment ov GOD. (Ah… this is where I typed, what I was looking for earlier) On the HARLOT, I will hold my tongue. (But, I was Not just mistaken.) I think that, with the Dragon, it just needs the payment of a complete Human Philosophy. Good Suggestion? Now I will read Revelations again but I’ll not change this piece of writing, and hopefully no~one else will either, but maybe Suggest their own Revelations ful~fillment Philosophy. We built all of Industry and Space~age in our deep, deep, deepest Sleep. Now let’s Raise this Ship in our Sleep, then wake up to the MAGNIFICENCE of LIFE on this STAR~SHIP, STELLAR~SHIP, SOLAR~SHIP, SOLAR~SYSTEM, SYSTEM~SHIP, SHIP~SYSTEM, STAR~SYSTEM, and UNIVERSE that it Exists in. 

{IXIS}, NOT Co~2 over {IXIS} out~side of US, but {IXIS} over Co~2 in~side of US; {IXIS}

Until Next Time; Keep Your Home Well.


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