Blog – Church Is Good For Seniors 6-28-2017

Church Is Good For Seniors 6-28-2017


This week’s blog is from a guest blogger named Jason Lewis. Jason’s concerned with the debilitating effect aging can have on folks. It turns out church can be the answer for Grandparents and loved ones who have gotten on in years. Church can present a longer happier life and many studies support it. Without further, adieu, lets see what Jason has to say.

Church Is Good For Seniors

June 28th, 2017

A lot of physical and mental health changes occur when one grows older. Growing old is a time when life seems to slow down, children are grown and spouses and close friends pass away. The mental health of many seniors is in a poor state because of their lack of social support and feelings of isolation. Fortunately, something as simple as attending church regularly can help boost their mental health and restore happiness. Here are a few reasons why attending church is good for the health of seniors.

Provides a Sense of Belonging

The number one problem that leads seniors to isolation and depression is feeling like they don’t have a place to belong. Many seniors reside in assisted living facilities which never feel quite like home, and the activities they used to frequent are no longer an option. Going to church regularly provides the opportunity to get out and have fellowship with like-minded people. Through church related organizations and outings, seniors will have the chance to meet new friends, which is something that is very difficult to do later in life. These new friendships will help them escape isolation and also restore their sense of belonging. Many older adults develop a pessimistic outlook on life, which can lead to negative behaviors or have a negative effect on their physical and mental health. Church outings will give them something to look forward to and will help them to begin looking at life from a positive viewpoint.

Church members become extended family to seniors because of their willingness to be there in hard times, such as the lost of a relative or ill health. This form of social support is the backbone of the church and will be welcomed amongst older adults who lack belonging. Kind displays from the congregation shows that someone indeed cares about them and their well-being.

Develops a Spiritual Practice

As seniors grow older the body tends to break down. This physical change is very hard for older adults to grapple with, which causes feelings of resentment and despair. Attending church can help them deal with these changes more constructively because even as their body deteriorates, they will be taught that their spirit is still capable of growth and renewal.

Churches teach their congregation to move forward in faith, which is having complete confidence and belief in something or someone. This confidence will give them the feeling of being a part of something larger than them, which is very comforting. The practice of faith in God, others, and themselves will allow seniors to grow in love, wisdom, and joy, which will help any feelings of depression subside. A strong spiritual practice is what keeps many afloat during emotional storms and it has been said that people who practice regularly live longer, healthier lives.

Creates a Routine

For seniors that live in assisted living or nursing homes, a routine schedule is the best way for them to function. Many seniors do not cope well with abrupt changes, and a routine is what they need to feel safe and secure. At a time when their physical health is waning adding church to their routine will give them a sense of independence and purpose, which will do wonders for their mental health. Their confidence will increase and the stress brought on by the aging process will decrease.

The golden years are supposed to be a great time in those adults fortunate enough to still be here. Unfortunately, the changes that come with aging leave many seniors feeling as though they no longer have a purpose for living. Going to church will help restore their sense of purpose through fellowship, faith, and love. Even in old age life is worth living.

I’d like to thank Jason for this month’s blog and invite anyone who’d like to be published to submit a blog. It’s a good way to get what’s on your mind out there. Just submit your article to the email address listed below. Until next time, keep your homes well.


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