Blog – How Do I Talk Government To My Kids?

How Do I Talk Government To My Kids?

March 4th. 2015

Thank you Chritsy Rose for the suggestion.

I am a horrible parent because I couldn’t get my daughter to learn this. I tried bribery (told her I’d buy her a dress). She was all for it then backed out at the last minute. I tried blackmail (told her I’d take away her technology if she didn’t learn it (her mom took her side on that one). Finally I told her I would stop doing all the little extra favors I do for her (shopping with my credit card, cooking for her at all hours of the night and day, or making store runs for her at a whim). I’m going to stick to that one. She needs to know a relationship is two sided.

If Occupational Parenting was a reality I’d be a better parent, you’d be a better parent, and even those who believe their parenting can’t be improved upon would be better parents.

Will your kids learn US Government from you? I can’t answer that but if you find it important enough you can try. My daughter informs me that she’s just learning Government now in the 8th grade. This is disturbing to me because our Government structure is made so easy to learn. It should be taught in the 5th grade or earlier and reinforced every year into college. It’s that important. Our kids would be so much more politically informed than we are. They could actually save this country that some believe is taking it’s dieing breaths.

Rather you want to teach your child partisan or non-partisan government I think the best approach will be to teach them the Structure and blueprint of the US Government. Pictures are great for this lesson no matter the age.

There are other powers of the three branches I’ve not written about but for a better look at the diagrams I’ve used and many others click on the italicized links below the diagrams.

Structure of the US Government

With any of the diagrams, left to right, the Legislative Branch or Congress, the Executive Branch or the President and his or her Cabinet, and the Judicial Branch or the Chief Justice and other Supreme Court justices. I consider the number of the members of each branch to be part of the the structure.

The Legislative Branch consist of 2 parts. There is the Senate made up of 2 members per/ state or 100 Senators. The  second part of Congress is The House of Representatives. It is to have no more than 435 members, based on the population of each state, giving the US Congress a combined total of 535 members.


The Executive Branch consist of the President, Vice President, and 14 members of the Cabinet. The Vice President is considered the 15th member of the Presidents Cabinet. The other members of the Cabinet are the Secretaries of Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Education, Energy, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, Housing and Urban Development, Interior, Labor, State, Transportation, Treasury, Veteran’s Affairs, and the Attorney General.

The Judicial Branch consist of 1 Chief Justice and 8 other Supreme Court Justices.




So that’s the structure. The blueprint is how one aspect of the structure effects other aspects or the checks and balances.

US Government Checks and Balances

I’ll start with Executive Branch my personal favorite. It can adjourn Congress and veto the bills that Congress writes. It also appoints Judges to the Supreme Court.

The Legislative Branch can override a veto, withhold funding, reject appointments to the Supreme Court, and it can impeach the President. Congress can also amend the Constitution, and impeach Supreme Court Justices.

The Judicial Branch can declare laws unconstitutional, and may declare Executive actions unconstitutional.

Now that there’s a structure and blueprint you’re ready to move on to parties and agendas if you choose to do so. Hopefully you’ll have better luck with your children than I’m having with my daughter. I haven’t given up yet. If you’re good with rhymes you could use a song. You could also write the the information in a story. Until next time, keep your homes well.





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This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. joe

    Government is corrupt and broken, but at least they have to be accountable for what they pass … american way..


      If Government was even a minimal focus through all of our years of our schooling informatey would be second nature for every citizen thus curbing corruption to an occasionally overlooked parking ticket. The people would be doing their part and right now we just aren’t.

  2. Javisa Rose Romancia Christy Meadows Howard

    Thank you! Starting with the structure is a great idea. Then, moving on the describing the branches of government makes sense. As for the different parties, I think I can describe them without being partisan. This definitely helps alot!


      I’m glad that you found starting with the structure to be sound advice. Your suggestion on a blog about Government has inspired me to write a blog on how children learn best. I don’t know when I’ll get to it. It depends on how many other suggestions I get, if any. When I do get to write it I hope you will take interest and leave a comment.

      1. Javisa Rose Romancia Christy Meadows Howard

        Please do write it. Your blog is really inspiring and informative. I will definitely help with suggestions.

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