Blog – Imagine Better 12/16/2015

Imagine Better

December 16th, 2015

imagine better busA parent at every house is getting their child/children off the bus or out of their eco-craft. They’re coming home from 3.5 hours of school. They will be home schooled for another 3.5  hours more. Of course the home schooling hours can be when ever the family chooses to do so. It may work better at night for some families. The Child and Family Aid is with the child/children and parent for home schooling as well as a few other hours throughout the week. When the child/children aren’t being home schooled the parents and aid are discussing how parenting drives the economy, what politicians best serve raising the children, and what the latest genetic maps of everyone in the family has revealed. They’ll be planning the sociological approach to teaching and learning for the week and how to best manipulate the genetics they’re dealing with by that plan.

Big business of course wants technology to have it’s place and it does. From the initial scope of the genetic prenatal enhancements to the medications that will help the aid and family to bend genetic links to their will. When enhancements are costly parents can apply for business subsidies as long as their is an agreement that there will a reasonable benefit.

Teaching To The TestThe Government administers quarterly test to ensure the child is not neglected in any way which means that every step is being taken to ensure the child/children are an asset to humanity. That doesn’t mean parents have to get their children micro-chipped or have any physical genetic manipulation. The test results only have to show the child/children are not a detriment, thus making them an asset. If a child is born with damage to the frontal cortex and will grow up to be a mass murderer something must be done to repair the damage. Demands such as these  drive modern medicine to the best that it can be.

imagine better crimeBecause there is almost no crime there are applications to be criminals just as there are for the police. The son in this family who is preparing to move out on his own has applied to be a criminal. Entire mock towns are built toward law enforcement training. Fires are also set for the sheer purpose of training firefighters. There are rubber bullets and vests. Criminals are able to keep a percentage of their monetary crimes if the get away with it. They. have a steady for when they don’t.  If they get caught they are put on probation or suspended from the program for what ever time a judge deems fair. The occupants of the town are also selected by application. They too receive subsidies for their assistance.

imagine better automationWell the other parent (In this case the mom) gets home from her full 5 hour work day. She works at a plant that makes machines for assembly line automation. Ironically hers is the last assembly line occupation for humans. She is now ready to take her turn as full time  parent. Eight years ago she began as the full time parent for four years, and then went back to work outside of the house. Her husband has now completed four years and is returning to the second largest Industry in America; forestry. (Parenting is the first largest industry). He fits every baby (wild) animal with a microchip for tracking, human defense, and other needed information. Each human has a non-protruding button of sorts just under the skin. If the button is touched it will incapacitate every wild animal in a 70 meter radius. The animal is out cold for a short time and wakes up with a heck of a headache but is otherwise unharmed. The process came about as an initiative to increase the wildlife population without endangering humans. There is a record of who, when, and where the button was pushed to safeguard against animal abuse.

imagine better political awarnessWith everyone working only 5 hours a day volunteerism and political awareness is way up and unemployment hasn’t existed for decades. The entertainment and recreation industries have grown to the mammoth size that was predicted.  The dad prefers to do the house budget himself whereas the mom likes to get a little assistance from the family aide. They try to fit every industry (including continuous home improvement) into their budget for good economic circulation. They live comfortably in a four bedroom 1 and a 1/2 bathroom house. It’s nice but it’s nothing compared to those fat cats upstate. The rich folks recovered nicely in the great disinflation that followed the Occupational Parenting tax. The disinflation had to start at the top and could actually be planned. Soon the rest of the world will want to follow America’s lead. The British are on board. It’s just a matter of time before all of Europe fully convert their economies.

imagine better emilyEmily is only eight but every one of those years she’s been the focus of the future and without a doubt she will do  the same for her children. The economy depends on it. Emily has had people teaching her from conception, including sound therapy in the womb, until now. She’s has an understanding that the world is about her true happiness and The Human Element that she will become as an adult. She and her offspring are key to Universal harmony that makes all the governing before Occupational Parenting sound like wildly distorted and un-timed carnival music. She embraces her environment fully and her environment embraces her; not just her but all the children in America.

eco-craftMom writes up the grocery list and goes online to her bank account. Her direct deposit shows that her Occupational Parenting check has arrived on schedule. She gets Emily into the car seat of their eco-craft and heads to the market. She looks into the rear view mirror to see Emily uninhibitedly gazing at clouds in the blue sky. A tear rolls down mom’s cheek as she wonders “What was life like before this? What was more important?” Until next time, keep your homes well.


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