Is “The Rule of Human Need” complete?
May 27th, 2015
My sister considers the 3 Ps to be a catchall in parenting. The 3 Ps are Provide, Protect, and Prepare. It certainly makes sense to me but I consider “The Rule of Human Need” to be a catchall for happiness in the human experience. If they are both catchalls I should be able to find compatibility between them. I will use this blog to do just that.
Let’s start with Provide. That’s easy – Objective trade providing is kneaded to the first two needs. It’s providing and attaining food, water, and shelter in a social way.
Let’s move on to Protect. Also easy – Guardianship begins with self preservation; something as simple as trying not to fall down and moving on to protecting others; maybe a pet at first and eventually other family members and friends. It’s both nurture and nature. We learn not to kick the cat or pull the wings off of flies and at some point it should just feel wrong to do these things. We also develop a maternal or paternal instinct. These should drive us to be the best guardians we can be and fulfill a sense of purpose from which we derive our happiness. It’s difficult to be happy if you and others around you believe you’re not a good parent. It just leaves a true sense of purpose hanging in limbo. I think happiness is also learned to some extent. Remember it’s difficult to be happy if you don’t see happy.
And the third P presents more of a challenge. Prepare – I think that prepare isn’t readily available as a shining example in “The Rule of Human Need” but when crossed with “The Rule of Eternal Human Survivability and Dominion” it captures the full spectrum of the 3 Ps.
The human must engage in guardianship, the making of love, and objective trade providing to be happy and progressing in all of these to be advancing. (This rule considers involuntary needs such as breathing and a heartbeat to be a given before other needs)
The Rule of Eternal Human Survivability and Dominion
Establishing an offspring to the healthiest state of independence in accordance of and to any location in the perceivable continuum is as important for the specie as food and water for the individual.
A complete explanation of each Rule is available by clicking on the link. Until next time, Provide, Protect, and Prepare.
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