Blog – The Difference Between Raising A Daughter And A Son 3/23/2016

The Difference Between Raising A Daughter And A Son

March 23rd, 2016

Left unchecked my little girl would be a brawny boy. I did engage in some girly activities though. She could paint one of my fingernails and we even had fashion shows. Still I wanted her to play peewee football, wrestle the boys; the works. She use to tend to her own boo boos including disinfecting with alcohol. She was such a little toughy. Her mom would step in to let me know if I was getting a little crazy with my little tomboy. I realize my tendency’s sprung from the desire to have a boy. There’s a sad story as to why I don’t have a boy but I’m going to keep it in my personal files. So nature and sociology took their course and my daughter is a fine young woman. She loves her makeup, clothes, and shoes but she still plays sports; volley ball for her high school. She does chores like cleaning the bathroom. She even stacks wood. I couldn’t ask for a better balance then what she displays.

tomboySo why did nature and sociology overrule my absurd inclinations?  The Rule of Anatomical Gender and The Rule of Socialized Genetics are both on The Human Element page. They shine quite a bit of light on the topic. So what are the differences caused by these 2 rules? The Real Difference Between Boys and Girls takes notice of disparities in girls and boys even from infancy . By utilizing this information we could parent circles around what we do now. There are predispositions to this or that and one could plan a strategy based those biases to get a desired result.

Combine The Rule of Manipulated Shelter (The Environment) with The Rule of Socialized Genetics and The Rule of Anatomical Gender (both on The Human Element page) and we would have enough information for males and females to be more equal than we ever could have imagined. As crazy as it sounds, if we men wanted to nurse our young we may be able to bring that change about. We could weight train females until it produced strength equal to that of a male generations later.  Some physical differences are desirable. I find the diversity attractive.

daughters and sonsIt’s been found that girls have better recall of events and can reminisce more elaborately about them. This continues into womanhood. Some say it’s the way the parents prep them; perhaps even unaware but Mothers, Fathers Daughters, Sons (pages 50 – 53 seem to contradict themselves somewhat and they’re really all you have to read for this study) hold that it is the child’s persuasion and not parental influence that causes the female domination in this area. If there is parental elicitation it’s probably the mom’s. The male and female chemical factories are very different and lead to different thoughts, emotions, and therefore perspectives. What else should we be aware of as we try to produce healthy individuals to a happy and thriving world? Occupational Parenting would demand that we find the answers.

When I think of the social differences between women and men I think of the movie Grease. There’s a conscious effort to keep the distinct roles that males and females have.

The male is physically stronger than the female overall so we steer them toward endeavors that require strength. This gets written over and over in the DNA and becomes hardwired. Any time we lift such influences we create a loom for other possibilities much like we’re doing with recent generations. I must believe the the key to change is to work with what’s already there rather than break a cycle. Men are home keepers but they can still cut the wood or fix the car. Women are CEOs and football coaches but they can still nourish the children. While it’s important to have male and female roles we shouldn’t be bound so tightly by them that we can’t step out to do something different.

daughters and sons (4) So I’ve come to the conclusion that girls are made of sugar and spice and everything nice while boys are made of snips and snails and puppy dogs’ tails. They should walk through this life hand in hand; the boy with a little sugar and the girl with a puppy dog tail . Both should know the whole spice rack and every breed of dog.  Until next time, keep your homes well.


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