What’s Wrong With The Rebel Flag?
July 15th, 2015
I hate it when someone tries to over simplify this issue, “Hate and Racism” or “Pride and Heritage”? They’re impossible to separate in such a manner. Some of the worst atrocities and cruelties know to mankind was committed under the Rebel Flag. Some things are not to be proud of and as far as heritage goes no one can change history. If I was a Caucasian Southerner I would want as much distance as possible between myself and those who still uphold the ideals of the confederate south including the owning of other people, the separation of families, and non accountability for things as atrocious as murder because Africans were considered property. Something to be proud of is that people can and do change (The New South). When seeing the Rebel Flag it is unknown whether it’s owner is “New South” or “Old South”. I never know if it’s a friendly neighbor or someone who hates me without ever having met me. So for my own preservation I am friendly to neither. The solution is simple. Keep the Rebel Flag but make a change to it, like it’s people that I so greatly admire (The New South).
I suggest adding a rainbow to one of it’s corners. The rainbow because it represents unity with separation. The separate colors making one rainbow. I am not a segregationist but I truly value diversity. I believe different characteristics should be preserved within reason, blue eyes, blonde hair, wide noses, thin noses, dark skin, milky skin, etc. I am mulatto and I like myself the way I am. Still I don’t want everyone to look like me or hold to my culture. If you do value diversity you have to accept some degree of separation at some point. At any rate the flag would look something like this.
Some would disagree with the rainbow because it’s widely associated with homosexuality. This association doesn’t give homosexuals ownership of the rainbow and hopefully the majority of homosexuals would agree.
Make no mistake the Rebel Flag came about for one purpose, battle. it’s a battle flag and was never a final flag for the Confederate States of America. It is mistakenly called the stars and bars which is the fourth national flag of the CSA. featured below. To me, it seems inappropriate because it is a battle flag and a call to arms. Some don’t even accept that the war is over to this day.
For me the Rebel Flag does represent bigotry. I consider bigotry an emotional disease. It is a mixture of irritability, anger, and misery. It does not need logic to function and can be translated to hate. Combine this mixture with an inferiority or superiority complex and things are bound to go bad. Take the word dis-ease itself. It can easily be seen as uneasy. Many feel these emotions and have to explain them somehow. To blame it on someone else is an easy thing to do and is often taught. It has rungs in the genetic ladder as well. The Rule of Socialized Genetics is found on The Environment page of my website along with The Rule of Preservation. Some would argue the physical characteristic only lets you know there is a lesser or greater intelligence present. It just makes no sense for a couple of reasons. First is individual merit. You can’t tell me that every Caucasian is smarter than every African American, African British and so on. So why should one group be the overlords of the other? Second, why is intelligence considered the most important quality a person possesses? Look what intelligence has done to our earth through industry and technology. It doesn’t appear that humans are very smart at all. I believe someone’s emotional quality is heard by the Universe, we live in, as sure as our feet touch the ground. Emotional fortitude is a priority in healthy psychology and sociology. So, why have Caucasians been responsible for most of the industrial and technological advances we’ve made? Not because they’re all evil or that advancement is bad. I think Richard Franck said “Necessity is the mother of invention”. I think ethnicities of colder regions had to use more ingenuity to survive. While those closer to the equator could live without significant developments. That’s why Caucasians are responsible for more industry and technology than Africans who stayed around the equator. I’m not saying one group is more intelligent than the other. I’m not qualified. I am saying, that if there is a statistical disparity between groups, it doesn’t bother me. I even have doubts about what we call intelligence. I believe that I’ve never taken an IQ test that measured my aptitude for psychology or sociology. There’s a great many other valuable attributes that IQ test don’t measure. Who made mathematical and geometrical manipulation the gods of human value. It only takes so many minds to design a rocket ship, then so many lesser minds to build them. At some point the value of a human being is better placed elsewhere.
That’s my way of making sense of the (ethnical) rather than racial climate. I always prefer ethnical to racial. Racial should be a good thing as in road or bicycle race, political or car race. These things should always be good, and done in good sportsmanship, with the goal of making everyone better.
In conclusion I’ll reiterate that an old flag with a changed people deserves a changed flag. Southerners should be proud to display where they are and what they think and feel today without forgetting yesterday. Until next time, keep your homes well.
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I have thought of 2nd point on more than one occasion Jamison but not your first point. I definitely see where your coming from but I think in the terms of surrender the charge of treason should be reduced.