Blog – Who Wants To Be A Billionaire? 1/14/2015

Who Wants To Be A Billionaire? 1/14/2015  January 14th, 2015

First let’s get an idea of what a billion dollars is. A millionaire can buy 16 $60,000 Mercedes. A billionaire can buy 16,666 of the same car. Of the 1,645 billionaires in the world 492 of them live in the US. The only other countries that even break 100 billionaires are China 152 and Russia 111 billionaires.

Top dog Bill Gates is worth 76 billion while Warren Buffet is worth 59 billion. If they’re taxed at 24% (high) Bill Gates can still afford 966,666 $60,000 Mercedes. Poor Warren Buffet can only afford 750,000 of the same car. At the split point of $36,055 annual income, the lower of the split taxed at 3% has $34,920 left at the end of the year. Not even enough for one Mercedes. We finally reach a point at $73.354 annual income where an American can purchase one Mercedes with an after tax income of $60,590 but they will have to eat and purchase a house; bye bye Mercedes. These figures express income tax being paid. In reality these billionaires  have very little or no taxable income due to tax breaks. Before taxes Bill Gates can afford 1,266,666 $60,000 Mercedes.

Now lets define what work is. What’s hard work? What’s easy work? And how much more should hard work pay than easy work? I like to define work as a signature energy conversion process. The more the work you do for the least amount of energy consumed the more the work is worth. If 2 persons load 9 bags of grain in the same amount of time but 1 uses 2% of available energy and the other uses 10% of available energy obviously the person that used 2% has the greater value and can do the hardest work.

Some think brain work uses less energy than physical work. Rather solving mathematical equations or watching television the brain consumes about the same amount of energy but that amount is astounding. The brain at 2% of the adult body weight consumes 20% of it’s energy.  “How does the brain’s energy consumption depend on mental activity?” Some would say the brain is going to use 20% of the energy anyway so any work produced at all is a good value. Lets imagine there another product. While energy is being consumed another type of energy is being produced from the work being done. What can the Universe do with the energy produced from 9 bags of grain being loaded. That’s the true value of work but as far as we know or can prove that energy or the technology to measure such a product doesn’t exist .

The point is the work performed with investing and corporate ownership is worth far less than investors and owners are getting. The question you and I are stuck with is “why isn’t everyone doing it”? It takes money up front, education, mentoring, and politicking. It’s still safe to say that some who are cooking pizzas and flipping burgers could be successful at investing. (If we let the complex be made simple and not the simple complex) There’s no doubt it takes smarts and powers of deduction to be a career investor or corporate owner but are they that much smarter. More importantly how much of that work can the Universe use?

There are intangible salary caps. Another words at some income value a person’s work couldn’t possibly equal their income. No-one can convert that much energy. The Universe sets the cap. How much energy do you consume vs. the usable product produced.

There are some billionaires who are for the redistribution of wealth and I stand with them. Occupational Parenting will never find success without the support of some of the wealthy and some of the educated.  

Until next time, keep your homes well.


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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Joe

    It would make a lot more easier to balance budgets, taxes, etc for government if everyone made same amount… I still think a lot of people would lose there drive to succeed in life, move foreward if there was no financial reward.. There wouldn’t be enough people who would want to put the extra effort to climb ladders .. Most people say fuck it, do minimum at work pay is same then figure out extra way to cheat system ..


      Thank you Joe (my one true reader). I am in total agreement with you except for the amount of financial stratification needed. Persons do need a monetary incentive to strive harder. When someone takes the initiative to do better and be better it must be rewarded. A manager should earn more than a cashier but the same manager shouldn’t arrive to work in a Lamborghini while the cashier arrives in a Ford Aspire. We have to close the gap a little.

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