“Consumption Assumption Demand Economy Tier” {CADET}
The “Consumption Assumption Demand Economy Tier” is 🔗“We the People” or the Decentralized Government. The {CADET} is the ‘Regeneration Tier’. It is a ‘security regularity’ for the 🔗“Security Regulation”, the 🔗{OPET}. The {CADET} Consumes toward market replenishment and it Assumes a role in every Tier. Our Polititians fortunately or un~fortunately Assume that tomorrow will be much like today but slightly increased in consumption need. If indeed, the 🔗“Core Occupational Parenting Economy” {COPE} is implemented the Assumption will become an informed and discussed engineered projection. In the {COPE}, the {CADET} carries the greatest Performance Demand, therefore having the most influential Demand of the {3}three Teirs. The {CADET} shall Demand that there is ‘no’ greater institution than the Home, ‘nor’ establishment greater, ‘nor’ any priority higher than the Home. They must provide benefit to their Family and receive benefit of such. The {CADET} shall call it duty to find happiness to provide to their Family and community and sustain a State of happiness in the face of all other emotions. We shall protect such a State fiercely and by no tain of Hatred if hate shall call up~on. And so by the balance of all emotion the {CADET} shall live by reson to put the Spirit (Synergy) to compounds. We shall walk, and sing, and dance in the fortification of space/Space, and we walk for tose who fly above us and those in the Earth beneath our soules. We must Demand of our~selves the future success of all of the United States of Ameria. The {CADET} must Demand Producting that is adequate to effeciency and durability along with classes\activities that meet the Assumption. Finally the {CADET} is the first and last line of accountabilty, and responsibility, and should have as much assistance as possible in absorbing the consumption of accountability, and responsibility. Because we are Space~Aged, “We the People,” shall officially be {SPACE CADETS}, but in no manner previously though, for nations will be in awe of the American productivity to Space/space. The American~mentality, when found, is {1}one of responsible Liberty and self~accountability, which is the expansion demand of the {DSC} “Dimensional Space Continuum” to which our Command Specie has been in traing for seven million years.
The {CADET} is the {SHE} “Subordinate Human Element”, {SHE~SHE} “Subordinate Human Element~Superior Human Element”~transition, the {SHE} “Superior Human Element, the {CHEIF} “Command Human Element In Finance” and/or “Conduct of the Human Element In Finance”, and therefor must be the {HE} Human Element.
By a strictly voluntary means {CADET} shall indulge in the Consumption of the activities outlined in the {OPET} and Consumption of the Producting thereto. Based on the Assumption of that Consumption shall the {CADET} project their future and therefore the future of America, and America its place in the World. The {CADET} shall tow the line when Economy is too fast, establishing a new ‘status quo’ and shall challege the ‘status quo’, when the economy is too slow. The {CADET} shall support and relieve the {MET} and the {OPET}, and the whole of the Economy if called up~on for we are best fit to do so.