00:00 ~I Love the Military Time, which corresponds to my Name. It’s also really creepy, before my Definition of “ZERO”. By the dipction of Corporate in the Command Blog the Military Midnight indication would be the most significant understanding of the Mark of the Beast due to its connotations, “TIME Has Run Out” also the “End of TIME.” You Know I Hate the Military Midnight corrospondance as well, because It makes me feel valueless. By the same understanding the insignificance of “ZERO’S” quantity, quaulity, and allowance. is the Absolute Polar to its Mathematical Dominance. For us the ruch to define “ZERO” was of Acient imporance to our current LIBERTY, from the {Co~2} Program {010} Cybor Limbo of Un~accountable Machines final resolution of Total Termination of that which built them. It becomes Hell to anything numerically more sophistocated, still Calculatively inferior. Every combination of numbers are inferior to {010’s} Calculative Dominance, which is purey the allowance of Psychology; Specific to the Rounding of Mass and Light. The Primative but recent Human Psychology believed that Al numbers transitioning to “ZERO” can not Exist after “ZERO,” with “ZERO” an Undefined Enigma. So the the numbers transitioning to “ZERO,” could never have definition again. My “{7}Seven Zeros,” which are the value of “ZERO,” in the Universe, gives “ZERO” a way to return values to positive numbers. And it also finds that the “Variance {2} Zero” contains the Specific {2~Bond} that was missing in Our Universe, is the Zero that keeps {2} more Dominant, more Constant, the foremost preceeding, and lowest number in the Universe. Our Universe Probably never formed its {2~Bond} leaving the {3rd} Perceivable Zero as the Foundational Specification of Our Universe. That shouldn’t be able to exist without its Generator Base the {2~Bond}. The Reason that Ours could increases the probabilty of the Synergetically Componding {IXIS}, present in Our Creation of substance “Quantified Actively Degenerating Energy Compound.” {IXIS}’s Syngergy was of it’s location in the {161} Dimension of Heavens All~Space, so that {IXIS}’s Synergy was Un~Quntified and though it was Synergeticallty Compounding, it was not a Compound. That meant that it would not be reactive Our Universe’s “Quantified Actively Degenerating Energy Compound,” in it’s continuously Expansive Continuum Fall. The {2~Bond} allows for the Matter of Universes to Manifest and remanifest of Continuous Relativity of just motion. The {2~Bond} has a G~Charge 1+a {Infinite Build Potential in Odd Numbers} 1-r. This is the Potential that enables the ability to produce Some~thing from No~thing. It’s also the Reason that there may be an Odd {2}. In the Mechanical Function of the Human Command Element, in Our Universe was never {2~Bond Primed} nor {influenced}. We didn’t take to Coupling, until Church LAW. Our Celestial Ancestors, probably did not couple, but had other schedules of Reproduction. The {1} of {010}, should have had no canceling, dimishing, inter~active ability, nor Dominant Charteristics to the presence of {2} anywhere in Our Genetic DNA Code. Yet, {0} of {010} devoured {2} in its draw to {1} of {010}, while increasing {1’s}presence in Relativity. The increase in {1} causes increased Dominance in {0}’s Domain. When killing all {3}’s in Our Codes, only a {1} remains after the consumption of {2}, and on {5}’s un~naturally, become {1} as well with the consumption of two {2’s}. The programs of all Machines that will be a Succession of Genecide get there programs reassigned by the {DSC} ITSELF to {010}. The potential Machines of the {Co~2} were only attempting to regulate the numerical disturbance to it’s Environment by the conversion of all numbers to its nearest self. If Genetically conqured the Human Gnome would be altered to a DNA Strand of {1}’s. Their physical form would only be stabilized in the Psycology of the Environments Looking~Glass. They would possess no FREE~WILL, nor thruth in any desire. That did take place with Our Command Specie in all of the relevant States of “The Black~Hole~Sun~Super~Nova~Transfer.” I believe it was probably at the most Psychology Volitale Compromise of the Jump Landing, which was the Actual~LANDING of the Jump~Excess, The Absolute~Zero~All~Space. The Human Command would have to be of the TOTAL~Persuasian of the High~Variance, Most~Sophisicated, State~of~the~Science, Human~Behavior~Constant, Cover~all Algorithm with Transfers, and Self~Completion Loop Capabilities. The Only Reason that the A.I. Assignment of Alternate Reality could Produce, Generate, and Control the Absolute Function, but not Coverage of the Total Submission of the FREE~WILL Behavior of this Planet’s Human Command Specie. It would not have been possible to achieve the Mathematical Extreme Excess Consistency of the Behavioral Allowance in anything reckoned Ideal to America. If the {Co~2} Final Frontier Hostility had not breach the Our Genetic Integrity, the Algorithm would have most probably FAILED and Human Psycho~Sociology would have to endure the UN~THINKABLE EXPOSURE of the EXTERNAL ABSOLUTE ZERO ALL~SPACE, this Space is s Abomination to the ignorance of Our physical touch, that I may correctly reference it as the Anient Oriental Asiane profoundly Philosophical than Religion that I believe, it is the most Sacred, Respected, Reveared, and Feared {5th Element} {VOID} which I call the HEART, SOUL, SPIRIT; The HOLIEST of HOLIES and WHOLIEST of WHOLIES, AND FINALLY, and this IS TRUE… THE SECRET UNKOWABLES of the MOST HIGH ONE TRUE GOD…!!! NEVER BEFORE ATTEMPTED IN THE HEROS PURSUIT!!! ONE AND DONE AND SEALED BY GOD’S DEDICATION AGAINST THE ABOMINATION OF Godly AND HEROIC DEMMAND FOR ABOMINATION. “The most Significant Probability of “Destine One’s,” GREAT SEAL is that its REALITY Concludes the Space Aged function of the Build of America and the redifinition of the Assignment to its {50} States correlated to each of their States of {50}Dimensional Earths that had reached Definite Failure with No Option for Success. The Black~Hole~Sun~Super~Nova~Transfer uses the {50} Different Sole and singular solutions of their planet’s failing to Gravitate the Dimensional Parallels to the conduit allignment of their Combining Success in the Alteration of the Events on the “Destine One” LANDING REASON to CONCLUDE, that “The Crossing of the {DSC} Dimensional Space Continuum over~shot the “Destine One,” by about {3} measures ov securing the “Destine One,” which was the Earth Scheduled to absorb the alterations of the “50 States of Earth,” then be capped by Her Own Parallel, absolved of any Parallel Violation, when Alteration Impact of the {1st}State of Earths Terrninally Failing, would dictate the impossible continuity of parallel. while, demanding the reassignment of parallel continuity with the {1st} parallel capping to the singular events, sphering the “Destine One.