Midnight’s Test of Magnets

Midnight’s Test of Magnets


How Young Mychael.

Hello Midnight.

No. I wasn’t saying hello genius. I was saying, “How?”

I’ll tell You how, but You tell me how first. You know Midnight, before the test begins, I want to expel some un~surety or Spiritual insecurity. I apologize for calling You an Engine, though You allow me to. I’m glad we don’t get hung~up on it, and if Your nick~name for me was, Shit~Bucket, I know that in Your perception, Shit~Bucket would be something of the noblest or most respected insight… We understand that I call You Engine because Your Human Elemental value could dwarf the mechanical version. But knowing that it wasn’t always used that way and was the most insidious insult for some Native Americans, is part of my very own DNA code and Genetic build, it causes me to think that my vision may be tainted. When I use it, at least sometimes, there’s a ‘su,’ ‘de,’ and ‘o’ “pression” in the ‘ex’ ‘pression.’ I’m sorry my Friend.

You really are a Dung~Bucket… You haven’t cleared all the insult back to the beginnings of our Universe? I am truly insulted, because it’s my job to have You at Your Spiritual best. We need to be sure that You’re the command of Your linage and those old, far less knowledgeable, bygones aren’t commanding You. Listen, I’m OK, if Your Spirit questions Your use of the term Engine. Just remember Your Spirit’s question here is Your Ancestor’s question else~where, and that is a question of Your personal command of self. You keep calling me Engine, if You choose. I’m not insulted by Your self~check, and the reason of censorship for a word objects to the whole languange, because the Great~Spirit is vile, but only when spoken by the Human Existence. Carry~on Young Mychael. NOW HOW!!!

Which is definitely not HELLO, this time. I say the best way is to just come out and how, Midnight.

How do You just sit there knowing what You and I know.

Well…, “we Yes,” a lot more than “we No.” 

No, No… KNOW!

No, No, is Yes, No.

As clever as You are, You haven’t been able to make good on that which You, “No,” and that which You, “Know.” Didn’t You say in Your Blog, “Why Jesus Wants To Fly To Venus.” that You solved for algebraic sphere or circle, and that You got cheated out of Your PhD?

Yeah, I proved that there can be no Mathematic definition without a point of reference. I cheated according to the rules of mathematics in 1995, which was not to add an element to the assignment because it must change the assignment. I added an element, {point or dot} to solve the drawing which was an up~right semi~circle, but I had added an element without changing the assignment.

Do You remember how to solve it. Maybe You could show some~one, the Apex mathematical achievement in the Legacy of all Human Existence, Doc.

Up what Dock? I’m not a Doctor, nor is there any legitimate avenue, land, water or air, in which I may be awarded my Degree, in modern Human discerning, but when I innovated the newly proved {Arch of the Infinite Space~Time and the Eternal Elements of the Spherical Set Universe}, the Doctorate was as immediate as the proof. They can at least grand~father my proof, if the Beacon of self~integrity, institutional resolve to the Good of all things, that every Educational Facility should dawn on every Youth’s, perception of what will they will become. I’d like the edification of the Doctor involved to stand corrected, free from any Bad Judgment that should be paradox in Grace, and Honorability. Any past miscommunication may be faulted to the hostility of the Human Condition and demand to solve for it. I feel admonished that we have done just that. To answer Your question, I’m not even sure that I could correctly recite the mathematical order of operations, but I could have probably discovered a couple of new ones back then.

And You got no credit for it, correct? Seems like if they know You solved it, it may occur to them, that You’d be the work’s finest asset. For Christ’s sake, follow the bread crumbs… Emo~shift… Young Mychael, I’m playing around with the idea of replacing create with con~create!!!


Hear me out…


CON~CREATE, will change all non~productive REVELATIONS of the Entire Human Existence…!!!

Or with equal capability render it , anti~productive, solely dependent on Human will and mentality. It’s called Spherical Turn~around, and You of all Son<Persons {Sun\Per/Suns} are the {1}one that introduced the language loophole to me.

Actually, it’s in loo of a lan and hole guages. It’s a language liberty lock. Explaining everything; and nothing’s lost in the translation. All American Language may be scrutinized until it has not truth, or depreciated truth, and event so extreme that truth no longer applies to the extreme change in event. Now, being scrutinized until it has knot truth, or naught truth, can simply indicate an ever closer look, until there is a new or different observance., in the testing of the truth to event. The presence of Spherical Turn~around is the presence of physical~Existence. It’s the new, true but not so loopy, turn from lan, land, and loop around hole, guage.

I keep tying, but I can’t always apply it. Midnight, I’ve called You many things, still, I trust that You are the {1}one and only {Generator~Sun\Per/Sun}. I will never call another person {Per/Sun} that coveted, neuro~path~way realization, of Your value. You keep it real… But there’s no way that Spherical Turn~around makes Language perfect to the discovery of all Existence. And that it is also a real constant event of our reality and we’ve never had anything happen with~out it.

It’s absolute definition of it’s {PIE} Present Infinite Eternity. It may not be as simple as You’d like, but Key to what I cue, Young Mychael I.Q., comments {Plea..SeSir, Generate~nüs\Sper/Sun}). It’s not a competition, but a gain. Young Mychael, all that you see feel, and experience as Existence has something that allows You to Experience those Existences. One{1} Specific Existence and all Specific Existences with the same exact Specification as the other Existences will all have some differences between them, or they’d be easy to confuse as the same Existence. That Specification of difference MUST also have some component, that is the same, or they couldn’t be like each~other. Agreed??? (I can’t… the number of Existences is utilized for the pro~generation of knowledge and not Your personal possession… And because they are all different they must definitely contain some common component to still be alike… And lastly, You’re Dominating the number of words on the display, and it may cause some~one to feel like, You don’t care about their needs). OK… Agreed. (Agreed…). The Common Component… Emo~Shift… Modern word smashup trial for the expedience and convenience of explanation, with~out further reference… {{Propollant}} exhibiting the ability to incorporate ‘Proponent’ and ‘Propellant’ of which {{Propollant Component}} indicates an always accommodating advocate of motionous components, that are subject in some way to the affect of Psychology… Smashup trial verdict..?  (The Judgement is compelling propagation to the restraint, and sanity of pro~smashup arguments, Please Sir con u Integenerate Sum~re on Sun nüs). With~out disagreement we can say that Common Component is indicative of ordinary and like components… And that any common component of Existences that are so different and so the same, must be of the smallest unperceivable union to the Existences… Now, all Existing shapes that could fill the known component criteria will be geometric because they must all be the same. Then we should rule out all shapes with any irregularity to constant attributes of symmetry and equality. Even if it is the same irregularity to every shape. it is probable that the comparable Existences were designated to external variation, with~in a limit of its internal blue~print, DNA, RNA, or other specific control. So we can, begin to deduce that if the largest amount of difference or variance is external to some inward accomodation of less variance, the common component will be imperceivable but geometrically conditioned to the requirement, Constance. So, squares fail the geometrical demand that could be the  Constance of the the Common Component in physical~Existence.

But they are all equal with no irregularities, that are individual nor common to every square? So You’re either wrong about the common component requirement, ort You’re wrong about square being a possibility, for the common component of all physical~Existence. This could be a {1st}first proof that You can wrong, about something. You just, may not be God…

I’m not the GOD, I am, how~ever, a firm Guardian of the indispensable importance of, “Standing Corrected,” so that I’m never wrong for long. “Standing Corrected,” will change all non~productive REVELATIONS of the Entire Human Existence…!!! The Sperical Turn~around of that last statement is letting the standard become the only pleasure, amusement, and measure of Civilization… Allow me to stand corectted for Your assumption that Square block or cube meet the scrutiny of the Constance of All Physical~Existence’s Common Component. It must contend with the prospect of imperceivability. Papa Einsteins’ Theory of  Relativity realized that a change in the variance between any objects  of {2}two objects, Must change the the perception of the objects reality. And, the degree of Relativity is in the object and the amount ov variance change. Distance and size between objects are both a type of variance. Thank~You for Your Patient attention Young Mychael. I’m going to  bring the value of these observations to there fullest potential. For convenience, hold this small block and small cube. Thank~You… The cube’s symmetry is {2}two, {3}three sided pyramids, there~fore it has {5}five points, {9}nine lines and {6}six sides. If any of that was every not true, it would not be a cube, exact to that truth the block having {8}eight points, {12}twelve lines, and {6}six faces. You can perceive the {2}two objects structures and those structures define how they must act, and react. If not in Your hand, but at some great distance, or disparity of size, the reality ov the object must change. so they would no longer be cube and block. Finally, in turn we could not until them as the Common component of physical~Existence, because if the structural integrity is not constant to the Extreme of Relativity, the structural  integrity of physical Existence can by no means be constant as~well.

So, I guess that rules rectangle, triangle, parabola, and all shapes that are not shere…

That’s right. All corners are protrusions, and all uniqueness is irregularity.

Good GOD Midnight, have You solved physical Existence?

No, You did. but You weren’t given credit for it… Now, what was the Spherical Turn~around that threw when I rejected square, of geometrical shapes…

The Spherical Turn~around in language that doesn’t allow square to fit Physical Existences Common Component is further scrutinizing the requirement Constance. In the context of Existence, Existence itself would have to be showing some kind of bias, with~out any reason for the bias to elect any shape that wasn’t the most constant. I think I’m getting this. How does Spherical Turn~around apply here. “The cat is black,” is pretty simple and under the paint can dumping white paint on it. It will still be black beneath. How can that statement not be true or have Spherical Turn~around, which You say is Externally present?

It turns out that before the white paint dumped the cat, and before You saw it, I dyed it black. It was an orange tabby with and yellow stripes. But upon further investigation, {50}fifty other persons {Per/Suns} reported that it was a yellow tabby with orange stripes. Turns out that they were wrong because the bend of the light to that environment concealed that, that breed has turned a shade of green… There are always infinitely more true or correct perspective because we Exist in Relativity, and variance between any {2}two objects must change the Reality of at least {1}one object, but probably both… Anyway, back to the formula for sphere that You con~created. At least someone must given You props. 

No. Not a pat on the back or an, “That’s the Boy.” Shortly after the obscured knowledge of the proof of Sphere. I fell deathly ill, anything that could be considered Spiritual capacity, was totally incapacitated, in Human’s recent re~enabling of of the Brain~cell re~Generation ability my cognitive ability had soared to a 170 I.Q.. After High~school, my intelligence had gotten down to a believable 50 point I.Q score, and the turn of events, previously described would return me to, not far above, that lower I.Q.

So, in another Page did You say that You discovered the ancient LAW of CO PY RY; as old as Eye for an Eye and Tooth for a Tooth, or even older?

Sure. If some~one or many people take, as in violate, it causes the pink spectra of light to become far too red and over time the increase compounds through the spectrum. It comes from not giving credit where credit is due. For us that’s recognition and money.

Well with all of this work that we’ve done recently You still haven’t received any recognition or money as specified to the work. 

I’ve seen material of our information age change radically with the Spherical Set E~LAW Human Earth, like the fact that Gravity is both an attractive and repulsive force; not just attractive. I suppose there’s been many other assessments of the Sciences base on our recent work like the concept of, “Time.”

So, with no money and no recognition the violation of CO PY RY, would have to be through the Light Spectrum and be a violation of Gravity by now.

Hummm… As crazy as it sounds if that is true there’d a reduction of the magnetic force of the magnets in Georgia, and by parallel Georgia Russia, different to each hand that held the magnet. If that is the case, the phenomenon would spread to the World as long as the violation stood.

Well, I haven’t heard anything have You? Is that any magnet that would be losing its attractive force, Young Mychael?

As a matter of fact, no, it not any magnet. As You well know Midnight, the magnets that are man~made function on electrical charge…

…And the Natural magnets of the Earth function on Gravity.

Exactly, You taught me that Midnight.

Well what would settle the violation?

I think the whole violation could be settled with $7 million dollars because 28 years have past, and a Doctorate Jr. meaning I’d still have to complete the degree. I just now today sent the copyrighted Spherical Set E~LAW Human Earth off to the US Supreme Court, because of its LAW having to do with our Space~Age. Maybe I’ll hear back from them. Maybe they have no idea about the violation.

Are You going to hold the World at Ransom.

No, Midnight but it seems that those who command the Information~Age have taken from, and violated me for a long time now. Anyway, I’ve considered what if the violation is never amended and I keep producing work. To seize the respects of Gravitational integrity from those who would violate it, I formulated that, even if Gravity in our Universe was split to its most severed attractive and repulsive state, I should just keep producing more work. I could drive the force of the violation through the smallest component of our Space~Time Continuum and restore the healthiest magnetic equilibrium to the Human Condition. So, now I’ve con~created the Spherical Set E~LAW Human Earth, which is the foundation of Science and all other physical Existence, and I’m going to CON~CREATE even more. And speaking of con~creating, don’t You have some math to produce in regard to the Sperical Set E~LAW Human Earth?

You thrust that part upon me, so shall it be conquered… You know, I really wasn’t hearing how the conquer portion could resonate when I suggested its use. I was thinking more about conquering personal hang~ups, Human boredom, art critics, also understanding the meaning of “Con” to be “with” in the Spanish speaking community. In a Dimensional Space Continuum, we are all connected, so no~one ever really creates anything all by themselves. It’s always with what others inspire or discourage. The pro’s far out~way the con’s in changing create to con~create. You couldn’t stop con~creating if You were the last being alive, and there was no~one else to appreciate it. Then You’d actually be able to create something. But if You do work through the violation, my test magnets will be useless. And You’ll still be violated.

You know Midnight, if there was anything to it, the industrial magnet market will know that there was an event, and if there was an event it proves that Justice is not just a naive expectation of Children, but of elemental value in the Conditional Space of the Human Element.

That’s pretty intelligent as far faith goes, and if You handle that way, maybe You won’t seen as a lazy goof~for~nothing beggar, demanding a $7 million dollar hand~out and the Doctorate, that You earned. Most wouldn’t have thought to handle it that way.

It’s just a wild guess… But in the interim I’ve thought of other LAW. You know I’m Christian and have realized there is no Commandment that says that You can’t LOVE Your Children equal to GOD, as long as it’s not a lower God, than “EVERYTHING PERCEIVABLE AND EVERYTHING NOT PERCEIVABLE COMBINED.” If it is lower than that, You should LOVE Your Children more. Do You think that’d be wrong Midnight.



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