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Deleted: A Parent, sited for neglect, shall furthermore be entitled to training |
Deleted: and education in the sited capacities, afforded by the Parental payment |
Deleted: do the sited states. Upon being sited, the cited state shall be paid on a |
Deleted: financially inverted full scale of Occupational Parent payments. If not |
Added: <p><span style=”color: #800000;”><!– wp:paragraph –></span></p> |
Added: <p><span style=”color: #800000;”>There shall be 2 compliments.</span></p> |
Added: <p><span style=”color: #800000;”>1 of the Child/Parent, Parent/Child relationship.</span></p> |
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Deleted: employed as an Occupational Parent, the specifically appropriated |
Added: <p><span style=”color: #800000;”>2 of the Occupational Parenting income.</span></p> |
Deleted: Parent/Child and Child/Parent relationship shall be compared to that of |
Deleted: an Occupational Parent. There shall be two compliments. |
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Added: <p><span style=”color: #800000;”>A Parent, sited for neglect, shall furthermore be entitled to training and education in the sited capacities, afforded by the Parental payment due the sited states. Upon being sited, the cited state shall be paid on a financially inverted Child/Parent Parent/Child Scale scale, on a scale with $800,000 and a Child/Parent Parent/Child relationship is $643,523.00, the payment shall be as if the income was $156,447 and the reverse applying only the corrective need or capacity. the number of capacities, but equal to at least 1 capacity of Occupational Parent payments. If not employed as an Occupational Parent, the specifically appropriated Parent/Child and Child/Parent relationship shall be compared to that of an Occupational Parent. A non-Occupational Parent with a greater income to that of the Parent/Child and Child/Parent compliment shall be paid of the financial compliment only. If there is financial disparity to any such non-Occupational Parent income and the specifically appropriated Parent/Child, Child/Parent compliment. The non-Occupational Parent shall be paid at the financial compliment, or the reduction of 3/7 in pay grades, which ever provides the greater pay. There shall be two compliments. So that if the Parent/Child Child/Parent compliment is $643,523.00 but the income of the non-Occupational Parent is only $156,447.00 annually they shall receive $275,795.00 which 3/7 of the Child/Parent Parent/Child relationship, then inverted to be 524,205 which remains less than the non-Occupational annual income, if all areas are sited the sited 8/8. The same method/formula my be applied in any 8th part e.g. 1/8, 2/8, 3/8, 4/8 etc.. 8/8 which are all the capacities. Some fractions may be reduced. The dollar amount may be increased or decreased and hold the same value to itself, the Occupational Parenting Economy. </span></p> |
Added: <p><span style=”color: #800000;”><!– /wp:paragraph –> |
Added: <!– wp:paragraph –></span><span style=”color: #800000;”><!– /wp:paragraph –> |
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Added: <p><span style=”color: #800000;”>If also not having an income, equal to or greater than, that wholly employed of Occupational Parenting the Parent/Child, Child/Parent compliment found of the comparison shall be the payment to the non-Occupational Parent. Then, that same non-Occupational Parent shall have 1 year to prove the need in the Parent/Child and Child/Parent compliment by qualifying or extending the Year. If qualified, by the year’s end, the non-Occupational parent may keep the Occupational Parenting engagement to the years end without being deemed an Occupational Parent. If there is financial appreciation to any such non-Occupational Parenting income and the specifically appropriated Occupational Parent.Child Child/Parent compliment the Parent shall have 1 year to prove the need in the Parent/Child and Child/Parent relationship to keep the financial appreciation. The Parent/Child and Child/Parent relationship must be qualified in 7/8 of the capacities, down to 5/8 of the capacities, to apply and keep the appreciation for the year. If the person with the $643,523.00 annual income has a complimentary Child/Parent Parent/Child relationship of $700, 000.00 they make keep the difference of $57, 477.00 annually until the year has expired. Experts in Assistance Enterprises such as Homekeeping Companies, shall charge no extra compensation due to appreciation. Any additional entitlements shall be at the financial burden of The People and any reduction in entitlements shall be financial compensation and gain to The People.</span></p> |
Added: <p><span style=”color: #800000;”><!– /wp:paragraph –> |
Added: <!– wp:paragraph –></span></p> |
Added: <p><span style=”color: #800000;”>Occupational Parents shall be paid substantially upon their 1st Child and shall be paid a minimal Child per diem for Children there after. So shall it be, until the death of, or 20th birthday of, the 1st Child. Or the 1st Child is employed with payment from outside of the Parent(‘s’) home. Or shall be exempt solely to apprentice to the Occupational Parent in any home. They shall be eligible for apprenticeship upon the completion of High School or the the age of 16 the latter of the 2. They may become an Occupational Parent in their Parents home but the Parent may no longer receive payment for them. That same original Parent may receive Occupational Parent payment for any other Child of theirs until that Child meets the requirement of the first or previous Child of Occupational Parenting payment with no full, whole Occupational Parent in the residence. An Occupational Parent shall have no more than one Child as apprentice in their home at any given time. But, all of an Occupational Parents children may apprentice outside of the Home to a home with an Occupational Parent. Those homes outside of the Occupational Parent’s’ home shall have no more than one Occupational Parenting apprentice. The Occupational Parent apprentice shall have a payment of 1/3 of the Occupational Parent that they identify as COP or Command Occupational Parent. They as well as the COP shall be tested by appropriate examinations produced by (an) Appropriated Government Official(s)</span></p> |
Added: <p><span style=”color: #800000;”><!– /wp:paragraph –> |
Added: <!– wp:paragraph –></span></p> |
Added: <p><span style=”color: #800000;”>The non-Occupational Parent has equal Right to the Occupational Parenting Position. No Parent of 2 Parents can demand more than 10 years, in the position. And other Parents with a proven interest of or to the Child/Children may demand no more than their than their fractional part, to the degree of interest, to all other Parents, in 20 year span. The biological Parent(s) always have proven interest in the Child/Children. They may also demand, 10 or, 20 years if single, to the Occupational Parenting position to the dismissal of all other interest, if never cited for neglect in any capacity. If cited in one or more capacity they shall have to prove to the Court that other interest in the do not benefit the Child and their own parental bias. Which may be proven by all interest economic gain when compared to Childhood needs. Any interest in the Child shall by no means gain more than an un-cited Occupational Parent in the interests. Any interest must prove their interest in the Parent(s) and Child staying a-joined as Family 1st. Any other initial concern dismisses the interest. </span></p> |
Added: <p><span style=”color: #800000;”>The biological Parents proven interests deteriorate and quantitatively declines by the citation and qualitative measures thereof. Any Parent(s) with, a or numerous, citations may appeal at any time, any citation, or to have a Fresh Start. Any Parent(s) my achieve a Fresh Start by examination, and evaluation about and with their or another'(s)’ Child/Children appropriated and consented condition of help. </span></p> |
Added: <p><span style=”color: #800000;”>The biological non-Occupational Parent(s) shall with the Occupational Parent(s) have ATA or Agreement to Alternation into the Occupational Parent Position.. Every employer, outside of Occupational Parenting, must allow an employee, 2 years of 4 years, leave, if for Occupational Parenting. The aforementioned allowance shall be without, disciplinary action, punishment, or jeopardy to their position or standing, from the employer. The employer may be exempt if the place of employment is no longer in business or has been, “salvaged and is under new ownership” un-attached in any other than purchase or “take-over in opposition to the salvaged company and if no other emploee(s) of the salvaged be kept with employment to the purchaser or new owner in opposition to aforesaid salvaged company. The employee may have to stay current to the changes necessary in their non-Occupational Parenting field and company orientation. This may be accomplished solely by testing, examination, and courses, in only those materials or courses provided by the employer. The employer shall make the aforesaid test, examinations, and course pertinent to the time and only the time the employee shall return to the place of employment. The requirements to stay current shall not exceed the time needed for attentiveness to Occupational Parenting position, including study time. The time needed for attentiveness shall be determined to the Occupational Parenting pay grade, number of Children, and their age(s), by the Foremost Recognized Professionals/Experts and Local Professionals in the Occupational Parenting field.</span></p> |