(Copyright Pending)

The LAW of  CO PY RY

The LAW of CO PY RY Copyright (so-pie-rye) or (ko-pie-rye)

The use of another’s idea, construct, concept, or perception without seasonable agreement to the originator, precedes falsehood of devolving/de-evolving characteristics to the individual and specie to the limit, of barren sterility. This and violent acts of taking result in the dense  and expanding constrictions of repulsive Nyonic Space e.g. Black-Holes, Dark Energy, Dark Matter, ‘No Time Holes’ and Super-Nova or opposing specifications of the aforementioned aspects e.g. forceful accreditation, accountability, responsibility of (a) construct(s), concept(s) or perception(s), resulting in the imbalance increasing compounds in Dyon Space, where we could experience never seen before White-Holes.

The LAW of  CO PY RY


The use of another’s idea, construct, concept, or perception without seasonable agreement to the originator, precedes falsehood of devolving/de-evolving characteristics to the individual and specie to the limit, of barren sterility in the Specie, and Abnormalities/Anomalies in the Space/space of the Human Command Element and Command Specie to the extent of Black-Hole Space, Dark Energy, Dark Matter, and Super-Nova.


The LAW of  CO PY RY

     The LAW of CO PY RY Copyright (so-pie-rye) or (ko-pie-rye)

     To take another’s idea, concept, or perception without reasonable agreement is devolving and de-evolutionary to the individual and Specie to the result barren sterility in conjunction with debilitating Space

  Copyright is an extremely important issue to me. It is one of integrity, Human Existence/Progress, Science, Philosophy, even Religion and Ecology. There are many Copyrighted pictures/photo, perhaps even a little content on my websites. The American Eagle patterned on the Home-page of is, hands-down the best American Eagle ever drawn/painted/created, and it is Copyrighted by an individual other than myself. I can’t make out their name on the indication of the Copyright. I did however purchase another product of the aforementioned Copyright, because it is so important that we get adequate compensation for our work(s), and it really is a kick-ass Eagle. American Copyright was drawn up with the Mystic and Constitutional Anti-Tyranny Foundation of America itself. It is by teenaged word of mouth, that I found out, that all You must do for an American Copyright is encircle the letter © somewhere on the page then the work was informally but Officially Copyrighted. Along with much other American folk-lore that there is probably some truth to it. Our Fore Mothers/Fathers thought that the moment one conceives of a complete thought it is their belonging. Considering today’s and the future Technology, looking into someone’s head is/will be old-hat getting newer with every typed/written character, to the page. They’ll be flies buzzing around Your head to pick-up every last crumb, but the truth is the Universe, Cosmic Nature, POILU or Perfect order In (the)Le’ Universe, in the (DSC) Dimensional Space Continuum views the prospect as our Founding Fathers and Mothers look at it because anything else leads only to “Reverse Darwinism”, which results an extreme derogatory of which the ‘least fit’ Command the ‘most fit’. I encourage no such thing, but we must realize the fact that if we invent the wheel someone, nearly everyone else, will make something like it. If we draw a tree, someone else may draw that same tree. Just like the guy who invented the wheel would, prehistorically, take to herself the #1 mate, or to his-self many other mates as does the best of the tree drawings. “Rightful credit”, ensures the future of Humanity. All of that said, the only time a Copyright warrants payment is if it is used in a way that generates money. So, I would owe the artist of the elite American Eagle drawing in the pattern of this website’s ‘Home Page’ only if my site is making money. For all I know my site may be making money for someone else as I type, in that case I am, as well as every Copyright holder that appears on the site, are owed money, at the point that the money is assumed/generated. Though, I would normally call writing blogs for, WORK. It just seems as though all the legal I’m doing ‘at this time’ is a lot more like work than producing a website. I’m going to take the next 20 minutes to 1 hour laid back, or as much as I can achieve of “laid back” and produce/create quotes, in the Midnight Decryptohabitation Franigan’s Ever Augmenting Quotes (Link).  There’s going to be just a touch of WORK in here, because sometimes there’s just no escaping it. The following is a comment I received, when I was still getting comments; one of the last of them. The comment is in a? ‘light violate’, and the response in a ? ‘forest green’. The point of the ‘comment and response’ is to exemplify exactly what, it is that, I say about Copyright , then onto the quotes if You care. Now, some of these quotes will be pretty good and I’ll just keep adding to them. If You see them else-where in any money-making ploy, You will know some, ‘probably un-imaginative’ degenerate, took ‘my shit’/’my work’. But, if it is as should be, and the only workable answer, is that, the ‘publish button’ needs to be an automatic Copyright. Any other answer will become far to complex to fit into a Court-room. Clicking the ‘publish button’ is by common-sense the same an ‘original thought possession’ or marking the same with Your ©. Some of the Quotes are LAW, meaning it’s always true, irrefutable, and includes “Spherical-turnaround”, which may have a more complete definition than this, but I’m working on it. (OK, I worked on it and the ‘whole of me’ believes that it’s worth the “Click). The definition is kind of long if You’d just like to skip to the leisure of the “quotes”. Without further Adieu, Midnight Decryptohabitation Franigan’s Ever Augmenting Quotes. I’ll let You figure out how The LAW of CO PY RY can be so modern as our Fore Mothers and Fathers, so futuristic as to the balancing of ‘Spectrums of Light’ and as antient as “Eye for an Eye and Tooth for a Tooth”, and the evelopment of the written character/symbol. I devised an interpretive system in the dismantling and consistent manipulation of or alpha-bet to the formation of (I’s) (l’s) and (1’s), as well as (O’s) and (0’s). I’m dying to check for “Binary” correlation or compatibility at some point. The probability in Human development, dictates that there must be one or more compatibilitites. First, let me introduce a more simple way of viewing the spectra of the rainbow with just a portion of the aforementioned ‘Alphabetic Decryption’ . What would be, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet, is simply RY, OY, AY, GY, BY, VY.  Though both, Black and White are equal and opposite, they each contain the entirety of the Light (LY) spectrum, and are, other than size, the flip side of the same disc. I identify them as (WY) White and (NY) Black. I put Copyright into the transposition/decryption and in phase (1), where all T become (11, ll, or II) with the option of just a single (1, l, or I). I uncovered COPY RIGHLL – COPY RIL. In phase (2), any (i) with the long vowel sound gets a (Y) option, which I consider a Universal Constant, becoming COPY RYL. RYL can be heard as “rile”. “Rile” is heated anger and obviously, if we drop the (L), we get RY, heard as “rye”, being a type of whisky, easily associated with ‘anger’ “rile” and the “Red Spectrum” of Light. Spectrums of Light are long since known to effect Human behavior, but they also effect the (to and from) (in and out) of the Human environment, or Continuum stability. The idea that we do not want any flowing more intensely than other brings us to Pink PY. We can assess Continuum fortitude as in the colors our rainbow displays or possibly (No Rainbow Displayed) when our Continuum is Apex, Peak, at its Summit. I ‘ve found that many aren’t happy with notion that a (No Rainbow) sky may be our best case scenario. To them I say, You should still always be able to find it in the fan of Your water hose. While there is a Rainbow, I believe we want the Red prospect to be Pink or so the linguistically kept ancient message instructs. We want to PY RY, or as I prefer to type it PY RY, so as to perform the function of Pinking Red or Pinking Red in my very script. Probably suited to other languages we may pronounce PY as “pay”. I mentioned 1 of the earliest Laws known to Human Kind, which is “Eye for an Eye” and “Tooth for a Tooth”. I’ll later explain how that was “Aye for an AY”, and the Naval Command and Response “Aye-AY Captain”. But let proceed to (C) and (CO) of Co~py Right. In “Midnight’s Alphabetic Decryption”, the (C) in (3rd) phase always means, and is defined as “Celestial” or “Celestial”. The mending of the Heavens or ‘Outer-Space’, is Age-Old. The Earth has undergone many a challenge to our sense of reality. including as I understand it a ‘Polar Flip’, where as in the South Pole used to be the North Pole, and of course vice versa. If You’re ‘Biblical Believer’ such an event would explain a ‘Day without a Night”. I base the study of my finding CO PY RY on the assumption of a more confusing, disoriented, and transient Continuum/Dimensional Space/space than we’re taught about in the American School System. Earthly ruptures, splits, and breaks, effecting our ‘Outer-Space’ from the foundation of the Planet itself. Not a believer? Keep with me a bit longer. Celestial CO may be pronounced “so” or “ko”. Lets keep with “ko” momentarily. With such pronunciation we get COPY [copy] [ko-pay], [ry]  Keep in mind “Eye for an Eye”. With [{K} copy RY], there has been an act of injustice and the same act must be repeated unto the offender.  With [{K} co-pay RY], there is at least 2 parties, the offended and the offender, and between them the Spectrum must be paid its due balance. And with [ {K} co-py RY], in which the parties are responsible for Pinking the Red, {KO PY RY}  When working with (S) in the pronunciation of CO “so” we get [soapy] [so pay] and [so-py]. [With [{S} soapy RY] such equal retaliation upon the offender cleanses the space/Space. With [{S} so pay RY], is the consequence one must except if found in offense. And [{S} so-py RY], is the answer to the Spectrum being out of balance so at least 2 parties must Pink the Red, {SO PY RY}, [CO PY RY], (CO PY RYL) The Law of CO PY RY, Copyright. We may by the model substitute “Rile” or “Rite” at every juncture of RY. It does not surprise me that 6 types of pronunciations reduce in 1 way to KKK and the other in ‘Short Sight Seen’ as SS. Both organization having an extreme impact on LAW, the shaping of Human perception and Revolution/Revelation. The reason it does not surprise me because all of our letters are tiny pictures with the representation of reality there attached. These characters are like programs in the Human psyche, 1 built upon another Revelation after Revelation and Revolution after Revolution. Any individual organization seeking apex Human Existence must go through and perhaps be tricked by (CO PY RY-blue sky), or CO PY RY-yellow Sun) and (CO PY RY-night time-CO PY RY)  I prefer most a brown Earth color, and pink/red switch CO PY RY, Copyright. It’s too much coincidence for “CO PY RY“, “Eye for an Eye“, and “Aye-AY“, to be arbitrary. Law/law has always been a search, more than it has been, the sureness of Higher Human LAW. Many times we find Humanity taking the best case scenario, when the whole of Human Existence is unknown. With the Spherical Set E-LAW Human Earth, I’m attempting to prove, if only by probable juncture or Philosophically, that the United States Constitution was/is the most recent progression in that search for LAW. Constitutional Higher Human LAW has been smitten by ignorance, intolerance, intolerance for intolerance, and ‘private common interest’. Today we have the tolerance of a Globally shared Nation (not to be confused with Globally govern nation). To be Sovereign and agreeable within ourselves, we must have more tolerance for intolerance, demographical profiling, and a person’s Right to be whatever kind of asshole they choose to, within their Rights and (my and Yours’s) Rights. We have the insights and Technology today, that can allow us to intelligently polish Higher Human or US Constitutional LAW, and prove to the World that we and they are better off, for it. To successfully govern any uncaged individual, they must be governed within their tolerance for the LAW, or the governing of that individual will fail. The US Constitution is seen to have failed by some person’s opinion of ineffectiveness. That need not be the case today. These adjustments to Constitutional Amendments will work in ? “The LAW Reconsidered”. These and those like them would bring effectiveness and the most stable Continuum that the World has ever seen for this, our Space-Age. If we abandon the ‘Individual’s Rights’ and a Sovereign America, we also abandon the ‘Space-Age’, its progression and all of Human Existence with it. Earlier I introduced “WY White” and “NY Black”, so here’s a little more about that. WY, RY, OY, AY, GY, BY, VY, NY While White (WY) would be 1 side of a CD, Black (NY) would be the entire other side, only the spectrum containment on the (NY) side would be smaller than the point of a needle and there many, many more of them. They however do easily allow for accessibility to the colorful spectrum, while the White (WY) is only 1 spectrum but color is easily accessible. (WY) and (NY) are the same Existence from different perspective, so (please excuse the exaggerated numbers, they do suit the idea)  that ‘1 part’ called a (wyny) = x ((wy¹)+(ny⁻¹ ᵈᵉᶜᶦˡˡᶦᵒᵐ)) day-time and a (nywy) = x((ny¹ᵈᵉᶜᶦˡˡᶦᵒᵐ)+(wy¹))+5000(wyny) night-time (not a conventional math wiz). Still, (WY)and (NY) can both, never be apart and must, be separate in “Physical Existence” unless “Physical Existence” itself fading. I’m also trying to express that the blanket of the most clear Black and White night-time sky or (NY)(WY) is (AYE). The representation (AYE) is pronounced the same as (Eye) and (AY).  The LAW “Eye for an Eye” was supposed to be as consistent as (AYE) for an (AY), or  (AYE, AYE) Captain, may there’s also an (AYE, AY) or (AY, AY) Captain. I’ll bet dollars to doughnuts it has, also to do with (Eye, Eye) Captain, 1 eyed pirates, and odd/even superstition. Let’s not forget, I’ll keep an “Eye” out for you and sure enough among seafaring men is more than the occasional (BY,GY). Let us also be mindful of the (VY-King)… (OY)… and (AYOY), orange or hot Sun, which is similar enough to the possible derivative (Ahoy). I warned You that Copyright is an extremely important issue to me. I hope You can now see how true that is. I hope that it now is or will become just as important to You. Our Human Specie is dependent on Copyright and Patent LAWS. LAWS as particularly, specific, and even more meaningful than Action/Reaction. Until next time, keep Your Homes well… (Copyright Pending) Welcome  Occupational Parenting   Health and Happiness  The Human Element  The Perceivable Universe  The Environment  Word Play  Conclusion  Glossary                                        In The Kitchen  Pets Tips  Cleaning Tips  Parenting Tips  Blog  


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