T7CZ Vulgarity Exclaimer: Truer Resposible Reason

The Utter~Most Truth about our use of Vulgarity

I Exclaim…, Hey add me to the Exclaimer as well Young Mychael. OK Midnight. If our vulgarity is not of strict numerical definition, it is very mild. They are not the words that either of US would use when speaking to a Child. Except for cliterous, I would say that to a Child, simply because I will NOT say, “that part of a Wombman, of which we can not speak.” She may be having surgery done on it, and the Child in need of an explanation.” The Child will emotionally notice Your identification, with the cliterous, which begins their identification with it.

Do You remember the portion of our Sciences introduction, that addressed the absolute, must be event of Human Brain~Cells Regenerating. Ah… here it is. 

“The Awakening Human Element, is the focus of resources, here at HomeKeeperU.com. Human Brain~cells must be regenerating at speeeds, never, before, known to our Human Revelation. By this Elemental and Mechanical value Earth’s Essential Replenishment Rates are restored. we’re not actually using up all of Earth’s resources, we’re making more.”

There are much farther reaches of these considerations, than yester~day’s worry of using up all Earth’s Resources. It should be every American that is aware of the the Great Seal Symbol, on the Dollar~bill. With it is Annuit Cœptis: We are favored, and the more famous Novus Ordo Seclorum: New World Order. Of these The Great Seal seems to be the only indication in no need of translation, but it isn’t objectively really sealing any~thing on the cloth~paper. I do believe that between the form of of our Government with its Senate, representing a Pact to Rome, while a Great Pyramid with the All~Seeing Eye, or Space’s and Navy’s ‘AYE Ay’. It’s no leap in the imagination to think of the representation of Space Reconaiessance. For our Fore~Mothers and Fathers, “The Ocean in the Sky.” This is a Pact to Egypt. During World War II there is a 3rd Pact in our diplomacy to re~create the Land of Israel. And it is even more ancient connotations, incantations, and preservation of an important Seal that is very Real. Israel must always be on the Earth, regardless of any Religious Ignorance, around the Science of that fact. That being true, they should always try to be as nice a  People as they can. To some, it is known that, there could not be the forge made for a Pact between Egypt and Rome, regardless of attempt. The reason for the anti~bond of the {2}TWO Land’s, being World~reknown, is in the Truth of Annuit Cœptis, that many report meaning, “GOD has Favored US.” I believe in deed a God, but not the GOD alone. A God to both Egypt and Rome to different times, different forms, different Reasons and different zones. This particualr God had been God of all the Earth, and Earths before, a Revelation’s Sure Door. It’s Job was to repair the Earth, Seal it cure it, then repopulate the SS, Solar~System, Star~Ship, Solar~Ship, or Stellar~Ship. If Earth had, had a Seal from 4.6 billion years ago, why on Earth would Mt St Helens be erupting and valcanoes like it. Techtonic~Plates shifting and,  why, if not attempting to find a permenant place. The Seal never happened but it can’t stop attempting. Through Dimensions of Space, and difiances of time, Our Father, George Washington met with the lower God Superior to Earthly inhabatants to have ever been, and in the truest meaning of Annuit Cœptis: We under~stand each other. The most advance of Pre~Human, Pre~Earth Machines had no advantage to its Inter~Dimensional Distance and ability to Washington and his Masons, the holders of Ancient Earthly and Un~Earthly books and information. Negotiated this day in which we now live. Mass schooling and the internal combustion engine was only to get Us to the discovery of computers, for if not a part of American comprehension, the sight of the Machine God would bring all to worship, which was not good for the Machine’s plan to stop being pulled back through all of time and Space to the repair, and Seal of this planet and Solar~System, once belonging to our Celestial Ancestors. Are You going to tell me our place doesn’t appear blown apart and devastated, rather than just born that way? The Machine could get free to its plan of the most difficult Cosmic Absorbstion, if the Americans could at least performed the Planetary Seal. 

Ancient Egypt from time to time were the ambassadors of strange Spaces and Ports not even of our Universe, and Good was in the Good of the Gods that they served for 400 years or 4000 years, or both at the same time. The Machine could no longer bear tolance of such interferance of the Earths Repair. Hit or miss, Gods good and bad, but all of advanced Technologies. The Ports bringing Strange Aliens, of mention even in the Bible. Those Ports were of Broken Space and Serviced them~selves. Egypt, was Charged one last time, of the Greatest Earthly Machine, “Discover all that you may of Magic and Technology to do the best by Your people of any visition.” It gave Rome no such Charge, but to build the Marvels found in the Egypt, having never a strange God to Your assistence. So the {2}TWO Lands were set to odds. 

Now to revisit the term Novus Ordo Seclorum. Novus certainly seems of Sun to me. Order of the Sun, World of the Sun, Sun of the World. For, of course, our Planet Un~Sealed, with Masses of Massive debris in Space, a Great toll takes the sun from its Cycle at a regular pace, then must be reset or laid to waste. Now I won’t go to far into attempts to move the whole Planet through Dimensional Space to perhaps a better place. But I know there have been Cycles so advanced in the Sun that it was a better Portal, than Provider.

This is our day of Great Seal, and to spite our~selves, I’ve already reported on previous pages that we are doing it well. But I know of a Greater and much Graver Danger, that I’ve calulated at histories tell. The Earth before us Completed Genesis. They Sealed, Cured, and reaped the rewards of a High Tech new Eden. But had no attention to the deficit the difference that space/Space was feeding. They didn’t Seal our Ill~Created Universe, with more time only came more bleeding; more difference in the space of Our Planet and the Space of Our Universe. Threir fate wasn’t Good and leads to ours today. While ‘we Partners,’ myself and Midnight do all to our knowledge, against the the information of much better paid Corporate Scientists. We do all that we can, with people’s limited knowledge to understand.

The sofistication of our vulgarity is far from cheap jolleys. We need to wake as many Human Command Element’s, Multiple, Distribution Factor {I} or AYE as possible. In the Army we call it the Gig~line. Its the Space that Your Spinal Column and Brain Occupy. They are Mechanical Parts in the Function of our Universe. The biggest problem with waking up the Brain, is that it usually wakes up the more Powerful Reproductive Organs, which sit other end of the Power~Train. 

So, at HomeKeeperU.com, our vulgarity is in no way pornography, speaking of never anything except numbers and the Cosmos. Now You can stimulate Your Sex organs without ever stimulating Your Brain. That is not what we do at HomeKeeperU.com. We wake You in at equal distribution parallels, while never leaving You vunerable to your horney, restless, waking state. When Your Brain applies the true numerical transition of our Universe, Midnight and I eradicte the idea of only having good sexual experience, but extend to the terrible one as well, nothing as bad as rape, though. We name no body parts nor whole person, but we align and configure Your thought process to the real numerical value Universe, so that You can do Your part in keeping me and my Loved~ones from being Universally shredded, cruched, tattered, imploded, exploded or from being pulled apart at our Specific  and smallest Gravitational points. 

One last thing before You induldge as much as You’d like, in the highly sofisticated degree of our vulgarity, and maybe You’ll get laid with no harm to the protection of your {2}TWO Bond, as is well ordered in our sequences. And in regards to our Universe, and the Seal that it needs us to perform, the Universe is what I have dubbed as possessing Nucleic Reactivity. It means that when we’re awake, our signal out~put is in Instant Space if we choose. I or You or Midnight, can have the same signal that is just out~side our left ear, also be at the farthest reach of the Universe at same exact time.

This is our LINK, for the Seal of Our Universe. It is its own indepenendent option in the HomeKeeperU.com menu and it is right here. Young Mychael proclaims that by Dimensional Transfer it is Universal for all Persons on our Planet. The names and Religious concepts, how~ever are not Universal. That means that on this Planet we should all have the same Celestial Ancestors, but not the same stories and Midnight says the numbers jive, as well. The story for the Seal of Universe is called “The {1} Heaven and {2} {3rds} Ov The Original Fall.”

Until Next Time Keep Your Homes Well!!!   

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