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HomekeeperU understands that for HomeKeeping to be unconquered she or he must be ‘self- conquered’. We may think that no-ones trying conquer homekeeping. I say yes and no. Because no-one has conquered its domain or brought to realization the fullness of its importance, we are in danger of losing it. I will be self-conquered and be unconquered.

HomeKeeperU is under no such delusion that we as a specie have conquered Human corruption or the technology we’re exposed to. Neither Occupational Parenting nor any future generation have a chance at success or survival if we don’t check these aspects of Human existence. On the options above this “Welcome” page are “Why Jesus Wants To Fly To Venus”  and  “A Letter Jesus Would Write To Congress”. They’re interesting titles and should be read 1st, in the order presented in this sentence. Only then will anything on this website have any meaning or hope. Though it may seem a practice in paranoia, it really isn’t. The 2 post should give You something to think about that You may not have before and something to do. Once observed they become, really just a distraction from what’s important on the rest of these pages, This includes the pages that can be clicked on at the bottom of every page and post . Now please enjoy the rest of Your “Welcome”.

Part of this website is very real and provable, part imaginative. The real part is 🔗Occupational Parenting. We need an economy better than a consumption based economy. If you know in your heart that America can’t stand with the way it’s going please give 🔗Occupational Parenting your critical eye. The rest of the website is basically for your amusement, to see if you may spot a bit of truth in it’s fantastical claims. If you’ve come to this website because you’ve read Geneople, please pay due attention to this disclaimer. Geneople is all imagination. It’s so far away from scientific method that you could call it non-science non-fiction. I don’t know if you’ve ever stood around in smoke filled circle and contemplated the value of the Universe, That’s kind of what this is. Minus the smoke filled circle. 🔗Occupational Parenting should have it’s own website and petition. Those are both future goals. 🔗Health and Happiness, 🔗 The Human Element, 🔗The Perceivable Universe, 🔗The Environment, and 🔗Word Play, are no longer a part of the menu. Links to them however can be found throughout the reading and at the bottom of every page.

This is where parenting fits into life’s bigger picture. If you like nothing you read here there will be a consolation prize in the form of a pretty good, fast, and easy recipe at the bottom of the page. Hopefully you will like what you read and the recipe will be a bonus.

I define a homekeeper as- One who performs the duties that result in the mainten. ance, upkeep, or reinforcement of anything that can be considered a home.

I’d like to open the website with a poem that I wrote when my daughter was born It’s called BeautifulI can attribute this website to her.

After talking with my buddy Dave and a few others, Soccer Moms are my target audience. I haven’t really geared this toward that audience. My bad. I’ve geared it more towards philosophers, and maybe scientists. To me the cliche “Soccer Mom” means someone who cares a great deal about parenting. I’m one of those. I’m not a Soccer Dad I’m a Volleyball Dad and I do care about my daughter more than anything except God, and it took me a while not to put God second. Now I believe God is perfect order in the Universe and we need a place to exist before we can exist. If the Universe was just chaos I couldn’t even have a daughter. The rest of the writings aren’t really Soccer Mom or any other parent friendly but I’m going to work on that as time passes. If you think you’re a pretty smart parent or person with a craving for something new please read and help me connect with the housekeeping side of parenting more than I’ve done here. If you’re not interested in parenting, please read some of the blogs. I try to bring them back to parenting but they’re multifaceted. If I haven’t blogged about something your interested in please let me know in the comment section. I like to blog all request. There is some strong language on this website, but I intend for children to read with the guidance of their parents. Please enjoy.

A brief foreshadowing: It reads, “Home Keeping and the Universe” at the top of this page. I’d pretty much try to stay true to that. In this website you will find that spirituality reaches out to science. HomeKeeperU speaks about how raising our children to Universal independence is just as important as raising our children to earthly independence, maybe more important. Raising children is the most important job in the Universe. If the offspring aren’t raised to a healthy state of independence, the species will die. HomeKeeperU simply encourages that tying it to our financial existence will insure that we do it correctly. It will also insure a economic system that will last as long as the specie itself.

When many of us think of home keeping we think of cleaning supplies and thankless house work. Don’t get me wrong, doing chores and upkeep are very important but there is so much more to home keeping. We have to prepare and maintain the surroundings of the young. This site is about the Universe and caring for and teaching our beautiful children. These things really do work in tandem.

My ex-wife says my webpage is out there in left field somewhere. I know that by perception that will be true for some persons. I’d rather it be out there in right field where you just have to wait  patiently and the ball will eventually come to you.

This site has two goals.

1)  To maintain a constant focus on how keeping the home pertains to every individual’s dwelling, city or town, state, country, planet, solar system, galaxy, and perceivable Universe. These are all our homes.

2)  To influence persons opinions on having the most important occupation in the Universe be a paid occupation. Occupational Parenting

I know I use persons instead of people and I capitalize Universe. I do these things for reasons I will later explain.

I never want to lose focus of the full spectrum of home keeping so please share any tips on parenting, pets, cooking, cleaning and or your opinion on the continuity of the Universe. The continuity of the Universe doesn’t seem to mesh with the other things in this paragraph but nothing meshes more.

Also I’d like to acknowledge that I’m an average person with an average mind. I ask that Sheldon Cooper not take my head off with words, phrases, and theories that I won’t even understand. If possible explain your objections in simplified terms. Genius is making the complex simple, not making the simple complex.

Now that recipe I promised.


Until next time, keep your homes well.

<<Welcome >><< Occupational Parenting >><<  Health and Happiness >><< The Human Element >><< The Perceivable Universe >><< The Environment >><< Word Play >><< Conclusion  Glossary  >><<  In The Kitchen >><< Pets Tips >><< Cleaning Tips >><< Parenting Tips  Blog >>

Any comments that do not specifically address a page on this website, it will not be approved.

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. pendik escort

    This is a remarkable post by the way. I am going to go ahead and bookmark this post for my sis to check out later on tomorrow. Keep up the excellent work.

  2. joe

    Dec. 4, is National Cookie Day. How about trying these No Bakes, quick and easy? 3 Tbsp. unsweetened cocoa powder 2 cups white sugar 1/2 cup milk 1/2 cup butter 3 cups quick cooking oats 1/2 cup crunchy peanut butter 1 Tbsp. vanilla extract Heat cocoa, sugar, milk and butter over medium heat. Boil these verrrrry slowly (they will turn out better). When they reach the boiling point boil them for no longer than 90-120 seconds. Stir together oats, peanut butter and vanilla with a big wooden spoon. Pour the hot mix over the oatmeal mix and drop on wax paper.
    Destin Log

    Dec. 4, is National Cookie Day. How about trying these No Bakes, quick and easy?

    3 Tbsp. unsweetened cocoa powder 2 cups white sugar
    1/2 cup milk
    1/2 cup butt…


    Thank you for your comment. It’s a good one. Why does our society accept that it’s ok to pay anyone else to raise your children except you.

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