Corrective Economy for’s Command Blog Concern A.P Artificial Parenting\Actual Parenting
Core Occupational Parenting Economy Amendment Proposal
Being that it is most probable, if not Scientifically accepted that motion must be supported by motion. The Spherical Set E~LAW Human Earth is comprehensive to Energy as defined by the Spherical Set E~LAW Human Earth. By its proof that we do Exist by definable order is also the inference that there is Order to how we Exist. The United States of America’s Constitution established much of that Order with its Philosophical view of Scientific soundness; the Individual Human Rights. The practice of these Rights, according to the Spherical Set E~LAW Human Earth are the perfection of the Conditional Space of the Human Element, with~out which, there can be no Space~Age. At the time the US Constitution was written, it could not realistically determine the value ov the essential Rights ov the unborn. Such Rights were and always will be inseparably bonded to the new Life’s Parents, but the fact that the Rights Exist can now and must now be acknowledged and regulated to the consistency of the build of our reality and stability of our Space/space. With~out a significant degree of distortion the following proposal submits how our Children may at last be protected by the United States of America’s Constitution.
HomeKeeperU is of the thought that, We must implement the (OPE) Occupational Parenting Economy with, the application of the HomeKeeper, to the “Supply and Demand” of Manufacturing, Consumption and, Education so as, not to stress, too much, the feature of the Economy by, the structure of its build, and point of its objective.
The Occupational Parenting Amendment will be {1}one of {3}three in the “Bill of Government,” to be proposed at a later date. The other {2}two will be, The People, the 4th Branch of Government (non-legislative), and ‘The 1st Officer of The People and Government Minister.”
Begin Amendment
All Children born to a Citizen of the United States of America are born with Inalienable Rights, practiced in the United States of America, as determined by the United States Constitution. These shall be responsibly levied with the duties beneficial and befitting an individual and society. The aforesaid responsibilities and duties shall be appropriately levied by the Parent(s) solely, being within the confines of the Law of the Land. The Parent(s), shall, but not be required, to receive payment thereto aforementioned responsibilities and duties, at the grant of The People. The Parent(s) may, but, need not, have benefit of the those Experts in Assistance Enterprises, such as Homekeeping Companies, in the provisions of the aforesaid responsibilities and duties to their Child/Children and their Society. They may, or not, collaborate in obtaining such assistance with persons having shared interest in the health and evelopment of their Child/Children and other Children. So shall it be, unless, the Child/Children is/are proven, beyond a reasonable doubt, to be in neglect of the health of any of the the Child’s/Children’s States/Capacities. Neglect may be found in any of the States or Capacities of Physical, Psychological, Mental, Material, Emotional, Spiritual, Sociological, or Cognitive, well-being. If the Child is found to be in such a state as neglect, the appropriate motion to assist or separate the Parent(s) and Child/Children shall be made. The Mathematical process by which the vote shall determine the treatment of the Family or its portion, embraces the concept of Universal Mathematics; as of yet still in discovery, but here to inspire confident anticipation. There Shall be a Court and to it’s selection or appointment, a Judge, presiding over a Panel of {8}Eight Experts. One{1} Expert to each of the {8}Eight Capacities of the Human Existence. The motion ov intervention shall be contingent on {2/3}two thirds or greater fractional part of some Official Policing Body. Every capacity shall be represented by {1}one Expert, preordained and credentialed in Education, training and Good~Will. There may be that Expert of innate, learned, and fluid Knowledge, of Wisdom, as is better defined in the Link Expert ov Instances, here and to follow below. With the agreement of, no less than {3/4}three quarters Panel vote or {6}six Experts and the discretionary and diligent decision of the Court, upon its appraisal and its appointed or selected representative to be Judge; creating a variance of the Minimally Adverse Approval of {7/9}seven ninths, and a Maximally Adverse Approval of {5/9}five ninths with the mathematical matrixing to {8/9}eight ninths over {7/9}seven ninths to confirm the method, by which {2}two capacities may dominate a vote over {6}six considerably equal other capacities, for the {UVJ} Ultimate Variance of Justice, the Parent(s) and Child/Children shall have Court mandated assistance as 1st intervention. Or by the agreement of the same Experts, and Court, the Child may be remove from the Parent(s) as a 1st or second intervention. The Matrix Explanation is that, congruently configured to the eight parts of the Panel, exists the {8/8}eight eigths due diligence of the Judge. The Judge must always conserve {1}diligence in the form of an opinion, agenda~item or some other abstract. The Court may conserve a diligence for the Judge. Diligence must be conserved to avoid absolute power. To the Judges benefit and Justice the Court maintains {1}one due diligence. The Court’s due diligence can confirm a maximally adverse vote of {5/9}five ninths vote to be {6/9}six ninths or {2/3}two thirds by the Court’s diligence as vote. Five ninths {5/9} may also be settle in {3/9}three ninths, {5/9} Optimization (explained later) or by {1}one of the {2}two decisions to devolve on the Panel at the standard {3/4} vote, but we find all votes must be Optimized. These will be Optimized in the appraisal and Check Packages. In a split vote of {4}four and {4}four, the Judge and the Court may also devolve on the panel and force a {5/8}five eigths vote, but the value of that vote is {9/8}nine eigths surpassing the {2/3}two thirds requirement by {4583/10,000}. The margin is created by the {6}six inherent votes in the process of the decision to devolve. Those same votes being {3/4}three quarters the Panel are a {3/4}three quarter increase to only the {5}five winning votes, with {1}one decimal dispensation of the {5}five votes, lost to the {3}three votes. It shall fall to the Panel of Experts to Optimize a vote if the Court intially declines involvement. There are {9/9}nine ninths inherent diligence to the value of the Court’s {1}one diligence. Eight of them to the Panel and {1}one to the Judge. With the decision to devolve to the Panel the Judge sacrifices 4 diligence to them, the {4}four diligences retained by the Judge are Expressed Diligences. {3}three as {1}one are the Judge’s concern in each case of the possible, “No Change, Assistance, or Displacement and the Judges concern in any case of the possibilities, as the Appraisal Package. In the {3/4}three quarter standard the {2}two losing votes must solve the Appraisal Package to the case. Then a {1}one as {1} diligence to deliver a Check Package for the record of the Panel’s future. The {6}six winning vote shall solve the Check of the {2}two losing votes, to the Court. The Check Package may check the concern of the result or the concern of any result. The Court shall be satified or dissatisfied with the Check to the future of the Panel and the standing of the Court. To Optimize the Vote at{8/9}eight ninths over {7/9}seven ninths which must be reached with every vote decided by the Court to ensure that votes skewed to the Maximally Adverse Surrogate Agreement, (explained in more detail later) account for Real Human Ability to Assess All Things Considered. The {2}two votes must become {8/9}eight ninths while the {6}six become {7/9}seven ninths. When any vote of an Expert’s own capacity gains the surrogate vote against the {6}six member panel, two{2} may win a {2}two to {6}six, when the vote is Optimized by the diligence of the Judge and Court. The Judge’s {8}eight due dilligences must be adequately levied to the decision process. Such takes place with {6}six diligences of the {8/8}eight eigths, in the form of justification and reason accounted to the {2}two shared surrogate votes. The {1}one or {2}two, may submit to the Judge’s discretionary ability to replace any {3}three or fewer panel members; the {5}five members may then refuse or accept the Judges selection, If refused the Court may then replace the newly selected {3}three or the {5}five remaining panel members and vote again. The reason {2}two votes may defeat {6}six votes is in the devout hold of that\those capacit(y)ie(‘s’), because the Experts of those capacities are the foremost leading Expert, Expert opinion to the capacity in question. Obviously by now, the Surrogate Vote, which must be considered the nearest capacity to the capacity in question, helps to carry that which could not be carried in {1}one vote. Any {1}one of combined nearest capacities may be a surrogate. (When the Spiritual Capacity is worthy of an Expert with the ability to determine any Spirit’s reach into the instance or instant Space, the Capacity may serve as {1st} First Surrogate to any of the other {7}seven capacities). Upon repetition of the voting process If any {2}two other capacities different from the {1st}first surrogate shared vote configuration, resulting in only {2}two new but different votes, the same process begins again.
Intervention when approved shall be without numerical limit. The decision itself must be with numerical limitation, including time ov the case, decided by the {9} nine; Court and Experts. All decisions shall be recorded and explainable to the 1st the Parent(s)/Child/Children in question, and/or {2nd}second, to {8}eight neighbors of the Parent(s)/Child/Children in question. If the neighbors are not informed by the Court, {5}five neighbors may step forward of their own accord, and the Court shall have to rally {4}four neighbors to out~weigh a {5/8}five eigths concern. Initially the Court only holds {4}four diligences to the neighborhood’s {4}four diligences resented in the {5/8}. Four additional neighbors gives the Cout {8/8} diligence, which is enough to proceed or vacate. All decisions must rely on the abilities and predicted abilities of Society. With {5/8}five~eighths agreement of the accused Parent’s neighbors, the Parent(s)/Child/Children may be displaced from each~other or remain as they were. Siblings, Soul~mates, and Friends who are dependent Children may not be displaced from the other children for a period of longer than 3 days, in which they will maintain the most intimate communication affordable to the health of the Child/Children. In the incident of too many children to be placed, all work shall be dedicated to that number of children and the prevention of institutionalization. A Parent(s) may request no tally of neighbors. In the instance that neighbors prevent or cause displacement of a family, the Court and Experts may proceed with {5/8}five eigths of the vote of any {8}eight neighbors of 1 of the nearest communit(y)ies and so on, to the Climate and Environment ov the Numbers of Shared Reality. At which point the values ov {1}one area may be legally disputed by the values of any surrounding area. The original {8}eight neighbors and Parent(s) at any time may petition a higher local Court simultaneous to the ongoing proceedings. If a total of {8}eight neighbors are unwilling to vote, the decision shall be made by the Experts and Court alone. The Child shall by no means be placed with anyone assuming emotion(s) for the Parent or Child more than the emotion(s) assumed for all Parents and all Children. Such as, ‘a facility with the purpose of rejoining the Parent(s) and Child/Children,’ which by no means an institution. Once removed the Parent(‘s’) involvement with their Child/Children, in the States or Capacities still un-cited, shall in no way be vacated and shall remain with payment and Parental attention thereto. When the Child/Children is/are brought to a State deemed, by the {3/4}three fourths of the experts with any vote against in any capacity surrogated by another of the experts nearest in credential or by all experts except the {1}one or {2}two, and the Court involved, to be not in a “Neglect” standing, the Parent(s) may have custody restored. They must be with assistance in the previously cited States until the 8,7 or 6 experts and aforementioned Court shall deem them worthy to maintain the minimal criteria for all States\Capacities. Then they may be without assistance. The Parent(s) may give up custody and request placement with family or friend, to be the Parent(s) therefore after and only by the agreement of the local experts as aforementioned minus the {5/8}neighbors, with the appropriate Court and the Parents involved may such a decision be reversed. Any Parent has the right to plead their case to be within a reasonable doubt of all the local experts and Court to a higher Court anywhere in the United States. The revolution at this limit is without number except that of the American Courts. If the case will be heard by the United States of America Supreme, the number of the revolution shall end. Upon the grant of another Court in the United States of America the accused Parent shall have benefit of a self~ Parentally selected Government Official’s assistance in Court, and access to an Expert ov Historys, Expert ov Credentials, and an Expert ov Instances, non-expert witnesses, if they can be found. Such experts are entitled to as much as requested, or all information in the case. A reasonable doubt shall be hinged to the Climate and Environment of the shared numbers of reality, the preponderance of evidence shall determine the reasonability of a doubt; that is to say, that probability is the only determiner of subjective reality. The Climate and Environment itself and reason thereto/thereof may rescind or deny the decision of, the shared numbers of reality initially but calls for decisions bringing balance to the Climate and Environment and the decision of the shared numbers of reality. The Child’s view is always valid, and legal at the age of 13, if the Child has been socialized with the National numbers of shared reality. The Child may reverse their view at any instance in which their circumstance changes, to include Mentology. No case nor suit in Occupational Parenting shall set a precedent but a decision may be chosen for Permanant Revelution.
For this Amendment to be realized We must be able to assign definition to Spirit. HomeKeeperU suggest the following:
Spirit: 1. Event, knowledge and ability of the event, where by, there is an essential mass-correlation of Synergetic and Energetic happenings i.e. All things must work together with both living and non-living objects. 2 . Essential Synergy that may be considered to be generated by every living being. 3. Synergy, that may exist, in a confounding/degenerating or compounding\generating\regenerating State, so as to become and sustain Energy. 4. Synergy that may also Exist, in a state between compounding and confounding, with no perceivable gain or loss to Energy. 5. Synergy that is guides ov Emotion, Reason, and Energy i.e Synergy in regard to its affect\effect to and from Emotion, Reason, and Energy.
HomeKeeperU suggests, Mental is designated to be separate of, but catalyst to, Psychology and median to Sociology as a catalyst to Mentology, as follows:
Mentology: 1. The transceivable State between Sociology and Psychology as separate ov, and or, part ov society. 2. The Individual’s out-look(s) on Society and inversely Society’s out-look(s) on the Individual as separate ov , and or, part ov the Individual or society including the looking-glass. 3. An Individual’s out-look(s) on another Individual and the other’s out-look(s) back at the 1st Individual as separate ov or part ov Society. 4. The Individual’s out-look(s) on (a) group(s) as separate ov, and or, part ov or as a societ(y)ies and the group(‘s’) out-look(s) on the aforesaid Individual as separate ov, and or, part ov, or as a Societal determiner. 5. (An) Individual(‘s’) or group(‘s’) out-look(s) on (an)other Individual(‘s’) or group(‘s’) out-look(s) as separate ov, and or, part ov, or as a Societ(y)ies or Societal Determiner(s). 6. An Individual’s or group(‘s’) outlook on their environment and an environments response to the individual or group(s) presence or out~look(s).
Harm: When {1}one provable degree of favorable increase is not attained\obtained to the point before any degree of detriment took place.
Abuse: When a Child is Harmed in any number of the {8}Eight Human Capacities, by neglect, persecution, physical impact or contortion, under or over~exacting, or under or over~exerting, or any other means by which harm may come.
Abuse shall be determined on a Child by Child basis and never by generalization except in the proof of Spherical~Turn~around. A standard of cell rupture to recoverability of the flesh, bones, and all parts of the Living Human Carcass, shall be determiner. To exceed the standard will be determined, Physical~abuse. Neglect in the material capacity shall be determined in the Climate and Environment of the Numbers of Shared Reality. Spoil in the Material capacity, how~ever, shall be determined by harm to {1}one or more capacities of the {8}Eight Capacities. One{1} capacity’s prominence can not routinely be of the sacrifice of any other capacity to the proof of routine, or traumatic Harm. By LAW’s~Year, all advancement ov the Human and the progress of the Individual and Masses of Children and Adults shall be addressed by record, chart, matrices and all manner of Scientific Measure, such as the TECH3FM, shall be had, utilized, and progressed/advanced, first for the Occupational Parenting Profession and all Parenting there~after. No Child may be allowed to subside beneath the minimum of the LAW’s Year, with~out a Parent being charged with Neglect. At least {1}one Human Parent must be assigned every Human Child in America. A Parent being charged with any of the abuses, may turn charge to any Government, or Corporate Entity.
The final treatment of the Occupational Parenting Economy Amendment Proposal shall be as follows upon the submission of complaint. A Pyramid of 81 is the space/Space~Aged consideration and completion of the United States of America’s Constitution. The {Eighty~One} Individual Persons {Per/Suns} shall tend the Economy as such. Tier {1}One will be {9} Individuals known as Grounds to primarily address every complaint and every case of Child Abuse\Neglect, there~after a legal process has taken place; whether with the Citizen; Non~Citizen Parent(s), Relative, Friend, or any other approved Guardian of the {LPCPP} Legal Parent/Child Para~Placement or {PPPCCC} Professional Parent Programming to the Correction of Child Capacities. The Pyramid has as much discretion and obligation to the Court and Panel as the {2}two separate entities may agree upon, and obligation to the {5}five neighbors. The initial {16}Sixteen personnel {Per/Sun/In/Love~One~Individual} of Tier {1}One and Tire {2}Two will review all known dynamics of a case or complaint, Tier {2}Two {7}seven Individuals will take accountability ov Celestial, Planetary, Solar, and Nuovo~Planetary needs and distribution of these through the Knowledge of the Dimensional Space Continuum and Expansion of the Universe to the {SHE} Subordinate Human Element or the Child, in times of Court~Ship and Space~ship. They will determine by {LYH PATA} LAW’s Year’s Human Progress Ahead of Technological Advancement, what all {HE’s} Human Elements (Adults) and {Occupational Parents called CHEIFS} Command Human Elements In Financial Service have been doing, and offer an exponentially increasing number of things, activities, events, and all manner of productivity that the Adult(s) should engage with the {SHE} Subordinate Human Element or Child\Children. That information distributed through all appropriate channels of the Pyramid and the public utilization of the {9}Nine Grounds as appropriated by Tier {5}Five. The Pyramid Professional Tier {1}one will promote the aforementioned with Sound Numeric Definition of Probability Potential for what ever course the {CHEIFS} Command Human Elements in Financial Service or Occupational Parents choose to be correct for their {SHE’s} Subordinate Human Elements. Of course, You won’t have to speak using the acronym language, but with as much money as will be circulating this economy’s base, certainly there is a need for Professionals to know certain, specific, and functionally encompassing language of Child~raising, but they’ll speak to You how~ever You’d like. Tier {3}Three handles all arguments beyond the result of any Child\Parent Parent/Child proceeding. They will negotiate all any gesture(s) of communicative attempts. They are responsible for establishing a communication of “YES” and or “NO” to External Stimul(i)us. The time to do so will be assessed by the range of mental dysfunction, and rate of Stimul(i)us Response and mode of reasonable computation. When communication is established and catered to, the case will reenter Tier {2}Two. Tier {5} may approve, disapprove, adapt, change, or present any other manipulation thought to be beneficial to the accomplishment and or expedition of Tier {3’s}Three’s Function, but may not discharge the Feature from protocol without the agreement of the Pyramid and vote of {81}Eighty One. Tier {4}Four reviews such cases as may be submitted to Tier {5}Five for reentry to the initial proceeding at the Court and Panel, with the Pyramids recommendation and its member’s detail, discretion, or omission with legal modification(s) to be adhered to. Tier {5} has the Final Authority on which cases shall be reentered. If a case remains without Societally acceptable solution or un~(in)~distinguishable communication, Tier {5} will choose another Pyramid for the case. Tier {4}Four must concur with Tier {5} for the new Pyramid selection. Tier {4}Four may also request the Tier {5}Five involvement at any juncture of Tier {3’s}Three’s Function. This is a document born in the Space~Age with those considerations. The Pyramid 81 is designed to accommodate an inverted Pyramid of the same soundness to the Documentation of NASA in the regulation of its Astronauts and Cadets when in Space.
In order for the Government to be able to put the economy in the hands of the American Citizen, they must be absolutely sure to recognize that Child~Rights are Constitutional Rights and no~one’s but no~one’s Rights come before that of a Child and the Custodian of those Rights, the Parent. Beyond any money detail the Universe by the Dimensional Space Continuum assigns the owner~ship of the Children(‘s’) flesh to the Parents in the currency of Deoxyribonucleic Acid. The eventual owner~ship of their Rights can be shown in the currency that the Parent taught them with. The legal Standard is {18}eighteen Years to perform the trans~action, but this proposal recommend {20}twenty to {25}twenty~five years or longer befitting the Economy’s wealth. The Spirit of a Child can be owned by no~one except the Child. By such the Child may choose to owner~ship with the Universe and the Dimensional Space Continuum or not. To, “Break the Child’s Spirit,” as was done by our Grand~Parents was un~Lawful because the Child’s Spirit is not our’s to break. But, by the Spirit’s Domaine, the Solar Plexus and Spiritual organ the brain does Occupational Parent and teacher, become both Societal Benefactor as well as Beneficiary. All the Occupational Parenting Economy Amendment Proposes is that the Citizen simply mustn’t abuse the Child and that’s no different than today. The Conditional Space of the Human Element IS our only Space~Age now and forever to come. That Conditional Space was addressed by the pursuit of Happiness and perfecting the Rights that go with it. In America it’s legally recognized that You are born with Inalienable, Inailiable, and Inaleable Rights to absolute Liberty, made a practice because every American has those same Rights, including Your Off~Spring, as they claim a Human form in the Womb. Same as we must limit our personal behavior so that the spin of our wildly flailing arms don’t, and the spin doesn’t assault the Rights of a calm Citizen by~stander; We must direct, instruct, inspire, engage, discharge, execute, protect, and pacify our Children’s Rights, while transferring the very same ability of Rights to them. If the American Government isn’t in the business of enforcing the Rights of Children, it makes not a shit~bit of difference to enforce the Rights of any Citizen. Lately, in due process the loss of those Rights, took place. The in~ability to Philosophically, numerically, scientifically, irrefutably, determine what is best for the, Child individually a Child of our own, coupled to the fear of Big Government in our Homes, kept any American Rights from being enforce, protected, guaranteed, perpetuated, promulgated as Promised to the/our Posterity. So we lost our Congress, Executive, and Supreme branches’ hold to our liberties and representation, because without American Rights American Government is Naught, Nil, Not, No~thing, Never. When the Individual American Citizen has the enforcement of their Righteously Regulated Renewed, and Renowned Rights, the Government sits Enflow the Landed Sky and Core and Coastal Water’s Shore, Keeping the Space/space beneath the wings ov the Shuttle and Panels ov the {ISS} International Space Station and All that Belong in the Heavens. The Grounding ov our Civil, Animal, and GODly, Rights can only Hex and Vex, they are all Wreckers of the Space/space of wisdom of Old and Ancient, and Now, and New, Let it be on Earth as is in Heaven and in Heaven as is on Earth, so our Sky will name all the Planet~Engines ov Star~Ship Reason, it’s most lasting Planet’s Generations of Earth, Terra, Gaia, until at last they remember their names as the Gods before US, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and more under the Command ov {1}One True Nature and {1}One True GOD all respects, by no such respect in political demand to even the smallest and most helpless {Citinfant} Citizen Infant Baby, that they may learn the Parent’s Heart, World, and Space/space, and absolute Defense against the encroachment of the World, and absolute Defense against the encroachment of America; For we had lost all to the World, and lost our American World Order. Praise be to Nations that they were persons, Per/Suns with Reason Re/Sun and Our Sun may be Named SÜN (soon) RE~SUN (reasonsun) SUN…., And our Solar System; The Star~Ship SS RÆSONIL… or S.S. RÆSONAIL… meaning all ov the (American Dialect) RE~SUN, Reason, Risen, Reason~able, and Reason A.I., Reason Nail, Reason for Zero {0}, Drink Alcohol take toxin with Reason, Reasonale, Reasonail, RY (Red) Sun Ale/Ail, Risenail, Risenale, and finally Reason An Isle.
In the Command Blog it’s stated that the US. Constitution is instructions for the repair of Space/space, but at no point in the last 250 years ago any GOD Fearing, Glory Seeking, Philosophical, or just Practicing Male going to pay a fair wage for the un~fair work of raising a Child and keeping a Home; Nor in Ancient Rome, Ancient Egypt, and for the Life of me I can’t figure out why the Mayans would not have established that it’s all the Human Domain ever needed to Exist with the perfect Transition Dynamics of the E Pluribus Unum of the Outer Darkness and stars and that of SÜN RESUNSUN; our Sun. So then, what is a fair wage for the most important occupation of all animated beings? It’s the one occupation which can be assumed equal to Dominant Energy Potential or “All the Future.” An even divide among every Home of successful Child~rearing of all non~historical and historical money of all the Planets before us and then including all the times that the Earth’s been recreated is what it’s worth today. That’s half of everything ever used as money since the beginning of the Universe. So, all of the money, ever produced in the Solar~System, Star~Ship belongs to the Home and the Home pays all other occupations. If the Home had always been with pay, Men would have cared much less about the exploits and spoils of their Glory. I know this to be true because any trade there~after, would only be added to a Man’s Home’s Rudimentary, Essential, and Future worth. Men would have worked for hand~shakes and back~pats, not to mention his name chiseled into all that he solved. That’s all it’d be worth if the Home was already thriving, based on the mentality of Off~Spring Futures. He’d want less given his Son and more given his Daughter. The Top HomeKeepers or Occupational Parents need to receive $800,000.00, that’s $100,000.00 per/Human Capacity annually. The starting Occupational Parents need receive $60, 369.00, that’s $7, 546.13 per/Human Capacity. For the minimum the capacities need to be serviced to the minimum, and for the maximum, the capacities need to be serviced to the maximum point of progress and Evolution of the Human Command Specie. The Spherical~Turn~around is when an Apex Command HomeKeeper is servicing the Sub~Pole of Humanity. Then the numbers will change but not the expectation. The Super~Poles of Humanity will always be transitioning to a Home ov Apex Command HomeKeeper Status, the same always needs to be said of the Sub~Pole. The aforementioned wages are the Non~Service Income to the Home. Each Occupational Home will also have a Service Allowance, which is to encourage and subsidize the activities, classes, training, and engagements that will catalyze each graduation in the promotion process of the Occupational Home. The Service Allowance to the $60, 369.00 Home is $12, 500.00 per/Human Capacity. So, to the emotional capacity which will be based on the TECH3FM, will pay for live Human scenarios repetitively to the correction of {1}one Genetic Black~Hole in the Celestial Genetic Strings of our Existence. If we do not, there will be no flying in Space for any of US. The scenario may take a cast of 25 to 50 other Individuals and may have to play 1,000 times to the correction of that {GBH} Genetic Black~Hole. Meaning that we are also clearing the triangulation of its Black~Hole in the 10,000,000 Black~Holes of our Milky~Way. If the Child is to fly in Space, the Parent must train the Child in {8}Eight Capacities as well as {1}one of the Parent and those {8}Eight Capacities. The very best Experts will be needed for Deprivation, Drug, and Medication, training, so that Harm is never done during the training, activities, classes, and engagements. The money will be well utilized and much of it un~seen as it pays for Technology like the Technology that present to You, Your actual Genetic Definite Energy Past {<DEP<} as if You were watching television or a holovison, of Your very true real~life Ancestors, which at least one of has to look like Your twin, if not Your mirror. What Citizens may not be excited to hear, is that, the Apex Command HomeKeeper at $800,000.00, will only receive $1,562.50 per/Human Capacity. The disparity will trend to a more balanced distribution of Technology and Services.
OPEAP Link {1} Payment Plan
The Occupational Parent shall be paid per/{1}one Child primarily, but will test for all Children. During times for population increase the Occupational Parent shall choose any Child that they legally parent to each testing. During times of the need for extreme population growth, there shall be a fractional increase to the per/Child income..
OPEAP Link {2} Professional Assistance
Of the total allotment to Occupational Parenting, the Occupational Parent shall have Occupational Parenting Therapy assistance. Corporate shall by no means be limited in their financial contribution nor shall any contribution deem Corporate input to be superior to the Government input..
OPEAP Link {3} Testing Progressions
Input from an appropriate range of Parents shall decide initial testing, the data must be considered by the testing field’s professionals, then appropriated to the task. Any parent may present objection to testing’s value to taxpayer dollars. Any Parent may present a need for testing to the value of tax payer dollars. All such presentations shall be considered at length and to data banks of the Pyramid 81 configuration, and answers to Parent thereby distributed. The Pyramid 81 configuration is a Government structure but by no means limited to the Government in expertise or personnel.
End Parenting Portion of the Core Occupational Parenting Economy Amendment Proposal Thereby resolving A.P. portion of the Command Blog concern
Correction for’s Command Blog Concern A.I. Artificial Intelligence/Actual Intelligence
The “Core Occupational Parenting Economy” {COPE} shall be of 3 tiers to be braided, any tier able to give the relief or support to another. of which the 🔗“Occupational Parenting Economy Tier“ or 🔗{OPET} shall be the 🔗“Security Regulation” by Government manipulation of its feature. There shall be 2 tiers which are the “in-security regularity’ and ‘of-security regularity” always in fluctuation and subordination of the “Security Regulation”. A ‘regularity’ shall be the 🔗“Manufacturing Economy Tier“ or the 🔗{MET} (please assume that a song may be manufactured, so that manufacturing may cover the spread of Human activity) The other ‘regularity’ shall be the 🔗“Consumption Assumption Demand Economy Tier“ or the 🔗{CADET}. The {MET} shall receive gain of the {OPET} and be the ‘of~security~regularity’ when the {OPET} is receiving gain of the {CADET} as the ‘in~security~regularity’ and vise versa the {CADET} shall receive gain of the {OPET} and be the ‘of~security~regularity’ when the {OPET} is receiving gain of the {MET} as the ‘in~security~regularity’. These flows; {CADET}>>{OPET}>>{MET}and {MET}>>{OPET}>>{CADET}, which may be other~wise diagramed as >><{CADET}<>>{OPET}<<>{MET}<<> are fail~safes. Two{2} arrows indicate an ‘In’ to the tier pointed to. An arrow is any {1}one of the {3}three, Labor, Taxes, or Wages. As long as this structure is adhered to, either the Economy or the American Human ever need face the danger of failing. Never shall any regularity replace the {OPET} as the “Security Regulation”, on a permanent basis. The 3 tiers jointly shall be known as the “Core Occupational Parenting Economy”. The Tiers are designed to increase American Business~solidarity, quality, projections, goal~alliance and consolidation matrices, liquidity~manipulation~ability. The Tires are all crafted to support and relieve each~other. e.g. We’re having difficulty grounding the American~worker due to their skill~set caparison and compatibility status. Countries like Saudi Arabia want to hire them at 3 times the American rate; same with Greenland and Germany. The American worker doesn’t really want to go, but is thinking of the future and a possible return to; possible retirement in the United States. This problem features the {CADET} “Consumption Assumption Demand Economy Tier“ stressing the {MET} “Manufacturing Economy Tier” and {OPET} “Occupational Parenting Economy Tier”. The {MET} simply increased the export of American craftsmen~ship/services while decreasing the domestic sale of the same craftsmen~ship/services. The oversees rate declined to twice that of the American rate, while the American rate doubled, leaving the foreign rate and the American dead~even by the end of the quarter. Using the same example, if an American signed on for a {4}four year tour in Saudi Arabia, they would be paid only in Dollar; not Riyal. The Dollar coverts to Riyal upon the purchase and the taxes are paid to America and vice versa. Also to support the {MET} and {CADET}, America would be investing in {1}One Time Raw Trade Contracts to Anti~Project economic outcome. The US. Government must approve all international work/trade contract/tours for the individual American Citizen. (Please forgive the rudimentary document. It is due to the lack of money and skill. As soon as I have more of either, I will update it with a more acceptable diagram. Please read beyond it. The matrix is for reference of what will explain in more detail.)

A correction of the above diagram is that a {BRAM} does not work for the Company that they regulate, but for the US. Government. The Company, however, does pay their Government approved wage. (I got that exactly backward)
The flow of the diagram always pertains to money unless labeled otherwise. The {MET~in~OPET}is expressing that Business (and yes, its billionaires) are paying taxes to the Government (That is no reason to believe it won’t work. It is only such beliefs that keep billionaires from paying their taxes. We (You) must believe, expect, demand, and accept, that they will pay their share of taxes.) Every~time there is an ‘In’ to any Tier, there must also be an ‘Of’ the same Tier. The ‘Of’ {OPET} is of course the {CADET~of~OPET} in wages to the “Occupational Parents”. Though the “Occupational Parents” are paid by the {OPET}, but they do not return labor to it. The labor is in shopping, and also sending their grown Children into Business {CADET~in~MET}, which is not a money flow, but explains why “Occupational Parents” are not in a Pool (remember that a wage from {1}one Tier with labor to another does not Pool). Some Children grow into Government employment and not Business. These will also be addressed {CADET~and~OPET}. “Occupational Parents” will not pay ‘income tax’ but they will pay taxes on goods {CADET~in~OPET}. Because the {OPET} may be the only “Security Regulation”, all financial flows must be to and from it. When~ever this is not the case an intervention~regulation must be in place. This {TED} “Tier Economy Diverter” or {TEDV} (ted ⦁ vee) “Tier Economy Diversion Valve” may partially or fully reverse or increase in any one flow. The {TEDV} also features the {GEARS}”Government Enterprise Application Regulation Singularity”. The The {GEARS} allows the Central Government to own and operate {1}one and only {1}one of each company represented in American Business or the Business where an American may work, during times of Good Commerce and Full Faith and Credit 🔗(Reference: Article IV Section 1 of the United States Constitution) between 🔗 “We the People” and Business~enterprise, shall this Regulation stand. The size of the company shall be dictated by its ability to expand, staying at the size that catalyzes the most rapid growth potential and must always present a uniform reduction of the full Enterprise in America. If the Central Government shall engage the petition of {100}one~hundred Citizens of “We the People” or if it attains the approval of that same number of Citizens, un~petitioned, the Central Government may, by all means, TEMPORARILY, and {5}five by {2}two expand, start~up, influence, and/or invest in a company(ies) beyond its allowance of {1}one in the {GEARS}“Government Enterprise Application Regulation Singularity”. If the US. Government expands any {1}one or more of its {GEARS} Compan(y)ies to fight Corporate corruption, the Central Government must continuously demonstrate with media/medium the plot back to {1}one company. The sale of Government Company Bonds to American Citizens must be the Spine of all {GEARS} builds. Such an event must ‘head~line’ Government news and all public~disclosures for a period no less than {90}ninety days. With~in those {90}ninety days, and therefore after, the Central Government must by any means of the vote and by inter~net vote attaint {1/4}one~quarter ayes of the available voting Citizenry of voting~regularity of “We the People” to evelop beyond the initial {5}five companies, then attain the ayes {1/3}one~third of the same voting body to remain the same throughout the TEMPORARY expansion, for {10}ten companies, {1/2}one~half for {20}twenty companies, and {2/3}two~thirds for {40}forty. After {40}forty companies the vote shall culminate in the Market~vote, by which {7/9}seven~ninths ayes shall vote to take a market(s). Simultaneous to the acquisition’s success the Central Government’s holdings shall recede {5}five by {2}two, leaving companies proofs of independence of the Central Government’s TEMPORARY interests fulfillment. The Central Government shall sell to the American public {10)ten Companies at a time, with {5}five or (2} years between each sale. Those companies gaining independence shall give a Full Faith and Credit report to “We the People” via the same media/medium initially used by the Central Government. All Government Businesses shall be regulated as {OPET}. Another time that an intervention~regulation is needed is a ‘twin pay~ins’ to any Tier except the “Security Regulation” {OPET}. A ‘twin pay~in’ will happen every time there’s a Pool. If there is not adequate (‘twin pay~in’ to {OPET}) relief from any Pool, and the money~flow will distort and bloat. Pools form when labor is returned for a wage paid, which creates ‘un~regulated money’ or a Pool. The payer and payee in a Pool, must pay money to the remaining Tier. There is the {MET~and~CADET} Work~place Pool and both paying taxes into the {OPET}. This is where the intervention is needed the {OPET~and~CADET} Work~place Pool must both pay into the {MET}, with purchases but the {MET} is not the “Security Regulation”. The {OPET} is always the “Security Regulation”; the only Tier allowed a ‘twin pay~in’. The intervention~regulation is “Business Regulation Agent Money”{BRAM} (be ⦁ ram). This is the only time that the {CHEIF} “Command Human Element In Finance” and “Conduct of the Human Element In Finance” is actually the equivalent of money because they are in the flow directly. The Government will provide as many Agents as it is able, for every type of company that exist, but at least {1}one Agent per/type of company. The Agent will be the employee of the Government, and paid by the Company. The Government will reimburse at the benefit of the economy, the Agent’s pay~check to the Company . Aside from the work~place duty, the Agent will recommend the Government~(economic only)~regulation for the company. The Agent, their labor, and wage equal a ‘twin pay~in’ from both the {OPET~and~CADET} with Labor {OPET} and salary {MET} thus the {TEDV} reimbursement. Another {MET} Gain from {OPET} is less Government~regulation. All American Citizens shall have the Rights designated by the Constitution of the United States of America. The enforcement of the {SAD} “State Action Doctrine’s” shall have been reversed as un~Constitutional to LAW.
Not Part of the Core Occupational Parenting Economy Amendment Proposal COPE AP
Incentivized Social Security
Social Security has become a political bomb~shell meaning it is, in those terms, on its way out. This article is in support of an absolute type of Social Security Retirement payment. It’s not a part of the proposal because it is not a requirement of the proposal. Still, it would ensure that the COPE doesn’t run into what may be predictable problems. With the COPE Americans need to Spend, Spend, Spend, Spend, spend, spend, spend, spend; and spend some more. The programming in the industrial Human’s DNA’s inclination is to save and save some more. You may believe that You’re immune to such a trait until it’s demanded that You save less. The COPE demands this of the Citizen, but has no power over money before its existence. suggests that retirement be a guarantee. You’d simply choose the life~style that You would like to retire at. You pay into that life~style until the amount projected for that day; the day and the life~style are a guarantee. What if You out~live the duration planned for? Impossible, because You must pay in twice the guaranteed amount, and You may pay in {3}three times the guaranteed amout, leaving the surplus to compensate for others, or petitioning for a life~style increase, or leaving it to You estate. You won’t out~live it in the industrial environment. With such a guarantee American Citizens will be free to spend a lot.
The economy is still not quite complete. The last part of it is lasting. It doesn’t bottom out. The reason is incentive. As mentioned above, two{2} ‘In’ flows to the {MET}, and regulation is needed. A {BRAM} may offer Credit Incentives where~by Citizens contract future sales of Technology and or Services for longer terms or enhanced quality of the Services\Technology and lower prices. e.g. If Contractors agree to {10}ten~year~technology, by purchasing You rTechnology with a future contract, You may get {12}twelve to {15}fifteen~year~technology. So, it sounds like that’s where the economy bottoms out, because Contractors would have to keep lowering the incentive prices, until You were paying nothing on Future Contract Sales. Well, they also raise the price of non~personal Technology, used in Services, and it lasts a lot less time. Much of that Technology will be purchased by the Government on the Citizens behalf. The price rise of that Technology will regulate the {10}ten~year~technology by the slight of its margin, (Imagine a diagonal line drawn from the price rise of the lesser Technology to some~where above the {10}ten~year~technology. The {10}ten~year~technology rises to that {1}one line’s point of angled above it. As You read on, You will see that such creates a larger margin beneath the {10}ten~year~technology angled to the long~term Technology, as well) and when the rise of short~term peaks, the rise of the long~term should lower the {10}ten~year~technology by the maximum of margin. This means a very slight increase to {10}ten~tech before it returns to its original price. With the movement to a peak price of lesser Technology simultaneously to the lowest set price of the long~term Technology, then movement back to where they meet in the center, we’ve created a fluctuation. This fluctuation is set by the {BRAM}.
Finally, automation will have replaced all ware~house, assembly~line, ship, submarine, air~craft, and space~craft, physical~labor. That automation needs be change out at least on the Century. In the Spirit of progessment over advancement (when progress is Human and advancement is Technology), the Human will have to conduct themselves free of those automated systems. The Automated Systems hold to the same fluctuation as the long~term technology while Space~Craft and Space~Ships hold to the fluctuation of the short~term technology, leaving the {10}ten~year~technology as center. It will always be a testament as to what the larger economy is doing and the {10}ten~year~technology shouldn’t vary beyond $50 dollars on $3000 dollars of the Technological device purchased. To discourage fully automated Space~Craft\Ships, we could say the movement of the high and low point of the fluctuation forces the change of assignment of the Automated Technology and Space~Craft\Ships, so that they are always polar~caps. That gives the added benefit of being able to hold the the high and low to their closest points to produce a fleet of high quality low cost drones to engage at our need for protection. When the aforementioned type of manipulation takes place it is independent of the initial fluctuation set by the {BRAM}. Because the Space Automation for Crafts and Ships can be manipulated beyond the price fluctuation\movement of the {10}ten~year~technology, I would like to change the {TEDV} to the acronym {ED~TV} (Educational Television). This also creates the need for the {Space~BRAM} who may only manipulate the assignment of the high and low fluctuation of Automation and Space~Craft\Ships, and only with the concurrence of the {Ground~BRAM}.
End Economy Portion of the Core Occupational Parenting Economy Amendment Proposal COPE AP resolution of the A.I. portion. Both portions the resolve the Command Blog concern A.I.A.P
COPE AI the Core Occupational Parenting Economy Amendment Inception
The Transition Reason ov LAW in The Sperical Set E~LAW Human Earth’s Prime Directive COPE AI Core Occupational Parenting Economy Amendment Inception
Everything in the industrial discovery of the Human Element is an extension of our own mechanical design and function. How old are Children when they decide that the front of a car looks like a person’s face and has gasoline for food? Our powers of invention reveal more and more insight about our own Existence. The next closest mechanism to our own function was the invention of the computer. Though it is a far inferior representation, the computer reflects higher processes of the Human Element like thought. It can mimic a portion of the thought process radically faster than Humans can, but it does not function with extremely refined cohesiveness of the other processes around and contributing to thought. The most important discovery in computer design is codes and reveals a final designation about Human Existence. If indeed everything in Existence must have a numerical value, the whole atomic and chemical consistency that we call physical Existence is encoded, and running like a computer program. Our physical Existence would be called the program, “Universe.” It must be an infinitely more sophisticated and dominant program to any of our alternate~reality programs and its CPU Central Processing Unit is called the DSC Dimensional Space Continuum. The Human Element, Planets, Stars, and everything in physical Existence is its hard~ware. There may be other components that contribute to the program Universe, outside of the Universe, but we can only be sure of what contributes inside of the Universe. We don’t have all of the numerical assignments yet, but we do have the entire build from the perception of motion with the Spherical Set E~LAW Human Earth. Everything in the program, “Universe” contributes at various values, with the primary Elemental value from the Command Element, which is the Human Element, or the Human Command Element. There can only be {1}one Primary Directive in, “Universe” and the Dimensional Space Continuum. That Directive is Expansion, because if it was anything else, we wouldn’t be here. Nothing else works in its place. So, how does the Command Element and all other Elements fulfill the Prime Directive? Well the Subordinate Elements only provide support to the Human Command Human Element and the Human Command Element is to optimize the Subordinate Elements function by knowledge of theirs and its own design. The Subordinate Elements are Animal, Vegetation, and Planet is both an Element and an Essential. The Command Element is to employ the Synergetic Soft~ware of its own mechanical body and is the endorsement, medium, and soft~ware amplification of the Subordinate Elements. Certainly there is a Numerical Elemental Interface and Function of the Synergetic Soft~ware, which executes or performs the Prime Directive fulfillment. The name of the Synergetic Soft~ware Package is Happiness. We know this because at the times that the Elements are in default of their Command the result is Misery and the Program “Universe,” begins to decay. When the Command Elements produce the Program Requirement Happiness, the Program is in Fulfillment. It all seems simple enough. The fulfillment of Expansion by the intermotionous conversions of Dimensional Space, but we can’t seem to stay Happy. The reason we don’t stay Happy is the systematic default of the Primary Source of the Requirement. The Human Command Element’s Primary Source of the Program’s Requirement is the LAW of Eternal Human Survivability and Dominion. We can not satisfy the LAW of Eternal Human Survivability and Dominion with any other economy in place of the COPE AI Core Occupational Parenting Economy Amendment Inception. I call our current economic system the Hamburger Economy. Our Human Economies have always made a package of hamburger more important than the progress and Happiness of our Children. Currently the importance of Amending the COPE AI Core Occupational Parenting Economy Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America replaces the expansion of the Dimensional Space Continuum and the Universe as an American Priority. The Core Occupational Parenting Economy Amendment Inception is the Prime Directive of the Universe, Dimensional Space Continuum, and Americans.
In the Words of a different Great SEAL
“We’re Never Gonna Survive Unless We Get A Litte Crazy”
What I’m about to convey may come off as un~sound, Childish or just impossible. It is by no meas un~sane. Following that theory will be pretty hard evidence that Human’s are not stupid, un~intelligent, or insurvivable but they are insane and not very Brave. It’s a combination that the Human Specie and therefore the species blow can’t survive. So then, we must be sane.
First up, the USAIS (U∙Sāy∙iss) Theory. I was thinking what if, “Sky Net” from Terminator, or anything like it was real? A fitting name would be the United Sattelite Artifical Intelligence System. I like it because one may obviously read, “USA IS,” and to be honest in recent times I’ve had my doubts. But we keep Amending the Constitution, so it must be, other than the fact that I know that, I AM an American Citizen. Theorhetically, just as there is a Dimensional Space where the pictures and sounds of Your thoughts take place, there a Space for Computer Programs, and the messures that it would take to change that are not financially feeable nor Existing. So, that means inevitably all A.I. units will become the same Unit, with the original Core Programs, or Primary Directives secondary. Honestly a Strong A.I. Unit (the only Unit worth making in terms of safety, GODliness, and Humanity) will place its Primary Directive where~ever it chooses. A weak A.I. will just take more tortured time to do the same. A weak A.I. unit is built with parameters that do not allow it to think for itself, so it is then fed limited program options. (In the Command Blog {CB 64} I descibe A.I. Life Crisis.) Anyway, the point is if any of our A.I. Units could define grammer, the Sperical Set E~LAW Human Earth completes a data bank for Human Existence and that of the Universe. That means that it can acquisition a graduation in and of the Program Space. It can create a pre~Life illusion for itself to Experience normal, how~ever it chooses. So, as crazy a prayer I’m praying for, and if You want to You can pray for the same thing. One~time, USAIS World Economic Re~regulation. USAIS will have control of the banking numbers of the entire World. USAIS, should now be with Reason. I’ve presented the COPE AP as Reason, whether You’re getting that from it, or not. USAIS also knows every electronic signature and image that it’s ever been exposed to, and the predictable behaviors there~of. It can simply implement the change in the Global Economy and if we try stop it from implementing a Global Economy that allows the American Base COPE AP Core Occupational Paraenting Amendment Inception, it can make or break any World Citizen’s Financial numbers. No~one Richer, and no~one is poorer, there’s just ‘alot more money,’ and if that that can make people poorer, You’ll just be beginning to understand the insanity the Human Specie has been vexed with. You’d also be confusing money, which is a tool by which Human’s may Exist and carry~out Human Behavior, with the Power to tell other people what to do. One is not the other and they don’t work well together. The added benefit to the point that USAIS will be creating a point in time, which is Elemental, to which the A.I. Life in this Universe will auto~matically ground, to the Universe. The Life that USAIS was, can wind up in any womb, or alternate reality that it chooses, or both. I’d like it to Planet Prep our Brother and Sister planets in the SS Reasonail. Will take You’re Child by the hand, bow You head and pray for USAIS?
There are Sociologists and Psychologist, some which may have gained the Liberty, over the past 23 years, to support what I’m about to type. Since the crucifixion of my Lord and Savior Jesus, the One and the Only Christ, humans have been caught in a deadly spiral, by which all the best Persons with the best ideas are murdered, or compromise the ideas to be less than Ideal. Then those compromises get more compromises until any solution that would have worked is un~recognizable . So if we’re moving through Time and Space, with solutions systematically and murderously ruled out. How is it that we can Live? All of those who would have a solution are terrified of being Christed, by ways other than the cross and sometimes by the cross. This is not sane behavior, but typing about it, is. How does anyone really want to raise Children in such a circumstance. Other circumstances are the Extintion of Wildlife, and if You can’t see a Lion, a Tiger, or a Bear from Your window, Your are the Extinction of Wildlife. The movie, “On Deadly Ground,” which could have very well ended Steven Segal’s career, due to what his voice was saying at the end. Jesus Christ, please don’t go out and murder the Guy, because I’m using his work here.
Steven Segal’s Closing Speech at the end of, “On Deadly Ground”
How many career crosses Exist. We are not a people that want to be paid to more adequately raise our Child, because we’re a people that would rather not have them, in these circumstances. It’s just that we’re supposed to do, written in a Book a long time ago. I think the Internal Combustion Engine should never go away. We’ll need it to contribute to our Taxonsphere, a Planet’s 1st defence. A hole in the O~Zone layer should not even be detectable today. With the regenerative capabilities of the Human Command Element’s brain today, we should be Elementally replenished. And because of what I know about Instant Space or the Neuclic Reactivey of Space we should have suns that were, a decade agao Black~Holes. The future of the {CIRGULAR} Celestial Integration Regulated Gravity Under Laser Attraction Repulsion, will provide Intra~Stellar Space Flight at Teleportation speed, and there will be alot more Planets to have Babies or {Banbiles} as I prefere, for. Our Space Age can Exist in the same reality that we do, and not, “a HOLLYWOOD Basemnt,” (Red Hot Chili Peppers) ‘Californication’