Blog – Are Chemtrails Killing You? 7/8/2015

Are Chemtrails Killing You

July 8th, 2015

Thank you Sara Thrasher for the suggestion

When I first heard the word chemtrails someone’s acid trip from the 1960’s came to mind. Persistent  contrails or chemtrails as they called are chemically altered jet streams that appear in the sky behind planes. Their makeup can be an unlimited number of things but some of those fingered are aluminum, barium, lead, arsenic, Chromium, selenium, and silver. There are many theories about why the they exist if a person even acknowledges that they exist. Some say to combat global warming while others say it’s a means of controlling population (the mixture would make us sick and eventually kill us). Still others say it’s a means to mind control. At some point they could easily be dismissed as delusional and paranoid or so I thought. So are they real? To me it seems that the jet streams today take longer to dissipate than they did when I was younger but my memory is not always to be trusted.

There is stratospheric geoengineering to try and control weather or microclimates. (scroll to the bottom of the page for video) The United Nations Expose Chemtrails (17 min 46 sec). Most would agree that there could be some benefit to that. I think that’d put us in over our heads in a way Noah could have never imagined but that’s just one opinion.

Combating global warming is where nanosized aluminum compounds come into play. Supposedly the metal can reflect sunlight but one may suggest it can trap it as well. The idea of nanosized aluminum compounds is obviously caught the ear of Dr. Blaylock. In What Chemtrails are Doing to Your Brain is a (50 min 14 sec) radio interview. If you’re really interested in Chemtrails it’s 50 minutes well spent. Dr. Blaylock’s interview focuses more on do they exist rather than why. I think pro and con chemtrail advocates need to measure the amount of aluminum in the air, water, and soil. The public should demand it.

As a means of population control: It seems a very inefficient and ineffective means of population control. Population control isn’t at the top or even on most politicians agenda but ask yourself “shouldn’t it be”? Overpopulation is among some of the worse threats to human survival so why isn’t everyone talking about it? It’s synonymous with bleak thoughts of genocide, war, and mass murder. A comparatively great solution is legislation. We hire our government officials to solve the most difficult problems facing our society and they won’t even mention this one. If every couple were allowed to have one child for one generation it would cut the population in half. The Duggers would certainly loose a little more popularity. I think the days of the government having enough power, money, or influence to head such a cover up are behind us. I look to big business and laboratories that are so far advanced that there’s no laws governing what they’re producing. In the circles of the most wealthy and in the places of the most educated they are thinking about population. Science is kind of like learning drive. You have to learn about some of car’s functions before you open it up and see what it does and that’s exactly what could be happing in the case chemtrails. Science for us is like stealing the old man’s keys, in this case the old man being God or the Universe, while he’s not looking and we’ve had some pretty significant fender benders. There are those who think depleting the human population is a cure all; a quick fix. There would be less pollution and more food without all the lifestyle changes. I think the Universe would never favor such thoughts or behaviors; that psychology and sociology are as recognizable to the Universe as the planet, moon, and stars. If there was a cover up how would it read? What would it feel like to be in it’s midst. How would we know? Skeptic Project; Chemtrails. I’m not confirming that Chemtrails exist but I am confirming that cover ups do. Dennis Mersereau says those who believe that chemtrails are a conspiracy are idiots. This guy actually defends against conspiracy with a “There out to get me” argument. I mention Dennis Mersereau because his page has some pretty down to earth rhetoric on the issue (a lot of insults flying as well).

The most ludicrous line of thinking is mind control. Oooooo That one’s been on the table since mankind realized it had minds to control. It also means someone somewhere has been trying to achieve it. I’ve often realized that I’m gullible; not stupid just gullible. I live in an existence where damn near anything is possible so I don’t easily dismiss something without having it debunked several ways. I watched a YouTube video on some extremist sight about a year ago and was blown away “Could  your brain be hacked” This was mind control. It was on a mouse and DNA from a form of algae had to be inserted as an interface for the light. They also used fiber optic wires but if there is one thing that the public should know about technology it’s that technology is at least 50 years ahead of the consumer market and that number only increases with the passing of years. What’s needed for an interface today may very well be in the persistent contrail of tomorrow. At this pace of shrouded technology it could be tomorrow July 9th, 2015. Just sayin’; we need to know more. Conspiracies exist but where. Until next time, keep your homes well.


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