Blog – Is This Science? 11/26/2014

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Is This Science?

November 26th, 2014

is this science laws of physics (2)This is certainly not science. Some of it should be common sense. I say basing the economy on something that our existence is dependent on is common sense. As for what HomeKeeperU is? it’s pure imagination. Except the blog. I try to base that on fact. It is idea’s. I would like to be a muse to the scientific mind. Someone told me that for my ideas to be true some of the laws of physics would have to be wrong. It makes me want to take up physics but this old brain of mine is way past its schooling days. I’d like to think my ideas aren’t dependent on the laws of physics being wrong but they are dependent on the discovery of new laws. I believe the laws of physics can’t be broken but that they are very flexible because they have variables that interact with each other.

is this science oil rigsSome day (if we can get there) the information in HomeKeeperU will be found to be fact. The things we think about or don’t think about today will seem silly. I remember many times learning of something our ancestors or even great grandparents did and wondering why would they do or think that. Believing that the world is flat or burning crude oil from the tops of stacks.

is this science oblong earthI think believing that our Universe is flat or supposed to be flat is about the same. I don’t believe our planets should orbit flatly. They do but they shouldn’t. I believe our planets should be perfect orbs rather than oval in any way. It all has to do with the stretching of light and energy. People aren’t giving the Sun what it needs so It’s not giving us a true perspective on how the Solar System and Universe should work. The Human Element has to start doing it’s part. Keeping it short; because the Sun is getting robbed in the transition dynamics it can’t produce an eternal source of helium and hydrogen from elsewhere in dimensional space. Our little particles of light and energy are oblong. That certainly effects function in The Perceivable Universe. The Universe is not a dumb unthinking entity. It is affected by sociology and psychology the same as it’s effected by rocket exhaust. Occupational Parenting is an economic system that will calibrate our dynamic with our sun. It’s what the Universe wants and it’s what we need. Until next time, keep your homes well.


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