Blog – Medical Marijuana Pro’s And Con’s 5/13/2015

Medical Marijuana Pro’s And Con’s

Thursday May 13th, 2015

Thank you James Harper for the suggestion.

Before I get to the Pro’s and Con’s of medical marijuana use I have to state that I take a Libertarian stand on drug use. I believe in the legalization of all drugs. I think it’s my role as a parent to teach my daughter the risk of drug use and the consequences of abuse not the Government’s. It’s not the Government’s job to protect me from myself. Too many voters suffer from Inappropriate Parenting Syndrome. I am a middle aged independent man and I don’t need you or them to be my parents. Their convinced that they can take my rights in the name of public safety. There should be laws against driving and working under the influence and that’s where the boundary of public safety ends. Those trying to inappropriately parent me believe that drug users will ruin their children; not if they do their job parenting. They want to remove anything that could ham their children from society. We wouldn’t remove cars because people die in accidents so why would we remove drugs.

The best defense against the possible bad influence drugs can have on anyone not just children is information; the truth in information. I tell my daughter that I don’t use marijuana because it makes me stupid. I can’t track a conversation or produce any meaningful work. To me that just isn’t a lot of fun. Still I have to admit that chowing down on some muchies is fun. Since her mother has about the same tolerance for pot I’m thinking my daughter’s tolerance will be low. When she tries it she’ll find that our assessment of the experience is true for her as well. If she doesn’t I don’t want her to be criminalized and thrown into jail. I’ve worked with people who can not only concentrate but thrive when under the influence of pot. I’m just not one of those people therefore I don’t smoke it.

That was quite a tangent. It’s time to get to the suggested blog. Should Marijuana Be A Medical Option is the first page of the pro’s and con’s at length. It is so in depth that it’s the only link  that I’ll be using besides my own webpage. You will find the pro’s and con’s of every topic associated with medicinal marijuana use. It is however somewhat redundant as is the nature of pro’s and con’s. Over all I give it two thumbs way up.

I support legalizing medical marijuana and didn’t find anything in the reading that could deter my point of view. Again, information, information, information. There is not, up to this point, enough studies on the drug’s value if any. Occupational Parenting would have gargantuan firms and businesses dedicated to finding the answers to questions just like this one. Daily studies at enormous scales would be finding unique solution for every child. I’m not suggesting the children will be smoking pot but they will be learning so much about themselves that they will know where their vulnerabilities lie. They will be involved in a process that will be shaping them into the best adults they can be and society will reap the rewards of it.

The question of medical marijuana should be figured with facts not emotional intuition. Every question that society has should be solved with facts. It would drive a great and everlasting economy.

Medical marijuana; I support it. Until next time, keep your homes well.

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This Post Has One Comment


    I will have to Google that. Thank you for your comment. I think hemp is the way to go with paper products. I wonder if his company is in business today? Again thanx and please keep reading.

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