Blog – Scientist Now Say We Use 100% 10/7/2015

Scientist Now Say We Use 100%

October 7th, 2015

Yes, modern scientist like neurologist Barry Gordon seem to leading the pack when writing off the idea that humans only use 10% of their brain. In “Do People Only Use 10% of Their Brains” Gordon calls it laughable. Psychologist William James gets much of the credit for the myths origin. It’s also said that Albert Einstein perpetuated this untruth. John Henley, also a respected neurologist says over the course of a day humans use 100% of their brain.

Well that’s kinda boring and isn’t very hopeful either. The thought of having and untapped 90% of the brain’s wealth is much more amusing. Thinking that we may be able to figure out how to make everyone an Einstein fills one with a sense of anticipation.

At any rate, It turns out that the brain is made up of 90% non-neuronal or glial cells also known as astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. These cells surround and protect neurons. They stabilize the neurons though homeostasis and provide myelin which is the fatty covering on the axons of neurons. It’s widely accepted that inactive cells degenerate and seize to be living organisms. What if glial cells stay just active enough to survive and are awaiting evolution or some stimuli to a higher function. In the very same article “Do People Only Use 1-0% of Their Brains” in the last paragraph the author states we don’t know the full function of glial cells.

glial cellneurons

neurons (2)

So this may be a little like believing in Santa Clause or it may just be in the spirit of discovery to think that mankind has not yet reached their apex; that evolution has not yet produced it’s final product, or that God’s handiwork isn’t done. I for one choose to believe that there is more to come. Until next time, keep your homes well.


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