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What Is The Value Of IQ Tests?
May 11th, 2016
An IQ (Intelligence Quotient) test tells us how smart we are. How valuable is that? As you may suspect the opinions vary. Some opinions hold that IQ test don’t even work while others hold there is nothing more important.
This is my humble opinion. Please consider it as you formulate, reinforce, or change your opinion. I do believe intelligence can be tested and measured. Whether that’s always the case or not is in the test items themselves. I just took a sample IQ test and found instances of cultural bias. I don’t want give away what items are because you may want to take it yourself. The Complete IQ Test. (If you find that you can’t get the results try this one. Free IQ Test – Questions. My daughter thinks the online tests gives you an inflated score because they want you to buy something. Since IQ test are supposed to measure “g” or general intelligence previous knowledge should have as little as possible to do with the test items. They’re supposed to measure someone’s ability to learn and manipulate information so items that depend on you knowing the primary colors, depend on preexisting facts not your ability. Another element that I disagree should determine total intelligence is time. In problem solving the fastest answer isn’t always best answer. Often in life there isn’t just one answer. Someone may come up with a better answer given more time. I took The Complete IQ Test and scored a 127. I couldn’t make the test give me more time so without knowing the answers I simply took the same test again to give each item more consideration. I scored a 141. The point is that though speed of thought should be a part of intelligence testing, thoroughness of thought shouldn’t be ignored. A person also may not think that being smart isn’t worth the effort. They may just write off IQ test as unimportant. Motivation and self esteem play a role. A person can be content with the way their life is shaped and not feel the need for enhancement or they can feel like such a loser that they believe an IQ score isn’t going to make a difference. Confidence is part of the scenario. I can do math in my head fairly well unless I have to it on the spot or with an audience. All the numbers go blank. Some folks test in the same manner. Being familiar with testing methods is huge. Someone who’s answered a lot of similar test questions definitely has an advantage. Nutrition and health also have to be considered. Finally the testers motive. I scored a a 107 on one of the test I took. I think the tester wants you to score low and be faced with the dialog that corresponds to your score. I think they want folks to understands what it feels like if your the one with the low IQ score, but I’ll let you be the judge. Brain Metrix. I don’t think IQ testing is perfected at this time. I took several of these samples and found there is about a 20 point margin of error. Maybe longer IQ test would have less of a margin.
Is intelligence more important than emotional sensitivity? I think not. Someone’s emotional aptitude plays a huge role in how society functions. If we’re not here to feel then what are we here for? Someone could solve every aspect of our mathematical existence tomorrow. Would that mean that humans no longer have a reason to exist? Of course we would; to feel and experience that existence with every sensor the Universe provides. Better tests will be developed for emotional aptitude.
Ethnicity and IQ testing is a soar subject for many. Though every ethnicity ranges the full scale of IQ scores some ethnic groups do better as a whole than other ethnic groups. This was brought to far reaching controversy in 1994 by a book called The Bell Curve. It did not receive academic support at that time. I have a copy of the book. Maybe I’ll bring myself to finishing it some day. I didn’t like the overtone of a superiority complex. These things should be handled the with the delicacy they demand. So is there a difference in these groups IQ? I think there probably is. Do I think they should dictate public policy? Absolutely not. We are a society that is and should be based on individual merit making the differences in the ethnicity of a group practically meaningless except for the sake of prejudice.

Necessity is the mother of invention. Wherever life was more mentally demanding there should be the evolution of more intelligence and if that’s not the case I’d have to wonder why. I believe these differences in intelligence can, do, and should change as evidence by The Rule of Anatomical Gender and The Rule of Socialized Genetics on the Human Element page and The Rule of Manipulated Shelter on the Environment page. In the past century or so that intelligence testing has been used everyone’s IQ has increased to those of their parents and grandparents. I think changes in large group dynamics as such are normal over time.
I associate all these things to the human specie being in a slumber. A sleepwalk to an unsure destination. Mankind will never realize it’s potential until it puts it’s future first; puts parenting first. Occupational Parenting will take us to Genople and in that all groups will realize their potential. It’s reasonable that different groups maintain diversity but not one group any better than the other. Intelligence is the craft by which we may identify the Universe that we feel and the value of IQ tests and emotional aptitude test are the means by which everyone may enlist. Until next time, keep your homes well.
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