The Occupational Parenting Amendment will be one in the “Bill of Government”, the other 2 will be, The People, the 4th Branch of Government (non-legislative), and ‘The 1st Officer of The People and Government Minister”

All Children born to a Citizen of the United States of America are born with Inalienable Rights, practiced if in the United States of America, as determined by the United States Constitution. These shall be responsibly levied with the duties beneficial and befitting an individual and society. The aforesaid responsibilities and duties shall be appropriately levied by the Parent(s) solely, being within the confines of the Law of the Land. The Parent(s), shall, but not be required, to receive payment thereto aforementioned responsibilities and duties, at the grant of The People. The Parent(s) may, but, need not, have benefit of the those Experts in Assistance Enterprises, such as Homekeeping Companies, in the provisions of the aforesaid responsibilities and duties to their Child/Children and their Society. They may, or not, collaborate in obtaining such assistance with persons having shared interest, in the health and evelopment of their Child/Children and other Children. So shall it be, unless, the Child/Children is/are proven, beyond a reasonable doubt, to be in neglect of the health of any of the the Child’s/Children’s States/Capacities. Neglect may be found in any of the States or capacities of Physical, Psychological, Mental, Material, Emotional, Spiritual, Sociological, or Cognitive, well-being. If the Child is found to be in such a state as neglect, the appropriate motion to assist or separate the Parent(s) and Child/Children shall be made. The motion shall be contingent on the greater fractional part of all Capacities together. Every capacity shall be represented by 1 Expert. With the agreement of, no less than 3/4 of the experts with any vote against in any capacity surrogated by another of the experts nearest in credential or by all experts except the 1 or 2, and the argument of the appropriate Court, composing a group approval of 7/9, the Parent(s) and Child/Children shall have Court mandated assistance as 1st intervention. Or by the agreement of the same Experts, and Court, the Child may be remove from the Parent(s) as a 1st or second intervention. Intervention when approved shall be without numerical limit. All Experts testimony shall be recorded and explainable to the Parent(s)/Child/Children in question, or to 8, neighbors of the Parent(s)/Child/Children in question. With 5/8 agreement of those same neighbors, the Parent(s)/Child/Children may be displaced from each~other, but a child/children may not be displaced from the children for a period of longer than 3 months, in which they will maintain the most intimate communication affordable. In the incident of too many children to be placed, all work shall be dedicated to that number of children and the prevention of institutionalization. A Parent(s) may request no tally of neighbors. In the instance that neighbors prevent displacement of a family, the Court and Experts may proceed with 3/4/ the vote of any 8 neighbors of 1 of the nearest communities. The original 8 neighbors and Parent(s) may petition a higher local Court simultaneous to the ongoing proceedings. If a total of 8 neighbors are unwilling to vote the decision shall be made by the Experts and Cout alone. The Child shall by no means be placed with anyone assuming emotion(s) for the Parent or Child more than the emotion(s) assumed for all Parents and all Children. Such as, ‘a facility with the purpose of rejoining the Parent(s) and Child/Children’. Once removed the Parent(‘s’) involvement with their Child/Children, in the States or Capacities still un-cited, shall in no way be vacated and shall remain with payment and Parental attention thereto. When the Child/Children is/are brought to a State deemed, by the 3/4 of the experts with any vote against in any capacity surrogated by another of the experts nearest in credential or by all experts except the 1 or 2, and the Court involved, to be not in neglect, the Parent(s) may have custody restored. They must be with assistance in the previously cited States until the 8,7 or 6 experts and aforementioned Court shall deem them worthy to maintain the minimal criteria for all States. Then they may be without assistance. The Parent(s) may give up custody and request placement with family or friend to be the Parent(s) therefore after and only by the agreement of the local experts as aforementioned, with the appropriate Court and the Parents involved may such a decision be reversed. Any Parent has the right to plea their case to be within a reasonable doubt of all the local experts and Court to a higher Court anywhere in the United States and shall have benefit of a Parentally selected Government Official’s assistance in Court, and access to an Expert of History’s,  Expert of Credential’s, information and credential in Court, and an Expert of Instance, non-expert witnesses if they can be found. Such experts are entitled to as much as requested, or all information in the case. A reasonable doubt shall be hinged to the Climate and Environment of the shared numbers of reality, the preponderance of evidence shall determine the reasonability of a doubt. The Climate and Environment itself and reason thereto/thereof may rescind or deny the decision of, the shared numbers of reality initially but calls for decisions bringing balance to the Climate and Environment and the decision of the shared numbers of reality. The Child’s view is always valid, and legal at the age of 13, if the Child has been socialize with the National numbers of shared reality. The Child may reverse their view at any instance in which their circumstance changes, to include Mentology. No case nor suit in Occupational Parenting shall set a precedent.

For this Amendment to be realized We must be able to assign definition to Spiritual. HomeKeeperU suggest the following:

Spirit: 1. Event, knowledge and ability of the event, where by, there is an essential mass-correlation of Synergetic and Energetic happenings i.e. All things must work together with both living and non-living objects. 2 . Essential Synergy that may be considered to be generated by every living being. 3. Synergy, that may exist, in a confounding/degenerating or compounding/generating State, so as to become and sustain Energy. 4. Synergy ,that may also Exist, in a state between compounding and confounding, with no perceivable gain or loss. 5. Synergy that is guides as well as is guided by Emotion, Reason, and Energy.

HomeKeeperU suggests, Mental is designated to be separate of, but catalyst to, Psychology and median to Sociology as a catalyst to Mentology, as follows:

Mentology: 1. The transceivable State between Sociology and Psychology as separate of, and or, part of society. 2. The Individual’s out-look(s) on Society and inversely Society’s out-look(s) on the Individual as separate of , and or, part of the Individual or society including the looking-glass. 3. An Individual’s out-look(s) on another Individual and the other’s out-look(s) back at the 1st Individual as separate or part of Society. 4. The Individual’s out-look(s) on (a) group(s) as separate of, and or, part of  or as society and the group(‘s’) out-look(s) on the aforesaid Individual as separate of, and or, part of, or as Society. 5. An Individual(‘s’) or group(‘s’) out-look(s) on (an)other Individual(‘s’) or group(‘s’) out-look(s) as separate, and or, part of, or as Society. 6. An Individual’s or group(‘s’) outlook on their environment and an environments response to the individual or group(s).

The “Core Occupational Parenting Economy” {COPE} shall be of 3 tiers to be braided, any tier the relief or support to another. of which the  🔗Occupational Parenting Economy Tier or  🔗{OPET}  shall be the  🔗“Security Regulation” by Government manipulation of its feature. There shall be 2 tiers shall be the “in-security regularity’ and ‘of-security regularity” always in fluctuation and subordination of the “Security Regulation”. A ‘regularity’ shall be the  🔗Manufacturing Economy Tier or the  🔗{MET}(please assume that a song may be manufactured, so that manufacturing may cover the spread of Human activity) The other ‘regularity’ shall be the  🔗Consumption Assumption Demand Economy Tier or the  🔗{CADET}. The {MET} shall receive gain of the {OPET} and be the ‘of~security~regularity’ when the {OPET} is receiving gain of the {CADET} as the ‘in~security~regularity’ and vise versa the {CADET} shall receive gain of the {OPET} and be the ‘of~security~regularity’ when the {OPET} is receiving gain of the {MET} as the ‘in~security~regularity’. These flows; {CADET}>>{OPET}>>{MET}and {MET}>>{OPET}>>{CADET}, which may be other~wise diagramed as {CADET}<>{OPET}<>{MET} are fail~safes. As long as this structure is adhered to the neither the Economy nor the American Human ever need face the danger of failing. Never shall any regularity replace the {OPET} as the “Security Regulation”.  The 3 tiers jointly shall be known as the “Core Occupational Parenting Economy”. The Teirs are designed to increase American Business~solidarity, quality, projections, goal~alliance and consolidation matrices, liquidity~manipulation~ability. The Teirs are all crafted to support and relieve each~other. e.g. We’re having difficulty grounding the American~worker due to their skill~set caparison and compatibility status. Countries like Saudi Arabia want to hire them at 3 time the American rate; same with Greenland and Germany. The American worker doesn’t really want to go, but is thinking of the future and a possible return to; possible retirement in the United States. This problem features the {CADET} Consumption Assumption Demand Economy Tier stressing the {MET} “Manufacturing Economy Tier” and {OPET} “Occupational Parenting EconomyTier”. The {MET} simply increased the export of American craftsmen~ship/services while decreasing the demestic sale of the same craftsmen~ship/services. The oversees rate declined to twice the American rate, while the American rate doubled, leaving the foreign rate and the American dead~even by the end of the quarter.

(Please forgive the rudamentary document. It is due to the lack of money and skill. As soon as I have more of either, I will update it with a more accepable diagram. Please read beyond it. The matrix is for reference of what will explain in more detail.)

The flow of the diagran always pertains to money unless labeled otherwise. The {MET~in~OPET}is epressing that Business (and yes, its billionaires) are paying taxes to the Government (That is no reason to believe it won’t work. It is only such beliefs that keep billionaires from paying their taxes. We (You) must believe, expect, demand, and accept, that they will pay their share of taxes.) Every~time there is an ‘in’to any Tier, there must also be an ‘of’ the same Tier. The ‘of’ {OPET} is of course the {CADET~of~OPET}in wages to the “Occupational Parents” Though the “Occupational Parents” are paid by the {OPET}, but they do not return labor to it. The labor is in shopping, and also sending their grown Children into Business {CADET~in~MET}, which is not a money flow, but explains why “Occupational Parents” are not in a Pool (remember that a wage from {1}one Tier with labor to another does not Pool). Some Children grow into Government employment and not Business. These will also be adressed {CADET~and~OPET}. “Occupational Parents” will not pay ‘income tax’ but they will pay taxes on goods {CADET~in~OPET}. Because the {OPET} may be the only “Security Regulation”, all financial flows must be to and from it.  

When~ever this is not the case an intervention~regulation must be in place. This {TED} “Tier Economy Deverter” or {TEDV} (ted vee) “Tier Economy Deversion Valve” features the {GEARS}”Government Enterprise Application Regulation Singularity”. The {GEARS} allows the Central Government to own and operate {1}one and only {1}one of each company represented inUse Business during times of Good Commerse and Full Faith and Credit  🔗(Reference: Article IV Section 1 of the United States Constitution) between  🔗 “We the People” and Business~enterprise, shall this Regulation stand. The size of the company shall be dictated by its ability to expand, staying at the size that catalyzes the most rapid growth ptential. If the Central Government shall engage the petition of {100}one~hundred Citizens of “We the People” or if it attains the approval of that same number of Citizens, the Central Government may, by all means, TEMPORARILY, and {5}five by {2}two expand, start~up, influence, and/or invest in a company(ies) beyond its allowance of {1}one in the {GEARS}“Government Enterprise Application Regulation Singularity”. The Central Government must continuously demonstrate with media/medium the plot back to {1}one company. Such an event must ‘head~line’ Government news and all public~disclosures for a period no less than {90}ninty days. With~in those {90}ninty days, and therefore after, the Central Government must by any means of the vote and by inter~net vote attaint {1/4}one~quarter ayes of the availible voting Citizenrey of regularity of “We the People” to evelop beyond the intial {5}five companies, then attain the ayes {1/3}one~third of the same voting body to remain the same throughout the TEMPORARY expansion, for {10}ten companies, {1/2}one~half for {20}twenty companies, and {2/3}two~thirds for {40}forty.  After {40}forty companies the vote shall culminate in the Market~vote, by which {7/9}seven~ninths ayes shall vote to take a market(s). Simultaneous to the acquisition’s success the Central Government’s holdings shall recede {5}five by {2}two, leaving companies independent of the Central Government’s TEMPORARY intrests. Those companies gaining independence shall give a Full Faith and Credit report to “We the People” via the same media/medium initially used by the Central Government. All Government Businesses shall be regulated as {OPET}.

Another time that an intervention~regulation is needed  is a ‘twin pay~ins’ to any Tier except the “Security Regulation” {OPET}. A ‘twin pay~in’ will happen every time there’s a Pool. If there is not adequate (twin pay~in to {OPET}) relief from any Pool, the money~flow will distort and bloat. Pools form when labor is returned for a wage paid, which creates ‘un~regulated money’ or a Pool. The payer and payee in a Pool, must pay money to the remaining Tier. There is the {MET~and~CADET} Work~place Pool and both paying taxes into the {OPET}. This is where the intervention is needed the {OPET~and~CADET} Work~place Pool must both pat into the remaing {MET}, but the {MET} is not the “Security Regulation”. The {OPET} is always the “Security Regulation”; the only Tier allowed a ‘twin pay~in’.  The intervention~regulation is Business Regulation Agent Money”{BRAM} (beram) . This is the only time that the {CHEIF} “Command Human Element In Finance” and “Conduct of the Human Element In Finance” is actually the equivolent of money. The Government will provide as many Agents as it is able, for every type of company that exist, but at least {1}one Agent per/type of company. The Agent will be the employee of the company, and paid by the company. The Government will reinburse every penny of the Agent’s pay~check to the company. Aside from the work~place duty, the Agent will reccomend the Government~regulation for the company. The Agent, their labor, and wage equal a ‘twin pay~in’ from both the {OPET~and~CADET} Work~place Pool. The {OPET~and~CADET} also contribute a ‘twin pay~in’ with products/services bought.

Another {MET} Gain from {OPET} is less Government~regulation, so it is designed, because a terminated Agent, may have difficulty in being placed again. Only Agents shall have the rights designated by a ‘Will to Work’.  All other American Citizens shall have the Rights designated by the Constitution of the United States of America. The {SAD} “State Action Doctrine’s” ruling shall have been reversed as un~Constitutional to LAW.