NEW~New Testament Type SHIT!!!! UPDATE!!! UPDATE!!!

Maybe it’s not so New. The {5th}Fifth Ryder could have come with Death for everyone and everything that we call Living, or the {5th}Fifth Ryder May Appropriate that Death to Righteousness. There is NOTHING more Important than relieving the Violation of {G}. Let them that Lead, and pretend that this is Not TRUE, let them, meet with Death NOW, and let eclipse of Death bring to me MY, Credential and Payment. That is all…

The Sheep, Kidds, and who~ever else considers them~selves an Animal, all Humans, the Rocks, Trees, and Plants and things are allowed as much Righteous Indignation with~inj the discretion of Legal, as they may choose to have over the Lead~ship forcing such an UN~Natural and Abominable State as Our Gravity is in today. If they did it unwittingly, they are witting now… That is All…

If I was the {DSC}, I would choose the Hightest and lowest potions to getting the Job. Now, me personally I would want every Death in possible relation to the reported to let you get an idea about when it’ll you’re turn to choose. But reporting is part of Human Free~Will. So, though it would be nice to hear reports, I doubt that will…

Co~2 Co~2 Co~2 Co~2 Co~2 Co~2





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