Blog – Who Is This For? 12/03/2014

Who Is This For? 12/03/2014  December 3rd, 2015

A priority is to get every capable mind talking about “why” or “why not” base an economy on parenting. How would it benefit our existence? Does the Universe really take notice of us? So when I use the word capable it’s to address anyone who can define a good from bad or a right from wrong. The words, phrases and analogies can all change but issue will stay the same; the Universe’s favor through Occupational Parenting.

Someone told me that if there’s a 20 point disparity in IQ the participants really aren’t reaching each other; that there’s a void in understanding. Smarter persons than myself came up with the notion but I’m not sure I understand. I’ve always thought smart is making the complex simple not making the simple complex. Even if the 20 point difference makes it impossible for a person with a IQ of 100 to communicate with a person that has an IQ of 120 a person with an IQ of 110 should be able to communicate effectively with both. Sounds to me like there should be a much more tightly knit society. The value of person’s relationships would increase. The more all the various IQ’s communicate with each other; the more everyone understands and the closer we’ll be.

Sometimes when I’m doing laundry or the dishes I think about “What did happen to the rest of the Universe’s anti-matter”? or “How will we ever achieve long distance space travel if one takes on infinite mass at the speed of light”? I know persons who say “my brain just doesn’t work that way”. That’s fine. There’s something in Universe that floats your boat. Very few persons don’t think about, “what would make my life better”. There’s never going to a better answer than better communication with the Universe. It’s the equivalent of more happiness. I wouldn’t want to be filthy rich if I wasn’t happy. So whether your thinking about sports, what to cook for supper, or that hot spouse of yours, you can also consider, “how will any of undertakings be for my children and grand children and can I have any say in it”. You can. Until next time, keep your homes well.


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