Blog – Transgender And Restrooms 6/22/2016

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Transgender And Restrooms

June 22nd, 2016

Transgender- or trans – is an umbrella term for peoples whose gender identity differs from their sex assigned at birth. Trans people are diverse, and there are many different terms that fall under the transgender umbrella, reflecting a wide array of experiences. These include gender queer, gender nonconforming, FTM (Female to Male), MTF (Male to Female), transsexual and many others. Cisgender, on the other hand, refers to people whose gender identity matches their sex assigned at birth.

Transgender maleThis man would be forced by law to use the woman’s room because he was born with a vagina.

I can imagine being transgender and feeling incomplete or defective. The last thing I would need in my life would be some asshole trying to tell me what I need to do because of my uniqueness. (Uniqueness, approximately 3 tenths of 1% of the population) I’d feel like I’d want a different body or different sex organs. Personally I’d feel more complete by being totally male or totally female. I’d have the counseling, the hormone therapy, and ultimately a sex change. Someone who wants to leave things as is, should get respect as well. They want to stay the way God/the Universe made them. Some people can’t imagine what it would be like. Totally guessing, something like 90% of all bigots maybe more couldn’t imagine it. It’s a curse to not be able to let your mind and spirit take a stroll in some-one else’s shoes. To do so is the root of all compassion. Some people have next to none and I find it very sad. I’m able to put myself in their position and it is a cold world indeed.

trangender femaleThis woman would be forced by law to use the men’s room because she was born with a penis.

Emotionally awkward; that’s the least that can be said about transgender bathroom use. Because of it’s emotional instability we should lean to reason. Family bathrooms are reasonable and are being put to use in more and more pubic areas. Speaking strictly to the emotional aspect men still get the warm willies when they think of a beautiful woman dropping her panties in a bathroom stall. And I suppose women get a similar feeling when thinking of a man grasping his manhood to put it to use. If not for these gripping emotions the male and female bathroom would have been eliminated long ago in favor of co-ed facilities just like port-a-potties . With individual locking stalls there is no moral dilemma. It’s not legalizing sex in a restroom it simply indicates that we have spiritually matured enough to not equate bareness with sex. “Rape will increase in the lavatory!” Don’t panic. I think the incidence of rape will stay the same but it will increase in the bathroom only if patrolling doesn’t increase. Some shady character will want to prove what a bad idea gender neutral bathrooms are. Having “WOMEN” posted outside of a restroom isn’t going to stop a rapist from raping nor will it stop a rapist from entering whatever bathroom the damn well please.

transgender family restroomAn increase in family restrooms pretty much puts this to rest. Because family restrooms allow both genders, gender neutral are the next logical step in the march to our maturity, though the law may get there first. The politicians keep this on the table because they won’t have anything to do again until the next menial issue arrives to capture our attention from the financial pit we’re in. I don’t suggest it’s menial to those who are transgender. I just think this issue has such an obvious answer that it really shouldn’t be the big deal that it is. Make the allowance in your comfortability to allow people to be who they are. It’s certainly not the same as making allowances for child molesters and rapist.

Anyone who wants to know more about transgender issues can read the Standards of Care.

Quora- Caitlyn Jenner

Transgender folks are fortunate in one respect. Like many people with uniqueness or disability. They have friends that are for real or they don’t stay around long. To a transgender person I say, “Don’t settle for those you’d rather not have around. Until next time, keep your homes well.


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