Blog – Are Pets Beneficial To Children? 1/28/2015
Are Pets Beneficial To Children? 1/28/2015 January 28th, 2015 My daughter wanted a pet. She got a cat, hamster and dog all within about a two year span. These pets…
Are Pets Beneficial To Children? 1/28/2015 January 28th, 2015 My daughter wanted a pet. She got a cat, hamster and dog all within about a two year span. These pets…
Who Wants To Be A Billionaire? 1/14/2015 January 14th, 2015 First let's get an idea of what a billion dollars is. A millionaire can buy 16 $60,000 Mercedes. A billionaire…
Why Not Petition The Government? 12/31/2014 December 31st, 2014 A petition is good but it's only one step of several. Having the educators and public opinion on the side of Occupational…
So Who's Going To Raise The Babies ? 12/24/2014 December 24th, 2014 Merry Christmas Eve everyone. So which parent is going to stay home and raise the babies? That sometimes…
What About Bad Parents? 12/17/2014 December 17th, 2014 Bad parents would get fired. There would still be foster homes, adoption and for older more independent children there would be group homes.…
More About The Redistribution Of Wealth, 12/10/2014 December 10th, 2014 There are many theories about why we pay the outrages prices for our consumer goods that we do. Here's some…
Who Is This For? 12/03/2014 December 3rd, 2015 A priority is to get every capable mind talking about "why" or "why not" base an economy on parenting. How would it benefit our…
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